User Guide

User Guide-Vendor RegistrationVersion 1.5Updated 7/17/19Table of Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u 1.Purpose and Introduction PAGEREF _Toc14271620 \h 31.1General Information PAGEREF _Toc14271621 \h 31.2Vendor Registration Process Overview PAGEREF _Toc14271622 \h 32.Log In and Account Settings PAGEREF _Toc14271623 \h 42.1To Log in: PAGEREF _Toc14271624 \h 42.2To edit Profile Settings: PAGEREF _Toc14271625 \h 52.3To edit Password: PAGEREF _Toc14271626 \h 62.4To contact Support via Email: PAGEREF _Toc14271627 \h 62.5To Logout: PAGEREF _Toc14271628 \h 63.Registration PAGEREF _Toc14271629 \h 73.1Add Profile Information: PAGEREF _Toc14271630 \h 73.2Add Staff: PAGEREF _Toc14271631 \h 93.3Update Staff Status: PAGEREF _Toc14271632 \h 103.4Add Services: PAGEREF _Toc14271633 \h 103.5Add a Comment: PAGEREF _Toc14271634 \h 113.6Submit Registration: PAGEREF _Toc14271635 \h 123.7Add Additional Information: PAGEREF _Toc14271636 \h 123.8View Vendor Fee Schedule PAGEREF _Toc14271637 \h 133.9View/Print Allocation Letter PAGEREF _Toc14271638 \h 133.10View Org Chart PAGEREF _Toc14271639 \h 133.11Create an Org Chart Supervisor PAGEREF _Toc14271640 \h 143.12Create an Org Chat Supervisee PAGEREF _Toc14271641 \h 143.13Edit or Delete an Org Chart Supervisor / Supervisee PAGEREF _Toc14271642 \h 144.Questions PAGEREF _Toc14271643 \h 15Purpose and IntroductionThis document describes the basics of navigating in the bhsdstar Vendor Registration module including log in, profile settings, adding staff and licensure, adding services, adding comments, submitting, and reviewing the registration history.General InformationYou must have your own unique email address to have an account.All activity done using an account is tracked and recorded in bhsdstar. Do not share your account information.It is important to know your organizations primary and/or secondary account manager for bhsdstar. They will be able to answer most questions for you about how they want you to use the application.Online videos, super-quick guides and comprehensive user guides are available on . For question that can’t be answered by the online resources or your primary/secondary contact, or any issues you may encounter in bhsdstar, please email support@ to create a support ticket.Any identifying client information sent through email is a HIPAA violation. Use only the bhsdstar Client ID when needing to reference a specific client. Vendor Registration Process OverviewAll Vendors wishing to provide non-Medicaid services for The New Mexico Behavioral Health Services Division, and The New Mexico Children, Youth, and Families Department must complete and submit the online vendor registration documents. Please note, initiating Vendor Registration does not guarantee funding through the Behavioral Health Collaborative agencies (BHSD and/or CYFD).Step 1Vendor has been approved by a Collaborative State Agency and Vendor Requests information to access the Online registration portal by emailing support@Step 2 Vendor Registration associate acknowledges received request from Vendor by email. Email to Vendor includes a Vendor Packet which includes a Vendor Information Excel worksheet, W9, and EFT form for the Vendor to complete and return to Vendor Registration with their designated Vendor Administrator indicated.Step 3 Vendor Registration associate inputs Vendor Information into the registration portal for online registration based on the submitted Vendor Information worksheet. Step 4 Vendor Registration associate creates and provides Vendor Registration Access for the designated Vendor Administrator. Vendor Administrator will be emailed login credentials directly by Vendor Registration with a Vendor Registration user manual.Note: the designated Vendor Administrator is the person who will be completing the online Vendor registration. Vendor billing and claims submission is a different process with distinct Administrative permission. Vendors will need to register their appropriate billing staff separately.Step 5Vendor Completes all sections of registration including business profile, staff profiles, and business services then Submits Online Registration. Vendor notifies Vendor Registration by email (support@) that completed registration has been submitted.Step 6Vendor Registration will conduct preliminary checks on Vendor’s submitted registration. If pass preliminary checks, Vendor Registration will notify Falling Colors Finance Department the registration is ready to continue through the registration process.If do NOT pass preliminary checks, Vendor Registration will contact Vendor by email to request the needed information to complete their registration. Step 7Vendor Registration notifies the Vendor Authority (BHSD and/or CYFD) Vendor’s registration is ready for review (approve, deny, or request additional information).If registration is approved, Vendor Authority will notify Falling Colors Finance Department the registration is ready to continue through the registration process.If registration is denied or more information is needed, Vendor Authority will contact Vendor directly by email to request the needed information to complete their registration. Step 8When notified by the Vendor Authority Vendor’s registration is approved, Falling Colors Financial Department reviews submitted vendor registration for a complete