Part 2 - WHO

Guidelines on health-related rehabilitation

Contributor template: case studies

The template that follows is for contributions of case studies to the Guidelines on health-related rehabilitation.

Instructions on writing up the case study

Case studies should be examples of good practices and must be well documented, evidence based and demonstrate success or progress related to one or more of the six “building blocks” for strengthening health systems: leadership and governance; service delivery; human resources; medical products and technologies; financing; and information systems.

Case studies must provide a sufficient level of detail so that the reader can understand what was done, by whom and potentially be inspired to replicate a similar programme or intervention.

|Contributor’s name | |

|Name of the submitting |If the case study is submitted by more than one organization, please indicate all organizations. |

|organization | |

|Contact person at the submitting |If the case study is submitted by more than one organization, please indicate only one main contact |

|organization |person. |

| |Address: |

| |E-mail: |

| |Phone number: |

|Title of your contribution | |

|Description of case study |Aim and objectives of the project/program: |

|(500-1,000 words) | |

| | |

| |Location (country/region/city): |

| | |

| | |

| |How was the project, program or intervention developed (explain briefly the process and who was |

| |involved, highlight the participation of service users)? |

| | |

| | |

| |What where the main achievements of the project, program or intervention (quantitative and |

| |qualitative)? |

| | |

| | |

| |What where the key factors that facilitated the success of the project, program or intervention? |

| | |

| | |

| |In which ways could the project, program or intervention have been improved (lessons learned, |

| |crucial aspects for replication, implications for future policy and practice work etc.)? |

| | |

| | |

|Success stories and/or quotes |If you have a quote or statement from an evaluation or user satisfaction survey and the permission |

|(150 words) |to use these quotes, they may be added here to illustrate the success of your case study. Supporting|

| |documentation must be provided. |

| | |

| | |

|What are the three key messages |1. |

|from this case study | |

| |2. |

| | |

| |3. |

|Citations (full references, plus |What sources of information do you have to substantiate the above, please list and send: |

|one line annotation per | |

|reference) | |

| | |

|Terms, acronyms and abbreviations|List of all the terms, acronyms and abbreviations used in the case study |

| | |

Case studies should be submitted by July 20 2014 to:

Charlotte Axelsson, WHO Disability and Rehabilitation Team: charlotte.eteo@

with a copy to:

Rachel McLeod-MacKenzie, WHO Disability and Rehabilitation Team:



Disclaimer: We welcome all submission but cannot guarantee to use all information provided to us. If a case study is selected, we will contact the organisation to confirm details and provide written consent before publication.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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