
GuideLogicQMS v6 System Administrator manualThis manual describes the functions that can be performed under the System Administrator user account.Contents TOC \o "1-1" \h \z \u The role of System Administrator PAGEREF _Toc40770841 \h 3About user accounts PAGEREF _Toc40770842 \h 4Managing users PAGEREF _Toc40770843 \h 5Managing passwords PAGEREF _Toc40770844 \h 8Managing positions PAGEREF _Toc40770845 \h 9System administration menus PAGEREF _Toc40770846 \h 10Company account PAGEREF _Toc40770847 \h 11Dashboard configuration PAGEREF _Toc40770848 \h 12Risk settings PAGEREF _Toc40770849 \h 15Severity settings (SAC) PAGEREF _Toc40770850 \h 17Setup lists PAGEREF _Toc40770851 \h 20System settings PAGEREF _Toc40770852 \h 28Hide register items and tasks PAGEREF _Toc40770853 \h 31Appendix A: Permission levels and user licences PAGEREF _Toc40770854 \h 32The role of System AdministratorYour LogicQMS includes up to five free system administrator licences which are used to undertake system administrator functions. A separate user account is created for each LogicQMS system administrator in your organisation. The system administrator account can perform the following functions:Create/edit/deactivate user positionsCreate/edit/deactivate user accountsRe-set user passwordsConfigure and edit the QMS menu set up listsConfigure user dashboardsManage system settings such as menu defaultsView the company account detailsCreate meetingsExport a user log-in list Configure the Security Assessment Code (SAC) settingsConfigure the Risk settings (if your organisation has activated the Risk register)The system administrator account cannot perform the following actions:Adding register items into the QMSManaging/approving or actioning user tasksPersonalising the System Administrator accountsFor information security purposes, it is strongly recommended that system administrator accounts are personalised with the correct contact details for the individual fulfilling the role. Important communications about technical issues and planned maintenance will be sent to the email addresses you provide in your system administrator accounts. Additional System Administrator accountsYour organisation can have more than one system administrator licence. Additional system administrator licences are free and do not count towards your total paid licences. To request additional System Administrator licences, contact the Helpdesk. About user accountsEach person needing to log into your LogicQMS and use the system will require their own user account. The QMS user accounts tab in the Contacts register displays all the system users who have been added including deactivated users and system administrators. When Nicole is logged in under her Administrator account, the top banner will be highlighted in red. This is the account she will use to make system changes and manage users & positions. She will not be able to use this account to manage her own LogicQMS tasks or add item to the QMS.User accounts are found in the QMS user accounts tab in the Contacts register.The status of a user account is colour coded as follows:Active user accounts – WhiteInactive user accounts – Mustard yellowSystem Administrator accounts - RedCertain fields are mandatory when creating a system user. So, before you start adding users, ensure you have completed the setup of the following menu options in the Setup lists page:PositionBusiness areaIn addition to these fields above, when adding a user you will need to specify:First nameLast nameEmail addressUser permission level Managing usersAdding a userNote: Users will require a unique Position. See the section below on Managing positions if you need to add additional positions to the systemLog in as AdministratorNavigate to the Contacts registerClick on the FAB (Floating action button) and select ContactUnder Contact type select LOGIQC User, under status select ActiveComplete the User account details tile. Note, the following fields are mandatory:First nameLast nameBusiness areaEmail – This is the email address the system will send all notifications such as tasks and meetings.Set the user permission level (See section on User permissions)Set the username the user will use to log into the system. We recommend that you use the same naming convention used for your network login e.g. fbloggs, fredb, fred.bloggs etc. Set a password for the user’s first-time login (The user will be able to change this to their own private password when they log in and edit their account.)Select Save. Note: Other non-mandatory fields, such as phone number, can be set by the user.Deactivating a userFrom the Contacts register go to the LOGIQC user contacts tabFind the users account (Tip: For a quick search, use the ‘Filter by keyword’ function and type the users name)Click on the users’ name to open their account details formChange their status to Inactive and select SaveThe account will be colour coded as inactive in the Contacts register.Note: Deactivating an account will remove the assigned position from the user account. Any tasks associated with the position will remain unallocated until the position is reassigned to another user. Adding a system administrator accountBy default, your LogicQMS will include one free system administrator