W-9 and EFT with signatures.If registration submitted is complete and accurate, the Finance Department will proceed to Step 9.If registration submitted is NOT complete and/or accurate, the Falling Colors Finance Department will contact Vendor directly by email to request the needed information. Step 9Falling Colors Finance Department emails listed Executive Contact the contract, an attestation and a Business Associate Agreement (BAA) thru the DocuSign program.Step 10Vendor Executive Contact electronically signs and submits required contractual documentation. Step 11 Falling Colors Chief Financial Officer (CFO) reviews and signs required contractual documentation. Falling Colors Finance Department logs and saves copies of all contractual documentation. Step 12When Scopes of Work (SOW) are received from a Collaborative State Agency (BHSD and/or CYFD), Falling Colors Finance Department emails the SOW’s to the Vendor for review and signatures.Log In and Account SettingsTo Log in:From the desktop double-click your internet browser to launch. (For best results we recommend Goggle Chrome but other browsers can also be used.)Enter in the browser window and press the Enter key.Click the Provider Login button.Click in the Username field and enter user name.Press the Tab key or click in the Password field and enter user password.Click the Login button.The Welcome screen will display.Click Vendor Administration.To edit Profile Settings:Click on your logged in Name in the upper right corner.Click Update Profile.Click the field you want to edit and enter new information.Click Update.To edit Password:Click on your logged in Name in the upper right corner.Click Change Password.Enter current password.Enter a new password.Re-enter the new password.Click Update.To contact Support via Email:Tip: Never send a client’s name in the free text section of the email-refer to them by their ID number.Click on your logged in Name in the upper right corner.Click Contact Support.To Logout:Click on your logged in Name in the upper right corner.Click Logout.RegistrationAdd Profile Information:Click Location Name and edit name. (if needed-as shown on your W-9 form)Click Doing Business As field and enter name. (if different than Location Name)Click Do you have a business license drop-down and click Yes or No.Click Federal Tax ID field and enter ID. (A valid Federal ID number such as a Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN), Social Security Number (SSN), or Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN)) Be sure to include the hyphen.Click Do you have an NPI Yes checkbox to check. (if needed)Click NPI field and enter your site NPI. (Healthcare providers acquire their unique 10-digit NPIs to identify themselves in a standard way throughout their industry)Click Do you have a Billing NPI Yes checkbox to check. (if needed)Click Billing NPI field and enter your billing NPI.Click Do you have a Medicaid ID Yes checkbox. (if needed)Click Medicaid ID field and enter ID. (if Yes is selected above. Healthcare providers acquire their unique Medicaid number to identify themselves as a Medicaid Provider)Click Address field and enter street address.Click City field and enter City.Click State drop-down and click state. (if needed)Click Zip field and enter zip code.Click Use the physical address Yes checkbox (if needed) for the Billing Address. (if not enter address fields).Click Use the physical address Yes checkbox (if needed) for the Mailing Address (if not enter address fields)Click Executive Contact-First Name field and enter name. (The person responsible for signing legal documentation for the business)Click Executive Contact-Last Name field and enter name.Click Executive Contact-Phone and enter number.Click Executive Contact-Email and enter email address.Click Billing Contact-First Name field and enter name. (The person responsible for submitting invoices, receiving statements, and/or bills)Click Billing Contact-Last Name field and enter name.Click Billing Contact-Phone and enter number.Click Billing Contact-Email and enter email address.Click MCO checkboxes for the MCOs this site is credentialed with.Click Language checkboxes for the languages this site supports.Click Specialties checkboxes for specialties this site supports.Click Facility Type(s) to select that are applicable to the site.Click Download EFT and/or W-9 Form as needed.Click Browse for EFT Form, double-click EFT form to upload.Click Browse for W-9 Form, double-click W-9 form to upload.Note: EFT and W-9 are only required if Funding is needed for the Vendor from a Lead Agency. Blank Documents can be uploaded if the Vendor is not applying for any funding.Click BHSD and/or CBHD under What agencies are you applying for.Click Save.Add Staff:Note: Staff only needs to be added in Vendor Registration for people who will provide billable services. BHSDSTAR users are not added here.Click Staff on the left navigation bar.Click Add Staff.Click First Name field and enter name.Click Last Name field and enter name.Click NPI field and enter NPI for the staff person.Click Start Date and select a date from the calendar-picker.Click Save.Click Add Licensure/Certification.Click Licensure/Certification Title drop-down and click name of the licensure or certification.Click Licensure/Certification ID and enter the ID.Click Yes under Expiration date