University of Southern MaineCollege of Science, Technology, and HealthDepartment of Exercise, Health, and Sport SciencesTherapeutic ExerciseInstructor: Dominique Ross PhD, ATCOffice Location: Costello Complex; Room 218Office Phone: (207) 780-5659Email: Dominique.Ross@maine.eduStudent Drop-in Hours: M/W 10- 12Course Time: M/W 12:30- 2:20Course Credits: 3Course Description: A study of the basic components of a comprehensive therapeutic exercise program including functional anatomy, joint mobilizations, and rehabilitation programs will be discussed for the appendicular and axial skeletons. In addition, the physiological effects, safety precautions, indications, contraindications, modes of resistance, and specific rehabilitation protocols will be covered. Prerequisites: ALT major; SPM 370, 410; SPM 325, 330, 381 or concurrent; 2 credits lecture, 1 credit lab. Cr 3. Course Objectives: 1. Identify the principles, theories, and evidence providing rationale for therapeutic exercise.2. Develop a relationship between injury pathology and the rehabilitation process.3. Evaluate conservative rehabilitative considerations, including the healing process, pathomechanics, pain, swelling, muscle spasm, and psychological aspects.4. Defend progress, and monitor a rehabilitation program using appropriate goals.5. Illustrate common surgical techniques for athletic injuries and general treatment protocols.6. Design an intervention program emphasizing therapeutic exercise techniques.7. Integrate manual techniques into therapeutic exercise programs. CAATE StandardsStandard #DescriptionAssessment58Incorporate patient education and self-care programs to engage patients and their families and friends to participate in their care and recovery.69Develop a care plan for each patient. The care plan includes (but is not limited to) the following: ? Assessment of the patient on an ongoing basis and adjustment of care accordingly ? Collection, analysis, and use of patient-reported and clinician-rated outcome measures to improve patient care ? Consideration of the patient’s goals and level of function in treatment decisions ? Discharge of the patient when goals are met or the patient is no longer making progress ? Referral when warranted73Select and incorporate interventions (for pre-op patients, post-op patients, and patients with nonsurgical conditions) that align with the care plan. Interventions include (but are not limited to) the following: ? Therapeutic and corrective exercise ? Joint mobilization and manipulation ? Soft tissue techniques ? Movement training (including gait training) ? Motor control/proprioceptive activities ? Task-specific functional training ? Home care management ? Cardiovascular training77Identify, refer, and give support to patients with behavioral health conditions. Work with other health care professionals to monitor these patients’ treatment, compliance, progress, and readiness to participate.Required Reading: Prentice, W. (2020). Rehabilitation Techniques for Sports Medicine and Athletic Training, 7th edition. Slack Inc. Course Design: HybridTo help you prepare for the course, we will use the following weekly format. WhenWhatHowClass Preparation: Asynchronous Online. Due Before Class on MondayRead and consider the critical reading questions. Complete assigned reading. Watch posted lectures. Complete preparatory quiz/questions. Resources will be posted to brightspace under the module followed by the week. All preparatory assignments must be uploaded to BrightSpaceLecture: Synchronous Online Monday 12:30- 1:30Discuss Content and Answer QuestionsComplete an “in-class” activityUse the link on BrightSpace to login to our Zoom class. Instructions for the activity will be provided during class. Lab: Face-to-Face, Wednesday 12:30- 2:30Present journal articlesPractice SkillsComplete Lab ActivitiesArrive to lab on-time with appropriate PPE. Instructions for lab will be given in person.Weekly Assignments and Ongoing Projects: Asynchronous OnlinePlease be aware of additional out-of-class assignments that may be due by Sunday evening. Upload to BrightSpace as assigned.Course Requirements:Evaluation CriteriaPoint ValueQuizzes (8@10pts)80Article Presentation 30 Study Guide Assignments (1 @ 20 points, 1 @ 40 points)60Assignments & Activities50 Written Exams (1 @ 50pts, 1@100pts)150In-Class Rehab Presentation100Comprehensive Rehab Program (written)100Presence and Professionalism (2pt/class)50 (appx)Total570 points*Assignments and point value subject to change at the instructor’s discretion. Students will be notified of changes. *minimum grade of “C-” is required for continuation in