licence and a generic administrator user account. The system administrator account differs from a standard LogicQMS user account. There is no position assigned to the account and the system administrator account cannot add register items or manage tasks.System administrator accounts should be personalised as this ensures administrative integrity, accountability and traceability across the system. If more than one system administrator is required to manage the system, contact the LogicQMS Help Desk, and ask for additional free Administrator licences. You will then be able to add additional system administrators. Note: A LogicQMS User account should not have its user permission level elevated to Administrator permission level. This will remove their allocated position and un-allocate their tasks. They will not be able to add or report items into the QMS. If a user is designated as a system administrator, they will require a separate system administrator account.To create a system administrator account, follow the steps in the section ‘Adding a user’ noting the following:First name & Last name – If the name is set to Administrator, personalise this to the name of the system administratorBusiness area – set this to the same business area of the person’s user accountEmail – It is important for the system administrator account contain a valid email address as we will use this address to contact the system administrator to advise them of changes to the system, system interruptions or change notifications that impact on the QMS.Set the permission level to AdministratorSet the administrator username – It is recommended the username mirror the users own LogicQMS user account username with a ‘dash admin’ added to the end of the username. For example: Nicole has a user account with a username of nicole.j.Nicole has a system administrator account with a username of nicole.j-adminWhen complete, the user account and system administrator account will appear in the Contacts register eg:Nicole’s system administrator account is highlighted in red and the LogicQMS User account is highlighted in white. Only system administrators can see the highlighted administer accounts. When Nicole is logged in under her Administrator account, the top banner will be highlighted in red. Managing passwordsThe system administrator can reset user account passwords. To reset a password:Log in as Administrator Go to the Contacts register and select the LOGIQC User contacts tab (Tip: search for the user name in Global Search on the top bar then select Contacts in the search resultsOpen the user account Type a new password in the Password field and click save. Advise the user of their new log-in details. The user can update/personalise their password by selecting My Account after logging in and editing their password field.Managing positionsAdding a positionA unique position title must be assigned to each user in your LogicQMS because tasks are assigned to the position, not the person. We recommend that these positions match the user’s job description. Position titles must be unique even if there are multiple positions with the same title. So when creating multiple positions of the same name, they need to be uniquely identifiable e.g. Nurse 1, Nurse 2 etc. Log-in as AdministratorUnder the Administrator user account menu, select Setup lists from the drop-down menuFrom the Setup item drop-down menu, select Positions.Select Add label and type the name the position to be added. Click OKOnce all the positions have been added click Save at the bottom of the listEditing or deleting a positionTo edit a position, click on the Edit icon, edit the position name and click OK.To delete a position, click on the trash icon. Note: if a position has been used in the past you won’t be able to delete it. In this case, simply disable the position to ensure it is no longer available. To disable a position, click on the tick icon under the Enabled column and the icon will change to an ‘X’.Ensure you save your changes at the bottom of the Positions list. System administration menusWhen you log-in as the Administrator, the top banner will be highlighted in red and your Account menu will expand to display a range of options. These options are summarised below and described throughout this manual.Menu nameDescription Company accountThis page displays the configuration details of your system (eg licences and registers) and a list of the system administrators assigned in your LogicQMS.Dashboard configurationThis page allows you to configure the widgets that display on each user’s dashboard.Risk settingsThis page allows you to configure help text used in the Risk RegisterSeverity settingsThis page allows you to configure help text that appears in relation to the SAC (Severity Assessment Code) feature in the Reporting registers.Setup listsThis is where you setup the menus across the system.System settingsThis page allows you to configure certain default behaviours, automations and conditions across the pany accountEach of the tiles on the Company account page expands to display information about the system configuration:TileDescription System nameThis is the name of your system. This name appears on your login screen and on the Contacts register. Contact