San Diego Career Center - Planning and Assessment

skills & values (-list

Career Development Services.

Your Work. Your Life. Our Mission.

Job-related, Self-management & Transferable Skills

Job-related “HARD” skills are those which are directly related to a job task: i.e., operating

A woodworking machine...closing a sale of merchandise…designing a webpage.

Self-management “SOFT” skills are personal traits you possess, your attitude and personality: i.e., the ability to work on a team...having a “can-do” Attitude… …honesty…enthusiasm, etc.

Transferable “PORTABLE” skills are those which can be carried from one job, to another: i.e., the ability to use a computer...the ability to manage your time, etc.

Computer Skills Checklist: Review the following list and indicate all skills you have with a “(.“

|Transferable PORTABLE Computer Skills |

|Multi Media |Programming |Spreadsheets |Desktop Publishing |

|___ Strata |___ UNIX ___ C++ |___ Quick Books |___ InDesign |

|___ Premiere |___ JAVA ___ PERL |___ Lotus 1-2-3 |___ MS Publisher |

|___ Aldus Persuasion |___ ActiveX |___ Excel |___ Power Point |

|___ Corel Presentation | |___ Quattro Pro |___ Quark Express |

|___ Morph |Repair/Set-up |___ Peachtree |___ Photoshop |

|___ Director |___ A+ | |___ Corel Draw |

|___ Painter |___ LAN / WAN |Operating Systems | |

|___ After Effects |___ CNE / CNA / MSC |___ Windows Vista |Web Apps |

| | |___ Window XP |___ MySpace |

|Databases |Internet |___ MAC |___ Facebook |

|___ Access |___ Web page design |___ NT |___ LinkedIn / Zoominfo |

|___ dBase |___ HTML/VRML | |___ Email |

|___ FileMaker Pro |___ Netscape |Word Processing |___ Google / maps |

|___ Paradox |___ MS Internet Explorer |___ MS Office 2000+ |___ You Tube |

|___ Goldmine |___ Flash | |___ Twitter |

Self-management Skills Checklist: Use the following list to help identify personal, self-management skills you believe you have. Place a “( “ next to the top six skills you have...

| Self-Management SOFT Skills |

| | | | |

|___ Adaptable |___ Dependable |___ Knowledgeable |___ Reliable |

|___ Adventuresome |___ Diplomatic |___ Loyal |___ Resourceful |

|___ Articulate |___ Effective |___ Mature |___ Self-starter |

|___ Assertive |___ Efficient |___ Motivated |___ Sense of humor |

|___ Ambitious |___ Emotionally stable |___ Optimistic |___ Sensitive to others |

|___ Candid |___ Enthusiastic |___ Orderly |___ Sincere |

|___ Competent |___ Follow instructions |___ Outgoing |___ Tactful |

|___ Confident |___ Friendly |___ Patient |___ Talented |

|___ Courteous |___ Flexible |___ Persistent |___ Trustworthy |

|___ Cooperative |___ Hard-working |___ Punctual |___ Work under pressure |

|___ Decisive |___ Honest |___ Quiet | |

Job-Related Skills Checklist: The following are examples of transferable skills.

STEP 1: From each category that applies to you, select your 3 strongest skills and check “.“

|Job-Related HARD Skills |

|R | |I | |A | |

|Physical & | |Research & Science | |Creative & Communication | |

|Technical | | | | | |

| | |___ Analyze | |___ Abstract | |

|___ Assemble | |___ Clarify | |___ Act | |

|___ Bend |___ Move |___ Collect |___ Interpret |___ Create |___ Listen |

|___ Bind |___ Punch |___ Critique |___ Interview |___ Design |___ Negotiate |

|___ Build |___ Repair |___ Evaluate |___ Investigate |___ Discriminate |___ Paint |

|___ Cut |___ Setting-up |___ Examine |___ Read |___ Edit |___ Perceive |

|___ Drill | |___ Gather |___ Reason |___ Express ideas |___ Perform |

|___ Drive | |___ Inspect |___ Review |___ Humor |___ Persuade |

|___ Feed | | |___ Survey |___ Imagine |___ Report |

|___ Grind | | |___ Synthesize |___ Innovate |___ Speak |

|___ Handle | | |__Troubleshoot |___ Interpret |___ Shape |

|___ Lift | | | |___ Interview |___ Visualize |

| | | | |___ Invent |___ Write |

|S | |E | |C | |

|Helping | |Management & | |Financial | |

| | |Sales | | |Detail |

|___ Care |Teaching | | |___ Account | |

|___ Coach | |___ Assess |___ Lead |___ Accuracy |___ Arrange |

|___ Counsel |___ Speak |___ Coach |___ Make |___ Allocate |___ Classify |

|___ Guide |___ Team Work |___ Contract |decisions |___ Analyze |___ Collate |

|___ Intuition |___ Advise |___ Delegate |___ Manage |___ Appraise |___ Collect |

