
[Pages:12]Computer Information Systems Advanced Microcomputer Applications ? CIS-261

Spring 2015 Wednesday 6:00 ? 8:45


Instructor Information .............................................................................................................................. 1 College of Business Learning Objectives/Skill Development: ................................................................... 1

Work with Spreadsheets:...................................................................................................................... 1 Work with Databases: ........................................................................................................................... 1 Prerequisite:.......................................................................................................................................... 1 Course Materials ....................................................................................................................................... 2 Required:............................................................................................................................................... 2 Optional: ............................................................................................................................................... 2 Course Objectives: .................................................................................................................................... 2 Course Requirements: .............................................................................................................................. 2 Attendance Policy: ................................................................................................................................ 3 Ethical Conduct: .................................................................................................................................... 3 Special Considerations: ......................................................................................................................... 3 Laboratory Assignments: ...................................................................................................................... 3 Testing:...................................................................................................................................................... 3 Disability Support:..................................................................................................................................... 3 Evaluation: ................................................................................................................................................ 4 Grading Scale: ....................................................................................................................................... 4 *Syllabus is tentative and subject to change ............................................................................................ 5 Advice........................................................................................................................................................ 5 Tentative Schedule and Reading Assignments Spring 2015: .................................................................... 5


Instructor Information

Computer Information Systems Advanced Microcomputer Applications ? CIS-261

Spring 2015 Wednesday 6:00 ? 8:45

Mr. James E. Powers, MBA Office: BE-2064

E-mail Address: Classroom: BE-1033

Phone: 465-1104

Office Hours: Wednesday 4:30-6:00

College of Business Learning Objectives/Skill Development:

This course is designed to build on and advance the technical skills you were introduced to in CIS-151. In addition, there will be an emphasis on "problem solving" in this course. As a result of completing this course successfully, you should be able to:

Work with Spreadsheets:

? Format spreadsheets giving them a professional appearance, including documentation and thus making them easy to use and understand. ? Create and work with spreadsheets utilizing basic formulas and functions. ? Create and work with spreadsheets utilizing complex formulas and compound functions. ? Work with large spreadsheets and data tables. ? Understand the difference between data and information. ? Work with data analysis tools. ? Be able to solve common business problems based on a scenario by selecting and applying appropriate formulas, functions and data analysis tools.

Work with Databases:

? Design appropriate tables based on a scenario and use appropriate fields, field names and properties for the application. ? Create tables, link them together in a logical manner and populate with data. ? Create and use queries to make decisions. ? Create and use forms to make decisions. ? Create and use reports to make decisions. ? Be able to solve common business problems based on a scenario by designing, creating, populating, building appropriate tables along with relationships between the tables and utilizing the appropriate tools (queries, forms and reports) embedded with the appropriate formulas and functions.

Prerequisite: CIS-151 ? Introduction to Microsoft Office


Course Materials

Computer Information Systems Advanced Microcomputer Applications ? CIS-261

Spring 2015 Wednesday 6:00 ? 8:45

Required: Text - Exploring: Microsoft Excel 2013, Comprehensive Paperback or e-book ? June 14, 2013 by Mary Anne Poatsy (Author), Keith Mulbery (Author), Jason Davidson (Author ISBN-13: 978-0133412185 ISBN-10: 0133412180 Edition: 1st

MyITLab for Exploring 2013 -will be used as a supplement to aid in learning/mastering the content of the course. You may choose to purchase an account at . You may already have an account from your 151 course and you may use it. The course ID for CIS-261 Spring 2015 is powers13272

Optional: Text- Exploring: Microsoft Access 2013, Comprehensive. Spiral-bound or e-book ? June 15, 2013 By Mary Anne Poatsy (Author), Cynthia Krebs (Author), Eric Cameron (Author ISBN-13: 978-0133412208 ISBN-10: 0133412202 Edition: 1st

Storage Solution - A cloud storage place or a flash drive to save your assignments to is important. Make sure you save multiple copies in multiple storage locations (i.e. backups) of ALL assignments. I can only grade assignments that I can open. You may need an assignment even after it has been turned in for grading.

Course Objectives:

Expand knowledge of the available functions/features in spreadsheet and database software. Develop ability to identify problems for which spreadsheet and/or database software could

offer a suitable solution. Develop problem-solving skills. Develop skill to appropriately apply formulas and functions to new situations and problems. Develop ability to think holistically; to see the whole as well as the parts. Develop ability to think creatively. Develop a commitment to accurate work. Cultivate a sense of responsibility for one's own behavior.

