
Time: No. of students:GROUP:8vo EGBDATE:01\10\2015TIME:5-10 daysN° DE ESTUDIANTES: 30RECENT TOPIC WORK: MEETING NEW PEOPLE.UNIT 1 - LESSON 1AIMS: At the end of the class students will lead students to introduce themselves and give personal information.OBJECTIVES: the students must have a good pronunciation, be able to introduce yourself and others.MATERIALS: board - markers – eraser – flashcards – computer – text book - etc.ANTICIPATED PROBLEMS: wrong pronunciation of the verbs and when the student’s don?t know the grammar rules. So in this cases the teacher recommends the students to visit a web page were they can practice the pronunciation of the verbs, vocabulary and translate in an easy way.TIMINGTEACHER ACTIVITYSTUDENT ACTIVITYSUCCESS INDICATORS5-10 daysThe students can be divided in two or three classes and it depends on the environment of the classroom, available materials and the student?s understanding. -The teacher creates a greets formally andInformally, asks andanswers personalInformation questions..- After that the teacher makes some examples more, and practice with the pupils.-the teacher asks students to make some examples working in groups; meanwhile the teacher checks them in case of mistake.The students pay attention to the teacher’s explanation.-The students copy the examples from the board in order to understand them.- the students make exercises in groups by understanding the grammar point very well.- the students after the work in group read the sentences in load voice to their classmates.- Following models tomake presentations- Focusing on specificinformation to getthe right answersADDITIONAL POSSIBILITIES:The teacher can clear the grammar point with a short conversation with the students understand very well, but just in case there is extra time.HOMEWORK/FURTHER WORK: the teacher asks the students to practice at home exercises more. ______________ _______________ _______________English Teacher Validated Teacher School DirectorGROUP:8vo EGBDATE:12\10\2015TIME:5-10 daysN° DE ESTUDIANTES: 30RECENT TOPIC WORK: FRIENDS AROUND THE WORLD.UNIT 1 - LESSON 2AIMS: At the end of the class students will guide students to talk about countries, nationalities and how to introduce other people.OBJECTIVES: the students must have a good pronunciation, be able to introduce yourself and others.MATERIALS: board - markers – eraser – flashcards – computer – text book - etc.ANTICIPATED PROBLEMS: wrong pronunciation of the verbs and when the student’s don?t know the grammar rules. So in this cases the teacher recommends the students to visit a web page were they can practice the pronunciation of the verbs, vocabulary and translate in an easy way.TIMINGTEACHER ACTIVITYSTUDENT ACTIVITYSUCCESS INDICATORS5-10 daysThe students can be divided in two or three classes and it depends on the environment of the classroom, available materials and the student?s understanding. -The teacher creates a uses countriesand nationalitiesappropriately, introduces other people, gives personalinformation aboutfamous people.- After that the teacher makes some examples more, and practice with the pupils.-the teacher asks students to make some examples working in groups; meanwhile the teacher checks them in case of mistake.The students pay attention to the teacher’s explanation.-The students copy the examples from the board in order to understand them.- the students make exercises in groups by understanding the grammar point very well.- The students after the work in group read the sentences in load voice to their classmates.-Listening many timesto confirm specificinformationADDITIONAL POSSIBILITIES:The teacher can clear the grammar point with a short conversation with the students understand very well, but just in case there is extra time.HOMEWORK/FURTHER WORK: the teacher asks the students to practice at home exercises more. ____________ _______________ _______________English Teacher Validated Teacher School DirectorGROUP:8vo EGBDATE:22\10\2015TIME:5-10 daysN° DE ESTUDIANTES: 30RECENT TOPIC WORK: GET IN TOUCH WITH A VIP.UNIT 1 - LESSON 3AIMS: At the end of the class students will guide students to read and write.OBJECTIVES: the students must have a good pronunciation, be able to introduce yourself and others.MATERIALS: board - markers – eraser – flashcards – computer – text book - etc.ANTICIPATED PROBLEMS: wrong pronunciation of the verbs and when the student’s don?t know the grammar rules. So in this cases the teacher recommends the students to visit a web page were they can practice the pronunciation of the verbs, vocabulary and translate in an easy way.TIMINGTEACHER ACTIVITYSTUDENT ACTIVITYSUCCESS INDICATORS5-10 daysThe students can be divided in two or three classes and it depends on the environment of the classroom, available materials and the student?s understanding. -The teacher creates a Identifies specificinformation from atext, uses capitalization ,writes personalprofiles of famous people. - After that the teacher makes some examples more, and practice with the pupils.-the teacher asks students to make some examples working in groups; meanwhile the teacher checks them in case of mistake.The students pay attention to the teacher’s explanation.-The students copy the examples from the board in order to understand them.- the students make exercises in groups by understanding the grammar point very well.- The students after the work in group read the sentences in load voice to their classmates.-Associating vocabulary with pictures to get the meaning of words- Going back to the text to look for specific information.