Holy Spirit Fire Extinguishers - Clover Sites

Seal or No Seal!

Lesson Objective

The students will learn what it means to be sealed by God with the Holy Spirit until the day of redemption.

Ephesians 1:13

With whom are believers sealed?

Did you ever get home from the grocery store, pull out your favorite snack food, go to eat it, and find the seal broken? Instantly, what did you think? Did you wonder if you broke the seal or if someone else did? If the seal was broken by someone else, would that make you question the freshness of the food? It might make you wonder what could happen to you if you went ahead and ate it. If the seal is broken, there is no guarantee that the food is fresh or safe.

You have something in common with a grocery store product on which there is a seal. It has a seal and so do you. However, there is a vast difference. The seal on the grocery store product can be broken. The seal we’re talking about is the Holy Spirit. In Ephesians 1:13, the Apostle Paul tells us that we are sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise. That is a seal that cannot be broken.

Day of Redemption – The day of the Rapture when both living and dead members of the body of Christ will be caught up in glorified bodies to meet Christ in the air.

Grieve – To do something that seriously saddens, troubles, pains, hurts, or offends.

Seal – Something that confirms, ratifies, or makes secure.


1. Several foods that have a seal indicating freshness.

2. Several pieces of mail that have been sealed shut at some point in time.

3. Several packages of food that have a visible expiration date on them.

4. PowerPoint presentation for this lesson available in the Lifelines Media Pak (see LCM catalog).

General Lesson Format

Teacher’s Note: Enhance this lesson with the video introduction available as part of the Lifelines Media Pak (see LCM catalog).


Teacher’s Note: Lay on a table various kinds of foods, canned goods, or sodas, all of which have a seal on them to guarantee freshness. Ask the students questions about the seal on each of the foods.

Object Lesson

There is a ring around the cap of this bottle. What does it mean? There is a seal under the cap of this bottle of aspirin. What does it mean? There is a seal under the cap of this bottle of ketchup. Why is it there? (Let the students reply with various answers.)

The seals on the products we buy at the store tell us the item is safe to consume or that it’s fresh. The manufacturer or producer even guarantees its freshness until a certain date. You were sealed with the Holy Spirit to guarantee salvation until a certain date. Paul tells us in Ephesians 4:30 that we are sealed until the day of redemption.

Teacher’s Note: Display several pieces of mail that had been sealed shut at some point in time, or some that are still sealed.

Object Lesson

How many of you know what snail mail is? Snail mail refers to the sending of a physical letter through the United States Postal Service; a letter that you have to physically seal shut. Why do they call it snail mail? When it’s compared to the lightning quick speed of e-mail, it’s as slow as a snail. How many of you still like getting a letter in the mail? Can you give an example of a letter that came to you in the mail that you were thrilled to get?

Teacher’s Note: Give an example of a time when you were excited about receiving something special in the mail. Maybe you have a special letter from your spouse, or perhaps an acceptance letter from a college or institution. You may even have in your possession a letter of confirmation for a new position at work.

Object Lesson

We all like getting a letter in the mail. There’s something exciting about holding the envelope, knowing there is a special message inside delivered just to you. When was the last time you sent a letter in the mail? It’s a little more involved than just typing and hitting ‘send.’ You have to grab a piece of paper or a card, find a pen, and actually write out a message. Then you must address an envelope, put the letter in the envelope, lick that great tasting glue, and finally seal it up and attach the stamp. Don’t you wish they’d just go ahead and put strawberry flavored glue where you have to lick the envelope? When we seal the envelope, we, the sender, are saying that nothing can be added to or taken away from the contents in the letter. When the recipient finally receives the letter they know that if the envelope is still sealed, they are guaranteed that what is inside is what you sent.


As Jesus was spending His last days on earth, He told His disciples that when He was gone the Holy Spirit would come to be with them. Years later, the Apostle Paul would record in Ephesians 1:13 that at the time of salvation, we were sealed with the Holy Spirit that Jesus Himself had promised would come. Let’s look at three things about this sealing.


1. We are Sealed by God

So, Who seals us? Is it the Holy Spirit? Is it Jesus? Is it God the Father? You’re probably thinking, “Hey, that’s not fair. Is that a trick question? Don’t those three make up the Trinity? Am I not sealed by all three?” Actually the correct answer is that we are sealed by God the Father (have a student read 2 Corinthians 1:21-22). In sending a letter, the sender is the one who does the sealing in order to close the envelope tight and guarantee the contents. At the very moment you put your trust in Jesus Christ as your Savior, God the Father gave you the Holy Spirit to take up residence in your heart (v. 22). Have you ever heard the phrase, “seal the deal”? That’s kind of what God did when He sealed you with the Holy Spirit.

If you could have the car of your dreams, what would it be? A Hummer, a Ferrari, a Lamborghini, or maybe a Porsche? Let’s say you find that car in a newspaper ad and call the number. The man selling the car says the price is $275,000. You look in your pockets and find $2.75. With a little help from your friends you manage to scrape up $325. As you meet with the man selling the car, you tell him, “Look sir, I know this is silly, but all I have is $325.” Expecting him to laugh in your face, he turns and says, “Alright kid, here’s the deal. You give me all you have and I’ll give you the car.” You’d need a cat scan if you passed up that deal! God sealed the deal the moment you put your trust in Christ as your Savior. You are sealed by God and no one can take that away from you.

