
NAME:________________________________________ Mods: _________ CP English I Pronouns ReviewPERSONAL PRONOUNSReview:UseNOMINATIVE CASEOBJECTIVE CASESubjectDirect ObjectPredicate NounObject of PrepositionPersonal Pronouns – Fill in the chart.Nominative (singular)Nominative (plural)Objective (singular)Objective (plural)Possessive (singular)Possessive (plural)First Person Second Person Third Person Underline the correct pronoun in these sentences. HINT: All are in the nominative case.1. Mrs. Olivero and she/her enjoy jogging together.2. Ray suggested that he/him and I/me study together after school.3. The person in charge of the project is he/him.4. Gloria dn they/them signed up to work at the recycling center.5. The winners of the tournament are we/us.6. Would you and she/her like to stay for dinner?7. I think that you and I/me will be chosen to represent our class.Underline the correct pronoun in these sentences. HINT: All are in the objective case.8. Because of our great auditions, the director chose Enrique and I/me to play the roles of the shopkeepers.9. Carlotta’s mother offered she/her and I/me some helpful advice.10. Don’t forget to mail the concert tickets to Janine and I/me.11. Watching horror movies before bed sometimes gives my sister and I/me nightmares.12. Because of heavy traffic, the ride from the airport took Dad and we/us over an hour.13. Who is standing in front of they/them and we/us?Some of the following are nominative and some are objective. Underline the correct pronoun.14. Ben and I/me will learn Chinese calligraphy this fall.15. The tickets were mailed to Ben and I/me.16. Over the next few years, my sister and I/me will become better basketball players.17. How can she and I/me develop the best skills possible?18. Listening to our coaches is the best thing for she/her and I/me.19. He/him and I/me are not taking tennis this year.20. She/her and her friends have talked us into taking the art class instead.NAME:________________________________________ Mods: _________ English I Pronouns ReviewINDEFINITE PRONOUNSSingularPluralEither singular or plural, depending on usageanother, anybody, anyone, anything, each, either, everybody, everyone, everything, little, much, neither, nobody, no one, nothing, one, other, somebody, someone, somethingboth, few, many, others, several all, any, more, most, none, someSingular pronouns:Each of these means just one. “Another” means “another one”. “Each” means “each one”. “Everybody in the class” means “every single person in the class”. Therefore, with singular indefinite pronouns, we use the singular forms of the verbs.Also, when these words are antecedents for other pronouns, we use the singular forms of those pronouns.EXAMPLE: Everyone on the team will get his/their own locker.Since “everyone” means “every single one”, the correct answer is “his”.Underline the correct verb to go with each sentence.1. Everyone on the team play/plays well.2. Everyone has his/their own role model to look up to.3. No one will raise his/their hand to answer such a difficult question.4. Anyone can be expected to want to improve his or her/their ability.When using these singular indefinite pronouns, don’t let prepositional phrases change the verb you would use.EXAMPLE: Each of the toys is/are special to the little children.The correct answer is “is”. Each single toy is special.5. One of the twins is/are taking Spanish lessons.6. Each of the poems means/mean different things to different people.7. Any of these was/were acceptable to use for costumes.8. None of the children is/are sick today.9. Each among the large group of contestants is/are worthy of some recognition.10. Neither of my closest friends was/were at the beach that day.11. Every one of the papers is/are extremely important.12. Each item on the list is/are used in the experiment. ................

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