Article Summary Worksheet

Article Summary Worksheet

  Directions: Complete the Article Summary Worksheet for today’s article. Remember to staple a copy of the article to the back of the worksheet. Use the copy to highlight, underline, and make notes as you read. USE COMPLETE SENTENCES.

ϖ     Bibliographic Information

ω        Author(s) of article: ________________________________________________

ω        Title of article: ___________________________________________________

ω        Name of magazine, newspaper, website, etc. containing the article: ____________________________________________________________________

ω        Date article was published and page number: ______________________

ϖ     Summary Information

ω        Briefly state the main idea or thesis presented in this article: ___________________________________________________________________



ω        Summarize the most important information, ideas, facts, etc. presented in this article: (7-9 sentences minimum)















ω        What was the most surprising/interesting thing you found out by reading this article?










ω        What question(s) do you have after reading this article? What would you like to learn more about?







ω        What other keywords/topics for further research did you find reading this article?





1. Research another oil spill example. How is the new example similar/different from the old example? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. Research ways that scientists have found are best methods to clean up oil spills in both the ocean and rivers. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Name _______________________________________ Date ______


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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