Helpdesk if you require changes to your system name. ContactsThis tile displays the system administrators in your platformLicencesThis tile displays the number of licences you have purchased for your system. RegistersThis tile displays all available registers and those which are activated in your system. DashboardsThis tile displays all available dashboards and those which are activated in your system.StandardsThis tile displays all available standards and those which are activated in your system.Dashboard configurationOverviewYour LogicQMS can include up to four dashboards which are accessed under the ‘My space’ section of the left-hand navigation panel:The ‘My dashboard’ is part of the core system and forms the initial landing page for all users. TileDescription AvailabilityMy dashboardWidgets for the individual user: Task management, frequently viewed documents, and some system-wide activity trends.Included as part of the core platformQuality dashboardWidgets for quality and compliance management staff: CQI and CAPA, Audit data, improvement drivers, , non-conformance and causal analysis.Purchased separately Risk dashboardWidgets for senior management and risk managers: exposure alerts, risk analysis, and risk treatment data. Purchased separately Safety dashboardWidgets for workplace health and safety managers: incident trends, faulty equipment summaries, adverse event by severity (SAC), non-conformance.Purchased separately Each of the dashboards are fully configurable by the system administrator. Widget sets can be configured per user or per user group. Note: dashboards purchased separately are only available to users with an Approval licence. How to configure user dashboardsLog in as Administrator and select Dashboard configuration from the Account menu.From this page you can configure the dashboard widgets to appear on each user’s dashboard/s.There are several controls on this page that enables you to configure the widgets that will appear in each user’s dashboard: ControlDescription User fieldSelect one or more users from this menu. This control is best for setting individual user dashboards or small groups such as a senior management team or program area team. Advanced selectionThis control enables you to select groups of users by Business area and or Permission level. Show current configIf a single user is selected in the Users field, this control will be active. It will display the existing configuration setting for the selected user. To review the settings for all users, use the Advanced selection control to select all users and then use the Export current config control. Export current configThis control will export a list of the selected users and the corresponding widgets activated for each user.Restore default settingsThis control will restore the dashboard configurations for selected users back to the system default.Add widgets to users' dashboard configurations only, existing widgets remain.This control should be used when you want to add widgets to the existing configuration for a user or group without changing the user’s existing settings. Apply configurationThis control will apply/save the selected settings to the system. Notes and business rules to be aware of:Widgets with a greyed-out checkbox are system defaults and cannot be edited.Users with the Read/Report permission level will not appear in the Users list as their widgets are pre-set and are not configurable.Users with Staff permission levels cannot see the Risk, Quality or Safety dashboards nor the associated widgets. How to configure a dashboard for a userLog in as AdministratorSelect Dashboard configuration from the Administrator drop-down menuIn the Users field, select the relevant user/s (the menu is multi-select). Select the dashboard widgets you want to apply to the selected usersSelect Apply configuration to apply these changes to the userHow to configure a dashboard for a Business Area & Permission levelLog in as AdministratorSelect Dashboard configuration from the Administrator drop-down menuClick the Advanced selection button and select the relevant options. Click SelectSelect the dashboard widgets you want to apply to the selected usersSelect Apply configuration to apply these changes to the userRisk settingsThe Risk Register has several features to help the user assess and manage risk. The Risk settings page enables you to control the text displayed when the user accesses these features:Risk level language – You can set the language for each of the risk levels displayed in the system eg ‘Low’ could be replaced with ‘Minor’.Risk level text – You can set the text that appears on the Risk level panel when a user selects a risk rating on the assessment matrix. This text is typically a brief policy statement about how the organisation responds to differing levels of risk.Risk criterion text– You can set the ‘help’ text that appears on the Risk criteria description panel when a user selects a risk rating on the assessment matrix. This text is typically a brief policy statement about how the organisation classifies differing levels of risk. Edit Risk value language, Risk Criterion and Assessment result textLog in as Administrator and select Risk settings from the Account menu.Type your preferred language