-Following models to write a profile.ADDITIONAL POSSIBILITIES:The teacher can clear the grammar point with a short conversation with the students understand very well, but just in case there is extra time.HOMEWORK/FURTHER WORK: the teacher asks the students to practice at home exercises more. ____________ _______________ _______________English Teacher Validated Teacher School DirectorGROUP:8vo EGBDATE:02\11\2015TIME:5-10 daysN° DE ESTUDIANTES: 30RECENT TOPIC WORK: THE WORLD WE LIVE IN.UNIT 1 - LESSON 4AIMS: At the end of the class students will guide students to talk about continents, countries and nationalities.OBJECTIVES: the students must have a good pronunciation, be able to introduce yourself and others.MATERIALS: board - markers – eraser – flashcards – computer – text book - etc.ANTICIPATED PROBLEMS: wrong pronunciation of the verbs and when the student’s don?t know the grammar rules. So in this cases the teacher recommends the students to visit a web page were they can practice the pronunciation of the verbs, vocabulary and translate in an easy way.TIMINGTEACHER ACTIVITYSTUDENT ACTIVITYSUCCESS INDICATORS5-10 daysThe students can be divided in two or three classes and it depends on the environment of the classroom, available materials and the student?s understanding. -The teacher creates a matches vocabulary with the corresponding pictures, identifies continents and nationalities, uses country and nationality idioms to complete conversations andexpress opinions.- After that the teacher makes some examples more, and practice with the pupils.-the teacher asks students to make some examples working in groups; meanwhile the teacher checks them in case of mistake.The students pay attention to the teacher’s explanation.-The students copy the examples from the board in order to understand them.- the students make exercises in groups by understanding the grammar point very well.- The students after the work in group read the sentences in load voice to their classmates.-Identifying similar words in Spanish andEnglish.ADDITIONAL POSSIBILITIES:The teacher can clear the grammar point with a short conversation with the students understand very well, but just in case there is extra time.HOMEWORK/FURTHER WORK: the teacher asks the students to practice at home exercises more. ____________ _______________ _______________English Teacher Validated Teacher School DirectorGROUP:8vo EGBDATE:12\11\2015TIME:5-10 daysN° DE ESTUDIANTES: 30RECENT TOPIC WORK: THIS IS MY FAMILY.UNIT 2 - LESSON 1AIMS: At the end of the class students will enable students to describe physical appearances.OBJECTIVES: the students must have a good pronunciation, be able to describe yourself and others.MATERIALS: board - markers – eraser – flashcards – computer – text book - etc.ANTICIPATED PROBLEMS: wrong pronunciation of the verbs and when the student’s don?t know the grammar rules. So in this cases the teacher recommends the students to visit a web page were they can practice the pronunciation of the verbs in an easy way.TIMINGTEACHER ACTIVITYSTUDENT ACTIVITYSUCCESS INDICATORS5-10 daysThe students can be divided in two or three classes and it depends on the environment of the classroom, available materials and the student?s understanding. -The teacher creates a asks and answersQuestions about physical descriptions, describes familymembers’ physicalappearances.- After that the teacher makes some examples more, and practice with the pupils.-the teacher asks students to make some examples working in groups; meanwhile the teacher checks them in case of mistake.The students pay attention to the teacher’s explanation.-The students copy the examples from the board in order to understand them.- the students make exercises in groups by understanding the grammar point very well.- The students after the work in group read the sentences in load voice to their classmates.-Getting familiar withnew words beforelistening to the audio.ADDITIONAL POSSIBILITIES:The teacher can clear the grammar point with a short conversation with the students understand very well, but just in case there is extra time.HOMEWORK/FURTHER WORK: the teacher asks the students to practice at home exercises more. ____________ _______________ _______________English Teacher Validated Teacher School DirectorGROUP:8vo EGBDATE:22\11\2015TIME:5-10 daysN° DE ESTUDIANTES: 30RECENT TOPIC WORK: WE ARE ALL DIFFERENT.UNIT 2 - LESSON 2AIMS: At the end of the class students will enable learners to identify details as regards people’s physical appearance.OBJECTIVES: the students must have a good pronunciation, be able to describe yourself and others.MATERIALS: board - markers – eraser – flashcards – computer – text book - etc.ANTICIPATED PROBLEMS: wrong pronunciation of the verbs and when the student’s don?t know the grammar rules. So in this cases the teacher recommends the students to visit a web page were they can practice the pronunciation of the verbs, vocabulary and translate in an easy way.TIMINGTEACHER ACTIVITYSTUDENT ACTIVITYSUCCESS INDICATORS5-10 daysThe students can be divided in two or three classes and it depends on the environment of the classroom, available materials and the student?s understanding. -The teacher creates a asks and answersquestions aboutpeople’s physicaldescriptions.- After that the teacher makes some examples more, and practice with the pupils.-the teacher asks students to make some examples working in groups; meanwhile the teacher checks them in case of mistake.The students pay attention to the teacher’s explanation.-The students copy the examples from the board in order to understand them.- the students make exercises in groups by understanding the grammar point very well.- The students after the work in group read the sentences in load voice to their classmates.