
Unit Template: ?Quién soy?Teacher: Olivia HerreraLanguage: SpanishGrade Level: 9Proficiency: Novice LowThemes: Personal Identities & Social/Familial Relationships Class Time: 50 minutes 5 times per weekUnit Length: 3 Weeks (5 lessons presented here)Essential Questions: What am I like physically? What is my personality like? How do I relate to my friends and family? Are relationships with families and friends similar to those in Mexico? Goals:Interpretive: I can understand a few familiar words; I can figure out meanings of a few words using context clues when reading.Interpersonal: I can communicate on some very familiar topics using single words/sentences I’ve memorized.Presentational: I can provide information about myself, family and friends.Intercultural: I can talk about traditional dress, art and music in another culture.Summative Assessments Interpretive Task: Listen and watch the video about the King of Spain and the description of his family and answer multiple choice comprehension questions. Video from: Task: In small groups, discuss your own family in target language. After all students in group have presented their family information, discuss the differences and similarities between them. (2-3 students).Presentational Task: Famous figure is presented on PowerPoint and students are called up to front of class to describe the person.Formative AssessmentsStudents will use the first five minutes of class for interpersonal speaking with a partner, discussing a topic given to them from the teacher.Throughout teacher instruction, teacher will ask students if the concept is fácil or difícil (easy or difficult). 3-2-1 exit slips will be given out at the end of the class. Students will write 3 things they learned, 2 things they do not feel comfortable with/do not yet understand, and 1 question they have or something they want to learn.Students will have one short quiz per week on grammar structures or vocabulary to see what they understand well and still need to work on before the summative assessments.Students will write a letter to a famous person of their choice to ask about their family and interests. These letters will be peer reviewed and graded for participation rather than accuracy. Students will be assessed formatively on Fridays by playing Kahoot! at the end of class. Students will be assessed formatively by their participation on Quizlet, where the instructor can see their results. Need to do/knowVocab: physical descriptions, personality traits, clothingPhrases: Introduce oneself and others, physically describe yourself and othersStructures: changing the endings of descriptive words to be feminie/masculine, yo, tú, él/ella/usted, nosotros, ustedes/ellos/ellas verb conjugations, how to conjugate “gustarse”Reading: Context clues and cognates Standards: Interpretive: Derive meaning from messages and texts using listening, reading and viewing strategies.Understand new words, phrases, and sentences of the main idea with the help of visuals and graphics that accompany texts.Make use of print and digital resources to understand the meaning of new words and expressions.Identify how authentic sources convey viewpoints and use authentic sources critically.B. Explain the viewpoint of an authentic source by determining who produced the text, when, why and for whom.3) Comprehend and interpret information in authentic messages and informational texts. B. Answer questions about authentic messages and informational texts. C. Identify, sequence and classify people, places, things or events based on descriptions with some detailInterpersonal: Negotiate meaning using requests, clarifications and conversation strategiesUse a range of common expressions to make requests and seek clarificationAsk and answer a range of questions to seek or clarify informationInteract with others using culturally appropriate language and gestures on familiar and some unfamiliar topicsEngage in greetings, introductions, and leave-takingAsk questions and provide answers on a range of topicsd. Share descriptions of people, places, things and eventsPresentational: Convey meaning using writing processes and presentation strategies.Plan a range of texts and presentations by brainstorming ideas and choosing vocabulary, phrases and sentence patternsPresent information, concepts, and viewpoints on familiar and some unfamiliar topics from across disciplinesc. Describe people, places or things in some detail to educate or entertain othersCulture: Analyze and describe relationships among products, practices and perspectives and compare them across culturesc. Identify, examine and compare products, practices and perspectives of the U.S. and target culturesd. Identify, compare and show factors that affect the availability and affordability of products and services across cultures. 