the Athletic Training Major*Course Evaluation and Grading: AA-B+BB-C+CC-D+DD-F100-93%92-90%89-87%86-83%82-80%79-77%76-73%72-70%69-67%66-63%62-60%<60%Written Exams & Practical (Skills) Exams: All exams will take place on scheduled date unless changed in advance by the instructor. The instructor will give at least a week notice if exam is being moved earlier and at least a class period in advance if being moved later. If a student has extenuating circumstances it is up to the instructor’s discretion if an exam will be allowed to be taken at a different time. If an exam is not taken when scheduled and prior arrangements have not been made the exam will be scored a 0%. Checking for Understanding/Quizzes: Checking for Understanding/Quizzes will occur as scheduled throughout the semester. The instructor may adjust the scheduled date of quiz at her discretion. Missed quizzes due to unexcused absences will result in a 0%. Projects /Assignments: See rubrics for descriptions. Late projects & assignments will have a grade reduction of 10% per business day. Projects and assignments must be ready for collection at the start of the class period it is due. Work turned in late due to unexcused student tardiness will result in a grade reduction of 10%. Attendance Policy: Class attendance is mandatory and punctuality is expected. This policy applies to both online synchronous classes and face-to-face. A student must contact the professor prior to the start of the class for the professor to consider if the absence will be excused. Excused absences will be at the discretion of the professor. Excused absences may include, but are not limited to: observance of recognized religious holiday, acute medical related distress, athletic training related conference attendance, USM varsity athletic event in which the student is a member of the competing team. A student is allowed up to 3 excused absences per semester. Students with an unexcused absence will not be eligible to make-up missed quizzes, exams or activities. Tardiness: In a case of late arrival, students are expected to notify the instructor before the start of class for the tardiness to be considered as “excused”. In the event of an unexcused tardiness, students will not be eligible to take quizzes if they arrive after distribution and assignments due that day will be considered late. Presence & Professionalism: All students are expected to fully participate in class and be present in mind and body. This includes but is not limited to arriving on time, being prepared for class, participating in class discussion, activities and skills practice. As described previously, students must refrain from distracting activities, particularly during online classes. Distracted behaviors will result in a reduction of P&P points. A professional environment must be maintained at all times and respect for yourself and classmates is a priority. The class may involve practicing hands-on skills with classmates. Permission to touch a classmate must be obtained before every interaction. In the case that a student does not feel comfortable serving as a model, they must inform the instructor so appropriate accommodations can be made. PointsDescription2The student was physically and cognitively present and engaged during the entire duration of the class. 1Attended class physically, but was distracted and limited engagement. 0Did not attend or had conduct that was unprofessional or did not engage.Online Etiquette: Synchronous online classes will have the same expectation for professionalism as face-to-face courses. Therefore, students should be mentally and physically present for the online class. Multitasking or lack of engagement may result in a reduction of professionalism points and/or may be considered an absence. Please be sure to schedule work and other activities around class time. This includes but is not limited to: driving, attending other meetings, completing work for other classes, attending clinical, shopping, texting or talking on cell phones, sleeping, and conversing with people who are not in the class. Technology: Technology should only be used for purposes of the class. Inappropriate use of technology (laptops, cell phones, tablets, etc…) will result in a reduction of the professionalism grade and the student may be asked to leave the class. University Policies and ResourcesACADEMIC INTEGRITY / PLAGIARISMEveryone associated with the University of Southern Maine is expected to adhere to the principles of academic integrity central to the academic function of the University. Any breach of academic integrity represents a serious offense. Each