Course Requirements:

Each student will be expected to complete a series of lab assignments during the semester. These lab assignments will be done both inside and outside of class and will consist of the following: o Several Excel and Access exercises/cases/projects, which will come various sources. These exercises will be collected and graded.

Each student will be expected to create and maintain an electronic review sheet to be used for reference during exams. As topics are discussed and/or assigned, the review sheet should be updated to show an explanation and example.

There will be three exams (one general Excel, one general Access, and one specialization Excel) given and graded during the semester.

Students should plan to spend a minimum of two hours outside of class for each hour in class to complete exercises.


Attendance Policy:

Computer Information Systems Advanced Microcomputer Applications ? CIS-261

Spring 2015 Wednesday 6:00 ? 8:45

Students with more than one absence in a class that meets once weekly should expect their grade to be

reduced by one letter grade. This is not due to a penalty imposed by me, but rather because of the

instruction, examples, and materials you will have missed. We will be covering important concepts in

class on a regular basis. I cannot cover detailed class material on an individual basis for those who

choose not to attend class.

Ethical Conduct:

Academic dishonesty such as plagiarism, cheating, etc..., IS NOT TOLERATED. Any student found violating this rule risks a grade of 0 for the assignment/exam (at the very least) and possible expulsion from the class resulting in a failing grade for the semester. Note that taking or using someone else's program, hardcopy or softcopy, is plagiarism. DO NOT:

1. Take a picture of anyone else's computer screen. 2. Use anyone else's computer keyboard. 3. Let anyone use your computer keyboard. 4. Facilitate copying by let others copy your work by looking at your computer screen. 5. Share files

Special Considerations:

Students should always begin early on all assignments, especially those assignments that require the use of a computer and the internet. This is true because the computer you need may not be available when you need it. Computer downtime, network problems, as well as printers not being available are not acceptable excuses for late assignments.

Laboratory Assignments:

All lab assignments will be announced a reasonable amount of time before they are due. On the day assignments are due, they will be collected at the time designated by me (usually at the beginning of class). You will submit assignments into a TBA folder on Blackboard or MyITLab (details will be shared in class). Late assignments will not be accepted.


Students are expected to show-up for and take examinations on the day they are scheduled, unless prior arrangements have been made due to some extreme situation. If proper arrangements have been made, a make-up examination will be administered at a time mutually agreed upon by the student involved and myself. If you fail to give prior notification and do not take an examination on the day it is scheduled, you will receive a 0 on that particular examination.

Disability Support:

Students who have a disability for which they may require academic accommodations for this class should register with the Office of Disability Resources (ODR) as soon as possible. Students who have or who receive an accommodation letter from ODR are encouraged to meet privately with the Office of Disability Resources to discuss the provisions of those accommodations as early in the semester as possible. To qualify for accommodation assistance, students must first register to use the disability resources in ODR, Orr Center Rm. 095, 812/464-1961 . To help ensure that accommodations will be available when needed, students are encouraged to meet with course faculty at least 7 days prior to the actual need for the accommodation.



Computer Information Systems Advanced Microcomputer Applications ? CIS-261

Spring 2015 Wednesday 6:00 ? 8:45

Your performance in the course will be evaluated on the following basis: 1500 points

Excel V1 Work 350 Points 24.00%

Weekly Excel Assignments 1

50 Points

Weekly Excel Assignments 2

50 Points

Weekly Excel Assignments 3

50 Points

Weekly Excel Assignments 4

50 Points

General Excel Final Exam

150 Points

Excel V2 Work 550 Points 37.00% Weekly Excel Assignments 5 Weekly Excel Assignments 6 Weekly Excel Assignments 7 Weekly Excel Assignments 8 Weekly Excel Assignments 9 Weekly Excel Assignments 10 Weekly Excel Assignments 11 Weekly Excel Assignments 12 Specialized Excel Final Exam

50 Points 50 Points 50 Points 50 Points 50 Points 50 Points 50 Points 50 Points 150 Points

Access Work 350 Points 23.00% Weekly Access Assignments 1 Weekly Access Assignments 2 Weekly Access Assignments 3 Weekly Access Assignments 4 General Access Final Exam

50 Points 50 Points 50 Points 50 Points 150 Points

Access Work 250 Points 16.00% Weekly Access Assignments 5 Weekly Access Assignments 6 Specialized Access Final Exam

50 Points 50 Points 150 Points

Pop Quizzes More often than not, but not always, but certainly sometimes, there might be a quiz at the beginning of class or it might be at the end of class. The quiz will provide those students who are present and prepared (read the chapter, completed the assignments, etc...) to earn extra credit points.

