Changes to Normative Text - OASIS

Changes to OData 4.0 CSD0324 October 2013Changes to Normative TextAppendix B of all prose documents: changed date for CSD03 from 2013-10-xx to 2013-10-03Filling in the correct day does not add or remove a feature, so it is a non-material change.Part 1: ProtocolSection 4.3: added section to define transient entitiesThe representation of transient entities was already defined in the Atom and JSON format specifications, we just forgot to mention them in the Protocol specification, see HYPERLINK "" ODATA-550.Making this concept explicit does not add or remove a feature, so it is a non-material change.Section 5.1: protocol versions are compared as numbersODATA-548 clarifies that protocol versions are numbers.Making this explicit does not add or remove a feature, so it is a non-material change.Section 8.1.3: added section on Content-Language headerOData does not alter the semantics of this header defined by HTTP. We received questions regarding this fact, so we made it explicit, see HYPERLINK "" ODATA-553.Making this explicit does not add or remove a feature, so it is a non-material change.Section 8.2.2: corrected typoThe word “header” started with an uppercase letter in the middle of a sentence.Correcting this typo does not add or remove a feature, so it is a non-material change.Section 8.2.3: added section on Accept-Language headerOData does not alter the semantics of this header defined by HTTP. We received questions regarding this fact, so we made it explicit, see HYPERLINK "" ODATA-553.Making this explicit does not add or remove a feature, so it is a non-material change.Sections,, and replaced “entities” with “items” in several placesServer-driven paging, $orderby and $count can be used with all collection-valued resources and are not limited to collections of entities, so “entities” is less misleading. Section should have been changed when applying ODATA-519, the other sections when applying ODATA-375 and ODATA-393.Expressing this more clearly does not add or remove a feature, so it is a non-material change.Section 8.3.1: added references to Content-Type and Content-Language sectionsContent-Type was already mentioned and now hyper-links to the corresponding section.Dependency on Content-Language is defined by HTTP and is now explicitly mentioned.Making this explicit does not add or remove a feature, so it is a non-material change.Chapter 10: added {singleton} to list of context URL parametersThe parameter was already used in section 10.4 and missing from the list.Explaining this template parameter does not add or remove a feature, so it is a non-material change. Sections 10.8 and 10.10: added URL template for singleton entitiesThese templates were not explicitly stated and would have to be deduced from the templates for entities within an entity set, see HYPERLINK "" ODATA-551. Stating these templates explicitly does not add or remove a feature, so it is a non-material change. Sections,, and replaced “elements” with “items” in several placesIn most places the “things” within a collection are called “item” to avoid confusion with “XML element”. This section was forgotten during the cleanup. Consistently using the same term does not add or remove a feature, so it is a non-material change. Section Added reference to [OData-ABNF]The text just said “ABNF rules”.Expressing this more clearly does not add or remove a feature, so it is a non-material change.Section Explicitly state effect of multiple expressions in $orderbyExpressions are evaluated left to right, and then used to sort items that do not differ in the preceding expression values.Making this explicit does not add or remove a feature, so it is a non-material change.Section Changed “An $count” to “A $count”Correcting this typo does not add or remove a feature, so it is a non-material change.Section 11.2.8: Changed /$entity to $entityThe text continues with “relative to the service root”, and the service root already ends with a /.Correcting this typo does not add or remove a feature, so it is a non-material change.Section 11.4.5: Clarified in section on deleting entities that singleton entities cannot be deletedAdding this clarification in the section that describes deleting an entity makes it easier to discover and does not add or remove a feature, so it is a non-material change.Section 11.7.1: Changed /$batch to $batchThe text continues with “relative to the service root”, and the service root already ends with a /.Correcting this typo does not add or remove a feature, so it is a non-material change.Section Clarified that system resource names win over content-id referencingContent-id referencing can in rare cases lead to clashes with system resource names. Limiting the pattern for content-ids would be a material change, so instead we define how to handle these clashes.Explicitly stating how to handle clashes does not add or remove a feature, so it is a non-material change.Part 2: URL ConventionsSection 4.3.4: Changed /$entity to $entityThe text continues with “relative to the service root”, and the service root already ends with a /.Correcting this typo does not add or remove a feature, so it is a non-material change.Section 4.8: Reformulated text for resource path suffix /$countAdapted text to match text for path suffix /$value.Expressing this consistently does not add or remove a feature, so it is a non-material change.Section 4.10: Reformulated text for resource path suffix /$valueThe text said “a path segment containing the string $value”, and in fact the path suffix