
?Dear Dadby Anonymous?You mean so very much to me,And I want you to knowThat you are always in my heart,No matter where I go.You're always giving, always thereTo help in any way;The loving things you've done for me,I never could repay.I can't imagine what I'd doWithout the love you give.I'll treasure your sweet heart of goldAs long as I shall live.’t QuitWhen things go wrong as they sometimes will;When the road you’re trudging seems all uphill;When the funds are low, and the debts are high;And you want to smile, but you have to sigh;When care is pressing you down a bitRest if you must, but don’t you quit.Success is failure turned inside out;The silver tint of the clouds of doubt;And you can never tell how close you are;It may be near when it seems afar.So, stick to the fight when you’re hardest hitIt’s when things go wrong that you mustn’t quitGetting throughMy dad got a brain tumor on Feburary 16, 2011 and he has been fighting it for 25 months and we are trusting in god to do what he wants to do with my dad. My dad is having to go through treatment to see if it will help him. We just fought out that the tumor went from 4 inches to 6 inches and now it’s at 20 inches. We have to be strong and know what ever happens it will be ok because if god takes him he will be in a better place. To know my dad is fighting brain tumor hurts me and that we don’t know what is going to happen to him. I know it’s not gods fault that he has a brain tumor because everything happens for a reason but we just don’t know what that reason is. By: Autumn Hughey’s a certain kind of closeness that only families know,It begins with childhood trust and increases as you grow.It’s a very special feeling to know your family’s there,It’s a tie you can rely on, a bond you’ll always share.As a member of this family we know that we belong,We’re proud to say we’re family, together we are strong.Of all the blessings we may have, our Family means the most,And whether we live near or far, that bond will keep us close Family Is Like? Nicole M. O'Neil A Family is like a circlethe connection never endsand even if at times it breaksin time it always mendsa family is like the starssomehow there always therefamilies are those who helpwho support and always careA Family is like a bookthe endings never clearbut through the pages of the booktheir love is always nearA family is many thingswith endless words that showwho they are and what they doand how they teach you so you knowbut don’t be weary if it's brokenor if through time its been so wornfamilies are like that-they're split up and always tornbut even if this happensyour family will always bethey help define just who you areand will be apart of you eternallySource: A Family Is Like a Circle, Poem about Family ................

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