into the Risk value field with level one being the highest risk value and level four being the lowest. For each Risk value (eg High, Medium etc) enter the corresponding preferred text to appear in the platform when the user selects that value. (Optional) Select a relevant document from your Document Register to display as a hyperlink on the Risk criteria help panel. This is typically a link to your organisation’s risk management policy.Severity settings (SAC)There are several registers in your LogicQMS platform that provide the option for a severity rating to be applied to the issue being reporting. This option is available in the Reporting registers (Incidents, Feedback, Improvement and Repairs. A severity rating is most commonly user to classify incidents. Incident severity levels are a measurement of the impact an incident has on the business. Typically, the lower the severity number, the more impactful the incident. For example, when an incident is reported in the platform, the user has an option to assign a severity rating: The Severity rating option appears in several different stages in the workflow which reporting and managing issues in the platform. This table defines where the option to set a Severity rating will appear:RegisterReport stage Manage stageAction stageClose stageIncidentsFeedback (only if complaint)ImprovementRepairsThe Severity settings page enables you to control the text displayed when the user assigns a severity value to an issue. There are three features in the platform controlled via this Severity settings page:Severity value language – You can set the language for each of the risk levels displayed in the system eg ‘Low’ could be replaced with ‘Minor’.Severity assessment response – You can set the text that appears in the severity assessment response panel when a user selects a severity rating. This text is typically a brief policy statement about how the organisation responds to differing levels of severity.Severity assessment guide – You can set the ‘help’ text that appears on the Severity assessment guide panel when a user selects a severity rating. A hyperlink to a document on the Document Register can also be set to appear on this page. Edit Severity setting textLog in as Administrator and select Severity settings from the Account menu. Type your preferred language into the Severity value field with level one being the highest severity value and level four being the lowest. For each severity Criterion and Assessment response enter the corresponding preferred text to appear in the platform when the user selects that value. (Optional) Select a relevant document from your Document Register to display as a hyperlink on the Severity assessment guide panel. This is typically a link to your organisation’s incident management policy.Setup listsThis page allows you to set and edit the options that appear in the drop-down menus across the platform. Most of the menus in your system will be populated with default label options based on the broad industry sector your organisation operates within. Your system comprises core menus and non-core menus: Core menus contain options entirely unique to your organisation and should be configured prior to any use of the system. The core menus arePositionsBusiness AreaMeetingsNon-core menus relate to the specific registers activated in your system and are always populated with generic default options. While your system will operate without any change to these menus, the default options should be reviewed and tailored to suit your organisation and your filtering and reporting requirements. System menus The table below lists all possible menus that can appear in your system. Menus are directly related to the registers and features activated in your system so some of the menus described below may not appear in your system. Menu option examples for different industry sectors are available in our Helpcentre.Menu nameRelated registerDescription Accreditation assessmentAccreditationSelf-assessment ratings for standards. Used when rating your level of compliance against a standard.Accreditation business systemAccreditationList of business systems in your organisation (e.g. IT systems). Used when creating an Accreditation action task.AssetsRepairsIncidentsList of asset items or asset groups. Used when reporting a repair and when describing asset damage in an incident. Business area - Primary- SecondaryAll registersThese two menus are linked together into a primary category and sub-lists. The primary list groups your organisation’s main areas of activity into separate business areas. For example, your corporate/admin areas could be represented like this:Corporate ServicesFinanceITAdminHR Compliance sourceComplianceList drivers for compliance requirements. Used when scheduling a compliance task. Contact typeContactsList of categories for grouping the business contacts in the system. Used when creating a business contact. Contract categoryContractsList of categories for grouping contracts eg Funding contracts, Supplier contracts, Employee contracts etc. Used when adding a contract to the system.Document categoryDocumentsList of categories for grouping documents e.g. Policy, Form, Template etc. Used when adding a document to the