Name ________________________________ Character Study

Book Project Rubric

Would you like to be your book character’s friend?

Choose a main character from your book and think about that character’s personality. Personality or character traits are part of the person all the time. They are NOT temporary like emotions like happy, sad, worried, etc. Character traits are adjectives like:

stubborn intelligent hard-working kind

shy resourceful generous responsible

cruel determined humorous selfish

friendly optimistic reckless dishonest

Note: a person has ONE PERSONALITY, but a person has more than one PERSONALITY OR CHARACTER TRAITS.

Fill out the Power Outline. Make sure that the traits you choose are different ideas. For example, don’t choose both “caring” and “kind;” they are very similar.

Next, jot down specific examples (actions/ dialogue) from the story that support the character traits you chose. For example, if your character was “dishonest,” examples could be “He stole his friend’s bike,” “He lied to his parents about where he was,” and “He cheated on his test.” Don’t just TELL the reader about the character trait; instead SHOW the reader about the character by using words that will paint a picture in the reader’s mind of what the character did or said during the book.

Now decide if you would want to be your character’s friend. Include in your essay a specific reason why you would or would not want to be this person’s friend; don’t just list out the character traits as your “reason.” This part can be in the introduction or conclusion, or both.

For example:

“I’d like to be Harry Potter’s friend because he is courageous and smart, and those qualities mean that he and I would have a lot of fun and interesting adventures, but I’d also be safe. If Harry and I fell down a well chasing the bad guy, I could count on Harry to figure out how to get us out!”

Be sure to start with a general introduction so that the reader knows what book and character you are talking about. Then write several paragraphs that describe your character using the ideas from your outline to support your position. Be sure to end with an overall conclusion of at least two sentences.

Your final product should be neat. If typed, use black ink and an easily-read font in size 12 or 14. If hand-written, write neatly in black or blue ink. In either case, skip lines. Good basic conventions is a must.

Would you like to be your book character’s friend?

Points Self Teacher

Eval Eval

Power Outline

At least 3 character traits

2 examples of each trait 20 _______ _______

Essay Content

Intro 05 _______ _______

Answers the question: 10 _______ _______

Would you like to be your book character’s friend? Why?

Topic sentences 10 _______ _______

Three character traits, with

proof 30 _______ _______

One overall conclusion

At least 2 sentences 10 _______ _______


Spelling and capitals 05 _______ _______

Punctuation 02 _______ _______

Grammar 03 _______ _______

Neatness 05 _______ _______

100 _______ _______

Power Outline is due on ________________________to make sure you are on track.

Final essay is due on _____________________________

5 points will be taken off for lateness and for missing/incomplete rubric or name.

1. Introduction

2. Name of book ______________________________________________

2. Author ____________________________________________________

2. Character __________________________________________________

3. Basic description of character (boy/girl, young/old, etc) _______


2. Your opinion: friend or not? ___________________________________

3. because _____________________________________________

1. Second paragraph – First character trait _______________________________

2. Proof of that trait ___________________________________________

2. Proof of that trait ___________________________________________

2. Proof of that trait ___________________________________________

1. Third paragraph – Next character trait _______________________________

2. Proof of that trait ___________________________________________

2. Proof of that trait ___________________________________________

2. Proof of that trait ___________________________________________

1. Fourth paragraph – Third character trait _______________________________

2. Proof of that trait ___________________________________________

2. Proof of that trait ___________________________________________

2. Proof of that trait ___________________________________________

1. Conclusion - at least two sentences that restates the main purpose and message of this essay.

2. _________________________________________________________

2. _________________________________________________________


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