-Looking at the pictures to predict information-Practicing questions and answers to improve oralSkills.ADDITIONAL POSSIBILITIES:The teacher can clear the grammar point with a short conversation with the students understand very well, but just in case there is extra time.HOMEWORK/FURTHER WORK: the teacher asks the students to practice at home exercises more. ____________ _______________ _______________English Teacher Validated Teacher School DirectorGROUP:8vo EGBDATE:02\12\2015TIME:5-10 daysN° DE ESTUDIANTES: 30RECENT TOPIC WORK: DIVERSE FAMILIES.UNIT 2 - LESSON 3AIMS: At the end of the class students will guide students to identify specific information in texts dealing with familiar issues.OBJECTIVES: the students must have a good pronunciation, be able to describe yourself and others.MATERIALS: board - markers – eraser – flashcards – computer – text book - etc.ANTICIPATED PROBLEMS: wrong pronunciation of the verbs and when the student’s don?t know the grammar rules. So in this cases the teacher recommends the students to visit a web page were they can practice the pronunciation of the verbs in an easy way.TIMINGTEACHER ACTIVITYSTUDENT ACTIVITYSUCCESS INDICATORS5-10 daysThe students can be divided in two or three classes and it depends on the environment of the classroom, available materials and the student?s understanding. -The teacher creates a identifies specific information in a text, writes a physical description guided by prompts.- After that the teacher makes some examples more, and practice with the pupils.-the teacher asks students to make some examples working in groups; meanwhile the teacher checks them in case of mistake.The students pay attention to the teacher’s explanation.-The students copy the examples from the board in order to understand them.- the students make exercises in groups by understanding the grammar point very well.- The students after the work in group read the sentences in load voice to their classmates.-Underlining to identify specific information- Using and to connectsimilar ideasADDITIONAL POSSIBILITIES:The teacher can clear the grammar point with a short conversation with the students understand very well, but just in case there is extra time.HOMEWORK/FURTHER WORK: the teacher asks the students to practice at home exercises more. ____________ _______________ _______________English Teacher Validated Teacher School DirectorGROUP:8vo EGBDATE:12\12\2015TIME:5-10 daysN° DE ESTUDIANTES: 30RECENT TOPIC WORK: KEEP AN EYE ON.UNIT 2 - LESSON 4AIMS: At the end of the class students will guide students to use idioms and colloquial expressions in informal conversations.OBJECTIVES: the students must have a good pronunciation, be able to describe yourself and others.MATERIALS: board - markers – eraser – flashcards – computer – text book - etc.ANTICIPATED PROBLEMS: wrong pronunciation of the verbs and when the student’s don?t know the grammar rules. So in this cases the teacher recommends the students to visit a web page were they can practice the pronunciation of the verbs, vocabulary and translate in an easy way.TIMINGTEACHER ACTIVITYSTUDENT ACTIVITYSUCCESS INDICATORS5-10 daysThe students can be divided in two or three classes and it depends on the environment of the classroom, available materials and the student?s understanding. -The teacher creates a uses contextual cluesto guess the meaning of colloquial expressions.- After that the teacher makes some examples more, and practice with the pupils.-the teacher asks students to make some examples working in groups; meanwhile the teacher checks them in case of mistake.The students pay attention to the teacher’s explanation.-The students copy the examples from the board in order to understand them.- the students make exercises in groups by understanding the grammar point very well.- The students after the work in group read the sentences in load voice to their classmates.-Catching newexpressions and usingthem in informalconversations.ADDITIONAL POSSIBILITIES:The teacher can clear the grammar point with a short conversation with the students understand very well, but just in case there is extra time.HOMEWORK/FURTHER WORK: the teacher asks the students to practice at home exercises more. ____________ _______________ _______________English Teacher Validated Teacher School DirectorGROUP:8vo EGBDATE:22\12\2015TIME:5-10 daysN° DE ESTUDIANTES: 30RECENT TOPIC WORK: WHAT’S ON AT THE CINEMA?UNIT 3 - LESSON 1AIMS: At the end of the class students will enable students to talk about types of movies.OBJECTIVES: the students must have a good pronunciation, be able to talk about cultural events.MATERIALS: board - markers – eraser – flashcards – computer – text book - etc.ANTICIPATED PROBLEMS: wrong pronunciation of the verbs and when the student’s don?t know the grammar rules. So in this cases the teacher recommends the students to visit a web page were they can practice the pronunciation of the verbs, vocabulary and translate in an easy way.TIMINGTEACHER ACTIVITYSTUDENT ACTIVITYSUCCESS INDICATORS5-10 daysThe students can be divided in two or three classes and it depends on the environment of the classroom, available materials and the student?s understanding. -The teacher creates a asks and answersquestions about schedules, asks for and gives dates and the time, identifies the genre, date and time of movies.- After that the teacher makes some examples more, and practice with the pupils.-the teacher asks students to make some examples working in groups; meanwhile the teacher checks them in case of mistake.The students pay attention to the teacher’s explanation.-The students copy the examples from the board in order to understand them.- the students make exercises in groups by understanding the grammar point very well.- The students after the work in group read the sentences in load voice to their classmates.