CS101 .pk

MTH 302


Compound Interest

Calculate returns from investments


Excel Functions


The objectives of the lecture are to learn about:

Review of lecture 7

Compound Interest

Calculate returns from investments


Excel Functions


Returns the cumulative interest paid on a loan between start_period and end_period.

If this function is not available, and returns the #NAME? error, install and load the Analysis ToolPak add-in.

The syntax is as follows:


Rate:   interest rate.

Nper:   total number of payment periods

Pv:   present value.

Start_period:   first period in the calculation

End_period:   last period in the calculation

Type:   timing of the payment

|Type |Timing |

|0 (zero) |Payment at the end of the period |

|1 |Payment at the beginning of the period |


Following is an example of CUMIPMT function. In this example, in the first case the objective is to find total interest paid in the second year of payments for periods 13 to 24. Please note there are 12 periods per year. The second case is for the first payment period.

In the first formula, the Annual interest rate 9% is cell A2 (not shown here). The Years of the loan are given in cell A3. The Present value is in cell A4. For the Start period the value 13 was entered. For the End period, the value 24 has been specified. The value of Type is 0, which means that the payment will be at the end of the period. Please note that the annual interest is first divided by 12 to arrive at monthly interest. Then the Years of the loan are multiplied by 12 to get total number of months in the Term of the loan. The answer is (-11135.23).

In the second formula, which gives Interest paid in a single payment in the first month 1 was specified as the Start period. For the End period also the value 1 was entered.This is because only 1 period is under study. All other inputs were the same. The answer is (-937.50).

Data Description

9% Annual interest rate

30 Years of the loan

125,000 Present value

=CUMIPMT(A2/12,A3*12,A4,13,24,0)Total interest paid in the second year of payments, periods 13 through 24 (-11135.23)

=CUMIPMT (A2/12,A3*12,A4,1,1,0)Interest paid in a single payment in the first month (-937.50)


The CUMPRINC  function returns the cumulative principal paid on a loan between two periods.

The syntax is as under:


Rate:   interest rate.

Nper:   total number of payment periods.

Pv:   present value

Start_period:   period in the calculation. Payment

End_period:   last period in the calculation

Type:   timing of the payment (0 or 1 as above)


Following is an example of CUMPRINC function. In this example, in the first case the objective is to find the total principal paid in the second year of payments, periods 13 through 24. Please note there are 12 periods per year. The second case is for the principal paid in a single payment in the first month.

In the first formula, the Interest rate per annum 9% is in cell A2 (not shown here). The Term in years (30) is given in cell A3. The Present value is in cell A4. For the Start period the value 13 was entered. For the End period, the value 24 has been specified. The value of Type is 0, which means that the payment will be at the end of the period. Please note that the interest is first divided by 12 to arrive at monthly interest. Then the years of loan are multiplied by 12 to get total number of months in the term of the loan. The answer is (-934.1071).

In the second formula, which gives the principal paid in a single payment in the first month 1 was specified as the start period. For the end period also the value 1 was entered.This is because only 1 period is under study. All other inputs were the same. The answer is (-68.27827).


Data Description

9.00% Interest rate per annum

30 Term in years

125,000 Present value

=CUMPRINC(A2/12,A3*12,A4,13,24,0)The total principal paid in the second year of payments, periods 13 through 24 (-934.1071)

=CUMPRINC(A2/12,A3*12,A4,1,1,0)The principal paid in a single payment in the first month (-68.27827)


Returns the effective annual interest rate. As you see there are only two inputs, namely, the nominal interest Nominal_rate and the number of compounding periods per year Npery.


Nominal_rate:   nominal interest rate

Npery:   number of compounding periods per year


Here Nominal_rate = 5.25% in cell A2. Npery =4 in cell A3. The answer is 0.053543 or 5.3543%. You should round off the value to 2 decimals. 5.35%.

