
DEFENSIVE AND COMPETITIVE BIDDINGLEADS AND SIGNALSW B F CONVENTION CARDOVERCALLS (Style: Responses: 1 / 2 Level; Reopening)OPENING LEADS STYLELeadIn Partner’s SuitCATEGORY: NATURAL GREENOvercalls ? non forcing if intervention of partner.SuitHigh lowHigh LowNCBO: FRANCE1 Major 1NT ForcingNTHigh low ( no sacrifice)High LowPLAYERS: BRUNET Frédéric FRA 38572501 Major 2NT : 15 + fitSubseq ANCESSY Arnaud FRA 4288470Other: A, K, and Q : small card is interested1NT OVERCALL (2nd/4th Live; Responses; Reopening)LEADSSYSTEM SUMMARYLeadVs. SuitVs. NT15+ - 18 AceAKx(+), AxAce asks small callGENERAL APPROACH AND STYLERUBENSOHLKingAK. KQx(+)KQJxx or KQ109 or AKJ10 5 cards major 4th : 10-13 ballancedQueenQJx (+)QJ x, AQ x, Q asks call.. Forcing 1NTJackJ10...J10... AJ10... KJ10... 2? Multi : 2 weak Major, 2 strong Minor, 22/23 bal, 6-4 strong MJUMP OVERCALLS (Style; Responses; Unusual NT) 10109.. or 10 x1NT : 15-171st 2nd : 2?, 3? , 3?, 3? : Weak Transfert998.. or 9x2?, 3? , 3?, 3? : Weak Transfert in 1st, 2nd/ 2? Multi Hi-X2 or 4 cards2? : 4 cards ? or + 4 cards ? or +, always one singleton, 6-10Lo-X1 3 or 5 cards.2? : 3rd : 5 cards ? + 1 minor 6-10Reopen: SIGNALS IN ORDER OF PRIORITY3? , 3?, 3? : Weak in 3rdDIRECT & JUMP CUE BIDS (Style; Response; Reopen)Partner’s LeadDeclarer’s LeadDiscardingSPECIAL BIDS THAT MAY REQUIRE DEFENSEMickaels Cuebid : précision 1? 3?:?+? / 1? 3?: ?+?1callcompteGAMBLING 3? :7cards AKQ in minor with little outside strenght1? 3?/1? 3?/1? 3? : asking stop to lay 3NTSuit 2compte3préférenceOPENING OF 2? : both majors 6-101callVS. NT (vs. Strong/Weak; Reopening;PH)NT 2compteINERVENTION AGAINST 1NT 15/17 : PENDULEAgainst 15/17 strong : SEE SPECIAL BIDS THAT REQUIRE DEF (pendule)Signals (including Trumps): X : natural ? , or 4441 or 5-5 ?? Against weak NT : X 13+, and Transfert2? : natural ? , or 4414, or 5-5 ? ?On the X we bid 2? relay and everything else natural2 ? : natural ? , or 4144, or 5-5 ? ?DOUBLES2? : natural ? , or 1444, or 5-5 ? ?2? : 5 -5 ? ?VS.PREEMTS (Doubles; Cue-bids; Jumps; NT Bids)TAKEOUT DOUBLES (Style; Responses; Reopening)2SA : 5-5 ? ? Double : Take outX vs 3NT contract ask partner to find the good leadNT bids : NaturalCue bid : Bicolore. VS. ARTIFICIAL STRONG OPENINGS- i.e. 1? or 2?SPECIAL FORCING PASS SEQUENCESVs 1 ? : CRM ( X : 2 suits same color, 1 ? 2 suits same nature, 1NT 2 others suitsSPECIAL, ARTIFICIAL & COMPETITIVE DBLS/RDLSOVER OPPONENTS’ TAKEOUT DOUBLEIMPORTANT NOTESJump in major is weak naturalXX : 11 and moreSuit : forcingPSYCHICS: extremely rare. OPENING TICK IFARTIFICIAL MIN. NO. OF CARDSNEG.DBL THRUDESCRIPTIONRESPONSESSUBSEQUENT ACTIONCOMPETITIVE & PASSED HAND BIDDING1?32 ? 5 ? and 4 ? 5-92NT relay3?:5-4 min/3?:5-4 max/3?:5-5min3?:6-4 max/3NT:5-5 max1?32 ? : very weak1?51NT Forcing if opening in 1st or 2nd2?: at least 3 cards on 1? (2 cards on 1?)2NT : 15 + fit1?5INT15-17 ballanced2SA Transfert for diamonds. 3?/?:5-5??+ctrl?/?After texas 2NT is forcing3?:AD or RD 6th /4?:need inform/4NT BW1NT 2?/2? 3?/?: 5?/? perhaps 4?/?2?XGF ????NT or Strong ind ??2?:GF - 2?/?:pass if 2?/? strong ind3?/?: GF 5?/?+4?/?4?:5-5 ?/? GF suit texas2? XWeak ?/?- 22-23NT-strong min2?/?:no game if 2?/? weak6-4 ?/? or ?/? GF2NT relay positive3?:max-3?weak?-3?weak?2? X4-42 suits ? ? with singleton 6-102NT Strong. 3? transfert for 3? or limits fit majorrelays2? X7 cards ???????(1st/2nd)2NT strong3?:0-5 other bid 6-102NT20-21, 5 cards major possible3? Puppett stayman(inversed)3?:no major - 3NT 5?Transferts.- 4?:bic minor strong-4?/?:0/3-3/0-5-53? X3? X Weak Transfert 7 cards 3? X3? X7 cards minor gambling4? ask short - 4/5NT if 8 cards play 6/73NT X8 cards minor4? ask short 4? X8 nice ? cards. 4? X8 nice ? cards4? 8 cards natural4? 8 cards natural4NT X6-6 minor5?naturalHIGH LEVEL BIDDING5?natural4NT: 5 keys 41-30 on weak opening ?-1-1 ?-2-2 ?5?naturalOn 4?/?: 1 ?- 2 - 2 ?5?naturalBW for kings: if no long color knew:0-1-2-3 If one long color knew: color of first KingAsking bids ................

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