New Town

New Town City Council MeetingMonday August 17, 20156:00 PMCommunity roomMembers Present: Mayor Daniel Uran, Council Members, Terry Mathson, Jay Standish, Thomas NashMembers absent: Dean NiemitaloOthers Present: City Attorney William Woods, Becki Lyson, Eileen Zaun, John Reese, Michelle T. Justin Ahmann, Kyle Manning, Chris Hageman, Kayla Wellard, Rick Gokey, Tim Jarski, James Johns.Motion by Mathson second Standish to approve the minutes from July 14, 15 and 31.Motion by Mathson second Standish to approve the financials.Voting Aye: Standish, MathsonVoting Nay or Absent: Niemitalo, NashAckerman-Estvold $99,972.36, Aflac $1,245.36, Aire Master $568.62, BHG Inc. $418.40 Business Forms $596.15, Geri Bratvold $137.07, BCBS $17,443.80, Ameripride $1,254.59, Christian Rodriguez $150.00, Becki Lyson $50.00, Cindy Borden $125.00, Felica Hadley $53.00, Gregorio Becerra $212.13, Steven Terry $109.22, Fred Meyers $113.30, Chief Supply $77.33, Colonial Research $137.89, Dakota Prairie Services $50.58, Dakota Quality Grain $2,697.04, Estvold Oilfield Service $5,258.00, Furuseth Law Firm $978.10, First District Health Unit $44.00, Geek on the Go $4,255.00, Graymont $6.489.92, Gustafson Septic Service $1,144.00, Gaffaney’s $5,890.20, Hawkins Water Treatment $1,250.44, Hatch Company $196.68, James Johns $53.91, Lakeside Insurance $629.00, Kennbecks Jack and Jill $13.25, Midco Diving Marine Service $1.899.00, Minot Daily News $124.83, Mountrail County Sheriff $1,170.00, Menards $219.88, Apple Time INC. $1,618.63, Napa $209.41, One Call Concepts $53.90, Praxair Distribution $30.55, Ethanol Products $1,329.49, Eagle Rock Timber $85,268.66,Gratech Company Inc. $355,545.20, RTC $1,051.41, Rensch Chev. $135.44, Roughriders Industries $6,054.00, Sensus USA $1,838.00, Satermo $181.06, Intoximeters $136.00, PKG $514,144.87, NDPERS $12,009.73, Parshall Lumber Company $1,584.30, Respond Systems $213.22, United Prairie Cooperative $14,003.17, Verizon $826.27, Visa $537.02, Waste Managements $6,140.38, Cenex Fleet Card $422.58, Minot Daily News $124.83, Mail Box Solutions $187.50, Eagle Rock Timber $153,872.31, Power Plan $5,121.78, IRS $272.64, Degroot Electric $730.00, Rath & Mehrer PC $7,000.00.First of month bills:Ackerman-Estvold $99,972.36, ASE2 $115,840.22, Arntson Stewart Wegner PC $11,984.98, MISDU $215.00, Mountrail County Recorder $19.00, MWE $6,097.72, ND State Radio $480.00, Office of State Auditor $165.00, Jack Smith $6,249.30, TAT DSCE $200.00, Tayler Fauver $200.00, US Bank $800.00, Verizon $441.16, Waste Management $8,210.08, William Woods $1,700.00Motion by Standish second Mathson to approve 1st reading North Segment CDC, to grant a conditional use permit, Township 152N., Range 92W., Section 17: Lots 1-5. Block 2; being a replat of a portion of Outlot 12 of North half of section 17. This will be used for multi-family housing. Will have 2nd reading and public hearing next regular council meeting.Motion by Mathson 2nd Standish to approve United Church of Christ for a zone variance (permitted setback on the east side of the property to be reduced from 25 feet to 21 feet.) Original Townsite Block 11: Lot 17. Will have 2nd reading and public hearing next regular council meeting.CIVIC UPDATES:Waxed all the floors in the civic center, also ordered some new doors.CITY COORDINATIOR: on a water break.ENGINEER UPDATES:East Sanitary Trunk Main – installed sanitary sewer north along east ave. up to 4th street N. Nearly completion installing water and sanitary sewer along 3rd street N. Pay Application #3 $153,842.31, Eagle Rock TimberMotion by Mathson 2nd Standish to approve pay app. #3 Eagle Rock Timber $153,872.31Voting Aye: Mathson, StandishVoting Nay or Absent: Niemitalo, NashND Highway Water Transmission – All water main have been installed, testing, and is in service Pay application #3 Eagle Rock Timber $70,528.60.Motion by Standish 