|CE361 Introduction to Transportation Engineering |Posted: Fri. 26 September 2008 |

|Homework 4 |Due: Mon. 6 October 2008 |


You may work in a group of CE361 students not to exceed four in size. Signatures (and printed names) of those students in groups must appear at the top of the front page.

1. Site-based Trip Generation. McDonald’s restaurant at Northwestern and Stadium Avenues.

A. (5 pts) How large is the building on the site? How did you determine this?

Using the Tippecanoe GIS website at , I measured the building’s outline as 83x 57ft = 4731ft2, minus some notches and cutouts that reduce its footprint to 4400 ft2. Google Earth may also help. When I went to the site, I paced off the building outline as 31y x 23y = 713 yd2 = 6417 ft2. The “notches” reduce the building footprint to about 5950 ft2.

B. (5 pts) How many seats are there at the site? 112 seats. How did you determine this? I went there for a milk shake and I counted the seats.

C. (5 pts) Using the pages for Land Use 934 provided from the ITE Trip Generation report here, compute T, the expected vehicle trip ends during the AM peak hour of Adjacent Street Traffic. Show your calculations.

Using GFA by GIS: T = 53.11 * (4400/1000) = 233.7 veh trip ends

Using GFA by pacing: T = 53.11 * (5950/1000) = 316.0 veh trip ends

Using Seats: T = 1.32 * 112 seats = 147.8 veh trip ends

D. (5 pts) Which value of T would you adopt? Why?

As far as the GFA value, I would choose the one I paced off. In choosing between GFA and Seats, both have problems. Gross Floor Area includes all activities within the building footprint, not just seating space for customers. It probably does little to explain the amount of drive-up window traffic. After observing the site for a short time, I could say that using Seats to estimate Vehicle Trips may not account for (a) a high percentage of drive-up window customers who never enter the building or (b) the large number of customers who walk from the Purdue campus across the street. Because the Vehicle Trips value is based on drive-up and some walk-in customers, especially during the AM peak, I would use T = 316 veh trip ends from paced off GFA. [The actual T value was 2*119 = 238 veh trip ends.]

2. HH-Based Regression for Trip Generation. The Mythaca Regional Planning Commission (MRPC) wants to try the following zonal equations:

P(i) = 53 + 6.1 HHs/zone + 4.5 vehs/zone + 3.4 jobs/zone

A(j) = 58 + 4.3 HHs/zone + 5.2 jobs/zone

A. (15 points) Productions and attractions for each zone in a table with the format of FTE Table 4.6.

|TAZ |pop |HH |vehs |empl |P(i) |

|a = |1 |b = |3.80 |c = |

|A |47 |0.15 |4.7 |3260 |

|B |21 |0.40 |5.5 |1440 |

|OD flow |5850 | | | |

| | | | | |

|V(A) |V(B) |t(A) |t(B) |t(A)-t(B) |

|3915 |1935 |63.67 |63.67 |-4.63E-07 |

A. (5 points) Equilibrium travel time. Show that the travel times on the two routes are equal.

(4.13) [pic] = 63.67;

(4.13) [pic] = 63.67


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