Larry Moyer's How-To Book on Personal Evangelism

[Pages:118] Larry Moyer's How-To Book on Personal Evangelism

Copyright ? 1998 by R. Larry Moyer

Published in 1998 by Kregel Publications, a division of Kregel, Inc., P.O. Box 2607, Grand Rapids, MI 49501. Kregel Publications provides trusted, biblical publications for Christian growth and service. Your comments and suggestions are valued.

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Scripture quotations are primarily from the New King James Version. Copyright ? 1979, 1980, 1982, Thomas Nelson, Inc., Publishers.

Cover and book design: Frank Gutbrod Cover photo: Paul Barton / The Stock Market

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Moyer, R. Larry (Richard Larry).

Larry Moyer's how-to book on personal evangelism /

by R. Larry Moyer.

p. cm.

1. Evangelistic work. 2. Witness bearing (Christianity)

I. Title.

BV3790.M835 1998

248'.5--dc21 98-17621


ISBN 0-8254-3179-4

Printed in the United States of America

2 3 4 5 / 04 03 02 01 00 99

To David, my son, who along with eternal life in Christ

and my dear wife, has been an undeserved gift from God.

Thanks for being my "buddy" and for those meaningful walks and talks we have enjoyed together. May you never lose your zest for life

and the Savior.

Table of Contents

Acknowledgments 9 Introduction 11 1. How to Develop an Evangelistic Lifestyle 13 2. How to Turn a Conversation to Spiritual Things 19 3. How to Tell the Bad News/Good News 27 4. How to Reach Your Relatives 33 5. How to Respond to a Cultist 41 6. How to Help Children Understand the Good News 47 7. How to Overcome Fear in Evangelism 53 8. How to Evangelize Out of Grace, Not Guilt 65 9. How to Regain a Heart for Unbelievers 73 10. How to Avoid Common Mistakes in Evangelism 79 11. How to Encourage New Believers to Grow 91 12. How to Help Those Who Struggle with Salvation 103 13. How to Help Your Church Get on the Cutting Edge in Evangelism . . . and Stay There 117



I confess! Knowing where to start and stop in thanking the many people who have made this book possible absolutely bewilders me. As always, though, there are those who deserve special recognition.

A heartfelt thank you goes to the many brothers and sisters in Christ throughout the world who, as I have traveled in evangelism for over twenty-five years, have prayed for me, listened to me, and interacted with me. Because of the way God used your attentiveness and your feedback, my debt to you is enormous.

I am forever in debt to my dear wife, Tammy, whose foremost thought is always, What can I do for you? so I can be free to speak and to write. Why God would give me such an undeserved treasure, I have no earthly idea.

My thanks to Joy Kupp, who so patiently read my handwriting, typed and retyped the manuscript, and often did so despite my many interruptions about so many other items. Many thanks upon thanks. I was helped by your skills, but I was so deeply touched by your cheerful, servant spirit.

The feedback given me by Julie Boudreaux, Kathy Krach, Marsha Marlowe, and Linda Zach was tremendous. As readers, they could see things that were more difficult for me as to see. Thanks for reading the manuscript so carefully and responding with grace and truth.

Adria Ger's editing skills were invaluable. Thanks for pointing out those errors and details that only an editor often sees and explaining what I should have said and how I should have said it.

Thanks for being such gifted and godly servants and making so close to your heart what is so close to His--the reaching of the lost!



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