-Associating wordswith sounds toremember vocabulary- Focusing on specificinformation likegenre, day and hourADDITIONAL POSSIBILITIES:The teacher can clear the grammar point with a short conversation with the students understand very well, but just in case there is extra time.HOMEWORK/FURTHER WORK: the teacher asks the students to practice at home exercises more. ____________ _______________ _______________English Teacher Validated Teacher School DirectorGROUP:8vo EGBDATE:12\01\2016TIME:5-10 daysN° DE ESTUDIANTES: 30RECENT TOPIC WORK: CULTURAL EVENTSUNIT 3 - LESSON 2AIMS: At the end of the class students will enable learners to talk about a cultural program of festivals and art events.OBJECTIVES: the students must have a good pronunciation, be able to talk about cultural events.MATERIALS: board - markers – eraser – flashcards – computer – text book - etc.ANTICIPATED PROBLEMS: wrong pronunciation of the verbs and when the student’s don?t know the grammar rules. So in this cases the teacher recommends the students to visit a web page were they can practice the pronunciation of the verbs, vocabulary and translate in an easy way.TIMINGTEACHER ACTIVITYSTUDENT ACTIVITYSUCCESS INDICATORS5-10 daysThe students can be divided in two or three classes and it depends on the environment of the classroom, available materials and the student?s understanding. -The teacher creates a Asks and answersquestions about the date and time of festival and cultural events.- After that the teacher makes some examples more, and practice with the pupils.-the teacher asks students to make some examples working in groups; meanwhile the teacher checks them in case of mistake.The students pay attention to the teacher’s explanation.-The students copy the examples from the board in order to understand them.- the students make exercises in groups by understanding the grammar point very well.- The students after the work in group read the sentences in load voice to their classmates.-Using the expression“Really?” to show interest in aConversation.ADDITIONAL POSSIBILITIES:The teacher can clear the grammar point with a short conversation with the students understand very well, but just in case there is extra time.HOMEWORK/FURTHER WORK: the teacher asks the students to practice at home exercises more. ____________ _______________ _______________English Teacher Validated Teacher School DirectorGROUP:8vo EGBDATE:22\01\2016TIME:5-10 daysN° DE ESTUDIANTES: 30RECENT TOPIC WORK: FAMOUS FESTS.UNIT 3 - LESSON 3AIMS: At the end of the class students will guide students to understand and remember details in texts dealing with famous cultural events.OBJECTIVES: the students must have a good pronunciation, be able to talk about cultural events.MATERIALS: board - markers – eraser – flashcards – computer – text book - etc.ANTICIPATED PROBLEMS: wrong pronunciation of the verbs and when the student’s don?t know the grammar rules. So in this cases the teacher recommends the students to visit a web page were they can practice the pronunciation of the verbs, vocabulary and translate in an easy way.TIMINGTEACHER ACTIVITYSTUDENT ACTIVITYSUCCESS INDICATORS5-10 daysThe students can be divided in two or three classes and it depends on the environment of the classroom, available materials and the student?s understanding. -The teacher creates a Recognizes names, dates, time, activities, and places where people celebrate cultural events, distinguishes true, false and no mentionedInformation, completes paragraphs using mindmaps and prompts.- After that the teacher makes some examples more, and practice with the pupils.-the teacher asks students to make some examples working in groups; meanwhile the teacher checks them in case of mistake.The students pay attention to the teacher’s explanation.-The students copy the examples from the board in order to understand them.- the students make exercises in groups by understanding the grammar point very well.- The students after the work in group read the sentences in load voice to their classmates.-Using images and keywords to rememberwhat you read in the new language.-Using mind maps toorganize informationbefore writing.ADDITIONAL POSSIBILITIES:The teacher can clear the grammar point with a short conversation with the students understand very well, but just in case there is extra time.HOMEWORK/FURTHER WORK: the teacher asks the students to practice at home exercises more. ____________ _______________ _______________English Teacher Validated Teacher School DirectorGROUP:8vo EGBDATE:02\02\2016TIME:5-10 daysN° DE ESTUDIANTES: 30RECENT TOPIC WORK: ARE YOU A CULTURE VULTURE?UNIT 3 - LESSON 4AIMS: At the end of the class students will guide students to use idioms in informal conversations about cultural events.OBJECTIVES: the students must have a good pronunciation, be able to talk about cultural events.MATERIALS: board - markers – flashcards – eraser– computer – etc..ANTICIPATED PROBLEMS: wrong pronunciation of the verbs and when the student’s don?t know the grammar rules. So in this cases the teacher recommends the students to visit a web page were they can practice the pronunciation of the verbs, vocabulary and translate in an easy way.TIMINGTEACHER ACTIVITYSTUDENT ACTIVITYSUCCESS INDICATORS5-10 daysThe students can be divided in two or three classes and it depends on the environment of the classroom, available materials and the student?s understanding. -The teacher creates a recognizes and uses informal language to describe culture related topics.- After that the teacher makes some examples more, and practice with the pupils.-the teacher asks students to make some examples working in groups; meanwhile the teacher checks them in case of mistake.The students pay attention to the teacher’s explanation.-The students copy the examples from the board in order to understand them.- the students make exercises in groups by understanding the grammar point very well.- The students after the work in group read the sentences in load voice to their classmates.