Appendix G: Legal Aid Ontario Clinic Performance Measures ...

Performance Measures Examples of Charts and ReportsOctober 2015Table of Contents TOC \o "1-4" \h \z \u 1Performance Measures generated by CIMS PAGEREF _Toc432756172 \h 21.1Measure #1- Cases and initiatives: services provided, average cost per case, and cost of initiatives PAGEREF _Toc432756173 \h 21.1.1Sample Reports– Cases/Initiatives PAGEREF _Toc432756174 \h 21.1.2Efficiency Measure PAGEREF _Toc432756175 \h 31.1.3Effectiveness Measure PAGEREF _Toc432756176 \h 41.2Measure #2- Resource Allocation PAGEREF _Toc432756177 \h 51.2.1Sample Data PAGEREF _Toc432756178 \h 51.2.2Efficiency Measure PAGEREF _Toc432756179 \h 51.2.3Effectiveness Measure PAGEREF _Toc432756180 \h 61.3Measure #3-Service outcomes and client feedback PAGEREF _Toc432756181 \h 61.3.1Efficiency Measure PAGEREF _Toc432756182 \h 61.3.2Efficiency Measure PAGEREF _Toc432756183 \h 71.4Measure #4 – Clients served versus denied services PAGEREF _Toc432756184 \h 81.4.1Sample Data PAGEREF _Toc432756185 \h 81.4.2Analytical Information PAGEREF _Toc432756186 \h 91.4.3Effectiveness – to be calculated from previous table PAGEREF _Toc432756187 \h 91.5Measure #5 – Stage when case file outcomes are achieved with clinic involvement PAGEREF _Toc432756188 \h 101.5.1Sample Data PAGEREF _Toc432756189 \h 101.5.2Efficiency – chart to be calculated from data in 1.5.1 and 1.5.3 PAGEREF _Toc432756190 \h 101.5.3Effectiveness PAGEREF _Toc432756191 \h 111.6Definitions PAGEREF _Toc432756192 \h 122Performance Measures to be reported outside of CIMS PAGEREF _Toc432756193 \h 152.1Measure #3-Service outcomes and client feedback PAGEREF _Toc432756194 \h 152.1.1Efficiency Measure PAGEREF _Toc432756195 \h 152.1.2Effectiveness Measure PAGEREF _Toc432756196 \h 15Average Satisfaction Level, on a scale of 1 (very dissatisfied) to 5 (very satisfied) PAGEREF _Toc432756197 \h 152.2Measure #6 – Complaints filed and founded PAGEREF _Toc432756198 \h 162.2.1Sample Data PAGEREF _Toc432756199 \h 162.2.2Efficiency PAGEREF _Toc432756200 \h 162.2.3Effectiveness PAGEREF _Toc432756201 \h 162.3Governance Scorecard PAGEREF _Toc432756202 \h 172.4Quality Indicators for Non-Case Activity PAGEREF _Toc432756203 \h 173Related Metrics included in CIMS but not part of required reporting PAGEREF _Toc432756204 \h 18Performance Measures generated by CIMSMeasure #1- Cases and initiatives: services provided, average cost per case, and cost of initiativesSample Reports– Cases/InitiativesStandard Case Summary Data for reporting periodTotalOpen cases at beginning of reporting period425New cases opened during reporting period1,575Total cases open during the period2,000Total cases remaining open at the end of the period (=active)480Total cases closed during period 1,520Total cost of cases closed during period$577,600Closed cases with “flagged” complexity* indicator812Referrals during the period900Date of oldest open caseJan 15, 2015Test Case Summary Data for reporting periodTotalOpen cases at the beginning of reporting period 3New cases opened during the reporting period1Total cases open during the period4Total cases remaining open at the end of the period (=active)2Total cases closed during period 2Total cost of cases closed during period$320,000Average cost of cases closed during period$160,000Test Case and Initiative Cost Summary Data in periodTotalTotal cost of all test case work in period$200,000Total cost of all initiatives in period$120,000Standard Case Area of LawCases opened during periodCases closed during periodHousing300320Social Assistance206230Workers Compensation550600Immigration/Refugee/ Citizenship9434Employment265201Other Types of Law160135Total1,5751,520Standard and Test Cases Closed during period - Results AchievedNumber of standard casesNumber of test casesCOMMENTSIndividual client/familyPlease enter comments into cover letter of submission-liberty13-monetary award value: 28Total $ amount if monetary award:$46,000-income maintenance34-secure housing5-discrimination addressed8-enhanced client independence2other:……………………………………………………..0Number that resulted in change in legislation2Number that resulted in change in regulations1Number that resulted in change in Common Law3Total cases426Efficiency MeasureStandard Cases Closed during period by Primary Area of Law?NumberHousing cases320Social Assistance cases230Workers Compensation cases600Immigration/Refugee/ Citizenship cases34Employment cases201Other Types of Law cases135Total cases (closed)1,520Average time to close case (months)6Average cost per closed case$380Primary Area of LawAverage cost per case?Housing cases$425Social Assistance cases$260Workers Compensation cases$180Immigration/Refugee/ Citizenship cases$640Employment cases$250Other Types of Law cases$300All closed Cases $380Cost by Initiative Types during reporting periodTotal Cost in periodPublic Legal Education/Outreach $32,000Training $14,000Community Development -Policy Advocacy$2,300Law Reform$5,000Systemic Advocacy$8,000Partners/Network/Community Groups -LAO/Clinic Committee & Consultations -Inter-Clinic Groups $4500Memberships -Media/Communications $12,000Governance$12,000Professional Development -Other $2,050Total Initiatives$91,850Effectiveness Measure Measure based on standard