APA Sample References page - Del Mar College

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References Ashbrook, T. (Host). (2016, December 27). 'Two Homes, One Childhood': Co-parenting after divorce

[Audio podcast episode]. In On point. WBUR.

Reference entries are in alphabetical order

Herrero, M., Mart?nez-Pampliega, A., & Alvarez, I. (2020). Family communication, adaptation to divorce

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and children's maladjustment: The moderating role of coparenting. Journal of Family

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Communication, 20(2), 114-128.

McHale, J. P., & Lindahl, K. M. (Eds.). (2011). Coparenting: A conceptual and clinical examination of

family systems. American Psychological Association.

McHale, J. P., Negrini, L., & Sirotkin, Y. (2019). Coparenting. In B. H. Fiese, M. Celano, K. Deater-Deckard,

E. N. Jouriles, & M. A. Whisman (Eds.), APA handbook of contemporary family psychology: Vol. 1

Foundations, methods, and contemporary issues across the lifespan (pp. 483?502). American

Psychological Association.

Nugent, C. N., & Daugherty, J. (2018, May 31). A demographic, attitudinal, and behavioral profile of

cohabiting adults in the United States, 2011?2015 (National Health Statistic Reports No. 111).

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Ohio State University Extension. (2012, January 30). Successful co-parenting a child's view [Video].


*APA References Page information is in Chapter 9 of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (7th ed.).


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