-Catching newExpressions and using them in informalConversations.ADDITIONAL POSSIBILITIES:The teacher can clear the grammar point with a short conversation with the students understand very well, but just in case there is extra time.HOMEWORK/FURTHER WORK: the teacher asks the students to practice at home exercises more. ____________ _______________ _______________English Teacher Validated Teacher School DirectorGROUP:8vo EGBDATE:15\02\2016TIME:5-10 daysN° DE ESTUDIANTES: 30RECENT TOPIC WORK: WHAT ARE YOU DOING?UNIT 4 - LESSON 1AIMS: At the end of the class students will enable students enable students to talk about what people are doing at the moment of speaking.OBJECTIVES: the students must have a good pronunciation, be able to talk about your neighborhood.MATERIALS: board - markers – eraser – flashcards – computer – text book - etc.ANTICIPATED PROBLEMS: wrong pronunciation of the verbs and when the student’s don?t know the grammar rules. So in this cases the teacher recommends the students to visit a web page were they can practice the pronunciation of the verbs, vocabulary and translate in an easy way.TIMINGTEACHER ACTIVITYSTUDENT ACTIVITYSUCCESS INDICATORS5-10 daysThe students can be divided in two or three classes and it depends on the environment of the classroom, available materials and the student?s understanding. -The teacher creates a identifies and expresses actions that people are doing at the moment of speaking.- After that the teacher makes some examples more, and practice with the pupils.-the teacher asks students to make some examples working in groups; meanwhile the teacher checks them in case of mistake.The students pay attention to the teacher’s explanation.-The students copy the examples from the board in order to understand them.- the students make exercises in groups by understanding the grammar point very well.- The students after the work in group read the sentences in load voice to their classmates.- Creating mental images to identify activities.ADDITIONAL POSSIBILITIES:The teacher can clear the grammar point with a short conversation with the students understand very well, but just in case there is extra time.HOMEWORK/FURTHER WORK: the teacher asks the students to practice at home exercises more. ____________ _______________ _______________English Teacher Validated Teacher School DirectorGROUP:8vo EGBDATE:25\02\2016TIME:5-10 daysN° DE ESTUDIANTES: 30RECENT TOPIC WORK: STREET FASHIONUNIT 4 - LESSON 2AIMS: At the end of the class students will enable learners to describe what people are wearing.OBJECTIVES: the students must have a good pronunciation, be able to talk about your neighborhood.MATERIALS: board - markers – eraser – flashcards – computer – text book - etc.ANTICIPATED PROBLEMS: wrong pronunciation of the verbs and when the student’s don?t know the grammar rules. So in this cases the teacher recommends the students to visit a web page were they can practice the pronunciation of the verbs, vocabulary and translate in an easy way.TIMINGTEACHER ACTIVITYSTUDENT ACTIVITYSUCCESS INDICATORS5-10 daysThe students can be divided in two or three classes and it depends on the environment of the classroom, available materials and the student?s understanding. -The teacher creates aDescribes clothes using demonstrative pronouns.- After that the teacher makes some examples more, and practice with the pupils.-the teacher asks students to make some examples working in groups; meanwhile the teacher checks them in case of mistake.The students pay attention to the teacher’s explanation.-The students copy the examples from the board in order to understand them.- the students make exercises in groups by understanding the grammar point very well.- The students after the work in group read the sentences in load voice to their classmates.- looking at the ending of the words to identify if they are singular or plural.-writing the color before the clothes people are wearing.ADDITIONAL POSSIBILITIES:The teacher can clear the grammar point with a short conversation with the students understand very well, but just in case there is extra time.HOMEWORK/FURTHER WORK: the teacher asks the students to practice at home exercises more. ____________ _______________ _______________English Teacher Validated Teacher School DirectorGROUP:8vo EGBDATE:05\03\2016TIME:5-10 daysN° DE ESTUDIANTES: 30RECENT TOPIC WORK: WHAT’S THE WEATHER LIKE?UNIT 4 - LESSON 3AIMS: At the end of the class students will enable learners to identify and classify specific information in descriptive texts.OBJECTIVES: the students must have a good pronunciation, be able to talk about your neighborhood.MATERIALS: board - markers – eraser – flashcards – computer – text book - etc.ANTICIPATED PROBLEMS: wrong pronunciation of the verbs and when the student’s don?t know the grammar rules. So in this cases the teacher recommends the students to visit a web page were they can practice the pronunciation of the verbs, vocabulary and translate in an easy way.TIMINGTEACHER ACTIVITYSTUDENT ACTIVITYSUCCESS INDICATORS5-10 daysThe students can be divided in two or three classes and it depends on the environment of the classroom, available materials and the student?s understanding. -The teacher creates a recognizes seasons clothes, and activities on the street, and famous places, classifies clothes according to the seasons.- After that the teacher makes some examples more, and practice with the pupils.-the teacher asks students to make some examples working in groups; meanwhile the teacher checks them in case of mistake.The students pay attention to the teacher’s explanation.-The students copy the examples from the board in order to understand them.- the students make exercises in groups by understanding the grammar point very well.- The students after the work in group read the sentences in load voice to their classmates.- paying attention to the categories to identify information.