2. We are Sealed with the Holy Spirit

What are we sealed with? God sealed us with the Holy Spirit the day you trusted Christ (have a student read Ephesians 1:13). God gave the Holy Spirit as a guarantee of salvation. You belong to God. The seal of the Holy Spirit is proof of your salvation (Romans 8:9). Does your life show that you are sealed with the Holy Spirit? One ministry of the Holy Spirit is to lead and to guide. In Romans 8:14, Paul tells us that if we are led by the Spirit of God, then we are sons of God. Are you being led by the Holy Spirit? Do you rely upon Him for guidance? If not, then where is the evidence that you have been sealed with the Holy Spirit? The child of God is sealed with the Holy Spirit and will show evidence of that in his or her life.

3. We are Sealed until the Day of Redemption

Teacher’s Note: Display various packages of food that have a visible expiration date on the package.

Look on the package of almost any food product and you will find an expiration date that guarantees freshness. Those who have been sealed by the Holy Spirit are guaranteed salvation. But is there an expiration date on it? For how long is the seal of the Spirit good? We are sealed until the Day of Redemption (have a student read Ephesians 4:30). When is the Day of Redemption? The Day of Redemption will occur at the Rapture of the church when believers will be raised to meet Jesus in the air (1 Thessalonians 4:16-17). At the Rapture we will receive new bodies like Christ’s glorious body (Philippians 3:20-21). Then we will forever be in the presence of God. Can you imagine it? Until that day arrives the Holy Spirit lives inside of us.

What kind of a home are you giving Him? What does your heart look like? In 2 Corinthians 1:22, Paul says that the Holy Spirit takes up residence in our hearts. Ephesians 4:30 not only says that we are sealed until the day of redemption, but it also indicates that we can grieve the Holy Spirit. The word grieve means to be sorrowful or to make sad. Any sin grieves the Holy Spirit. Interestingly, the sins of our mouth are mentioned in Ephesians 4:31. Jesus told us in Scripture that what comes out of our mouths is an indication of our hearts. Again, what kind of home are you giving the Holy Spirit? If you don’t know, ask God to search you like David did in Psalm 139:23-24. If what He reveals to you grieves the Holy Spirit, confess the sin and forsake it.


God has sealed us with His Spirit until the day of redemption. His Spirit has been given to you by God as a gift. How are you treating Him? If you have a heart filled with sin you need to repent and ask His forgiveness. Remember the car deal earlier? You’d be crazy not to give $325 for a $275,000 car. God wants to give you eternal life, something worth far more than $275,000. He’s waiting to give you eternal life in exchange for all you have. In 2 Corinthians 5:21, Paul tells us that Jesus became sin for you, in exchange for His righteousness. Make the right decision, confess your sin, and exchange it for His salvation. Are you sealed with the Holy Spirit? Have you trusted Christ as your Savior from your sin?

• The seal of the Holy Spirit is proof of your salvation (Romans 8:9).

• In Romans 8:14, Paul tells us that if we are led by the Spirit of God, then we are sons of God.

• At the Rapture we will receive new bodies like Christ’s glorious body (Philippians 3:20-21).

• Ephesians 4:30 not only says that we are sealed until the day of redemption, but it also indicates that we can grieve the Holy Spirit.

Have you been sealed with the Holy Spirit that Jesus promised His disciples in John 16? If so, what emotion are you causing Him to have? Is He happy with your obedience? Is He grieved because of a heart filled with sin? What kind of environment have you made for the Holy Spirit? If you don’t know, ask God to search you like David did in Psalm 139:23-24. If God reveals that you are grieving the Holy Spirit, confess it today.

Lesson Options

Junior High Adaptation

At least two weeks before the lesson, ask three mature senior high men to each teach one of the three sections of the lesson to the junior high students. This will give them great experience in realizing the power of the Holy Spirit in their lives and will be an encouragement to the junior high students.

Senior High Adaptation

In place of the object lesson on receiving a letter in the mail, have the students write letters of encouragement to various groups in the church (elders, teachers, and pastors).

Small Group Adaptation

In place of the object lesson with the sealed letters, have a mail carrier or someone that works in a post office come in and describe the process of handling mail and explain what happens if the seal gets broken on an envelope. After he or she is finished, explain to the students that when God sealed you with the Spirit, it was guaranteed until the day of redemption.

Large Group Adaptation

Have a local stamp collector come in for a few minutes to share some interesting facts about some of the stamps. Ask him to bring in some rare or unusual stamps and explain why they are so valuable. Have the Bible teacher make a comparison between the most costly stamp and what it cost God to seal you with His Spirit. Instead of the illustration of the car in the conclusion, use this adaptation to illustrate the value of salvation. Give a Gospel invitation as you explain what it cost God to seal you.

Reference Materials

Charles C. Ryrie, Basic Theology (Chicago, Illinois: Moody Press, 1999) 414-416.

Discipleship Groups

Discussion Starters

1. What are some examples of a poor living environment for the Holy Spirit?

2. Specifically, what does it means to grieve the Holy Spirit?

3. How should the knowledge of being sealed with the Spirit change the way you live this week?

Try This Week…

Letter Writing Ministry: Write a letter to a friend or family member explaining to them the sealing of the Holy Spirit.









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