Grading Scale:

100-90% 89-86% 85-80% 79-76% 75-70% 69-66% 65-60% 59- 0%

= 1350 -1500 points = A

= 1290 - 1349 points = B+

= 1200 - 1289 points = B

= 1140 - 1199 points = C+

= 1050 - 1139 points = C

= 990 - 1049 points = D+

= 900 - 989 points = D

= 0 - 899 points

= F


Computer Information Systems Advanced Microcomputer Applications ? CIS-261

Spring 2015 Wednesday 6:00 ? 8:45

*Syllabus is tentative and subject to change. As with life itself, semesters often hold surprises. As

the instructor, I reserve the right to add, remove, or change activities; to reorder the schedule and change point values as I deem necessary during the semester. If something like this is to occur, it will be for a good reason and I will notify you as soon as possible.


"Ultimately you are responsible for your own learning; but you are strongly encouraged to carefully read the white pages in each chapter for comprehension and to work through the "Hands-on Exercises" (i.e. MyITLab trainings), the Capstone Exercise (MyITLab Homework and Assessment), and as many of the end-of-chapter exercises as necessary for you to achieve an application level of competency as discussed in the syllabus. In addition, watch the videos that are referenced, and complete the instructor-supplied exercises. Several exercises will be submitted, and most will be graded. There will be a deadline for each submission and in some cases, a 24-hour extension for a late submission (except hands-on), which will incur some % point reduction, after which the assignment will NOT be accepted. Where assignments are submitted to Blackboard ..., Blackboard's time stamp will be used to determine submission time. Where assignments are submitted to MyITLab, MyITLab's time stamp will be used. Where assignments are submitted in class, they will be due at the beginning of class. PLAN AHEAD! Check your email and blackboard often for additional information regarding assignments and quizzes throughout the semester."

Tentative Schedule and Reading Assignments Spring 2015:

Excel chapter 1, 2, 3, 4, Exam. Excel chapter 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, Exam. Access chapter 1, 2, 3, 4, Exam

WEEK 1 - January 14 Familiarize yourself with the syllabus and Blackboard Download textbook files from (Required) Create account at MyITLab and join the 261 course. Course ID = powers13272 Excel Chapter 1 ? Introduction to Excel ? Formulas, Workbook Management, Formatting Excel Chapter 2 ? Formulas and Functions: Performing Quantitative Analysis

(Due Friday, 1/16/2014, 11:59 pm) Chapter 1- textbook hands-on (MyITLab simulation training) Chapter 2 - textbook hands-on (MyITLab simulation training) (Due Sunday, 1/18/2014, 11:59 pm) Chapter 1- textbook Mid-Level Exercise 1 (Chapter 1 Grader Project [Homework 2]) Chapter 1- textbook Mid-Level Exercise 2 (Chapter 1 Grader Project [Homework 3]) Chapter 1- textbook Mid-Level Exercise 3 (Chapter 1 Grader Project [Homework 4]) Chapter 1- Quiz Chapter 2 - textbook Mid-Level Exercise 1 (Chapter 2 Grader Project [Homework 2]) Chapter 2 - textbook Mid-Level Exercise 2 (Chapter 2 Grader Project [Homework 3]) Chapter 2 - textbook Mid-Level Exercise 3 (Chapter 2 Grader Project [Homework 4]) Chapter 2 - Quiz In Class examples LOOKUP, Breakpoint, SUMPRODUCT, Named Ranges & Name Manager Videos for VLOOKUP:


Computer Information Systems Advanced Microcomputer Applications ? CIS-261

Spring 2015 Wednesday 6:00 ? 8:45

_____________________________________________________________________ WEEK 2 ? January 21

Excel Chapter 3 ? Charts: Depicting Data Visually Excel Chapter 4 ?Datasets and Tables: Managing Large Volumes of Data