system.Feedback categoryFeedbackList of categories describing the nature of the feedback received. Used when adding a feedback item to the system. Feedback sourceFeedbackList of areas where customer/client/stakeholder feedback could come from e.g. Client, Patient, General community, Industry partner etc. Used when adding a feedback item to the system.Feedback typeFeedbackList of main types of feedback eg Complaint, Compliment etc. Used when adding a feedback item to the system.Improvement sourceImprovementList of areas where improvement opportunities or non-conformances could come from e.g. Client feedback, External audit, Internal audit, Incident etc. Used when adding an incident to the system.Incident areaIncidentsList of main types of incidents eg Clinical, Workplace Health and Safety, Operational etc. Used when adding an incident to the system.Incident categoryIncident typeIncidentsThese two menus are linked together into a primary category and sub-lists. The Incident category is the primary grouping of the incident types in the Incident type menu e.g.Trips and fallsClient fallStaff fallUsed when reporting an incident. Incident injury locationIncidentsList of areas/locations when an incident (related to an injury) could occur. Used when reporting an incident and the user indicated that an injury has occurred.Incident injury typeIncidentsList of injury types eg contusion, sprain etc used to describe an injury. Used when reporting an incident and the user indicated that an injury has occurred.Incident locationIncidentsList of areas/locations where an incident could occur. Used when reporting an incident.Licensing typeLicensingList of licensing checks which can be scheduled for users in the system eg Drivers licence, Working with children etc. Used when scheduling a licensing requirement.MeetingsAll registers List of the team meetings in your organisations which are accountable for monitoring tasks in your system. Used when creating any register item in the system. PositionsContactsList of staff position titles. Used when creating system user accounts. A single unique position title must be created for every user of the system. If there are multiple positions with the same title, each position should be numbered to remain unique. e.g. Nurse 1, Nurse 2 etc. Records CategoryRecords All registers (when attaching a record to a task)List of categories for grouping records e.g. Report, Correspondence, Certificate etc. Used when adding a record to the system.Repair issue typeRepairsList of main types of repairs or maintenance to be reported in your system eg Equipment failure, Facilities issue etc. Used when adding a repair to the system.Repair locationRepairsList of areas/locations where the repair is required eg Staff room, Meeting Room, Workshop etc. Used when adding a repair to the system.Risk categoryRisk nameRiskIncidentsFeedbackRepairsImprovementThese two menus are linked together into a primary category and sub-lists. The risk category is the primary grouping of the risks identified in your organisation e.g.Business continuityDisruption to essential servicesHazard BiologicalChemicalPhysicalThis list appears in the Risk Register when adding a risk to the register. It also appears in the Incidents, Feedback, Repairs and Improvement registers when the user chooses to link the issue being reported to an identified risk.Risk dimensionRiskList of high-level dimensions underneath which your risk categories are grouped. Used when adding a risk to the system.Risk treatment optionRiskList of mitigation strategies relating to a risk treatment eg Reduce the likelihood, Transfer the risk, Isolate the hazard etc. Used when assigning a risk mitigation action to a user.Site informationAll registersThese settings control automatic system behaviours such as the number of days before a document review date that the system will send a reminder task to the Document Manager.Supplier assessment criteriaSuppliersChecklist of criterion used to assess preferred suppliers. Used when adding or reviewing a supplier.System failure typeImprovementList of systems that can fail in the organisation which could lead to a non-conformance eg IT systems, Financial systems etc. Used when recording an non-conformance. Training typeTrainingList of training events which can be scheduled for users in the system eg WHS training, Internal auditor training, First aid etc. Used when scheduling a training requirement.System menu typesThere are a variety of drop-down menus that appear in LogicQMS to assist the user to complete tasks quickly and consistently. There are two types of menus in the platform: Single level menu – where a single list is presented.Double level menu – where a categorised list is presented. Note: only the sub-categories are selectable.Editing a single level menuMost menus in the platform do not allow the label to be edited, instead labels are either added, disabled or removed. Note: Lists can be exported to Excel for the purposes of collaboration with colleagues. Log-in as Administrator and select Setup lists from the Administrator drop-down menu.In the Setup item menu, select the menu you want to edit.To add new items to the selected menu, click on Add label, enter the name of the item in the Label text box and