2nd Mathson to approve pay app. #3 Eagle Rock Timber $70,528.60Voting Aye: Mathson, StandishVoting Nay or Absent: Nash, Niemitalo Lift Station Replacement – has been installed, tested, and is in service, pay application #3 Eagle Rock Timer $14,740.06.Motion by Mathson second Standish to approve pay app. #3 Eagle Rock Timber $14,740.06Voting Aye: Mathson, StandishVoting Nay or Absent: Nash, NiemitaloCollege Drive and Eagle Drive Extensions – curb & gutter to be installed on College Drive. Final grading and subgrade preparation worked on for Eagle Drive. Pay application # 2 Gratech Company $355,545.20Motion by Mathson second Standish to approve pay app. #2 Gratech Company $355,545.20.Voting Aye: Standish, MathsonVoting Nay or Absent: Nash, Niemitalo3rd Street NE Improvements – construction to start this week. White Horse Construction 4th Street South Improvements – project redesigned to raise the elevation of the road. Eagle Rock Timber. Change order #1 $76,215.62, original cost $375,736.45, (Total $451,952.074)Motion by Standish second Mathson to approve change order #1 in the amount $76,215.62Voting Aye: Mathson, StandishVoting Nay or Absent: Niemitalo, NashMotion by Standish second Mathson to approve pay Application # 6 to PKG $514,114.87Voting Aye: Standish, MathsonVoting Nay or Absent: Nash, NiemitaloJohn Reese:Motion by Mathson second Standish to approve United Prairie 4 new plots:Consisting of block 1, block 2, block 3,-located in the lot 9 & lot 10 lying West of State Highway No. 1804 of section 7, Township 152 North., Range 92 West of the Fifth Principal Meridian, City of New Town, Mountrail County, North Dakota.Consisting of Block 1, located in the southwest quarter of the northeast quarter and lot 4 lying west of State Highway No. 1804; southeast quarter of the northwest quarter and lot 5 of section 7, Township 152 North, Range 92 West of the Fifth Principal Meridian, City of New Town, Mountrail County, North DakotaVoting Aye: Standish, Mathson, NashVoting Nay or Absent: NiemitaloFire Department:Motion by Standish second Nash to approve the Fire Department to get a survey done on the new location of Fire Station. Cost will be $8,400.00Voting Aye: Mathson, Nash, StandishVoting Nay or Absent: NiemitaloRTC Easement:Motion by Standish second Mathson to approve City Attorney Woods to move forward with the easement/300ft right of way from RTC, at fair market valueRTC locater:Motion by Mathson second Standish to approve buying an Utiliguard (locater), and will show the city employees how to use this. Cost of this locater is $3,850.00Voting Aye: Mathson, StandishVoting Nay or Absent: Nash, NiemitaloRural Water: – no showBrian Osowki:Motion by Standish second Nash to go ahead with the water revenue refunding bonds, to go down the path to see if the city can save some money on interest. Brian will come back to the City in 4 to 6 weeks and let the City know what they will save in interest, and if the City wants to refund the bonds.Voting Aye: Standish, MathsonVoting Nay or Absent: NiemitaloJim Mickelson: No showTruck Fill:Becki had brought some information of an updated system for the truck fill. At this time the City will put this on hold. Need to see what happens with Rural Water first.Vender Permits:Motion by Mathson second Standish to approve the new rates for vendor permits:Yearly vendor permits $500.006- month vendor permits $250.00Monthly vendor permits $50.00Voting Aye: Mathson, Nash, StandishVoting Nay or Absent: NiemitaloSewer Rates:Becki brought some prices on sewer rates for commercial, residential and run off water, the council wants some more rates from other cities. This was tabled until next meeting.Building Permits:Motion by Standish second Nash to approve New Town United Church of Christ (Original town site, Block 11 lots 17-18), move front entrance to eastside and expand office 8’ toward Main Street.Voting AYE: