
Common Core Algebra Unit 10: Exponential Functions 1/31/17Lesson 1: Simplifying and Evaluating ExpressionsObjective: SWBAT simplify and evaluate expressions involving exponents.Do Now: Each of the following problems involves basic exponent ideas. Answer each to review your previous knowledge.a) Represent 63 as an extended product. Do not evaluate the product.b) If f(x) = 2x2 + 7, then evaluate f(-1).c) If x3 + x5 is written in the form of xn what is the value of n? d) If the expression (5x2)3 is written in the form of abx, what is the value of a + b?Group Exploration:1. Write each expression as an extended product. Then use your calculator to evaluate each expression.a) (12)3 b) (13)4 c) 0.253 d) 0.15 e) When evaluated, are the numbers smaller or larger than the base? f) What conclusion can you draw from the base number and the evaluated output? 2. Write each expression as an extended product. Then use your calculator to evaluate each expression.a) 24 b) 43 c) 102 d) 423 e) When evaluated, are the numbers smaller or larger than the base? f) What conclusion can you draw from the base number and the evaluated output?Check for Understanding:Will the evaluated form of (43)4 be larger or smaller than 43? Without evaluating or using a calculator explain how you know.Turn and Talk:Jessica and Ethan were figuring out a math problem together. Jessica stated that 63 is equivalent to 2?33. Do you agree with Jessica? Explain why or why not in the space below.Check for Understanding:Evaluate the following:a) 4?22 b) 623 c) Evaluate 2x2 when x=-1Turn and Talk:Evaluate the following using your calculator and rewrite as a fraction.a) 22 b) 2-2 c) 33 d) 3-3 Explain the relationship you notice when evaluating a negative exponent. Draw a conclusion when a base is raised to a negative exponent.Check for Understanding:Lesson Summary:When simplifying expressions, make sure you follow _________________.When rewriting expressions with negative exponents, x-n becomes ________.Partner Practice:Early Finishers:226695635001.22796586995002. 22860014605003. Name ________________________ Exit SlipCommon Core Algebra Unit 10: Exponential Functions 1/31/17Lesson 1: Simplifying and Evaluating ExpressionsObjective: SWBAT simplify and evaluate expressions involving exponents.Explain using mathematical vocabulary why 83 is not equivalent to 2?43. Name ________________________ Exit SlipCommon Core Algebra Unit 10: Exponential Functions 1/31/17Lesson 1: Simplifying and Evaluating ExpressionsObjective: SWBAT simplify and evaluate expressions involving exponents.Explain using mathematical vocabulary why 83 is not equivalent to 2?43. ................

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