-Using so to talk about the result or consequence. .ADDITIONAL POSSIBILITIES:The teacher can clear the grammar point with a short conversation with the students understand very well, but just in case there is extra time.HOMEWORK/FURTHER WORK: the teacher asks the students to practice at home exercises more. ____________ _______________ _______________English Teacher Validated Teacher School DirectorGROUP:8vo EGBDATE:15\03\2016TIME:5-10 daysN° DE ESTUDIANTES: 30RECENT TOPIC WORK: ARE YOU WORKING HAND IN GLOVE?UNIT 4 - LESSON 4AIMS: At the end of the class students will guide learners to recognize and deduce meaning of idioms in informal conversations.OBJECTIVES: the students must have a good pronunciation, be able to talk about your neighborhood.MATERIALS: board - markers – eraser – flashcards – computer – text book - etc.ANTICIPATED PROBLEMS: wrong pronunciation of the verbs and when the student’s don?t know the grammar rules. So in this cases the teacher recommends the students to visit a web page were they can practice the pronunciation of the verbs, vocabulary and translate in an easy way.TIMINGTEACHER ACTIVITYSTUDENT ACTIVITYSUCCESS INDICATORS5-10 daysThe students can be divided in two or three classes and it depends on the environment of the classroom, available materials and the student?s understanding. -The teacher creates a recognizes informal language to describe popular/trendy clothing items, collaborative work and admiration/respect.- After that the teacher makes some examples more, and practice with the pupils.-the teacher asks students to make some examples working in groups; meanwhile the teacher checks them in case of mistake.The students pay attention to the teacher’s explanation.-The students copy the examples from the board in order to understand them.- the students make exercises in groups by understanding the grammar point very well.- The students after the work in group read the sentences in load voice to their classmates.- Using images and the context to deduce meaning of idioms/colloquial expressions. ADDITIONAL POSSIBILITIES:The teacher can clear the grammar point with a short conversation with the students understand very well, but just in case there is extra time.HOMEWORK/FURTHER WORK: the teacher asks the students to practice at home exercises more. ____________ _______________ _______________English Teacher Validated Teacher School DirectorGROUP:8vo EGBDATE:25\03\2016TIME:5-10 daysN° DE ESTUDIANTES: 30RECENT TOPIC WORK: EXPLORING THE CITY.UNIT 5 - LESSON 1AIMS: At the end of the class students will enable students to talk about places in the city.OBJECTIVES: the students must have a good pronunciation, be able to talk about places in the city.MATERIALS: board - markers – eraser – flashcards – computer – text book - etc.ANTICIPATED PROBLEMS: wrong pronunciation of the verbs and when the student’s don?t know the grammar rules. So in this cases the teacher recommends the students to visit a web page were they can practice the pronunciation of the verbs, vocabulary and translate in an easy way.TIMINGTEACHER ACTIVITYSTUDENT ACTIVITYSUCCESS INDICATORS5-10 daysThe students can be divided in two or three classes and it depends on the environment of the classroom, available materials and the student?s understanding. -The teacher creates a Identifies places inthe city, asks for and gives information aboutthe location of places.- After that the teacher makes some examples more, and practice with the pupils.-the teacher asks students to make some examples working in groups; meanwhile the teacher checks them in case of mistake.The students pay attention to the teacher’s explanation.-The students copy the examples from the board in order to understand them.- the students make exercises in groups by understanding the grammar point very well.- The students after the work in group read the sentences in load voice to their classmates.- Using visual clues and context to recognize prepositions of place.ADDITIONAL POSSIBILITIES:The teacher can clear the grammar point with a short conversation with the students understand very well, but just in case there is extra time.HOMEWORK/FURTHER WORK: the teacher asks the students to practice at home exercises more. ____________ _______________ _______________English Teacher Validated Teacher School DirectorGROUP:8vo EGBDATE:05\04\2016TIME:5-10 daysN° DE ESTUDIANTES: 30RECENT TOPIC WORK: HOW CAN I GET TO…?UNIT 5 - LESSON 2AIMS: At the end of the class students will enable learners to talk about tourist places in the city.OBJECTIVES: the students must have a good pronunciation, be able to talk about places in the city.MATERIALS: board - markers – eraser – flashcards – computer – text book - etc.ANTICIPATED PROBLEMS: wrong pronunciation of the verbs and when the student’s don?t know the grammar rules. So in this cases the teacher recommends the students to visit a web page were they can practice the pronunciation of the verbs, vocabulary and translate in an easy way.TIMINGTEACHER ACTIVITYSTUDENT ACTIVITYSUCCESS INDICATORS5-10 daysThe students can be divided in two or three classes and it depends on the environment of the classroom, available materials and the student?s understanding. -The teacher creates a asks for and gives information about the location of tourist places in the city, gives and follows instructionsto get to a place by using city maps.- After that the teacher makes some examples more, and practice with the pupils.-the teacher asks students to make some examples working in groups; meanwhile the teacher checks them in case of mistake.The students pay attention to the teacher’s explanation.-The students copy the examples from the board in order to understand them.- the students make exercises in groups by understanding the grammar point very well.- The students after the work in group read the sentences in load voice to their classmates.