PDF CRM Business Plan Template - University of Akron

CRM Business Plan Template Introduction: How to Use This Template

This template will help build a living CRM business plan for the enterprise as well as document business justifications for specific near-term CRM-related projects. The goal is to quick-start specific customer projects at the same time that a corporate customer strategy begins to be defined. The resulting document is therefore intended for both initial project scoping and for future reuse, as more customer projects and strategy are defined.

Guidelines for Preparation

Prior to attempting to complete each section of the business plan, review the following suggested guidelines and recommendations.

This tool is intended for an IT and business audience. It is recommended that a small team of 2-3 people write the business plan, preferably two business stakeholders and one person from IT. For example, if initial projects are focused on customer service, the team might consist of a customer website owner, a call center supervisor and an IT business architect or IT business analyst.

The team should not spend more than two weeks to complete the first iteration of the business plan. The strategy section will be reused, or added to, in future CRM projects so the document is intended to mature and grow with subsequent projects.

Organizations should feel free to name the business plan according to what fits best into their organization and culture. For example, if the term CRM carries a negative connotation in your organization, then terms like "customer strategy" or "customer experience" management could be substituted. If more domainspecific terms such as "customer service strategy" or "sales strategy" are used, then the strategic value of Section 1 of the plan will be diminished. Instead, use these more process-focused terms to define actual projects in Section 2.

Each section contains a description of what it is intended to deliver and example ideas in italics. Remember to delete this text in the final document.

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Table of Contents

Executive Summary ..................................................................................................................................................... 3 Section 1: CRM Strategic Assessment at [Company Name]....................................................................................... 4

Market Dynamics ............................................................................................................................. 4 Organizational Dynamics ................................................................................................................. 4 Section 2: Opportunity Assessment............................................................................................................................. 5 Section 3: Risk Mitigation............................................................................................................................................. 6 Section 4: Project Recommendations.......................................................................................................................... 8 Section 5: Financial Obligations................................................................................................................................. 10 Section 6: Roles & Responsibilities ........................................................................................................................... 13 Section 7: Business Plan Approval ............................................................................................................................ 14

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Executive Summary

The Executive Summary will be written after all other sections have been completed. It may be the only section an executive reads: its content and tone may determine whether the rest of the plan is read at all. Summarize each section into a concise set of statements and conclusions. Try to hook the reader so that they want to read each section in its entirety. Make sure that the project being proposed is clearly identified as a call to action at the end, intended to exploit the opportunities that have been strategized. End with a clear statement of what is needed from the reader to make it happen.

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Section 1: CRM Strategic Assessment at [Company Name]

This section of the CRM Business Plan explores the strategic drivers at [company name] that define the nature of customer service, marketing, and sales processes. This section is a strategic foundation, upon which customeroriented technology, process, and organizational projects for our company will be proposed and rationalized.

Market Dynamics

Is your business model direct or indirect? How does this impact your definition of customer?

What role do channel partners play in interacting with the customers that ultimately use your products and services?

What is the current state of your ability to retain and grow market share?

What does the competitive landscape look like? What CRM projects are your competitors implementing to grow their market share?

How is the market evolving? Is it emerging, mature, or declining. What other markets are shaping your market, especially markets whose products and services may be viewed as substitutes by your customers? What scenarios are likely to occur?

Organizational Dynamics

Use this section to describe the current CRM environment at your company. For example, how is the customer lifecycle managed at your company? Are multiple channels employed when interacting with customers?

Also use this section to discuss organizational readiness. As a minimum, you should address:

What do you know about your customers? Is there basic customer segmentation at your company, such that CRM projects can be designed around different customer groups to achieve goals that are unique to these groups? A lack of understanding of your customers could mean that any CRM project might require customer segmentation work up front or may require obtaining this understanding from channel partners.

What are your company's competencies with respect to technology implementation and systems integration? Do you prefer enterprise software to be on premises or delivered as a service?

Are the business units that own customer processes (e. g. marketing, sales and service) themselves aligned with each other, such that process integration is not a barrier in implementing CRM projects?

How large is your company (by headcount)? How many users are directly involved in customer interactions?

What is IT's opinion of CRM? What is senior management's opinion of CRM? Do the opinions align?

Do end users seem interested in adopting a CRM Suite, or are they apathetic to existing and proposed solutions?

Defining these market and organizational dynamics will help place rational boundaries on your company's ability to exploit CRM opportunities. It is imperative that you be candid about your company's strengths and weaknesses, in order to avoid setting the company up for failure.

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Section 2: Opportunity Assessment

This section of the CRM plan explores the opportunities that [company name] has to realize a return on investment in CRM projects. Please fill out the applicable CRM Opportunity Assessment Tool for Large or Small Enterprises first to gauge your relative strengths in each dimension. Elaborate in the space below on the areas where the organization scored yellow or green as strengths, and orange and red as areas needing improvement.

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In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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