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10.3 Sustainable Cities

Vocabulary Preview

Define each vocabulary term in your own words. Then, write yourself a quick note on

how you will remember each. One term has been done for you.

|Term |Definition |How I Remember |

|City planning |Attempt to design cities so as to maximize their | |

| |functionality and beauty. | |

|Geographic |Computerized system for storing, manipulating, and viewing| |

|information |geographic data. | |

|system (GIS) | | |

|Zoning |Classifying areas of different types of development and | |

| |land use. | |

|Urban growth |Line city planners draw on map to separate urban areas | |

|boundary |from areas the city would prefer remain rural. | |

|(UGB) | | |

|Smart growth |A philosophy of urban growth that focuses |Smart growth starts with an S, which |

| |on economic and environmental |makes me think of sustainable, which |

| |approaches that lead to sustainable |also starts with an S. |

| |growth and the avoidance of sprawl | |

|Term |Definition |How I Remember |

|Ecological |Practice or restoring native communities. | |

|restoration | | |

|Greenway |Strips of vegetated open space that connect parks or | |

| |neighborhoods, located along rivers, streams, or | |

| |canals. | |

City Planning

1. Complete the following paragraph with terms from the word bank.

The process of designing urban areas to make them livable is called city planning .

Smart Growth, a philosophy used to manage the spread of urban areas, guides this

process. This philosophy can lead to the establishment of a urban growth boundary

, which limits

the spread of urban areas. City planners use many tools, for example geographic information system ,

that allow data to be manipulated on computers. Decisions made about land use must be put

into practice to be effective. City planners use zoning to put decisions into use.

2. Describe the type of zoning typically seen in urban environments.

Industrial plants for residential neighborhoods to keep them cleaner and quieter

3. What do all urban growth boundaries have in common? Explain.

They have similar goals (concentrating, development, sprawl prevention and ranch/forest/farm preservation).

4. What philosophy of urban growth requires building up, not out?

Build up, not out, promotes investment.

5. Describe new urbanism.

Design new neighborhoods with homes, schools, and business close together to eliminate the need for a car (reduces oil waste).

Transportation Options

6. List three examples of mass transit options in livable cities.

Cars, buses and rail lights

7. Describe at least two examples of advantages of mass transit over automobile use.

Lower prices, reduced contamination, and reduce transit congestion.

8. What are some ways city governments encourage the use of mass transit?

Subway and metro stations, MAX system, fuel efficient transportation, carpool reward, and bicycle promotions

Open Space

9. Identify two ecological processes that are positively affected by the presence of parks and

open space in urban areas.

Greenways and ecological restoration

10. Fill in the cluster diagram with examples of open space in a city.




11. Describe how greenways are valuable to humans and to wildlife.

They reduce pollution and preserve natural places and provide outdoor activities

Green Building Design

12. What is another term for green building design?

Sustainable architecture

13. What is the goal of green building design?

Save energy and other resources without sacrificing people’s comfort

14. In what types of buildings has green building design been successful?

Schools and colleges

15. List three features that might be included in a green building.

Rooftop solar panels, climate control systems, and hot air recycling

Urban Sustainability Successes

16. Fill in the chart with short descriptions of how each location

has made progress toward urban sustainability.

|Urban Sustainability Successes |

|Curitiba, Brazil |New York City |

|Well planned infrastructure |Greenhouse gas emission reduction plan |

|Transit networks |River cleaning program |

|Free healthcare |Improve access to parks |

17. What do the successes of urban sustainability suggest?

That cities can be sustainable which leads to sustainability

Organize Information

18. Fill in the concept map with terms from the word bank.

Open spaces


City planning

Mass transit Ecological restoration


Urban growth boundaries GIS


city planning geographic information system (GIS)

smart growth urban growth boundary (UGB) zoning

Open Space



city planning ecological restoration geographic information system (GIS)

mass transit open spaces urban growth boundary (UGB) zoning

Sustainable Cities



can be achieved



instead of

which uses tools

such as


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