A personal

Your Personal Mission StatementMany people search for their purpose their whole life. It is a subject for which many books have been written and defining it is often the most difficult thing to do. Many of us have been living in service of what others want us to be, or doing what we stumbled into out of necessity. But emptiness can occur when our life focus is not grounded.Your personal mission statement can evolve as you develop greater clarity about your strengths, interests, passions, and gifts. Your person mission statement describes why you are here, what contribution you could make in the world, who might benefit from your contribution, and how you will contribute. Developing your personal mission can be grounded by building on what is working well, what you like, what you are good at, and what your passions are. Take some time to reflect in a quiet place and respond to the following questions.What do you enjoy the most? Think of the most pleasant and enjoyable times of your life. They can be experiences you have had at school, community, in your social life, or alone. What were you doing? How were you feeling? What was the impact? Create a brainstorm list in the spaces below. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________What are you good at? What are your strengths? Brainstorm a list of the situations when you have been at your best and felt natural and confident about what you were doing? Where were you? Who were you around? What and who were you doing it for? What was the impact? Create a brainstorm list in the spaces below. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Where have you added real meaningful value? Brainstorm a list of the situations when you have felt that you did something that was valued and that added real value? Where has your higher power placed you to do the most good? Where were you? Who were you around? What and who were you doing it for? Create a brainstorm list in the spaces below. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Create Your Summarized Mission StatementAs you bring together your lists of what you enjoy, what you are good at, and where you have added the greatest value, bring them together into a 1-3 sentence summary of what you feel your purpose in life might be. This first step in the planning process is an anchor for the other steps to come. However, don’t worry about being tied to it forever. It a reflection of your current perspective on where your time and energies will be best spent based on the experiences you have had.______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________831850277495Example mission statement: to demonstrate faith, hope, and resilience by effectively preparing for, adapting to, and thriving through change.020000Example mission statement: to demonstrate faith, hope, and resilience by effectively preparing for, adapting to, and thriving through change.Your Personal Vision StatementA personal vision statement describes where you want to go as you live out your mission. Your vision may be described in 5 key areas. Recognizing what you have established in Step One for your mission, imagine how that can be realized through each dimension of your life. Given the rapid pace of change, contemplate your ideal life circumstance 3 years from now. In a quiet place, contemplate the following questions about what you dream for your ideal life state – today and in the future - for each of the five dimensions described:Financial – Your financial aspect is not only about income. It is about total wealth, including what you own and what you owe. What is your ideal financial situation? How do you want to experience the financial part of your life considering your mission? In the ideal reality, what do you want for the financial part of your life? Is there a difference between the ideal and your actual reality now? If so, what do you want to be different? This can be a vision of simplicity or one of complexity. It is not just about possession and accumulation, it is more about intention in how you will support the way you want to live. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Physical – Imagine your ideal physical self in terms of every aspect of your being. Think about your body from the inside out – your organs, your systems, your fluids, your bones, your skin, and every other part of your anatomy. In your desired life state, how will you feel, function, and look? How is it aligned with your purpose? In the ideal reality, what do you want for the physical aspect of your life? Is there a difference between the ideal and your actual reality now? If so, what do you want to be different? Envision your ideal physical state, both inside your body and also what the world can see.__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Professional/Academic – In your career or academic life, imagine your best life when you are truly living your mission. Your professional aspect is not just about a job or school. It is how and where you spend your time in your vocation and the industrious contributions you make. What is your ideal professional or academic reality? How is it aligned with your purpose? In the ideal reality, what do you want for your professional life? Is there a difference between the ideal and your actual reality now? If so, what do you want to be different? Consider what lasting impression or impact you want to leave in the world through your vocational contributions.__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Social – This aspect deals with your life outside of work. This may include your ideal family, community, and societal experiences. What social reality do you desire that is aligned with your mission? As you envision your relationships with yourself and others, what do you hope for the future? Do you aspire for stronger friendships and people in your life who you can trust? In the ideal reality, what do you want for the social aspect of your life? Is there a difference between the ideal and your actual reality now? If so, what do you want to be different? Think about this not only in terms of your relationship with others, but also your relationship with yourself. This can include both the public aspects of your social life, but the very private parts of your social life as well. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Spiritual – This aspect of your life may not be about religious practices. It is about the centering force in your life that anchors your heart and soul. What reality do you envision for the spiritual part of your life? What is the right balance for how and where you engage your spiritual energy? This might include your state of being. Do you aspire for a calm, stress-resistant, confident, and peaceful life? In the ideal reality, what do you want for the spiritual aspect of your life? Is there a difference between the ideal and your reality now? If so, what do you want to be different? Describe the ideal relationship with yourself, your higher power, and/or your spiritual center. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Creating Your Summarized Vision Statement – Finally, try to condense your answers across the dimensions of professional, social, financial, physical and spiritual to a single statement of vision for your future. It can be multiple sentences but pull together the different dimensions of your life to think holistically about what you desire for your lived experience today and in the future. 8147771272540Example vision statement, aligned with example mission statement: To live a healthy, focused, simple and flexible life that empowers and inspires others thrive through the ups and downs.020000Example vision statement, aligned with example mission statement: To live a healthy, focused, simple and flexible life that empowers and inspires others thrive through the ups and downs.__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ................

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