to un-check if the licensure does not expire (if needed).Click Expiration Date calendar and click date (if needed for licensure that does expire).Click Browse for Licensure/Certification Form, double-click form to upload.Click Save Licensure/Certification.Repeat for every staff person at the site who will render services and/or conduct client assessments/surveys. (This is used to calculate the payment for the service based on the licensure in the fee schedule and to activate the Start New Button for Assessments/Surveys)Note: Uploaded documents are not required for: (“CSSS worker - High School”, “CSSS worker – Bachelors”, “CSSS worker – Masters” and “PSR worker”. Update Staff Status:Click Staff on the left navigation bar.Click the name of the Staff member.Select an Action to be applied.Select an Effective Date to be applied.Select a single Location or ‘All Locations’ to apply the Action and Effective Date to.Click Submit.Click the trash can icon next to any Activation/Deactivation record shown in the Location tiles to delete that record.Note: All sites the Vendor Admin has access to will be displayed, regardless of if the Staff member has ever been activated at those sites.Add Services:Click Services on the left navigation bar.Click Add Services.Click the category drop-down and click service category.Click service checkbox to check for each service this site will provide that you have a licensed/certified staff member.Click Add Service(s).Add a Comment:Click History on the left navigation bar.Click Add a Comment.Click Comment field and enter comments.Click Save Comment.Tip: The above steps need to be repeated for each Site if the Vendor has multiple sites. Click the site drop-down on the left navigation to navigate between sites and enter the applicable information.Submit Registration:After all required fields have been entered, all staff and their corresponding licensure/certification added, and all services that will be provided selected:Click Profile on the left navigation bar.Click Submit Profile.Click Submit to Are you sure you want to submit for approval.The Orange Indicator on the top will state Pending Approval.Tip: You are responsible for logging in on a regular basis to monitor the status of your registration. If additional information is requested from the Lead Agency the Orange Indicator on the top will state Additional Information Requested. When you registration is approved the Orange Indicator on the top will disappear and Approved will be indicated in the Registration History.Add Additional Information:Click History on the left navigation bar.View Comment from Lead Agency in the Comments section.Make the necessary changes by following the processes above.Click Profile on the left navigation bar.Click Submit Profile.Click Submit to Are you sure you want to submit for approval.The Orange Indicator on the top will state Pending Approval.View Vendor Fee ScheduleClick Fee Schedule on the left navigation bar.Tabs for the Lead Agency(ies) that you are approved for will be displayed along with all the services you have been approved to provide will be listed along with their acceptable licensures and fees paid.View/Print Allocation LetterClick Allocation Letter on the left navigation bar.A PDF Version of the Allocation Letter will load for viewing or printing.View Org ChartClick Org Chart on the left navigation bar.A list of all Rendering Providers activated at one of the Provider Locations is displayed. Rendering Providers in a Supervisor-Supervisee relationship are displayed in the Org Chart section.Rendering Providers that are not currently in a Supervisor-Supervisee relationship are displayed in the Unassigned Staff section.Create an Org Chart SupervisorClick Org Chart on the left navigation bar.Click Edit.Click Add Top Level Supervisor. Begin typing the name of a Rendering Provider.A type-ahead list of matching Rendering Providers is displayed.Select a Rendering Provider from the type-ahead list.Supervisor will be displayed.Click Save.User is brought back to the Org Chart. Org Chart and Unassigned Staff lists are updated according to changes.Create an Org Chat SuperviseeClick Org Chart on the left navigation bar.Click EditHover over a Supervisor from the list.Click the green plus-sign icon.Begin typing the name of a Rendering Provider.A type-ahead list of matching Rendering Providers is displayed.Select a Rendering Provider from the type-ahead list.Supervisee will be displayed underneath the Supervisor.Another Supervisee can be added underneath the Supervisor and/or underneath the newly-created Supervisee.Click Save.User is brought back to the Org Chart. Org Chart and Unassigned Staff lists are updated according to changes.Edit or Delete an Org Chart Supervisor / SuperviseeClick Org Chart on the left navigation bar.Click EditHover over a Supervisor or Supervisee from the list.Click the pencil icon.A text field is displayed and allows the user to edit the name of the Supervisor or Supervisee.Click the trash can icon.A confirmation dialogue box is displayed. Click Remove.The Supervisor or Supervisee disappears from the list.Click Save.User is brought back to the Org Chart. Org Chart and Unassigned Staff lists are updated according to changes.QuestionsFor any system issues email support@ ................

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