click OK.To remove a label from a menu, click on the trash bin icon under Delete. (Note: Once a label has been used in a register item in the system, the label can only be disabled and cannot be removed) To disable a label, click on the tick icon under Enabled, which will change to a cross. Click Save. Editing a double level menuThe following menus are double level menus:Business area Incident type (linked to Incident category)Risk name (linked to Risk category)In the example below a new primary and secondary business area is being added to the Business area menu:Log in as Administrator and select Setup lists from the Administrator drop-down menu.Select Business area – primary from the Setup name menu.Click Add label, type the name of the business area, and click OK.Click save.Now go to the Business area – secondary menu. The primary label will be displayed and a secondary label ‘All’ will have been created automatically. Click the Edit icon next to your new label and rename the label from ‘All’ to the required sub-category. Click OKClick Save and refresh the browser to apply the change across the platform. The result will be a primary category and a secondary category in the menu eg:Setting the visibility for Incident Type menuWhen reporting an incident, the user will use three menus to categorise the nature and type of incident that has occurred. The three menus used to categorise an incident are:Incident areaIncident categoryIncident typeThe options in these three menus can be linked to assist the user by excluding menu options which are not relevant to what is being reported. For example, when the Incident area is chosen, the Incident category menu only displays options related to the area. In turn, when the Incident category is chosen, the Incident type menu only displays options related to the category. To set the visibilityLog in as AdministratorSelect Setup lists from the Administrator menuFrom the Setup item drop-down menu, select Incident TypeClick on the Edit iconIn the Visibility drop down menu, select the Incident area you wish to link the incident type (label) to. In the example below, the incident type ‘Loss’ will appear as an option when the user chooses WHS/Equipment incident. Select OK, then Save.System settingsThe System settings page enables you to use or configure the following functions:Menu nameDescription User access logAn Excel export of user-loginsCalendar integrationA URL that can be used to integrate with calendar programs such as Outlook.Register settingsA set of options to control system behaviour and default options presented to the user.User access logLog in as Administrator and select System settings from the Account menu.Click on the User log-on history link and the system will download a .csv file to your local computer. This file lists: username; date and time; IP of workstation; Success/failure of logon; and Web browser type for every user log-on attempt. Calendar integrationA calendar can be created in your Calendar program (eg MS Outlook) that will display scheduled LogicQMS meetings. There are two methods of integrating user calendars with the LogicQMS Meetings Register:Use the URL provided in this page to create an Internet calendar in your calendar program (generally used for Outlook 2007 and 2010)Use the URL that can be generated in the user account page (generally used for Outlook 2016). Detailed instructions for calendar integrations are available in the LogicQMS Help Centre.Register settingsThe system administrator can configure certain settings in the QMS to control the user experience. The available options are described below and are enabled by selecting the check box beside each option.SettingPurposeAllow users with staff permission to add new documents and new versionsThis will enable users with staff permission to add documents to the Document Register and the Records Register using the FAB button. It will also allow those users to use the Add new version feature in both of these registers. This feature can be useful if greater control of who can add items to the platform is needed. Default to user's business area when reporting itemsThis relates to the Reporting registers only and will set the Business area menu to automatically default to the user’s business area when they are adding an item. The user can override the setting if required. Default to user's manager when reporting itemsThis relates to the Reporting registers only and will set the Report to menu to automatically default to the user’s line manager when they are adding an item. The user can override the setting if required. A user’s line manager is configured in the user account of their manager. Disable auto timeoutThis will ensure the system does not ‘time out’ if left for long periods. It can help prevent data loss in unsaved forms but it can also reduce your standard of information security. Default standardIf your organisation has purchased more than one standard for the Accreditation Register, you can use this control to set which of the standards users will view by default when they navigate to the Accreditation Register. All users can navigate to other standards in the platform via the Filters panel. Enable CEO and assigned approval officerActivating this option