student has a responsibility to know the standards of conduct and expectations of academic integrity that apply to academic tasks. Violations of academic integrity include any actions that attempt to promote or enhance the academic standing of any student by dishonest means. Cheating on an examination, stealing the words or ideas of another (i.e., plagiarism), making statements known to be false or misleading, falsifying the results of one's research, improperly using library materials or computer files, or altering or forging academic records are examples of violations of this policy which are contrary to the academic purposes for which the University exists. Acts that violate academic integrity disrupt the educational process and are not acceptable.Evidence of a violation of the academic integrity policy will normally result in disciplinary action. A copy of the complete policy may be obtained from the office of Community Standards and Mediation, online at? by calling and requesting a copy at (207) 780-5242.DISABILITY ACCOMMODATIONSThe university is committed to providing students with disabilities equal access to all university programs and services. If you think you have a disability and would like to request accommodations, please contact the Disability Services Center. Timely notification is essential. The Disability Services Center can be reached by calling 207-780-4706 or by email If you have already received a faculty accommodation letter from the Disability Services Center and would like to request accommodations for this course, please provide me with that information as soon as possible. Please make a private appointment so that we can review your accommodations together.TUTORING AND WRITING ASSISTANCETutoring at USM is for?all?students, not just those who are struggling. Tutoring provides active feedback and practice, and is available for writing, math, and many more subjects.? Walk-in tutoring is available at the Glickman Library in Portland, the Gorham Library, and the LAC Writing Center. For best service, we recommend making an appointment at?. Questions about tutoring should be directed to Naamah Jarnot at 207-780-4554. Interested in becoming a more effective, efficient learner? Check out? AND COUNSELINGCounseling is available at USM. The best way to schedule an appointment is by phone at 780-5411. More information is available at ORIENTED CAMPUS CENTER (ROCC)A peer support community for students in recovery from substance abuse and other mental health conditions is available at USM. More information may be found online at or by containing ROCC at 207-228-8141. NONDISCRIMINATION POLICY AND BIAS REPORINGThe University of Southern Maine is an EEO/AA employer, and does not discriminate on the grounds of race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, transgender status, gender expression, national origin, citizenship status, age, disability, genetic information or veteran’s status in employment, education, and all other programs and activities. The following person has been designated to handle inquiries regarding non-discrimination policies: Amie Parker, Interim Director of Equal Opportunity, The Farmhouse, University of Maine Augusta, Augusta, ME? 04333, 207.581.1226, TTY 711 (Maine Relay System). Incidents of discrimination or bias at USM should be reported to Associate Vice President for Student Affairs David Roussel at 207-780-5242.STATEMENT ON RELIGIOUS OBSERVANCE FOR USM STUDENTSAbsence for Religious Holy Days: The University of Southern Maine respects the religious beliefs of all members of the community, affirms their rights to observe significant religious holy days, and will make reasonable accommodations, upon request, for such observances. If a student’s religious observance is in conflict with the academic experience, they should inform their instructor(s) of the class or other school functions that will be affected. It is the student’s responsibility to make the necessary arrangements mutually agreed upon with the instructor(s).TITLE IX STATEMENTThe University of Southern Maine is committed to making our campuses safer places for students. Because of this commitment, and our federal obligations, faculty and other employees are considered mandated reporters when it comes to experiences of interpersonal violence (sexual assault, sexual harassment, dating or domestic violence, and stalking). Disclosures of interpersonal violence must be passed along to the University’s Deputy Title IX Coordinator who can help provide support and academic remedies for students who have been impacted. More information can be found online at? by