cases closed in fiscal year20112012Current Reporting PeriodAverage Cost per Case*$300$320$380Measure #2- Resource AllocationSample DataHours Docketed (during period)Intake: Eligibility/Referral/Brief service 462Standard Case Work5,950Test Case Work2,960Initiatives5,591Direct Client Service (sub-total)14,963# of FTEs9Total hours = 9 FTEx1827hrs16,443Administration and other (not docketed, but by subtraction), includes administration plus other activities such as vacation, sick days, continued educational learning, admin tasks, filing, etc.)1,480# of Referrals1,450Efficiency MeasureResource Allocation2011 Staff time (%)2012 Staff time (%)2013 Staff time (%)Intake, referral, brief service, summary advice and Standard case work433439Test case work151218Initiatives314134Administration and other11139Effectiveness MeasureMeasure #3-Service outcomes and client feedbackEfficiency MeasureService outcomes of closed standard cases in 12 month period as perceived by clinic staff# casesSuccessful625Partially Successful221Unsuccessful 225Withdrawn/Discontinued99Unknown36Total1,206Service outcomes of initiatives completed in 12 month period, as perceived by clinic staff# initiativesSuccessful3Partially Successful1Unsuccessful 2Discontinued1Total7Efficiency MeasureService outcomes of standard cases as perceived by clinic staff# of casesCost per closed caseSuccessful625$1750Partially Successful221Unsuccessful 225$1283Withdrawn/Discontinued99Unknown36Service Outcome of standard cases as perceived by clinic staffAve. Cost per Case, 2011Ave. Cost per Case, 2012Ave. Cost per Case, 2013Successful or Partially successful$1535$1620$1750Unsuccessful, Withdrawn, Discontinued, or Unknown$1380$1300$1283Measure #4 – Clients served versus denied servicesSample DataClients Served and Denied Service during reporting period#?%New cases opened (proxy for Clients Served)202180%Not Financially Eligible1867%Not part of the Clinic’s Area(s) of Law522%Services not Offered by Clinic924%Not within catchment Area1385%Conflict of Interest Found140.6%Clinic capacity issue120.5%Case has little or no merit140.6%Total denied or not eligible50820%Grand Total 2,529100%Analytical InformationEffectiveness – to be calculated from previous tableYear of Service# of clients served# of clients deniedTotal clientsPercent of clients served20112,062688275075%20121,900660256074%20132,014520252980%Measure #5 – Stage when case file outcomes are achieved with clinic involvementSample DataResolution Stage# of closed standard cases%Before Hearing3,50064%After Hearing2,00036%Cases withdrawn or lost contact165Efficiency – chart to be calculated from data in 1.5.1 and 1.5.3Resolution Stage# of closed standard casesCost per caseBefore Hearing3,500 $1,725 After Hearing2,000 $3,500 EffectivenessYear of Case ClosingAverage Cost If closed before HearingAverage Cost if closed after Hearing2011$1,700$3,2002012$1,860$3,7002013$1,725$3,500DefinitionsAreas of LawAreas of law in which a clinic may provide service: social assistance/income maintenance, housing, pensions, worker's compensation, consumer and employment related disputes, human rights, Criminal Injuries Compensation Board, immigration and citizenship.Case FileFile Work related to a client’s matter, including any group of services or activities with a client past the intake referral or denial of service. Case File ClosingDate when all matters laid out in the statement of purpose have been completed.Case File OutcomeResult of client’s matter. For example: hearing order, settlement, eviction, non-eviction,-financial recovery, immigration status settled.Case File WorkCase file work includes legal research, drafting submissions, preparing for and appearing at hearings/court, travel, client meetings, case conferences, negotiations, letters, document-drafting, scheduling appointments, etc.ClientPersons served by any clinic staff. Person to whom a clinic has agreed to or is obligated to provide a service or anyone to whom a lawyer owes a duty of confidentiality whether or not a solicitor/client relationship exists.Client ObjectiveClient’s expected/desired remedy to the matterCase ConflictWhenever confidential information is received from a prospective client, identifying information is checked against the clinic client database to avoid a conflict of interest (For definition of conflict of interest see Rule 2.04 of The Rules of Professional Conduct of the LSUC).Direct Legal ServicesThe services provided to a client that are directly related to a case. Employee SalaryThe base salary an employee earns per year.File WorkLegal or non-legal work relating to a Referral, Non Retained, Retained or Outreach File (includes legal research, drafting submissions, preparing for and appearing at hearings/court, travel, client meetings, case conferences, negotiations, letters, document-drafting, scheduling appointments, etc.)Financial EligibilityWhether the client meets the clinic's financial eligibility guidelines.Initiative FileWork done or services provided in support of the initiative files. Initiative files include all work that does not fall into the case module. These files may have a defined start and end date or be on-going with no finite end date.Initiative File Types:Public Legal