Vocabulary:Cultural GeographyNonmaterial cultureCustomsMaterial Culture Cultural landscape/built environmentCultural Traits Popular Culture Natural landscape Folk culture Adaptive strategy Folk Music/Pop MusicCultural region Cultural Realms Religious regions Perceptual Regions/ Vernacular Regions Cultural HearthAncient cultural hearths Mesopotamia (Iraq) Nile Valley(Egypt)Indus Valley(india) Yellow River (China) Ganges Valley(India)Mesoamerica(Mexico) West Africa Andes Mountains(South America) Folk Food Indigenous Architecture Traditional Architecture LanguageMonolingual Country Multilingual CountryDialect Syntax Isogloss Creole LanguageOfficial Language Language Extinction Linguistic DiversityLanguage Subfamilies Language groups Romance Language Globalization Lingua Franca Toponyms FaithMonotheistic Polytheistic Ethnic Religions Universal Religions Proselytic Faith Atheist DiffusionExpansion Diffusion Relocation DiffusionHierarchical DiffusionContagious DiffusionAcculturation Assimilation Transculturation Ethnocentrism Language Family Indigenous LanguagePidgeon Secularist Jainism Christianity (Bible) Denominations Judaism(Torah) Islam/Muslim (Koran)(Mecca) Protestant Catholicism Sunni/ Shiites5 pillars of Islam Sharia Law FundamentalismHinduism (Vedas) Caste System Buddhism Syncretic Religion4 Noble Truths MormonismPolygamyAnimismShamanConfucianismGeomancySacred SpacesInterfaith BoundariesEnclave Exclave Stimulus DiffusionRural UrbanCultural Revitalisation Good Luck on the AP Test! ^-^Real World Examples:North AmericaPop culture- Popular culture traits found in large, urban areas where everyone share some characteristics. An example would be how everyone in North America wear jeans, or how everyone hears to popular music (Beyonce) Folk Culture is traditional customs practiced by small groups in rural areas. Folk music in America can be found in the deep south. An example would be Cajun music. This music is most popular in Louisiana as opposed to other parts of the United States.Latin America and the CaribbeanFolk Culture- Traditional customs practiced by small,normally isolated groups in rural area. An example would be how people in Guatemala, speak the native language that is Quiché. Catholicism is the most dominant religion practiced in Latin America. An example would be Argentina (The Pope). EuropeThe Lingua Franca is the main language used for international business. The language used in Europe for business is English. Contagious Diffusion is when widespread diffusion of something happens rapidly. An example would be the plague that happened in Europe in the 14th century called the “Black Death”. This virus spread rapidly in Europe through bites of infected fleas and rats. South,East,and Southern AsiaHinduism (India) and Buddhism (Northern India) originated in East AsiaThe Caste System (Hindus) - Different groups have different places in society (Hierarchical). Lower level (Untouchables) are considered dirty and not educated. Higher class are considered educated and valuable. An example would be a priest or a political leader.The Muslim World (Southwest Asia and North Africa)Judaism (Israel) and Islam (Saudi Arabia) both originated in Southwest AsiaSunni (83% of Muslims) vs Shiite (17% of Muslims) - Sunni believed leaders of Islam should be chosen or elected, and Shiite believed the leader of Islam should be a descendant of Mohammed. This created a lot of conflict between the two branches. The main Shia countries are Iraq and Iran.Sub-Saharan AfricaSub-Saharan countries are trying to revitalize their culture. An example would be South Africa. South Africa has many languages distributed around the country (English,Swazi,Afrikaans,Xhosa,and Zulu).Therefore, the national government tries to recognize more than one national languages to keep the folk languages from going extinct. Relocation diffusion is when a person moves to a new area, and spreads something. For example, when Thomas Eric Duncan brought Ebola from Liberia to America.10 main ideasThere are many different types of languages around the world, but many of the are becoming extinct.The five primary religions around the world are Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Hinduism, and Buddhism. The most practiced religion around the world is Christianity and the fastest growing religion is Islam.These 5 types of religions have a different architectural religious structures. For example Christians use churches, Jews use synagogues, Muslims use mosques, Hindus use temples, and Buddhists use pagodas.3 out of 5 religions are monotheistic which are Christianity, Judaism, and Islam while Buddhism and Hinduism are polytheistic.Largest language family is Indo- European and out of the top 10 languages most spoken in the world 7 of them come from the Indo European language family.There are 4 types of cultural diffusion which are Hierarchical diffusion, Contagious diffusion, Stimulus diffusion and Relocation diffusion.Folk culture is practiced by a small group of people in a focused area. Most folk culture is passed on from generation to generation.The practice of folk customs is what makes that area unique and distinguishes people.Dialects are also a form of language that are different depending on vocabulary, syntax, and speed. English is becoming the lingua franca around the world.Isogloss marks the boundary between linguistic features on a map. ................

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