will add an additional permissions group to the Viewing permissions menu – ‘CEO and assigned Approval Officer’. Items assigned to ‘CEO and assigned Approval Officer’ cannot be viewed by users with the Quality Manager permission level. This option can be useful for dealing with highly confidential material. Default viewing permission for incidentsThis option allows you to set the Viewing permissions menu to default to a specific level automatically when a user adds an item to the Incident Register. The user will be able to override the setting. This feature helps to mitigate the risk of accidental sharing of confidential material. Default viewing permission for complaintsThis option allows you to set the Viewing permissions menu to default to a specific level automatically when a user adds a complaint to the Feedback Register. The menu will default to the selected setting if the user selects ‘complaint’ from the Feedback type menu. The user will be able to override the setting. This feature helps to mitigate the risk of accidental sharing of confidential material. Hide register items and tasks Register items cannot be deleted or removed from the system, however, they can be hidden by using the 'hide' function. Toggling ‘on’ the control will:Hide the item from the view of all users Hide any active tasks relating to the item. Hide any related records or attachments linked to the item on the Records register. The system administrator will always be able to see the item and the item can be returned at any time by toggling ‘off’ the control. To hide an item, log in as Administrator and navigate to the register item. Use the toggle in the hide column to hide the item. Changes are saved immediately. Appendix A: Permission levels and user licencesBefore creating users, it is important to understand the LogicQMS permission levels and their relevance to your allocated user licences.User permission levelsUser licence typesExternal auditor (free account)Read and ReportStaffCreatorApproving officerManager level 1Manager level 2Manager level 3Manager level 4Quality ManagerCEOAdministrator (free account)Administrator (free licence)Read/Report licencesAction licencesApproval licencesThe licences purchased by your organisation are displayed in your Company Page. When setting up your users, you should allocate the relevant permission level depending on your organisations allocated licence types and the user’s role within the QMS. For example, you would not allocate one of your approval licences to a user that will only require Read/Report permission level.Below is a table which describes what each permission level can do and what the appropriate licence type should be.Permission levelWhat this user can doRelated licence typeExternal auditorView all registersN/A (free account)Read and ReportView all registersAdd items to the Improvement, Feedback, Incidents, Repairs registersReceive tasks from the Training and Licensing registersRead/Report licenceStaffSame as above plus:Add Documents, Contracts, Suppliers, and Records Receive all task typesAction licenceCreatorSame as above plus:View All tasks tab View Archived item tabsSchedule Audit, Compliance, Training, and Licensing tasksRe-assign tasks to other users and change the due date of tasksApproval licenceApproving officerManager level 1Manager level 2Same as above plus:Approve and delegate tasksPublish/Archive documents, contracts, records and suppliersSee register items with CEO, QM, Managers and Approval Officers access permissionsApproval licenceManager level 3Same as above plus:See register items with CEO, QM and Level 3 and 4 Managers access permissionsApproval licenceManager level 4Same as above plus:See register items with CEO, QM and Level 4 Managers access permissionsApproval licenceQuality ManagerSame as above plus:See register items with CEO, QM and assigned Approval Officer access permissions See the Company Account PageSkip or close meetingsApproval licenceCEOSame as above plus:See register items with CEO assigned Approval Officer access permissions Approval licenceAdministratorView all registersAdd Contacts and MeetingsRe-assign tasks to other users and change the due date of tasksAccess system setup and user password re-setSee the Company Account PageSkip or close meetingsNote: Administrators cannot see items which have been assigned to a viewing permission. Administrator licence(free licence)Notes:In addition to the permissions stated above, when a user is given a task as an action officer or reviewer, they will be able to see the item while they are working on their task even if they are not in the defined viewing permission group for that item. Once they complete their task, they will no longer be able to see the item. If a user reports an incident (for example) and is not included in the viewing permissions set for the item, they will not be able to see the item once the form is saved.-1459324788535PO Box 483, Paddington, Qld, Australia 4064 | 37 Kennigo Street, Fortitude Valley Qld 4006AU +617 3216 0335 NZ 0800 002 280 E: W: .au00PO Box 483, Paddington, Qld, Australia 4064 | 37 Kennigo Street, Fortitude Valley Qld 4006AU +617 3216 0335 NZ 0800 002 280 E: W: .au ................

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