Education/OutreachProviding information or education to the client community.Training Providing information or education to service providers/partners/other professional munity Development Assisting community organizations in the prevention of legal problems developing or worsening by empowering their members.Policy Advocacy/Law Reform/Systemic Advocacy Influencing the content of laws, policies or practices that affect legal rights.Partners/Network/Community Groups Participating in partnerships and community groups to bring knowledge and expertise.LAO/Clinic Committee & ConsultationsInter-Clinic Groups Participating in clinic partnerships and groups to share knowledge and expertise.Membership Recruitment and administration of clinic membership (board and members).Media/Communications Providing information to an individual or organization engaged in the dissemination of information to the public (Example: newsletters, brochures, TV, radio, social media). GovernanceActivities as to how the clinic board guides and monitors the values, goals and operation of the clinic.Professional Development Clinic staff attending training to enhance their ability to carry out their clinic and professional duties.Other Catch-all category for activities carried out by the clinic that may not align with the defined categoriesInitiative File ClosingDate when all matters laid out in the statement of purpose have been completed.IntakeThe first stage of a file related work that is broken into two portions – Initial contact and Triage.Initial ContactThe first portion of the Intake process that includes the initial contact by a client and basic information collectionTriageSecond portion of Intake – the subsequent follow up to the initial contact to clarify the problem and determine the clinic’s response (e.g. referral, summary advice, denial or open case file)Matter A client’s concern/issue/questions.ReferralService cannot be provided. Applicant given alternative source for assistance (this may be in combination with other services provided) Service Outcome Definitions (to be used by clinic staff to determine case outcomes)Successful: Meets all of the Client’s ObjectivesPartially Successful: Meets some of the client’s objectivesUnsuccessful: Does not meet client’s objectivesWithdrawn/Discontinued: Matter is withdrawn or legal action is discontinued by the clinic or clientUnknown: Clinic loses contact with client or outcome is unknownPerformance Measures to be reported outside of CIMSMeasure #3-Service outcomes and client feedbackEfficiency MeasureCategorySatisfaction Level (1-5)with case service as indicated by clientTimeliness of Services provided4.2Ease of access to service4Responsive to Needs3.75Treatment received from staff4.1Effectiveness MeasureAverage Satisfaction Level, on a scale of 1 (very dissatisfied) to 5 (very satisfied)Category201120122013Client satisfied with amount of time to get service from the clinic44.34.1Found it easy to get service and assistance client was looking for33.53.8Client got what he/she needed3.533.75Client was treated with courtesy and respect by clinic staff3.53.754.0Measure #6 – Complaints filed and foundedSample DataResolution Stage of Complaint# of complaintsAbandoned 12Resolved by Clinic 10Resolved by Board 2Resolved by LAO 3Not Resolved To Date1Total Received28Total Founded3EfficiencyTime to Resolve Complaint# of complaints%Under 30 days2071%Over 30 days829%Total Complaints Received28EffectivenessCategory201120122013Complaints Received311528Complaints Founded523% of Complaints Founded16%13%11%Category201120122013Complaints Received311528Resolved in <30 days25920% Resolved in <30 days81%60%71%Governance Scorecard Quality Indicators for Non-Case ActivityRelated Metrics included in CIMS but not part of required reportingClient Summary Data for Reporting Period TotalClients at beginning of period1200New clients received during period525All clients served during period1725Clients remaining at end of period300Client service completed during period1425Initiative Summary for Reporting PeriodTotalActive Initiatives beginning of period6New Initiatives commenced during period4Total Initiatives open during period10Active Initiatives remaining at end of period3Total Initiatives closed during period 7Initiative Cases - Scope of ImpactTotal%Individual Client/family1664%Identifiable client group28%Community of interest: Province-wide28%Community of interest: Beyond province-wide416%General population: Province Wide624%General population: Beyond province-wide312%Influence on decision-makers624%Total Initiatives25Case and Client Results?# of clients (closed cases)1725Average cost per client$625Initiative Types conducted in Period# InitiativesPublic Legal Education/Outreach 2Training 1Community Development 0Policy Advocacy1Law Reform1Systemic Advocacy0Partners/Network/Community Groups 0LAO/Clinic Committee & Consultations 0Inter-Clinic Groups 1Memberships 0Media/Communications 1Governance2Professional Development 0Other 1Total Initiatives11Measure based on cases closed in fiscal year201120122013Average Cost per Client*$630$670$625Average Cases per Client1.71.91.8Average Days to Close 26.927.923.6 ................

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