is /$value.Expressing this more clearly does not add or remove a feature, so it is a non-material change.Section Deleted superfluous = signThe text said “returns = NaN”.Expressing this more clearly does not add or remove a feature, so it is a non-material change.Section Changed straight double quotes to typographical double quotesThe straight quotes were hard to distinguish from the enclosed code fragment.Expressing this more clearly does not add or remove a feature, so it is a non-material change.Section Explained abbreviation WKTThe abbreviation is used only once and was never explained.Expressing this more clearly does not add or remove a feature, so it is a non-material change.Part 3: CSDLSections 7.1.5 and 15.1: Replaced "multiplicity" with “cardinality”The other specification documents consistently use “cardinality”.Expressing this consistently does not add or remove a feature, so it is a non-material change.Section 10.1.1 Move paragraph to Section 10.1Section 10.1.1 describes the Name attribute of an enumeration type. The second paragraph describes the edm:Member element that is a child of the edm:EnumType element described in 10.1, and should go there (error was likely introduced as a result of promoting the paragraph describing the Name attribute to its own subsection). Moving this paragraph does not add or remove a feature, so it is a non-material change. Section 14.2: Deleted empty paragraphCorrecting this typo does not add or remove a feature, so it is a non-material change.Sections Deleted superfluous commaCorrecting this typo does not add or remove a feature, so it is a non-material change.EDMX Schema MetadataService.edmxEntityType Term: Added navigation property “BaseTerm”The navigation property should have been added when applying ODATA-535.Correcting this typo does not add or remove a feature, so it is a non-material plexType Collection: BaseType changed to AnnotationExpressionThis should have been changed when applying ODATA-436.Correcting this typo does not add or remove a feature, so it is a non-material .OData.Core.V1.xmlAdded comment with “title page” materialThe comment allows recognizing the XML file as part of OData Version 4.0 and links to the TC page.Adding the comment does not add or remove a feature, so it is a non-material change.Changed descriptive text of term RequiresTypeThe text did not clearly convey the meaning of the term.Correcting the description does not add or remove a feature, so it is a non-material .OData.Capabilities.V1.xmlAdded comment with “title page” materialThe comment allows recognizing the XML file as part of OData Version 4.0 and links to the TC page.Adding the comment does not add or remove a feature, so it is a non-material change.Changed value of Uri attribute in edmx:Reference elementThe value was a link to the CS01 copy instead of a link to the future publishing location of the CS02 copy.Changing the link does not add or remove a feature, so it is a non-material change.Changed descriptive text of properties in complex type NavigationPropertyRestrictionThe text for properties NavigationProperty and Navigability did not clearly convey the meaning of the properties.Correcting the description does not add or remove a feature, so it is a non-material change.odata-abnf-construction-rules.txtChanged comment with “title page” materialAdded link to TC page and aligned comment text with title page of prose specification documents.Changing the comment does not add or remove a feature, so it is a non-material change.Adapted rule for odata-maxversion headerODATA-548 defines the pattern for future version numbers.Defining this now does not add or remove a feature for version 4.0, so it is a non-material change.Extended rule for context URLs of singletons Some special cases were missing, see HYPERLINK "" ODATA-551.Covering these special cases does not add or remove a feature, so it is a non-material change.odata-abnf-testcases.xmlChanged comment with “title page” materialAdded link to TC page and aligned comment text with title page of prose specification documents.Changing the comment does not add or remove a feature, so it is a non-material change.Added test cases for odata-maxversion headerODATA-548 defines the pattern for future version numbers.Adding test cases does not add or remove a feature for version 4.0, so it is a non-material change.Defining this now does not add or remove a feature for version 4.0, so it is a non-material change.Added test cases for context URLs of singletons The URL patterns were not explicitly stated, see HYPERLINK "" ODATA-551.Adding test cases does not add or remove a feature, so it is a non-material .OData.Measures.V1.xmlAdded comment with “title page” materialThe comment allows recognizing the XML file as part of OData Version 4.0 and links to the TC page.Adding the comment does not add or remove a feature, so it is a non-material change.Changed value of Uri attribute in edmx:Reference elementThe value was a link to the CS01 copy instead of a link to the future publishing location of the CS02 copy.Changing the link does not add or remove a feature, so it is a non-material change.XML Schema edmx.xsdAdded comment with “title page” materialThe comment allows recognizing the XML file as part of OData Version 4.0 and links to the TC page.Adding the comment does not add or remove a feature, so it is a non-material change.XML Schema edm.xsdAdded comment with “title page” materialThe comment allows recognizing the XML file as part of OData Version 4.0 and links to the TC page.Adding the