2) Experience the target language and culture(s) and share information and personal reactions with othersd. use authentic digital and print mediaConnections:College and Career Readiness: Students are required to demonstrate their performance in Spanish and language skills in front of the entire class.Students are held accountable and responsible for their own education.21st Century Skills/TechnologyStudents participate in group work daily.Students are required to participate and demonstrate their language skills throughout each lesson by speaking in the target language.Students view authentic resources and materials that challenge them to high-order thinking. Materials and Authentic ResourcesTextbook: Exprésate 1 (Humbach, N. (2008).?Expre?sate. Orlando, Fla.: Holt, Rinehart and Winston)Smartboard/Whiteboard/Projector/ComputerMarkers/Pens/Pencils/PaperQuizzes, warm ups, and exit slips made by the teacherBaggies filled with slips of paper with different adjectives or subjects printed on themUse of online websites: Kahoot!, QuizletAuthentic materials including: One Objectives: The Spanish 1 students will be exposed through TPR/TPRS to new vocabulary regarding physical and personality traits and will identify some of the words on a short quiz.Students will write original sentences using these vocabulary words as their homework.Procedure:Warm up: Students turn to their partners and are asked to describe themselves, either physically or their personality traits. (5 minutes) Teacher led activity with whole group: Teacher goes over the goals of the unit, including what type of vocabulary students will learn and what grammar structures they will be able to use. (5 minutes) TPR/TPRS: The teacher presents a new set of vocabulary to students using Total Physical Response. The teacher moves around and uses animated gestures to help students put these new words into their long term memory. The students will visually see each vocabulary word on the SmartBoard. After, the teacher puts some of the vocabulary words into a story, and is sure to move around and involve the students throughout, calling on some students to be a part of the story while the rest of the class does the gestures with her as she goes. (30 minutes)The words/phrases included in this TPR/TPRS lesson include:Moreno, rubio, alto, baja, activo, aburrido, extrovertido, introvertido, el muchacho/la muchacha, ?Cómo se llama él/ella?, Me llamo… Quiz: The teacher gives the students a 5 question quiz with the vocabulary term/phrase in Spanish, and they must write the word in English. (5-7 minutes)The phrases/terms on this quiz include:Moreno, rubio, ?Cómo se llama él/ella?, Me llamo…, el muchacho Homework: The last few minutes of the class, the teacher will assign the homework, which includes students writing a five sentence story including at least 5 vocabulary terms/phrases from the TPR/TPRS lesson. Students will be provided a list of vocabulary with the words they can use highlighted. (3-5 minutes).Materials: Smartboard5 question quizVocabulary listStandards:Interpretive: 1C, 3CInterpersonal: 1A, 2DAssessment: Formative: Students are given a 5 question quiz based on what they have learned from the TPR/TPRS presentation.Formative: Students will write 5 original sentences incorporating the new vocabulary for homework. Lesson TwoObjectives:Students will practice subject-adjective agreement.Students will practice using their vocabulary in interpersonal activities. Procedure: Warm up: Students will share their sentences they wrote for homework with a partner. After, they will be asked to describe their partner’s physical traits. (5 minutes)Teacher instruction: The teacher will review the forms of “Ser” and how to put it in a sentence. Afterwards, students will be given a lesson on subject-adjective agreement. For example, if the subject is a male, the adjective to describe him should end in “O” to signify masculinity. They will be given a plethora of examples using a SmartBoard presentation. Students will also receive the rest of their vocabulary list, as well as an authentic resource giving them descriptive word ideas. (15 minutes)Authentic resource found from: activity: Students will be given two baggies: one contains different subjects (names of a boy/girl, groups of people, etc), the other contains different adjectives. With a partner, students will pick one subject and one adjective from each bag and place it on the table. Students will have to say a sentence to their partner using correct grammar structure for descriptions and subject-adjective agreement. The teacher will be walking around the room to help anyone who needs it, or to check accuracy. (10 minutes)Group activity: The teacher will present the question: What does someone from Mexico look like? Students will raise their hands to answer in Spanish, using their vocabulary. Afterwards, students will be presented with a cultural reading in English about physical traits of Mexican people (from: ). After all students are done reading it, students will have group discussions (3-4 people) about how their ideas changed, and what physical traits Mexican people can actually have. (15 minutes)Closing and homework: The homework for students is to go on Quizlet and play one game and flip through the vocabulary flashcards once. Closing: Students will be given an exit slip with two different subjects and two different adjectives. Students must write two sentences, keeping sentence structure in mind, as well as subject-adjective agreement. (5 minutes)Materials: SmartBoard lesson about subject-adjective agreementBaggies filled with slips of paper with different adjectives or subjects printed on themReading about Mexican people’s physical traits found on: slips with two different adjectives and two different subjectsStandards: Interpretive: 3CInterpersonal: 2B, 2DPresentational: 2CCulture: 2DAssessment: Students will be assessed on subject-adjective agreement with exit slipsStudents will be formatively assessed as teacher walks around room and listens to partner discussionsLesson ThreeObjectives: Students will continue to use vocabulary and grammar to describe themselves and others.Students will listen to an