St. Stephen R. C. Church

St. Stephen R. C. Church

2100 Baseline Road, Grand Island, NY 14072 (716)773-7647 WWW.

Sunday, October 24, 2021

This Week's Mass Intentions

Monday, October 25 ~ Weekday 8:00am Norm Bauman (Family) Laurie Bauman-Kalman (The Rosary Group)

Tuesday, October 26 ~ Weekday 8:00am Estelle Walker (Walker Family)

Wednesday, October 27 ~ Weekday 8:00am Anthony Caruana (Tony & Rose Buscaglia)

Thursday, October 28 ~ Saints Simon and Jude, Apostles 8:00am Ted Przystal (Wife)

Friday, October 29 ~ Weekday ~ Anointing of the Sick at Mass 8:00am Jerome McDonald (Walker Family) Intentions of Theresa Long (Friends, George & Penny)

Saturday, October 30 ~ Weekday 4:30pm Dorothy Lew (Teresa Darlak) Joseph Fifolt (Mike & Mary Fifolt)

Sunday, October 31 ~ 31st Sunday in Ordinary Time 7:30am Penny Panepinto 80th Birthday Intention (Panepinto Family) Edward & Rita Faber (Jack & Sandy Burns) 9:00am Harold Doxtater (Greg Doxtater) George Husted (Craig Brozek)

11:00am Monica & Walter Kastrzak (Family) Dorothy Lew (Marie O'Hara)

The Sanctuary Lamp burns this week For Birthday Intentions for Ken Fick

Love, Mom & Dad

The Sanctuary Lamp and Host Offerings are available upon request. The memoriam is for a week and is a $25 offering.

Memorials may be in memory, honor, or for the intentions of a loved one. Please contact the rectory for assistance.

Keep in your Prayers..................

Kevin Beyer Jr. Pat Fitzgerald Susanne McMahon Megan Johnson Pat Muoio Brett Lombardo Mary Jane & Richard Pyc Frank Costanzo Bethany Dzielski Jim Caprio

Olga Demicke Eveylen Strobel Brian Fitzpatrick Bill Appenzeller Bill Ortiz Maria DelSignore Luann Moliterno Mary Pascucci Pat Paolucci Joseph Paolucci Micheal Peters Maria Schnettler Ellen DiLaura Linda Morinello & Children Sharon Koehler

And the deceased ........................ Laurie Bauman-Kalman, Anne Deiner, Mary Jane Sitarski

30th Sunday in Ordinary Time

This month, Pope Francis announced that he will declare St. Irenaeus of Lyon a doctor of the Church under the title of Doctor of Unity. I'll admit, I thought that St. Irenaeus was already a doctor of the Church, so I was pleased to hear Francis' announcement. For those unfamiliar with St. Irenaeus, he was a bishop in the second century who was martyred for the faith during a time when there was a great amount of discord in the Church. Many heresies were making their rounds in the Church and were gaining a following among earlier members of the faithful. His most famous work was Against Heresies, wherein he described and refuted the heresies plaguing the early Church. One of the big heresies which St. Irenaeus combated was the heresy of Gnosticism. Gnosticism is a difficult heresy to define because it took many different forms (i.e., the broad heresy branched off into a number of other heresies). Simply put (and I emphasize simply), Gnostics believed that the created world was evil and there was a special knowledge that Christ only gave some of his followers. Through this "special knowledge," Gnostics believed that they could transcend the evil material world.

As we reflect on the life of this great saint (and soon to be doctor of the Church), we can examine how we have strived for unity in our lives. Are we like the Gnostics who treat our faith as if it is a special knowledge which makes us superior to those outside the Church, or are we able to use the knowledge which we have been given in order to spread the Gospel? The Gnostics viewed the world as evil, yet we acknowledge that though we live in a fallen world, the world is good, because God created the world good. The Gnostics believed that only a select few could be saved, they did not wish for others to join their elitist group, we all are called to spread the Gospel to all nations.

Altar Society

Please stop by the Hospitality Room after Masses on the weekends of October 23 & 24 for Baskets & Bargains Galore and October 30 & 31 for Baskets & Bargains Galore & Bake Sale

Altar Society Memorial Service of Remembrance

for all parishioners who have passed away in the last year from October 1, 2020 - October 15, 2021 will be held on Tuesday, November 2

(All Souls Day) at 7pm. Recitation of the Rosary will precede the Service at 6:15pm.Friends and relatives are cordially invited to attend and join the members for refreshments following the Service in the Hospitality Room

Holy Name Society

Meeting - We have scheduled several Monday evening monthly meetings during 2021-2022. The next monthly meeting is on Monday, October 25, in the Community Room (Library), starting at 6:30 p.m. We need both renewing and any new members who can attend and participate during the activity year. Agenda may include, but is not limited to, Awards; Donations; Fundraiser(s); Membership.

Membership - .The 2022 membership drive continues through 2021. Your $10 dues may be forwarded in the special, blue-color envelope within the latest envelope packet, or in an envelope marked 'Holy Name Society' with identifying information, through the weekend collection or the Rectory office.

OJcutolyb1er12, 42,0220121

Materials pick up is available during the day at the Faith Formation office or for after hours pick up ? please

contact the office. 773-2002 ext 122. We are also still taking new registrations at

Pumpkin Prayer

(as you are carving your pumpkin)

Remove the top of the pumpkin and pray: "Lord, open my mind so I can learn new things about you."

Pull out the seeds: "Remove the things in my life that don't please you. Forgive the wrong things I do and help me to forgive others."

Remove the eyes: "Open my eyes to see the beauty you've made in the world around me."

Take out the nose: "I'm sorry for the times I've turned up my nose at the good food you provide."