contacting Sarah E. Holmes at? 207-780-5767.If students want to speak with someone confidentially, the following resources are available on and off campus: University Counseling Services (207-780-4050); 24 Hour Sexual Assault Hotline (1-800-871-7741); 24 Hour Domestic Violence Hotline (1-866-834-4357).POLICY ON ACCEPTABLE CONDUCT IN CLASS SETTINGS If a student substantially disrupts a class, the professor may ask the student to align with this policy on conduct in a class setting. If the student refuses, the professor may, at their discretion, ask the student to leave. If the professor takes this step, they must attempt to communicate with the student and provide informal counsel and advice. The professor may elect to notify their dean of the situation as well. If the student disrupts the class again, the professor may, at their discretion, provide a written notification to the student, describe the offending behavior, and refer the student’s case to the appropriate academic dean and notify the dean of students that an official student conduct code violation has occurred [ HYPERLINK "" ]. COVID FACE COVERING REQUIREMENTPer USM and the University of Maine System, all students, faculty, and staff members are required to wear a face covering,?including during all face-to-face classes.? Resident students are exempted from this requirement when in their own room in the residence?hall.? Students?seeking additional exceptions from this requirement should refer to the DISABILITY ACCOMMODATIONS?section of this syllabus.? POLICY: Inclement WeatherFrom time to time USM will close the University due to inclement weather. When the cancellation is for an entire day, the class content will be made up at another time or through additional, outside of class, assignments.When the school opens late or closes early, and the time selected is during the middle of class, we will still hold the class unless you are otherwise notified by me. Two examples:If class starts at 1pm, but the University is closing at 1:30pm, we will still have class unless you hear from me.If class starts at 1pm, but the University is opening at 1:30pm, we will still have class unless you hear from me.Tentative Couse OutlineWeek DateTopicModeAssignments11/25Syllabus, Introductions?Online?1/27Essential Considerations?OnlineQuiz, Chapter 122/1Healing Process & Evaluation Process?OnlineQuiz, Chapter 2 & 32/3Evaluation & Manual Techniques Lab?LabSee Posted Materials32/8Psychological ConsiderationsOnlineQuiz, Chapter 42/10Manual TechniqueLabStudy Guide 142/15President’s Day No Class Meeting?2/17Exam 1Online52/22Core StabilityOnlineChapter 52/24Core LabLab63/1Neuromuscular Control, Postural Stability and BalanceOnlineQuiz, Chapters 6 & 73/3Neuromuscular Control, Postural Stability and Balance LabLabArticle Presentations 73/8ROM and Flexibility; Muscular Strength, Endurance and Power, CardioOnlineQuiz, Chapter 8, 9 & 103/10ROM and Flexibility; Muscular Strength, Endurance and Power Lab, CardioLabArticle Presentations83/15Plyometrics & OC/OKCOnlineQuiz, Chapters 11 & 123/17Plyometrics & OC/OKC LabLabArticle Presentations 93/22Simulation Day3/24Mini Break No Class Meeting?103/29Joint Mobilization & PNF OnlineQuiz, Chapters 13 & 143/31Joint Mobilizations & PNF LabLabArticle Presentation 114/5Aquatic Therapy & Functional ProgressionOnlineQuiz, Study Guide 2, Chapter 15 & 16?4/7Exam 2Online124/12Creating Your Rehab Program- Work DayNo Meeting4/14Integrating Manual Techniques Into RehabilitationOnlineSee Provided Reading134/19Wrist, Hand & Fingers, Elbow, ShoulderLab(Presenters 1 & 2) Chapter 18, 194/21SpineLab(Presenters 3) Chapter 20, 21144/26Lower-Leg, Ankle & FootLab(Presenter 4 & 5) Chapter 22, 234/28Knee, Hip, Groin & Thigh Lab(Presenter 6 & 7) Chapter 24Finals5/2Comprehensive Rehab PlanOnline* Syllabus and course calendar subject to changeStudy Guide AssignmentThe purpose of this assignment is for you to create an ongoing study guide used to review content presented in therapeutic modalities. You will responsible for creating 6 study guides throughout the semester. Format is up to you, but key content must be included. See syllabus for due dates and topics.RubricContent (80%): Thoroughly reviews content association with the respective chapters and ancillary reading materials. Key TermsOverview of main topicsApplication to clinical practiceSummary/ review of additional reading materialAccuracy: (10%)Organization: (10%)Suggested study guide methods: note cards, quizlet, kahoot, diagrams, concept maps, written notes, video/ auditory records, other study methods that work for you! Material must be transferred from