Art I

Art I

Midterm Review

Mrs. Moon

• Elements of Art

- Line - a long narrow mark or stroke made on or in a surface

- Shape-it is an enclosed space

- Color - the element of art produced when a wavelength of light strikes an object and reflects back to the eyes.

- Texture- the surface quality of how something feels

- Form – a three-dimensional geometrical figure

- Space - the empty or open area between, around, above, below and within objects.

- Value – lightness or darkness of a color

• Principles of Design

- Emphasis – something that stands out/ Arranged to create focal points or areas that are seen before other

- Balance (symmetry-same on both sides & asymmetry- arranging unlike or different)

- Pattern – repeated elements of art

- Movement- a way of combining elements of art to produce the look of action or to cause the viewer’s eye to travel over the artwork in a certain way.

- Rhythm- repetition of a particular element(s) that suggests a motion by patterns of recurrent elements.

- Contrast – stresses the difference or “unlikeness” of elements compared; closely related to emphasis.

- Variety- creates complexity and interest through changing, contrasting, diversifying, or opposing elements in a composition

- Unity - togetherness

• Color Scheme

- Monochromatic-“Having only one color” and refers to the complete range of that color from black to white.

- Complementary - color that are directly opposite on the color wheel. When mixed together, they make a neutral gray or brown.

- Analogous/related - another name for related color. Color that appear next to each other on the color wheel.

- Cool color – the hues of blue, green, and purple.

- Warm color - the hues of yellow, red and orange

• Other

- Composition - the ways elements of art (lines and shapes) are positioned within the edges of the paper.

- Tint – a color that has white added to it.

- Shade – a color that has black added to it.

- still-life - An arrangement or composition of inanimate objects such as fruit, flowers and bottles or tools, used by the artist as subject matter for a work of art

- Op Art - false visual perception

- Abstract Art - It is an art in which shapes, form and colors have been extracted and distorted from the design of nature

- Design - An ordered aesthetic arrangement or organization of one or more of the elements of art

- Gradation - Shading that show a smooth change from dark to light.

- Thumbnails – small sketches before final product

- Critique – a review of someone’s work

Analyze the artwork using the Feldman’s Method for Critiquing Art.

Answer in complete sentences using appropriate art vocabulary.





1. The first step in Aesthetic criticism is (name the step)

1. What is the subject matter and media of your work?

2. What do you see in your work? Be very specific and use the elements of art.

2. The second step in Aesthetic criticism is (name the step)

1. How is your artwork organized/describe the composition.

2. What are the principles of design that you used in your artwork? Give 3 examples at least.

3. The third step in Aesthetic criticism is (name the step)

Interpret what the artist is trying to communicate. Why did the artists make the choices he/she did about materials, composition, subject matter, etc.? What is he/she trying to express visually.

1. Why did you make the choices about the material, composition, subject matter, etc.?

2. What are you trying to express visually?

3. What is the meaning/what were your goals?

4. The fourth step in Aesthetic criticism is (name the step)

Choose an artwork from the screen and compare it with your own artwork.

1. Is your artwork successful or not? Explain why/why not.

2. Do you like your artwork? Explain why/why not.

| | | | | | |

|CRITERIA |4 - In-depth |3 – Clear |2 - Minimal |1 - Lack |0-No response |

| | | | | | |

|Use of appropriate art |In-depth use of |Clear use of |Minimal use of |Does not use |No response |

|vocabulary |appropriate art |appropriate art |appropriate art |appropriate art | |

| |vocabulary |vocabulary |vocabulary |vocabulary | |

| | | | | | |

|Ideas are supported with |In-depth support of |Clear support of |Minimal support of |Does not support |No response |

|specific visual examples |ideas by identifying |ideas by identifying |ideas using specific |ideas using specific| |

| |specific examples from|specific examples |examples from the work|examples from the | |

| |the work and referring|from the work | |work | |

| |to past knowledge. | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|Ideas are developed in |In-depth development |Clear development of |Minimal development of|No development of |No response |

|complete sentences and with |of ideas, stated in |ideas, stated in |ideas, stated in |ideas, stated in | |

|complete thoughts. |complete sentences and|complete sentences |sentences and |incomplete sentences| |

| |presented in a |and presented in a |presented in paragraph|and not presented in| |

| |coherent paragraph |coherent paragraph |form |paragraph form | |

| |form |form | | | |


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