|___ Lead |___ Clarify |___ Develop |___ Mediate |___ Audit |___ Compile |

|___ Listen |___ Coach |___ Direct |___ Motivate |___ Bookkeep |___ Copy |

|___ Mentor |___ Coordinate |___ Evaluate |___ Organize |___ Budget |___ Dispatch |

|___ Observe |___ Develop |___ Hire |___ Plan |___ Calculate |___ File |

|___ Refer |___ Encourage |___ Influence |___ Make Policy |___ Compute |___ Follow- |

|___ Relate |___ Explain |___ Initiate |___ Solve |___ Keep Records |through |

|___ Sensitivity |___ Facilitate | |Problems |___ Prepare |___ Meet |

|___ Service |___ Facilitate | |___ Reconcile |___ Raise Funds |deadlines |

|___ Support |___ Inform | |___ Recruit | |___ Purchase |

| |___ Stimulate | |___ Schedule | |___ Record |

| | | |___ Sell | |___ Retrieve |

| | | |___ Supervise | | |

From the checked skills, write down the top six (06) skills you wish to use in the future;

1.________________________ 2.________________________ 3.________________________

4.________________________ 5.________________________ 6.________________________

(16) Work Values Checklist: Listed below are "work values" that bring job satisfaction to many people. Read each item carefully and ““ check the values that you consider important.

| Work Values |

| | |

|______ ADVENTURE: Working in a risk-taking job. |______ PRESTIGE: Working in a job which gives you status and respect in a community.|

|______ AUTHORITY: Working in a job which you use your position to control others.|______ PUBLIC ATTENTION: Working in a job in which you attract immediate notice |

|______ COMPETITION: Working in a job in which you compete with others. |because of appearance or activity. |

|______ CREATIVITY & SELF-EXPRESSION: Working in a job in which you use your |______ PUBLIC CONTACT: Working in a job in which you have daily dealings with the |

|imagination to find new ways to do or say something. |public. |

|______ FLEXIBLE WORK SCHEDULE: Working in a job where you choose your own hours. |______ RECOGNITION: Working in a job in which you gain public notice. |

|______ HELPING OTHERS: Working in a job in which you provide direct services to |______ RESEARCH WORK: Working in a job in which you search for and discover new |

|persons with problems. |facts and develop ways to apply them. |

|______ HIGH SALARY: Working in a job where many workers earn a large amount of |______ ROUTINE WORK: Working in a job in which you |

|money. |follow established procedures requiring little change. |

|______ INDEPENDENCE: Working in a job, in which you decide for yourself what work|______ SEASONAL WORK: Working in a job where you |

|to do. |are employed only at certain times of the year. |

|______ INFLUENCING OTHERS: Working in a job in which you influence the decisions |______ TRAVEL: Working in a job in which you travel. |

|of others. |______ VARIETY: Working in a job in which your duties change frequently. |

|______ INTELLECTUAL STIMULATION: Working in a |______ WORK WITH CHILDREN: Working in a job where you teach or otherwise care for |

|job which requires thought and reasoning. |children. |

|______ LEADERSHIP: Working in a job in which you |______ WORK WITH HANDS: Working in a job in which you use your hands or hand tools. |

|manage or supervise the activities of others. |______ WORK WITH MACHINES OR EQUIPMENT: Working in a job in which you use machines |

|______ OUTSIDE WORK: Working out-of-doors. |or equipment. |

|______ PERSUADING: Working in a job in which you |______ WORK WITH NUMBERS: Working in a job in which you use mathematics or |

|personally convince others to take certain actions. |statistics. |

|______ PHYSICAL WORK: Working in a job which requires substantial physical, | |

|labor-intensive activity. | |

From the checked values, select six (6) that are most important to you:

1. 2. 3. _______________________

4. 5. 6. _______________________

Your Top Rated Skills in Review

Go back to the Self-Management Skills Checklist and select the skills you feel are most important and list in the box below:

|Your Top 5 Self Management Skills |

|1 |

|2 |

|3 |

|4 |

|5 |

Go back to the Transferable Skills Checklist and select the skills you feel are most

important and list in the box below (computer skills may be included):

|Your Top 5 Job-Related Skills |

|1 |

|2 |

|3 |

|4 |

|5 |

Select the top 5 job-related skills that you usually put on your resume and

list them in the box below (computer skills may be included also):

|Your Top 5 Transferable Skills |

|1 |

|2 |

|3 |

|4 |

|5 |

Write your current job objective…be specific with job title:

|Your Current Job Objective |

| |

| |


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