PowerPoint presentations and your textbook into a new study medium. The main thing is that they must be accessible for future reference. Final Written Comprehensive Rehab PlanTherapeutic Exercise100 pointsThe purpose of this assignment is to create a rehabilitation program that addresses a common injury or surgical procedure. You will describe a therapeutic exercise protocol that includes a minimum of 3 phases of rehabilitation. For this assignment you will need to include the following: Background (5 points): Describe your patient’s diagnosis and any surgeries they’ve undergone to repair their injury. Provide pertinent demographic information (Sport, age, sex, grade/level…) Rehabilitation Plan (75 points): For each phase of rehabilitation include the following components: Patient Findings (10 points): Provide a detailed history and objective findings (inspection, palpation, ROM, MMT, functional assessment, etc…).3-5 short term goals (10 points): Be sure the goals are specific, measureable, attainable, relevant and timely (SMART). These short term goals should be related to the goals associated with the phase of rehabilitation. Exercise plan (20 points)Provide 8-10 exercises that are appropriate for the respective phase of rehabilitation. Include appropriate progressions for that phase. List the component of rehabilitation the specific exercise addresses (ROM, strength, balance, etc…). Document the parameters of the exercise (sets, reps, duration, settings, equipment, etc…) so that another clinician could replicate the same exercise plan. Explain how this exercise is related to achieving the patient’s SMART goals and could be made sport specific.Special Considerations (5 points): What precautions should be taken or consideration to be made when rehabilitating this injury during this phase? (Example: Avoid weight bearing)Adjunct Modalities or Therapeutic Interventions (5 points): Describe at least 1 modalities or additional therapeutic intervention that would compliment your exercise protocol. Explain why this would be appropriate.Professional Communication (5 points): Writing is professional in nature, effectively communicates with the reader and uses appropriate grammar and punctuation. Appropriate Exercise Progression (5 points): Rehabilitation exercises effectively progress from the previous phase. The progression is reflective of the phases of healing and prepare the patient for return to play/ return to work. Plan is Comprehensive (10 points): The rehabilitation is comprehensive and sport/work specific. All aspects of rehab are included. Clinical Application: Comprehensive Rehab PlanTherapeutic Exercise100 pointsThe purpose of this assignment is to create a rehabilitation program that addresses a common injury or surgical procedure. You will take your patient through a minimum of 3 phases of rehabilitation. During your presentation you will teach your classmates about the exercise protocol you have created. You will have a model who will serve as your patient. You will explain to your model how to complete the exercise followed by a demonstration. This presentation should replicate a rehabilitation session that you’d have with a patient. You will have 30-40 minutes to complete your presentation. You must use the attached flow sheet, but no powerpoint or other media. For this assignment you will need to include the following: Discuss the background/history of your patient (5 points)Share any precautions or safeguards that must be taken to protect the injured tissue (10 points)Present the short-term goals for each phase (12 points)For each phase, bring a rehabilitation flow sheet* to provide to the instructor (see instructions and example below)Explain the purpose and properly demonstrate each exercise (30 points)Discuss how the exercises in each phase serves to achieve your goals (18) points)Discuss your functional return to play testing criteria (5 points)Answer questions with accuracy (10 points)Overall professionalism- communication, attire and medical jargon (10 points)Note: your patient will only need to complete the exercise 1-2 times and will not do entire sets and repetitions. Proper form and positioning should be instructed. *Rehabilitation Flow Sheet to bring for the instructor. Only complete the first three columns. The “notes” column will be used by the instructor for grading purposes.Rehabilitation Flow SheetInjury: Phase:Duration of Phase: Short Term Rehabilitation Goals: 1.2.3.?ExerciseSets/RepsPurposeInstructor Notes1????2????3????4????5????6????7????8????9????10????11????12???? ................

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