Standish, Nash, MathsonVoting Nay or Absent: NiemitaloMotion by Nash second Mathson to approve Hollis Blake (Block 2 sublots A &B of lot 2 Breslin Subdivision), putting up a fence.Voting Aye: Mathson, Standish, NashVoting Nay or Absent: NiemitaloMotion by Standish second Mathson to approve Thomas Nash, 2 new egress windows Voting Aye: Mathson, StandishVoting Nay or absent: NiemitaloNot Voting: NashMotion by Standish second Mathson to approve United Prairie Cooperative (2nd Addition, Block 1) new building -150’ X 430’, Phase 1.Voting Aye: Mathson, Standish, NashVoting Nay or Absent: NiemitaloMotion by Nash second Standish to approve New Town Baptist Fellowship (418 Eagle Drive), putting in a new sidewalk.Voting Aye: Nash, Standish, MathsonVoting Nay or Absent: NiemitaloMotion by Nash second Mathson to approve the Rodeo Grounds Grandstands and concession building, and painting the benches.Voting Aye: Mathson, Nash, StandishVoting Nay or Absent: NiemitaloMotion by Mathson second Nash to approve Daniel Uran (401 5th Street), Front Porch.Voting Aye: Nash, Mathson, StandishVoting Nay or Absent: NiemitaloPolice Updates:Over the last few months the Police Department had and is actively and aggressively attacking one to the city’s biggest unaddressed issues, that is the importing and distribution of drugs within the community. The department will continue to attack this problem head on. In the last few months have removed several federally wanted person (s) from the streets of New town. We are seizing the property of individuals along with the currency and the collection of evidence of the illegals drugs that we continue to see on a weekly if not daily basis. We are in need of vests besides the one’s we now have these will cost about 2, 200.00 per vest. I also need to get the budget amended, as some of the items that were bought were from other administrators before I got hires on, I feel this was not to get out of my budget. Council told Johns to come up with some figures.On the 19th of August, I am having amnesty day, were offenders can come in and pay for fines they may have forgotten about, they will not be arrested if they show up.Issues were brought up about the Auditor, and not complying with the police department. Much discussion on the topic were heard. As both side need to get along, and the Auditors office does need all invoice, statement and receipt, in order to pay the bills. Fauver also brought up the fact that he at one time was supposed to get a house for $500.00 a month, and that the council agreed to this. The council said, nothing was agreed on in council, and if he wants a house it will be 25% of your gross income. In the new housing the City has, no pets are allowed. Brown also stated he did not get paid for travel to California, the mayor told him he was supposed to fly and not drive, and you cannot get per-diem and mileage. He said that’s what the Chief said to do.Motion by Nash second Standish to hire Johns full time as is probation is up.Council Concerns:Eagles Loop will have not allow smoking or pets in the duplexes. The Auditors office will see about getting blinds for the windows.Motion by Mathson second Nash to approve Daryl Lyson, $2,500.00 bonus for extra long Hour’s worked, with all the construction going on in the City.Voting Aye: Mathson, Nash, StandishVoting Nay or Absent: NiemitaloCity Attorney William Woods told the council he will not be here the week of the September regular Council Meeting. Council will meet the 10th of September instead.Golf course is in need of a fairway mower, and is asking the city for help in purchase a new mover. Daryl Lyson will get some quote for mowers. The city will need to see their books.Meeting Adjourned: 8:45_________________________ _____________________Daniel Uran, MayorEileen Zaun, Auditor ................

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