Manchester University

??????????????????Autobiography:Dan NaveIntro to Teaching 111Manchester College????????????Abstract:This is an autobiography of different aspects of my life.? The autobiography includes aspects such as my birth, growing up, family, school, joys, disappointments, victories, struggles, likes, dislikes, and how I ended up at Manchester College. The autobiography also portrays how I have grown as a person through difficult times in my life.Autobiography:My name is Daniel Nave, and I was born on May 6, 1989 in Bryan, Ohio.? I spent the early parts of my childhood living in Ohio.? I lived with my mother, grandmother, aunt, and two cousins all in the same house.? I loved living in that house because?some of my best childhood memories took place there.? My favorite memories were during the holidays, especially around Christmas time.? I was so excited knowing that Santa was coming.??????????? When I was six years old my mom met a man named Rob, and we moved to Fort Wayne with him in the middle of my first grade year of school.? My mom and Rob were married when I was seven years old, and this man became my father by legally adopting me.? We ended up living in an apartment house just a few blocks from downtown Fort Wayne, and I attended South Wayne Elementary until I was in the fourth grade.? We moved one more time to my current home, and I then began going to Maplewood Elementary.? I enjoyed Maplewood, and in the fifth grade I played basketball, and we won the city championship.? That was one of the happiest times of my life. My next school was Miami Middle School where I began running track and field.? Other than being on the track team, I really didn’t care too much for middle school, but my high school years were the best years of my life.??????????? I went to Wayne High School where I played two years of basketball.? Basketball has always been my favorite sport, and my two years on the team were some of my best memories of high school.? The reason I only played two years is because I realized I was a better runner.? I was a fairly short person my sophomore year in high school so I realized basketball really wasn’t going to work out for me, and from that point on, I have just been a runner.? Once again, some of my greatest memories of my life came while I was on the track and cross-country team when I was in high school.? In my four years at Wayne we won the sectional championship in track every year.? Wayne was where my love for running truly began.? My family has always been supporters of my running.? My mom came to every meet she possibly could.? I have learned through growing up that family is one of the most important things in life, and it should always be a person’s priority.? ??????????? I am an only child, so my parents and grandparents mean the world to me.? I have always wanted a brother or sister, because sometimes it’s lonely being an only child.? I’ve learned about family that you should spend as much time with them as possible because they aren’t always going to be there.? I say that because, coming up on a year ago my grandmother passed away from fifty-two years of smoking. The year my grandmother died was the worst year of my life. ? My grandma only lived two miles away from, but there were sometimes when I wouldn’t see her for a month or two at a time.???????????? I have experienced many disappointments, regrets, and struggles in my life, but the biggest regret of my life is not spending as much time with my grandma as I should have.? I also have other little regrets such as things I shouldn’t have said and things I shouldn’t have done.? My family and I have also had struggles.? Growing up both of my parents went from job to job and some months money would be tight.? I remember a time when we went without water for a whole week because the water bill wasn’t paid.? We would have to go to the neighbors to shower and for other necessities.? Now though, my dad has a great paying job driving truck for a living, my mom works at a hospital, and I also have a job.? I guess you could say that getting through those tough times was a victory for my family, and I myself have had individual victories. ??????????? I think a major victory in my life happened a few years ago at church camp when I asked Jesus to be my personal savior.? From that moment on I can honestly say my life has changed for the better.? I believe another victory in my life was graduating from high school.? Graduating doesn’t really seem like that big of a deal, but not everyone graduates so I would say it is a victory.??????????? I enjoy many things in life such as spending time with friends, playing basketball, but the thing I enjoy doing the most is running.? There is just something unexplainable about running that most people don’t understand.? For example, when I’m running on a beautiful, Sunday afternoon with my headphones on, it just seems as though all my worries of the real world just disappear.? The reason I run is because it keeps me healthy and it makes me feel good.? I like a lot of things in life.? I’ve already mentioned I like to run and play basketball, but I basically like to do all sports.? I like to be active and exercise because it keeps me healthy and it makes me feel good.? I like to watch television, listen to music, and hang out with friends.? I also dislike some things such as vegetables, wasting money, and speaking in public.? One more thing I hate the most is when someone tells you that you did a good job when you really didn’t do a good job.??????????? During my junior year of high school I attended Manchester’s junior scholar’s day.? I met with the track and cross-country coach, and after talking with him it seemed like Manchester was the right place for me.? I’m glad I chose Manchester because I love the athletic programs and I enjoy the challenging academics that Manchester offers.??????????? I’m a very easygoing person who loves to have fun.? I love to laugh because I’ve always felt that laughter is the best remedy for any problem.? I was born in Ohio, but I have lived in Fort Wayne for most of my life.? I plan on becoming a health and P.E. teacher as well as a track and cross-country coach when I graduate college.? I believe teaching is my passion because I want people to know how important physical activity is, and I believe everyone should strive for a better quality of life. ................

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