|Sunday |Monday |Tuesday |Wednesday |Thursday |Friday |Saturday |

| |1 |2 |National watermelon 3 |

| |to avoid summer doldrums. |Make a list of good things |Day. |

| | |that have come your |Indulge |

| | |way lately. |yourself. |

|4 |Seek truth and 5 |Transfiguration. 6 |7 |8 |Don’t forget the 9|It’s okay to be lazy 10 |

| |goodness behind the |Look around you. |Happiness never decreases by |Arm yourself with prayer |canteloupes. Get ‘em |on a summer day |

|Make it a | |You’re on holy ground. |sharing. |rather than a sword. |fresh from | |

|Vacation | | |~ Buddha |~ St. Dominic |a farm | |

|Day, |of newscast banter. | | | |stand. | |

|St. Clare, patron 11 |12 |13 |14 |15 |16 |Fresh 17 |

|saint of television. |Be the welcoming presence |Florence Nightingale’s daily |Be a light in darkness. |Mary enters heaven |Full moon. |Mmmm… |

|Enjoy a favorite show. |you’d like from the people |prayer: | |and awaits |Spend quiet time outdoors this|Good! |

| |you meet. |Give me this day my work to |St. Maximilian Kolbe. |us. |evening. | |

| | |do, not mine but thine. | | | | |

|Did you get any 18 |Look up a joke. 19 |20 |21 |22 |23 |Notice summer 24 |

|beach time in yet? |Feel |Check on them. |Be passionate about the good |Lourdes Hospital, teeming |Peruvian saying: |slipping away as crickets |

|The |yourself | |work you do. |with life, perfect for |Only the one who carries it |and cicadas sing their |

|ocean |laughing. | | |God-spotting. |knows how much the cross |evening song. |

|beckons. | | | | |weighs. | |

|Sometimes 25 |26 |St. Monica |28 |29 |30 |31 |

|our prayer is best expressed |The start of a |27 |Resentment is like drinking |Make a point of |The earth was here before us |Enter the weekend pondering |

|in tears. |work week or time at the |Pray for anxious parents. |poison and waiting for the |saying |and was given to us. Treat it |where you are as the season |

| |shore. | |other person to die. | |responsibly. |readies for change. |

| |Enter into it with | |~ St. Augustine | |~ Pope Francis | |

| | | | |about | | |

| | | | |someone! | | |

| |



Finding the holy day by day…

August 2019

©2019 God~Spotting/jbc Pastoral Care Department, Our Lady of Lourdes Medical Center, Camden, NJ 08103 856-757-3808

Pastoral Care and

the Spirit at Work!


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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