- Using prior knowledge to associate professions and places.ADDITIONAL POSSIBILITIES:The teacher can clear the grammar point with a short conversation with the students understand very well, but just in case there is extra time.HOMEWORK/FURTHER WORK: the teacher asks the students to practice at home exercises more. ____________ _______________ _______________English Teacher Validated Teacher School DirectorGROUP:8vo EGBDATE:15\04\2016TIME:5-10 daysN° DE ESTUDIANTES: 30RECENT TOPIC WORK: THE FUTURE CITY.UNIT 5 - LESSON 3AIMS: At the end of the class students will guide students to identify specific information, in informative texts dealing with tourist places.OBJECTIVES: the students must have a good pronunciation, be able to talk about places in the city.MATERIALS: board - markers – eraser – flashcards – computer – text book - etc.ANTICIPATED PROBLEMS: wrong pronunciation of the verbs and when the student’s don?t know the grammar rules. So in this cases the teacher recommends the students to visit a web page were they can practice the pronunciation of the verbs, vocabulary and translate in an easy way.TIMINGTEACHER ACTIVITYSTUDENT ACTIVITYSUCCESS INDICATORS5-10 daysThe students can be divided in two or three classes and it depends on the environment of the classroom, available materials and the student?s understanding. -The teacher creates a Recognizes details about the weather, buildings/ architectureand the transportation system in tourist places, relates headings to paragraphs dealing with tourist places.- After that the teacher makes some examples more, and practice with the pupils.-the teacher asks students to make some examples working in groups; meanwhile the teacher checks them in case of mistake.The students pay attention to the teacher’s explanation.-The students copy the examples from the board in order to understand them.- the students make exercises in groups by understanding the grammar point very well.- The students after the work in group read the sentences in load voice to their classmates.-Paying attention tothe words before or after to infer the meaning of words.-Using but to contrast ideas.ADDITIONAL POSSIBILITIES:The teacher can clear the grammar point with a short conversation with the students understand very well, but just in case there is extra time.HOMEWORK/FURTHER WORK: the teacher asks the students to practice at home exercises more. ____________ _______________ _______________English Teacher Validated Teacher School DirectorGROUP:8vo EGBDATE:25\04\2016TIME:5-10 daysN° DE ESTUDIANTES: 30RECENT TOPIC WORK: WONDERS OF THE WORLD.UNIT 5 - LESSON 4AIMS: At the end of the class students will guide students to use idioms in informal conversations about tourist places.OBJECTIVES: the students must have a good pronunciation, be able to talk about places in the city.MATERIALS: board - markers – eraser – flashcards – computer – text book - etc.ANTICIPATED PROBLEMS: wrong pronunciation of the verbs and when the student’s don?t know the grammar rules. So in this cases the teacher recommends the students to visit a web page were they can practice the pronunciation of the verbs, vocabulary and translate in an easy way.TIMINGTEACHER ACTIVITYSTUDENT ACTIVITYSUCCESS INDICATORS5-10 daysThe students can be divided in two or three classes and it depends on the environment of the classroom, available materials and the student?s understanding. -The teacher creates a Deduces meaning of informal language to describe tourist places, uses idioms or colloquial expressions to describe tourist places.- After that the teacher makes some examples more, and practice with the pupils.-the teacher asks students to make some examples working in groups; meanwhile the teacher checks them in case of mistake.The students pay attention to the teacher’s explanation.-The students copy the examples from the board in order to understand them.- the students make exercises in groups by understanding the grammar point very well.- The students after the work in group read the sentences in load voice to their classmates.-Using images, thecontext and priorknowledge to deducemeaning of idioms /colloquial expressions.ADDITIONAL POSSIBILITIES:The teacher can clear the grammar point with a short conversation with the students understand very well, but just in case there is extra time.HOMEWORK/FURTHER WORK: the teacher asks the students to practice at home exercises more. ____________ _______________ _______________English Teacher Validated Teacher School DirectorGROUP:8vo EGBDATE:05\05\2016TIME:5-10 daysN° DE ESTUDIANTES: 30RECENT TOPIC WORK: A REGULAR DAYUNIT 6 - LESSON 1AIMS: At the end of the class students will enable students to talk about people’s routines.OBJECTIVES: the students must have a good pronunciation, be able to talk about lifestyles.MATERIALS: board - markers – eraser – flashcards – computer – text book - etc.ANTICIPATED PROBLEMS: wrong pronunciation of the verbs and when the student’s don?t know the grammar rules. So in this cases the teacher recommends the students to visit a web page were they can practice the pronunciation of the verbs, vocabulary and translate in an easy way.TIMINGTEACHER ACTIVITYSTUDENT ACTIVITYSUCCESS INDICATORS5-10 daysThe students can be divided in two or three classes and it depends on the environment of the classroom, available materials and the student?s understanding. -The teacher creates a Identifies people’sActivities, asks for and gives information aboutpeople’s daily routines.- After that the teacher makes some examples more, and practice with the pupils.-the teacher asks students to make some examples working in groups; meanwhile the teacher checks them in case of mistake.The students pay attention to the teacher’s explanation.-The students copy the examples from the board in order to understand them.- the students make exercises in groups by understanding the grammar point very well.- The students after the work in group read the sentences in load voice to their classmates.