Remove the Mouth: "Let everything I say please you."

Place a candle inside and light it: "Lord, help me show your light to others through the things I do. Amen"

Pre-Sale Tickets available this weekend for

BUBBA's BBQ take-out dinner on Saturday, October 30 from 4 - 6:30pm

$11 dinner includes pulled pork on roll, baked beans, and salt potatoes

$6 children's Mac & Cheese available Pick-up will be in Church Hospitality Room

(brought to you by St. Stephen School & K of C Good Samaritan Council)

Respect Life


WE NEED YOU!! Please join our small, committed Respect Life Committee when we meet every 3rd Wednesday of each month from 7 PM to 8:30 PM in St. Stephen's Library. We need your input to help us plan

activities to promote respect for all human life. Questions? Call Mark or

Kathy at 773-5726.

What must we do to help those who are considering abortion? One pro-life sidewalk counselor tells the story of a young woman who was entering a local abortion clinic for her scheduled abortion. The counselor asked her, "What would you need today to make a different choice?" The woman replied that she had no money and couldn't even afford a crib for her baby. The counselor arranged for a crib to be purchased. The life of the young woman's baby, and the emotional and spiritual well-being of the woman, were saved for the cost of a crib!

Samantha Mattheis of the American Life League, notes: "When we consider a woman, or couple, entering an abortion clinic, we must reflect on their social, emotional, and spiritual state. We might ask: What does this individual need in order to say yest to the life that has been created? We hope and pray that the woman can live in the spirit of Mary's Angelus, where Mary expresses her fiat to the Lord, saying yes as Gabriel invites her to bear God's child. In order to be able to say yes ? to choose life ? an individual needs an encounter with love. She needs to know, firsthand, the beauty of love and the joy that persists amidst suffering and pain."

You are invited to a seminar addressing moral, Catholic, and legal perspectives on End of Life Issues. Sadly, in our society which seems to value life less each day, the lives of our elderly and medically vulnerable are sometimes threatened. Which end of life choices are morally acceptable? Please attend our seminar on End of Life Issues on Saturday, November 6th, from 9 AM to 10:30 AM at St. Stephens Parish, 2100 Baseline Road, Grand Island, NY 14072. This seminar will be presented by Deacon Frank S. Kedzielawa who brings his unique knowledge and expertise both as a deacon at St. Stephens Parish and as a practicing attorney. There is no charge for this seminar and refreshments will be served. All are welcome!

OJcutolyb1er12, 42,0220121

St. Stephen Parish News and Upcoming Events:

This Weekend - October 23 & 24: The second collection will be for World Mission Sunday. As always, we thank you for your generosity.

This weekend October 23 & 24 and next weekend October 30 & 31: Before the weekend Masses we Pray the Rosary...Every Saturday at 4pm and every Sunday at 7am and 8:30am and every first Sunday at 10:30am. We Pray the Rosary for World Peace, Personal Intentions and because Our Blessed Virgin Mary asks us to!

REJOICE! ADVENT MEDITATIONS OF JOSEPH: Tuesdays beginning October 28 at 9:30am - REJOICE! is a prayer resource with daily meditations that will enrich your Advent as we wait for the birth of the Savior of the World. (4 weeks $10)

Tuesday Evening Bible Study is held at 7pm each week in the Library, and can be joined at anytime. The group discusses the Sunday Mass readings. Please feel free to stop in when you can.

End of Life Issues Seminar will be held on Saturday, November 6th from 9am to 10:30am at St. Stephens Parish, 2100 Baseline Road, Grand Island. This seminar will be presented by Deacon Frank S. Kedzielawa who brings his unique knowledge and expertise both as a deacon at St. Stephens Parish and as a practicing attorney. There is no charge for this seminar and refreshments will be served. All are welcome!

St. Stephen's presents Robert Rogers' story to "Live a Life of No Regrets"

Robert experienced a tragedy of Biblical proportions when he lost his precious wife and all four children in a flash flood in Kansas in 2003. Through his immediate trust in God, Robert has risen above adversity and shared his compelling message across the country and with ABC, CBS, CNN, EWTN, Focus on the Family and numerous Catholic churches, schools, youth rallies, & men's conferences. An accomplished worship leader, pianist, songwriter, and author of "Into the Deep", "7 Steps to No Regrets", and "Rise Above", Robert teaches others to Live a Life of No Regrets with his inspiring words and original songs at the piano.

Wednesday, November 17, 2021 at 7:00pm - St. Stephen R.C. Church (Main Church)

$plit Club Winners

October 17, 2021

First Prize Second Prize Third Prize

Mrs. Carol Rurkowski Mrs. Ann Sommer Mr. Joe Moscoe

October 24, 2021

First Prize Second Prize Third Prize

Mrs. Lucy D'Alessandro Ms. Verna Peter Ms. Susan Domogala

$26.00 $13.00 $13.00

$26.00 $13.00 $13.00

Out Of Parish News and Events:

Did you know? Catholic Charities Our Kids Parent Education and Awareness Program (OKPEAP) is available to parents or caregivers and their significant others who have experienced conflict regarding custody and/or access issues related to their children. OKPEAP helps parents develop a "business" relationship and encourages coparents to refrain from putting the children in the middle of conflict. Topics covered include: the impact of separation / divorce on children; child development and the implications for parenting after separation / divorce; cooperative and parallel approaches to parenting; an overview of family law as it affects custody and visitation; and conflict management and problem-solving. Groups are being held virtually and are available to individuals throughout Western New York. Ready to connect? Call 716-896-6390. For more information on Catholic Charities and other services and programs we provide, visit . Join us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

30th Sunday in Ordinary Time


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