authentic source describe herself and her interests.Students will write scripts to a skit they will present tomorrow. Procedure:Warm up: Students will view a picture of a person on the projector, and describe the person using full sentences in Spanish with a partner. They should incorporate new vocabulary and pay close attention to the endings of the adjectives. (5 minutes)Interpretive Communication: Students will listen to an authentic resource from AudioLingua. A woman describes herself and what she likes to do. Students will be able to listen to it as many times as they need to in order to answer the corresponding multiple choice questions they have in front of them while listening. Afterwards, we will discuss the answers as a class. (15 minutes) Audio from: Interpersonal Communication: Students will be in groups of 2-3 and will write a script for a 2-3 minute long skit about an encounter with a friend, in which he/she describes someone because they cannot remember their name. In this script, they need to include a minimum of 15 words or phrases from their entire vocabulary list. They are only writing the scripts today, and will have the night to practice their parts. [Students are encouraged to speak Spanish during the construction of this script, and if they are caught speaking Spanish, they will receive bonus participation points they can use in the future as extra credit.] (25 minutes)Closing and Homework: Students will write five sentences describing members of their family. They can use physical or personality traits, and should try to incorporate their vocabulary. They may use their list when writing. Homework: Practice your script, as you will present them tomorrow. (10 minutes) Materials:A picture of a person (for warm up activity)Projector ComputerAudioLingua sound clip: , pencils/pensWhite board/markersStandards:Interpretive: 1B, 2B, 3B, 3CInterpersonal: 1A, 2DPresentational: 1ACulture: 2DAssessments: Students will be assessed formatively with the closing activity, in which they write five sentences. Students are assessed formatively by discussing their answers to the listening activity with the teacher and the class. Lesson FourObjectives:Students will present their skits to the class.Students will write a positive attestation for another student.Students will be taught how to conjugate the verb “gustarse”.Procedure:Preparation: Each student will receive a slip with another student’s name on it and a few lines following it. These will be placed on the students’ desks before they come to class.Warm Up: Groups of students will present their skits to the rest of the class. As they are presenting, students will write positive attestations in Spanish about the work another student has done. After all students have presented, the teacher will collect the slips. (25 minutes)Teacher Instruction: The teacher introduces the verb “gustarse” and explains what it means and how it is conjugated. This is followed by a lot of examples on the SmartBoard. (20 minutes)Closing and Homework: Students are to write down two questions they have, or two things they did not understand about the verb “gustarse” on an exit slip. Their homework is to complete a worksheet to practice the forms of “gustarse”. (5 minutes)Materials:Slips with each student’s name on itSmartBoardWhite Board/MarkersExit slipsStandards:Interpretive: 1BPresentational: 1A, 2CAssessments: Students will be formatively assessed on their writing skills in Spanish through the attestation they write for another student.Students will be formatively assessed about their understanding with the exit slip at the end of class.Lesson FiveObjectives: Students will practice conjugating “gustarse” and use it in meaningful ways.Students will identify differences of clothing between Mexican and American cultures.Students will be formatively assessed on everything from the week on Kahoot!Procedure:Warm up: Students are given three sentences on the board. Students must pick the correct conjugation of “gustarse” and write the complete sentence on a slip of paper. (5 minutes)Cultural reading: Students will read a short description of authentic traditional Mexican dress by themselves. (5 minutes)Reading from: work: The teacher will display photos of traditional Mexican dress, as well as modern, everyday Mexican dress on the projector. In groups, students will say what they like and dislike about the different types of dress, using “gustarse” in Spanish. They will also try to compare the dress to what we wear in America. (10 minutes)Writing activity: Students will write an email to a Mexican student, complimenting them on what they like about their typical clothing items. They will then try to make friends and become penpals with the Mexican student by describing themselves and asking the student what they are like and what they like to do. Whatever they do not finish is homework for the weekend. (15 minutes)Kahoot!: Any time left will be for a formative assessment using the online game called Kahoot! Students will be quizzed on “gustarse”, descriptions, adjectives, and vocabulary from their lists. (15 minutes) Materials:Paper/Pens/PencilsReading handout from and computerPhones for Kahoot!Standards:Interpretive: 3BInterpersonal: 1A, 2BCulture: 1C, 2DAssessments:Students will be assessed on Kahoot! at the end of class. The instructor receives all answers from the game.Students will be assessed in the warm up activity ................

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