Exercise Set 2 - Colorado State University


Cofactor expansion and row or column operations can sometimes be used in combination to provide an effective method for evaluating determinants. The following example illustrates this idea.

E X A M P L E 5 Row Operations and Cofactor Expansion



Solution By adding suitable multiples of the second row to the remaining rows, we obtain

Skills ? Know the effect of elementary row operations on the value of a determinant. ? Know the determinants of the three types of elementary matrices. ? Know how to introduce zeros into the rows or columns of a matrix to facilitate the evaluation of its determinant. ? Use row reduction to evaluate the determinant of a matrix. ? Use column operations to evaluate the determinant of a matrix. ? Combine the use of row reduction and cofactor expansion to evaluate the determinant of a matrix.

Exercise Set 2.2

In Exercises 1?4, verify that



2. 3. 4. In Exercises 5?9, find the determinant of the given elementary matrix by inspection. 5.

Answer: 6. 7.

Answer: 8.


Answer: 1 In Exercises 10?17, evaluate the determinant of the given matrix by reducing the matrix to row echelon form. 10. 11.

Answer: 5 12. 13.

Answer: 33 14.


Answer: 6 16.


Answer: 18. Repeat Exercises 10?13 by using a combination of row reduction and cofactor expansion. 19. Repeat Exercises 14?17 by using a combination of row operations and cofactor expansion.

Answer: Exercise 14: 39; Exercise 15: 6; Exercise 16: ; Exercise 17: In Exercises 20?27, evaluate the determinant, given that



Answer: 22. 23.

Answer: 72 24.


Answer: 26.


Answer: 18 28. Show that

(a) (b)

29. Use row reduction to show that

In Exercises 30?33, confirm the identities without evaluating the determinants directly. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. Find the determinant of the following matrix.

In Exercises 35?36, show that 35.

without directly evaluating the determinant.


True-False Exercises

In parts (a)?(f) determine whether the statement is true or false, and justify your answer.

(a) If A is a

matrix and B is obtained from A by interchanging the first two rows and then interchanging the last two

rows, then



True (b) If A is a

by , then

matrix and B is obtained from A by multiplying the first column by 4 and multiplying the third column .


True (c) If A is a



False (d) If A is an

matrix and B is obtained from A by adding 5 times the first row to each of the second and third rows, .

matrix and B is obtained from A by multiplying each row of A by its row number, then



(e) If A is a square matrix with two identical columns, then




(f) If the sum of the second and fourth row vectors of a matrix A is equal to the last row vector, then




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