comment does not add or remove a feature, so it is a non-material change.JSON FormatChapter 3: added list of defined format parameters with links to corresponding sectionsFeedback from the implementation team: the format parameters defined by the specification were sprinkled throughout the following sections and somewhat hard to find.Adding this list does not add or remove a feature, so it is a non-material change.Section 3.2: specified that IEEE753compatible parameter takes a value of true or falseFormat parameters must use name=value syntax, and we forgot to list the allowed values.Explicitly stating this does not add or remove a feature, so it is a non-material change.Section 3.2: explicitly stated that odata.count is influenced by IEEE753compatible parameterThe annotation odata.count was already defined to be an Int64 value, so of course it is influenced by the format parameter just as other Int64 values are.Explicitly stating this does not add or remove a feature, so it is a non-material change.Section 8.1: removed superfluous period at end of third sentenceThe sentence ended with two consecutive period characters.Correcting this typo does not add or remove a feature, so it is a non-material change.Atom FormatSection 4.2: replaced “entries” with “items”Entry has a special meaning in Atom that does not apply here.Using the neutral term does not add or remove a feature, so it is a non-material change.Sections 5.1.1 and 5.1.2: corrected "app:workspace" to be "app:service"This was a simple typo. The sub-element is nested under "app:service", but the wrong element name was used in the description. The examples correctly show the intended usage.Correcting this typo does not add or remove a feature, so it is a non-material change.Section 5.1.2: corrected "app:workspace" to be "app:service"This was a simple typo. The sub-element is nested under "app:service", but the wrong element name was used in the description. The examples correctly show the intended usage.Section 8.2.1: removed metadata:context from list of required attributesThis was a copy&paste error: the metadata:context attribute is not required for association links, in fact it has a defined meaning only for navigation links.Correcting this error does not add or remove a feature, so it is a non-material change.Section 12.1.1: metadata:context only required for root atom:feed elementsThe attribute is only required if the atom:feed element is the document root; otherwise the attribute is contained in the surrounding metadata:inline element. The text for atom:feed is now consistent with the text for atom:entry, which follows the same rules.Correcting this typo does not add or remove a feature, so it is a non-material change.XML Schema metadata.xsdAdded comment with “title page” materialThe comment allows recognizing the XML file as part of OData Version 4.0 and links to the TC page.Adding the comment does not add or remove a feature, so it is a non-material change.Changes to Non-Normative ExamplesExamples are explicitly called out as non-normative in the last section of chapter 1 in each document.Changing the non-normative examples does not add or remove a feature and constitutes an error correction, so it is a non-material change.Part 1: ProtocolSection 10.14 and 10.15, Request URI for Examples 25 and 26We previously qualified that these patterns were for scenarios (like function/action results) that did not represent a property of a single entity when we added the new pattern for a single property of an entity. However, we failed to update the examples. Section 11.7.2, Example 82: removed duplicate textThe prose part of the example repeated text that is also (and correctly) part of the code example.Section 11.7.2, Example 82: added explanation for GET requestGET requests require two consecutive empty lines before the boundary delimiter line, which is often overlooked.Section 11.7.2, Example 82: added one Content-Length header, removed anotherThis header was missing in a required place and present where it is not required.Section, Example 83: added content-id header to nested requestRequests within a change set must have a content-id header. It was missing in one of the nested requests.Examples 84 and 85: moved content-id header to correct positionThe header was placed before the boundary delimiter line instead of after it.Example 82, 83, 84, and 85: removed superfluous line ends and white spaceEverything not required by RFC2046 was removed to draw attention to the required line ends.Part 3: CSDLSection 15.4, Example 74: added missing single quotesString key values need to be enclosed in single quotes.Section 15.7, Picture: Added arrow for attribute BaseTermThe arrow should have been added when applying ODATA-535.Section 15.7, Examples 83 and 84: changed data for term OptimisticConcurrencyThe examples should have been adapted when applying ODATA-531.Section 15.7, Example 84: removed Annotation within CollectionThis should have been changed when applying ODATA-436.ATOM FormatSection 5, Example 2Removed extra closing angle bracket (>) from <app:workspace>>.JSON FormatChapter Section 8.3, Example 17: Removed double quotes around 42The value of odata.count is an Edm.Int64 number, and these are rendered as JSON numbers unless explicitly requested as IEEE754compatible. Two other examples showed the correct format.Chapter 14, Example 30: Consistent indentationRemoved blanks to consistently indent by two spaces per level.Unchanged DocumentsNone ................

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