
Associate Level Material

Appendix E

Excel Charts and Graphs

This tutorial explains how to create column, line, and pie charts as well as the purposes of each. Throughout the lesson, notice that the same data can be used to create several charts that analyze the data in multiple ways.

Developing Questions

The following spreadsheet shows an individual’s monthly expenses for 2008 This information will be used to create various charts.


One of the first steps in creating a chart is developing questions that can be answered from the data. What are some questions that you might ask about this data? The following are some examples:

• How do utility expenses compare to grocery expenses month to month?

• How did utility expenses vary month to month?

• What percentage of 2008 expenditures does each expense category comprise?

Selecting Data

Now that you have generated a few questions about the data, look at what data would need to be selected in the spreadsheet to create charts that help answer each question.

Question 1: How do utility expenses compare to grocery expenses month to month?


Question 2: How did utility expenses vary month to month?


Question 3: What percentage of 2008 expenditures does each expense category comprise?


Choose a Chart Type

Once you have selected the appropriate data, choose the best chart type to answer each respective question.

Question 1: How do utility expenses compare to grocery expenses month to month?

Answering this question requires a comparison. Column charts are one way to compare values directly. A column chart of this data would look something similar to the following:


Question 2: How did utility expenses vary month to month?

To answer this question, look at how utilities expenses changed over time. One type of chart that works well for showing changes and trends over time is the line chart. A line chart of the selected data would look something similar to the following:


Question 3: What percentage of 2008 expenditures does each expense category comprise?

To answer this question, examine how much each expense contributed to the overall expense total for the year. A pie chart shows how individual parts contribute to a whole. A pie chart of this data would look something similar to the following:


Creating a Chart

So far, you have learned how to develop questions, select the appropriate data, and choose an effective chart type. Now, you will learn how to create a chart using the Microsoft® Excel Chart Wizard. This example illustrates how to create the column chart comparing utility expenses to grocery expenses month to month. This is the same column chart that answers Question 1 in the above examples.









1. Start by opening Appendix E and selecting the data from which you will create your chart. Because we want to compare Utility expenses to Grocery expenses month to month, highlight the area indicated. Note that the row and column headings are selected as well as the data. Totals were not included in this selection.

2. From the top menu, select Insert º% Chart. The Chart Wizard will appear.

3. Note the variection.

2. From the top menu, select Insert ► Chart. The Chart Wizard will appear.

3. Note the various chart types. Select Column from the list.

4. Click on the Next button to continue.

5. In step 2 of the Chart Wizard, you can see the data you have selected as well as a preview of your chart. Click on the Next button to continue.

6. In step 3 of the Chart Wizard, you can title the chart. Click on the Next button to continue.

8. Click on the Finish button to create your chart.

7. Select As object in to create your chart in the current worksheet.

This column chart allows you to compare the utility and grocery expenses month to month. What patterns do you see? In which months were utilities more expensive than groceries? Are there any possible explanations for the fluctuations of these expenses?

Your finished Column Chart should look something similar to this. What can you learn from this chart? In which months were utilities more expensive than groceries? Are there any possible explanations for the fluctuations of these expenses?

To answer this question, you only need to select the row of Months and the Utilities row. Note that the totals are not selected.

To compare Utilities and Groceries, select those two rows. Note that the row of Months is also selected to compare the values for all twelve months. Note also that the totals are not selected. To select non-adjacent rows, select the first row, then press and hold the Ctrl key as you select subsequent rows.

This line chart allows you to look at the changes in utility expenses over time. What patterns do you see? In which months were utilities more or less expensive? Are there any possible explanations for the fluctuations in the cost of utilities? From this chart, it is easy to see that utilities are more expensive in the winter and summer months.

This pie chart allows you to look at how each expense contributed to the overall expense total. What can you learn from this pie chart? What was your greatest expense? Which expense contributed the least to the overall total?


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