(Due BEFORE CLASS-Wednesday, 1/21/2014, 6:00 pm) Chapter 3- textbook hands-on (MyITLab simulation training) Chapter 4- textbook hands-on (MyITLab simulation training)

(Due Sunday, 1/25/2014, 11:59 pm) Chapter 3 - textbook Mid-Level Exercise 1 (Chapter 3 Grader Project [Homework 2]) Chapter 3 - textbook Mid-Level Exercise 2 (Chapter 3 Grader Project [Homework 3]) Chapter 3 - textbook Capstone Exercise (Chapter 3 Grader Project [Homework 1]) Chapter 3 - Quiz Chapter 4 - textbook Mid-Level Exercise 1 (Chapter 4 Grader Project [Homework 2]) Chapter 4 - textbook Mid-Level Exercise 2 (Chapter 4 Grader Project [Homework 3]) Chapter 4 - textbook Capstone Exercise (Chapter 4 Grader Project [Homework 1]) Chapter 4 - Quiz In Class examples -

____________________________________________________________________________________ WEEK 3 ? January 28

Excel V1 Exam (50 Minutes)

Remainder of class (After the Exam)

Excel Chapter 5 ?Subtotals, PivotTables, and Pivot Charts: Summarizing and Analyzing Data (Due BEFORE CLASS-Wednesday, 1/28/2014, 6:00 pm) Chapter 5- textbook hands-on (MyITLab simulation training) (Due Sunday, 2/1/2014, 11:59 pm) Chapter 5 - textbook Mid-Level Exercise 1 (Chapter 5 Grader Project [Homework 2]) Chapter 5 - textbook Mid-Level Exercise 2 (Chapter 5 Grader Project [Homework 3]) Chapter 5 - textbook Capstone Exercise (Chapter 5 Grader Project [Homework 1]) Chapter 5 - Quiz


Computer Information Systems Advanced Microcomputer Applications ? CIS-261

Spring 2015 Wednesday 6:00 ? 8:45

WEEK 4 ? February 4 Excel Chapter 6 - What-If Analysis: Using Decision-Making Tools ?Datasets and Tables: Managing Large Volumes of Data (Due BEFORE CLASS-Wednesday, 2/4/2014, 6:00 pm)

Chapter 6 - textbook hands-on (MyITLab simulation training) (Due Sunday, 2/8/2014, 11:59 pm)

Chapter 6 - textbook Mid-Level Exercise 1 (Chapter 6 Grader Project [Homework 2]) Chapter 6 - textbook Mid-Level Exercise 2 (Chapter 6 Grader Project [Homework 3]) Chapter 6 - textbook Capstone Exercise (Chapter 6 Grader Project [Homework 1]) Chapter 6 - Quiz In Class examples ? What-If Analysis ? One and Two-Variable data tables, Goal Seek, Scenario Manager, Solver Videos for One and Two-Variable data tables:

One Variable: Two Variable: Videos for Goal Seek: Videos for Scenario Manager: Videos for Solver: How to load solver: Using Solver:

WEEK 5 ? February 11 Excel Chapter 7 - Specialized Functions: Logical, Lookup, Database, and Finances (Due BEFORE CLASS-Wednesday, 2/11/2014, 6:00 pm)

Chapter 7- textbook hands-on (MyITLab simulation training) (Due Sunday, 2/15/2014, 11:59 pm)

Chapter 7 - textbook Mid-Level Exercise 1 (Chapter 7 Grader Project [Homework 2]) Chapter 7 - textbook Mid-Level Exercise 2 (Chapter 7 Grader Project [Homework 3]) Chapter 7 - textbook Capstone Exercise (Chapter 7 Grader Project [Homework 1]) Chapter 7 - Quiz In Class examples Logical and Lookup Functions: Nested IF, AND, OR, NOT, INDEX, MATCH, Database Filtering and Functions: Criteria range, DSUM, DAVERAGE, DMAX, DMIN, DCOUNT Financial Functions: PMT, IPMT, PPMT, CUMIPMT, CUMPRINC Videos for Logical and Lookup Functions:

IF function: Nested IF: IF(AND, IF(OR: INDEX AND MATCH

Videos for Database Filtering and Functions: Adv. filter: DSUM, DAVERAGE, DMAX, DMIN, DCOUNT: Videos for Financial Functions:



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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