Event summary and observation sheet

Event summary and observation sheet(Responsible: XX to compile data from participant response forms and then ensure that the lead organizer completes the sheet)Before the eventRead through the template and familiarise yourself with what it’s asking you to write down. Some of the questions may be better filled out after the meeting- based on your notes. Others can be filled out there and then. Make sure you have pens and extra note paper. You may wish to take rough notes on a separate piece of paper, to be ‘tidied’ or organised into the sections of the form after the meeting. Print the observation template (backup copies are advised). The template could be filled out on a lap-top computer if you prefer. Prepare to explain to the meeting participants and the group facilitator that you will be observing the meeting and how the observations will be used.After the eventExplain to the participants and group facilitator about why you are observing and how the information will be used. i.e. you are collecting information to inform an evaluation of the weeds project and are trying to find out what works, what doesn’t and how the project could be improved. Remind the participants that you won’t be noting personal information about them- that the observation is about the group as a whole.Seat yourself somewhere in the space where you are able to hear as much of the discussion as possible- check this with the facilitator!While the meeting is getting started, take the opportunity to fill out the top parts of the template (basic information about the event and the group)Listen to the meeting and discussions. Use the template questions as prompts to help you think about what to listen out for. Try to take detailed notes, including writing out any stand-out quotes from the meeting (i.e. someone expresses a high degree of satisfaction or dissatisfaction with the process, or there is a clear link between the meeting and actions taken for weed management). Note these in page 3 of the template. If the group is not discussing as a whole but is working in small groups, take time to listen out, move around and check what the different groups are discussing. This form is to be filled out for each significant event/training by KNOWFOR partners and is used to summarize an activity. The participant response forms should be appended to it. Name of event: Date: Location: PersonFull NameAffiliation1. Description of participants:Name of agency No. paxName of UnitNo. paxTotal paxFemale paxGovt. officials pax.??2. Description of what was done during the training/event (attach agenda)3. What were participant’s levels of awareness/ capacity at the start of the training? (please include any good quotes)4. What were the key gains in awareness/capacity by the end of the training (please include any good quotes)5. In the facilitators’ view what are the outstanding knowledge/capacity gaps for these participants?6. What were participant’s views on the quality of the training/event? (Input results from 6.1 ‘Event feedback sheet’)Total number of participants_______ Total number filling out the forms___________The quality of the training/event as viewed by participants:ScorepoorlowGoodExcellent% PositiveNo of responsesSignificant comments associated with highest scoresSignificant comments associated with lowest scoresThe relevance of the training/event as viewed by participants:Scorenot relevantmoderatelymostlyhighly% most orhighNo of responsesSignificant comments associated with highest scoresSignificant comments associated with lowest scores7. What went really well?What participants liked best (from participant feedback sheet)From team view point8. What could have been improved? How?From participant feedbackFrom team view point9. Recommendations and follow-up: ................

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