5.25% Nominal interest rate

4 Number of compounding periods

per year


Effective interest rate with the terms above (0.053543 or 5.3543 percent)


Returns the future value of an investment. There are 5 inputs, namely, Rate the interest rate, Nper number of periods, Pmt payment per period, Pv present value and Type.


Rate:   interest rate per period

Nper:   total number of payment periods

Pmt:   payment made each period.

Pv:   present value, or the lump-sum amount

Type:   number 0 or 1 due


In the formula, there are 5 inputs, namely, Rate 6% in cell A2 as the interest rate, 10 as Nper number of periods in cell A3, -200 (notice the minus sign) as Pmt payment per period in cell A4, -500 (notice the minus sign) as Pv present value in cell A4 and 1 as Type in cell A6. The answer is (2581.40).



In the formula, there are 3 inputs, namely, Rate 12% in cell A2 as the interest rate, 12 as Nper number of periods in cell A3, -1000 (notice the minus sign) as Pmt payment per period in cell A4. Pv present value and Type are not specified. Both are not required as we are calculating the Future value of the investment. The answer is (12682.50).



In the formula, there are 4 inputs, namely, Rate 11% in cell A2 as the interest rate, 35 as Nper number of periods in cell A3, -2000 (notice the minus sign) as Pmt payment per period in cell A4, 1as Type in cell A5. The value of Pv was omitted by entering a blank for the value (note the double commas”,,”. The answer is (82846.25).



Returns the future value of an initial principal after applying a series of compound interest rates.


Principal:   present value

Schedule:   an array of interest rates to apply


In this example, the Principal is 1. The compound rates {0.09,0.11,0.1} are given within curly brackets. The answer is (1.33089).



Future value of 1 with compound interest rates of 0.09,0.11,0.1 (1.33089)


Returns the interest payment for an investment for a given period.


Rate:   interest rate per period

Per:   period to find the interest

Nper:   total number of payment periods

Pv:   present value, or the lump-sum amount

Fv:   future value, or a cash balance

Type:   number 0 or 1


Calculates the interest paid during a specific period of an investment


Rate:  interest rate

Per:  period

Nper:  total number of payment periods

Pv:   present value. For a loan, pv is the loan amount



Returns the annual nominal interest rate.


Effect_rate:   effective interest rate

Npery:   number of compounding periods per year


Returns the number of periods for an investment.

NPER(rate, pmt, pv, fv, type)

Rate:   the interest rate per period.

Pmt:   payment made each period

Pv:   present value, or the lump-sum amount

Fv:   future value, or a cash balance

Type:   number 0 or 1 (due)


Returns the net present value of an investment based on a series of periodic cash flows and a discount rate.


Rate: interest rate per period

Nper:   is the total number of payment periods

Pmt: payment made each period

Fv:  future value, or a cash balance Type   number 0 or 1 (due)


Returns the periodic payment for an annuity.


Rate:   interest rate

Nper:   total number of payments

Pv:   present value

Fv:   future value

Type:   number 0 (zero) or 1


Returns the payment on the principal for an investment for a given period.


Rate:   interest rate per period.

Per:   period and must be in the range 1 to nper

Nper:   total number of payment periods

Pv:   the present value

Fv:   future value (0)

Type:   the number 0 or 1 (due)


Returns the present value of an investment.


Rate: interest rate per period

Nper:   total number of payment periods in an annuity

Pmt:   payment made each period and cannot change over the life of the annuity

Fv:   future value, or a cash balance

Type:   number 0 or 1 and indicates when payments are due



Returns the interest rate per period of an annuity.


Nper:   total number of payment periods

Pmt:   payment made each period

Pv:   present value 

Fv:   future value, or a cash balance (0)

Type:   number 0 or 1 (due)

Guess:  (10%)


Three inputs are specified. 4 as years of loan in cell A5, -200 as monthly payment in cell A6 and 8000 as amount of loan in cell A7. The answer is 0.09241767 or 9.24%.



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