
[Type the company name]SpreadSheetBrought TO You By RushaanRushaan00/00/000[Type the abstract of the document here. The abstract is typically a short summary of the contents of the document. Type the abstract of the document here. The abstract is typically a short summary of the contents of the document.]CHAPTER NO. 4SPREADSHEETQ.5A ANWSER IN BRIEF1) Explain default number formats available in Excel 2007. Explain how to change number formats.Ans :- i) Excel permits numbers to be formatted in many different ways. ii) The formats can be changed without changing the value in the cell. Iii) The default formats are as shown in figure.TypeLooksOptionsGeneral0.33NoneNumber0.33Number of decimal places shown, negative number formatCurrency $0.33Number of decimal places shown, currency symbol, negative number format.Accounting $0.33(line up decimal points in a column of data)Number of decimal places shown, currency symbol.Percentage33%Number of decimal place shownFraction 1/3Number of digits in denominator, type of fractionText 0.33Number is displayed exactly as enteredDate1/1/00Several date formats availableTime 15:30,1:30 pm; etc. Several time formats availableSpecial VariesZip code, phone number, social security number.Steps for changing the number format:i) Select the cells containing the numbers you want to format.ii) From the Home tab, click the Number dialog box appears, with the number tab on top.iii) In the category list, select the desired format.iv) When you click a format in the Type list, excel shows what effect this would have on the first of the values in the current cell section in the Sample area above the Type list.v) Click OK to proceed.3) What are functions? How are functions used in Excel?Ans:- Function: (i) Functions are prewritten formulas.ii) Functions differ from regular formulas in that you supply the value but not the operators differ from regular formulas in that you supply the value but not the operators, such as +,~,*,or /.iii) For example, you can use the SUM function to add.Steps for using function:i) Select the cell into which you want to insert your function.ii) From the formulas Ribbon, in function Library tab, click on Insert Function Window will appear.iv) Click OK to proceed. 5. Explain the features of Excel 2007 window which appears on computer screen when we start Excel 2007Ans: i) Title Bara) The Title display the name of the open document in the middle of the title bar.b) At the top left it contains the Microsoft Office Button and to the right displays three buttons. Minimize, Maximize and close.ii) Quick Access Toolbara) Save, Undo, Redo, and the Toolbar is completely customizable.iii) The office buttona) Similar to the Excel 2003 Tile menub) New, open, save, and so on. Those with arrows have additional commands you can choose.c) Buttons in bottom right.Excel OptionExit Exceliv) The excel Ribbona) Biggest interface change from previous versions is the Ribbon.b) Home, Insert, Page Layout, and so onc) The Ribbon is context sensitive. It may change depending on what you do.d) Each Tab has a number of groups. When you move your mouse pointer over a group item information will typically appear.e) In the bottom right of most group panels you II find a little diagonal arrow.However to discover shortcut, click to launch a new window for more options and choices within that groupf) The help button (circle question mark inside) is located above and to the right of the ribbon. Once selected a new Excel Help window appearsHelp Categories: Select any Topic under Browse Excel Help to find more helpful subtopics.Help Search Click inside the textbox, type topic, and click Search.v) Split Bar:a) The split bar is located at the top of vertical scroll bar and to the right of the horizontal scroll bar.b) Double click the Split button on the vertical scroll bar. It splits the sheet horizontally.vi) Tab Scrolling button:a) These arrow buttons to the bottom right scrolls the worksheet tab.b) To scroll through a group of sheet tabs in left or right direction, click the tab scroll buttons at the left and right corner.vii) Name box: The name box is at the left end of the formula bar. It identifies the selected cell. viii) Formula bar: a) It displays the constant value or formula used in the active cell. b) The formula bar is also used for editing the cell contents.ix) Status Bar: i) It appears at the bottom of the excel 2007 window. ii) It displays information regarding a selected command or an operation in progress.__________________________________________________________Q.5 B Write short notes on.1) Cell editing/formatting in ExcelAns: i) The data in cell can be edited and formatted by choosing commands in groups on Home tab.ii) The selected cells are highlighted by using bold, italic and underline commands in Font group of Home tab.iii) For changing the colour and size of selected cell, in Font Group, click the row on Font Colour.iv) To Increase the font size, Click Font Size or press Ctrl + Shift + P and change the value.v) For aligning data in the cell, click Alignment commands in Alignment group.vi) If we want to copy one row of data items and add a new row, we can select the row to be copied and then using copy and paste commands in the clipboard groupvii) Autosum : It gives the sum of all the cells, Select the range of cell, Click on Autosum command and press Enter, it displays the sum in immediate cell. viii)Clear: Command removes the formats, comments and contents of the cell.ix) Sort and Filter Command sorts the range of cell data in ascending or descending order.x) Fill automatically fills the selected cell value t the right, left, up or down cell. It also automatically creates the series of specific patterns3) Navigation in Excel.Ans: i) Each new workbook you open in excel 2007 contains three blank worksheet, although you can add many more. You can easily move between the worksheets in an Excels workbook by using the sheet tabs, the Sheet Tab scroll buttons, and keyboard shortcuts.ii) To activate a worksheet for editing, you select it by clicking its Sheet tab.iii) On the left side of the bottom of the worksheet area, the Sheet Tab scroll buttons First sheet, Previous sheet, Next sheet, and Last sheet appear, followed by the actual tabs for the worksheets in your workbook and the Insert Worksheet button.iv) Ctrl + Page + Down and Ctrl + Page + Up keyboard shortcuts can be used to display the next and previous sheet, respectively, in your workbook.Q. 6 Answer the following ?1) How can one get help on any topic in Excel 2007?Ans: Microsoft Office Excel Help can be accessed by clicking on the small Tool icon on the Ribbon or pressing the function key F1. In the Help window, type a topic, command name or a question in the Search text box and click on the magnifying glass icon to its right. If you click the small down arrow to the right, you will see a dropdown list from which you can direct the program to search the Help file on your computer or to access online help. Otherwise, you can browse the Table of Contents directly below the Search field. The utility of the function key F1 is that if you press it while you are inside a dialog box or task pane, Excel summons help for that specific issue, telling you how to do what you want to do.Q. 2 List the system requirements to install Excel 2007 on your computer.Ans: The following requirements are the minimum hardware requirements required to install and run Microsoft Excel 2007.1) CPU :500 megahertz (MHz) processor or higher.2) Memory:256 megabyte (MB) RAM or higher.3) Hard disk:1.5 gigabyte (GB).4) Drive :CD-ROM or DVD drive.5) Display :1024*768 of higher resolution monitor.6) Operating system:Windows XP with Service Pack 2 or later4) Make a list of different group which are arranged in different tabson Excel 2007 Ribbon.Ans: List of different groups in tabs are as follows.i) Home: Clipboard, Font, Alignment, Number, Styles, Cells, Editing.II) Insert: Tables, Illustrations, Charts, Links, Textiii) Page Layout: Themes, Page Setup, Scale to Fit, Sheet Options, Arrange.iv) Formulas: Function Library, Defined Names, Formula Auditing, Calculation. v) Data: Get External Data, Connections, Sort & Filter, Data Tools, Outline. vi) review: Proofing, Comments, Chnges.vii) View: Workbook Views, Show/Hide, Zoom, Window, Macros. ................

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