-Using “What aboutyou?” to ask aboutpeople’s activities.ADDITIONAL POSSIBILITIES:The teacher can clear the grammar point with a short conversation with the students understand very well, but just in case there is extra time.HOMEWORK/FURTHER WORK: the teacher asks the students to practice at home exercises more. ____________ _______________ _______________English Teacher Validated Teacher School DirectorGROUP:8vo EGBDATE:15\05\2016TIME:5-10 daysN° DE ESTUDIANTES: 30RECENT TOPIC WORK: LIFESTYLESUNIT 6 - LESSON 2AIMS: At the end of the class students will enable learners to talk about people’s lifestyles.OBJECTIVES: the students must have a good pronunciation, be able to talk about lifestyles.MATERIALS: board - markers – eraser – flashcards – computer – text book - etc.ANTICIPATED PROBLEMS: wrong pronunciation of the verbs and when the student’s don?t know the grammar rules. So in this cases the teacher recommends the students to visit a web page were they can practice the pronunciation of the verbs, vocabulary and translate in an easy way.TIMINGTEACHER ACTIVITYSTUDENT ACTIVITYSUCCESS INDICATORS5-10 daysThe students can be divided in two or three classes and it depends on the environment of the classroom, available materials and the student?s understanding. -The teacher creates a Asks for and givesinformation about people’s regular or common activities, listens to and classifies verbs according to the final sounds.- After that the teacher makes some examples more, and practice with the pupils.-the teacher asks students to make some examples working in groups; meanwhile the teacher checks them in case of mistake.The students pay attention to the teacher’s explanation.-The students copy the examples from the board in order to understand them.- the students make exercises in groups by understanding the grammar point very well.- The students after the work in group read the sentences in load voice to their classmates.-Associating newlanguage with familiar words to remember itvocabulary.ADDITIONAL POSSIBILITIES:The teacher can clear the grammar point with a short conversation with the students understand very well, but just in case there is extra time.HOMEWORK/FURTHER WORK: the teacher asks the students to practice at home exercises more. ____________ _______________ _______________English Teacher Validated Teacher School DirectorGROUP:8vo EGBDATE:25\05\2016TIME:5-10 daysN° DE ESTUDIANTES: 30RECENT TOPIC WORK: A HAIRY ROUTINEUNIT 6 - LESSON 3AIMS: At the end of the class students will guide students to identify specific information in texts about personalities and routines.OBJECTIVES: the students must have a good pronunciation, be able to talk about lifestyles.MATERIALS: board - markers – eraser – flashcards – computer – text book - etc.ANTICIPATED PROBLEMS: wrong pronunciation of the verbs and when the student’s don?t know the grammar rules. So in this cases the teacher recommends the students to visit a web page were they can practice the pronunciation of the verbs, vocabulary and translate in an easy way.TIMINGTEACHER ACTIVITYSTUDENT ACTIVITYSUCCESS INDICATORS5-10 daysThe students can be divided in two or three classes and it depends on the environment of the classroom, available materials and the student?s understanding. -The teacher creates a Identifies context clues to organize a text, recognizes specificinformation.- After that the teacher makes some examples more, and practice with the pupils.-the teacher asks students to make some examples working in groups; meanwhile the teacher checks them in case of mistake.The students pay attention to the teacher’s explanation.-The students copy the examples from the board in order to understand them.- the students make exercises in groups by understanding the grammar point very well.- The students after the work in group read the sentences in load voice to their classmates.-Analyzing the parts of words to guess their meaning.-Identifying context clues (connectors of sequence and specific activities) to organize a text.- Using sequence connectors to joinand order ideas.ADDITIONAL POSSIBILITIES:The teacher can clear the grammar point with a short conversation with the students understand very well, but just in case there is extra time.HOMEWORK/FURTHER WORK: the teacher asks the students to practice at home exercises more. ____________ _______________ _______________English Teacher Validated Teacher School DirectorGROUP:8vo EGBDATE:05\06\2016TIME:5-10 daysN° DE ESTUDIANTES: 30RECENT TOPIC WORK: DO YOU SLEEP LIKE A LOG?UNIT 6 - LESSON 4AIMS: At the end of the class students will guide students to use idioms in informal conversations about routines on weekends.OBJECTIVES: the students must have a good pronunciation, be able to talk about lifestyles.MATERIALS: board - markers – eraser – flashcards – computer – text book - etc.ANTICIPATED PROBLEMS: wrong pronunciation of the verbs and when the student’s don?t know the grammar rules. So in this cases the teacher recommends the students to visit a web page were they can practice the pronunciation of the verbs, vocabulary and translate in an easy way.TIMINGTEACHER ACTIVITYSTUDENT ACTIVITYSUCCESS INDICATORS5-10 daysThe students can be divided in two or three classes and it depends on the environment of the classroom, available materials and the student?s understanding. -The teacher creates a Uses informal languageto describe people’spersonalities.- After that the teacher makes some examples more, and practice with the pupils.-the teacher asks students to make some examples working in groups; meanwhile the teacher checks them in case of mistake.The students pay attention to the teacher’s explanation.-The students copy the examples from the board in order to understand them.- the students make exercises in groups by understanding the grammar point very well.- The students after the work in group read the sentences in load voice to their classmates.-Using context torecognize idioms or colloquial expressions.ADDITIONAL POSSIBILITIES:The teacher can clear the grammar point with a short conversation with the students understand very well, but just in case there is extra time.HOMEWORK/FURTHER WORK: the teacher asks the students to practice at home exercises more. ____________ _______________ _______________English Teacher Validated Teacher School Director ................

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