Racial and Ethnic Group Inequality & Conflict

Lecture Outline: Racial and Ethnic Inequality

Group Discussion Questions for consideration

1. What is the difference between Race and Ethnicity? What role does biology play, in any? How large and what are some of the socio-economic inequalities (economic, educational) among the main US racial and ethnic groups? What is Discrimination (Institutional and Attitudinal), and what are some examples of it? (Dolgon and Baker, 126-137)

2. How did the Civil Rights movement change black identities / ways of seeing themselves, and the views of whites as well? How did Mexican Americans and Native Americans follow / learn from the black civil rights movement? What is Affirmative Action? How can youth art projects increase youth engagement and help overcome racial and ethnic divisions? How does community organizing in racial diverse neighborhoods build social networks / capital? Why is that helpful? (D&B, 142-154)

3. How widespread is housing segregation today for African Americans and Latinos, and what are some of the causes? How does housing segregation affect minority groups (re; housing, ed. jobs, wealth)? How is it challenged and changed? (Farley & Squires rdg 15 in Ch. & Vic.)

4. What are some of the opportunities and barriers faced by Latino immigrants? Compare problems of the first generation to the second generation. How do changes in US economy present more obstacles than earlier immigrants faced (Suro rdg. 14 in C&V).

5. According to Wax rdg. (#16 in C&V), in explaining Black-White inequality gaps in education and employment, how important is Discrimination and other External Factors (mostly resource inequality) Versus more Internal Factors (things controlled by individuals and families)? How does Wax’s position compare to those in other readings?

6. What is the “Model Minority” imager for Asian Americans? What are some problems with it? How well does it fit reality? (Lee rdg. 20 in C&V, D&B ch. 4) How have Hmong American youth been “ideologically blackened” by school officials? How do they view Hmong families and youth styles, as putting them “at risk”? How are East Asian students viewed, in contrast? What is the white, middle class bias in all this? How does this affect Hmong educational opportunities & who is responsible? (Lee rdg. 20 in C&V)

7. What new laws have been passed in Arizona (on Ethnic Studies and Immigration and policing)? What is happening to some books used in Mexican American Studies programs? What discrimination do Hispanics face from law enforcement? How might all of this reinforce racial and/or ethnic inequality? (CNN et al. web rdg.)

8. What is White Privilege (McIntosh web rdg) and what are some examples of it? And how does it relate to the issues in other readings (re: neighborhoods and housing, employment, immigration, stereotypes, ed. policy, etc.)?

9. What does the Philadelphia pool incident relate to White Privilege? (Araiza web rdg.)

Lecture (& some of the main Group Discussion points)

US Population – racial and ethnic group %’s, increasing diversity…

& Maryland 18-22 age pop. changes coming over next 8 years… (big shift)

Race vs. Ethnicity --- definitions & examples. [Should know difference between Race and Ethnicity & examples of each]… (D&B ch. 4)

Prejudice Vs. Discrimination (definitions of each, & be able to give examples)

Institutional Discrimination (D&B ch. 4)

Frequency of Housing discrimination -- & role of discriminatory practices in real estate industry (“Steering”) and banking industry. (Farley & Squire Squires Rdg. 15, C&V)

Housing Segregation changes over past 30 years

Recent Arizona laws re:

Immigration Enforcement (SB 1070)–what may effects be on Hispanics, ethnic profiling and haw that makes policing harder (CNN et al. web rdg.)

[& Ethnic Studies Ban – on Mexican American Studies, reasons for it (realistic fears?), banning books…]

Some of the possible causes of Housing Segregation – E.G., income differences, group preferences (& among whom mainly, whites or balcks?). Which factors are more important and supported by the data? (Farley & Squires rdg 15 in Ch. & Vig.)

Socio-Economic (SES) Data on Racial and Ethnic Group Inequality (Most from D&B ch. 4) – On economic & education inequality. [Know patterns in data, not exact %’s for each group]

Model Minority” Asian Americans – SES data suggesting this, but lots of diversity within Asian American group, not all fit “model”. (D&B ch. 4, Lee rdg. 20 in Ch& Vig.)

“Ideological whitening” for many East Asian Americans (more SES success, more acceptance by whites).

“Ideological blackening” by school authorities for Southeast Asians and especially Laotian Hmong American youth (lower ed. & less SES success, hip-hop style [which many whites also adopt], family obstacles, etc.) and negative effect Hmong educational opportunities (Lee rdg. 20 in C&V)

White Privilege (McIntosh web rdg.)

What it is in general (a sort “expectation of fairness”), a “freedom from” discrim. & prejudice, and knowing one’s group will be present and represented fairly. She gives many examples of this, and how whites benefit from it.

[All of the other assigned readings can be related to this concept in some way…]

Philadelphia area pool incident -- blatant discrimination, (Araiza web rdg.)

Pressure on Minority Groups to Assimilate to dominant group culture – e.g., Native American children sent to boarding schools & stripped of their cukltures there, pressure on Latino immigrants tyo learn English 9& punisjh if don’t) (D&B ch. 4)

Other things to study for Test but that we did not discuss in class (or not much):

View of Latino Immigrants (first generation) about life in US vs. the views of their children (second generation). What are some of the opportunities and barriers faced by Latino immigrants and their kids? The typical 3 generation cycle for immigrants to advance (achieve upward social mobility), and how is that cycle working now? How has American economy changed & what does that mean for immigrants and their children and grandchildren? (Suro rdg. 14 in C&V)

How did the Civil Rights movement change black identities / ways of seeing themselves, and the views of whites as well? How can youth art projects increase youth engagement and help overcome racial and ethnic divisions? How does community organizing in racial diverse neighborhoods build social networks / capital? Why is that helpful? (D&B, 142-154)


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