
Girdwood Public Safety Advisory Committee

May 7, 2018

Minutes Final

7PM Call to order, Sam Daniel, acting Chair

Confirmation of Quorum: Mandy Hawes, Mike Opalka and Sam Daniel complete the quorum.

Agenda Approved for May 7, 2018 meeting MH/MO 3-0

Minutes Approved from Mar 5, 2018 meeting MH/MO 3-0

Minutes Approved from March 26, 2018 Work Session re Girdwood Police Dept MH/MO/MW 3-0


DNR proposed materials site at MP 87 – Brenden Raymond-Yakoubian

DNR has two proposals regarding Kern Creek material site at approximately MP 87 on the Seward Highway. Comments are currently being accepted on the proposals of 14 acre site and possible 51 acre site. Comment period ends May 9, although Brenden has requested 15 day extension as this has not been discussed at LUC or GBOS yet. Amount of land and purpose of materials acquisition from this site is unclear. Only those who make comments in this comment period will be able to make comments on future proposals. Information from the State of AK Dept of Natural Resources is available on line at the links below:


Welcome PSAC Member Ken Waugh. Ken’s application has been accepted by GBOS in Executive Session. He is the president of the Girdwood Fire and Rescue, Inc board, and there is a delay in seating that board. He’ll be able to officially join the PSAC board once that commitment has ended, likely the end of May.

Introduction of Guy Wade. Guy is a 20 year resident of Girdwood, willing to serve in the vacancy left by Raleigh Hill’s resignation from the PSAC board. His application will be reviewed by GBOS shortly.

Public Safety Reports:

WPD Update. Tunnel is closed for maintenance today, Rob Mahoney is attending in place of interim chief Hager.

State received for March, and will be incorporated in the YTD spreadsheet.

April was busier in Girdwood with slush cup activities; May is getting busy in Whittier with start of fishing season.

Police Substation communication of office location, phone number still pending. Local number has been assigned, but service isn’t quite ready. Number may be ready for distribution next month.

Whitter council has decided to hire a consultant for the next 3 months to help get things set up properly. Greg Russell will start soon. After his contract has ended, a new police chief will be hired.

GFRI Update.

Michelle Weston is in place as new fire chief. Thank you Manch Garhart for the great job in the interim, getting staffing up, reaching AFD requirements and improving morale at the department.

GFRI stats and activities YTD: 144 responses YTD, 102 of them were EMS/Rescue

43 members, next academy is in June. Encourage Girdwood residents to join as currently 75% of members are commuting from Anchorage.

Members are certifying and re-certifying for a variety of credentials.

For summer, perhaps put together a PSA regarding mud hazard in Turnagain Arm. Concern about complacency about the danger of the mud flats.

Anchorage command will come down on May 21.

Bike to work day is May 18

Planning for 60th anniversary of the department in 2019.

GBOS Public Safety Supervisor report (Sam Daniel). No report.

Girdwood Public Safety Advisory Committee is a sub-committee to the Girdwood Board of Supervisors

Agendas and minutes are available on line:


WPD Service Feedback

Mandy asks about the status of the new law allowing parking to be enforced by Whittier Police Dept.

60% voter approval at the Municipal election in April.

Next steps:

Assembly action is require to designate WPD for parking enforcement in Girdwood. This is to be presented at the Anchorage Assembly on 5/8 and should be approved by vote on 5/24.

Contract amendment with Whittier to add parking enforcement in to the Whittier contract.

Parking authority on board to process tickets.

Old Business:

1) Designate member to serve as Chair of PSAC: tabled until June when full board should be seated.

2) Review Girdwood policing options to present to GBOS.

AST has indicated that they are not interested in a contract with Girdwood at the fall meeting facilitated by Girdwood 2020.

Girdwood Police Department is cost-prohibitive, based on analysis by PSAC in March.

MOA has indicated that APD may be interested in a contract with Girdwood, especially now that they are providing enforcement on the Seward Highway this would be less costly than the original concept.

WPD continues to provide good service to the community and is interested in continuing.


Public Safety Advisory Committee moves to recommend that discussions regarding contracted police services for the Girdwood Valley Service Area be initiated with Anchorage Police Department and the Whittier Police Department for the next Girdwood Public Safety contract term.

Motion by Mandy Hawes, 2nd by Mike Opalka

Motion carries 3-0

3) APD Other

Discuss APD enforcement on the Seward Highway – No discussion

Review of APD protocol in calling EMS on the Seward Highway – This stems from an accident that needed EMS service, which was not called. AFD and APD are working through this issue internally.

4) Discuss Alyeska Spring Carnival/Slush Cup Events April 14.

Great weather brought out 10-11,000 people for the events. Overall traffic flow was good, considering the number of vehicles. NIXLE alert was informative, humorous and helpful. Great presence of WPD and APD.

Signage worked well for a while. Maybe next year additional signs that say where to park, instead of just no parking signs.

5) Discussion of PSAC Strengths/Weaknesses/Opportunities/Threats 2017 – table until full board is seated

6) Discuss PSAC quarterly goals/work plan for PSAC for 2018, including:

Discuss scheduling forum to discuss community protocol to help with drug/domestic violence issues:

Still possible to schedule such a forum, but overall the issue is that statewide there are not enough beds to help those who seek rehab within Alaska.

Those in need of specific services can call 211 to find out where to access those services.

Review purchase and installation of Bleeding Control Kits and AED

To stay within budget and meet needs of the public, Kyle recommends shifting the request to 1 AED and cabinet for the Community Center and 2 bleeding control kits to be placed in the Community Center and school. School principal Erik Viste confirms that the school nursing staff will be trained on the bleeding control kits and will train teachers as part of their ALICE drill.


PSAC moves to recommend to the GBOS purchase of 1 AED and Cabinet to be installed in the Girdwood Community Center building and 2 Bleeding Control kits, one to be installed at the school and one to be installed at the Girdwood Community Center.

Motion by Mandy Hawes, 2nd by Mike Opalka

Motion carries 3-0

Outreach to Girdwood residents regarding disaster/emergency preparedness:

Ken Waugh states that he attended earthquake preparedness session in Anchorage recently. There is lack of understanding of what supplies and how many people are to be served by them located at the school emergency conex. Fire Dept to provide inventory of those supplies ASAP. Michelle Weston recalls that those supplies were received through ASD grant, for the purpose of supplying students and was never intended to provide for the entire community.

Girdwood 2020 has a session on May 31 regarding earthquake preparedness as part of their lecture series this summer.

Review of Girdwood Disaster/Emergency Plans

Emergency planning is one of Michelle Weston’s skills. Expect more planning and communication on it from the Fire Dept.

7) Community Policing outreach opportunities

Missed opportunity with Drug Takeback program last month. Next one is October, 2018.


Bike to school day is May 9

Interim Chief Mark Hager has confirmed that 2 officers will be present at the school for this event.

School Day of Service is May 11

New business


Public Comment:


Other Business (Roundtable Comments from the Board):

Thank you Sam Daniel for service to community regarding public safety.




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