Austin Community College

Austin Community College

ESOL 0333 Reading and Vocabulary 4

For Students Who Are Deaf or Hard of Hearing

1 Course Description and Syllabus

|Semester: |Section: |Location: |

| |Synonym: |Time: |

|Instructor: |Office Hours: |Email: |

| |Office: | |

| |Phone: | |

Course Description/Rationale:

This course is designed for high intermediate ESOL students. Emphasis is on more complex analytical reading skills for reading college textbooks and novels. Students will be asked to read a variety of texts and respond to each in writing and/or discussion. Introduction to annotation and the advanced study of vocabulary using context will be taught. Repeatable for up to six credit hours. Prerequisites: A grade of C or better in ESOL 0332 or placement in the course by ESOL Assessment or the Compass Test.


Reading Explorer 3

By Nancy Douglas

Improving Vocabulary Skills, 3rd edition

By Carole Mohr and Sherrie L. Nist

Hunger Games

Suzanne Collins

Instructional Methodology:

Because of the interactive nature of this course, a variety of instructional methodologies will be used including, but not limited to: lecture, group discussion, group activities, guest speakers, exploration activities and videotapes. All instruction will be given in American Sign Language and course material will be presented visually via textbooks, handouts, transparencies and/or computer software.

Common Course Objectives/Outcomes:

The main goal of the Academic ESOL program for deaf students at ACC is to prepare students to handle the “listening”, “speaking”, reading and writing assignments required in higher education. To accomplish this purpose, the ESOL faculty has adopted a communicative approach that integrates these four macroskills with crucial subsidiary skills. Although the focus of each class is on a particular set of skills, activities involving the other skill areas are incorporated at all levels; students are taught microskills such as American Sign Language to English translation and strategies that will prepare them to become independent learners. Throughout the course, deaf cultural issues will be incorporated and all instruction will be given in American Sign Language (ASL).

Course Objectives:

Upon Successful completion of the course, students will be able to demonstrate the following:

Respond in writing to original text

Respond in discussion to original text

Analyze words and meaning within text

Reflect on images and associations found within text

Identify the author’s writing style

Demonstrate comprehension of a short story/passage in English by retelling it in American Sign Language

Acquire 300 new vocabulary words by memorizing both meaning and part of speech


This is a beginning level reading class. In order to become better readers, it is necessary to:

Read daily

Prepare homework and participate in class

Complete all outside vocabulary work

Complete Reading Log

Study for tests and quizzes


|Preparation/Participation/Homework |20% |

|Quizzes |20% |

|Reading Log |40% |

|Final Exam |20% |

| | |

A grade of “C” or above is required to go on to the next course

|A |100%-90% |

|B |80%-89% |

|C |70%-79% |

|D |65-69% |

|F |Below 65% |



Pocket dictionary

Pocket thesaurus



Red Pen

Course Policies:

Attendance Policy

In accordance with departmental policy, the instructor reserves the right to withdraw any student who misses more than three classes. Any student who misses class is required to make up the work. Missed weekly quizzes and/or tests will be counted as a zero unless prior arrangements are made with the instructor or a doctor’s note is presented. It is the responsibility of the student to review missed classes on the Echo 360 lecture capture software system.

Homework Policy

Homework is mandatory. Homework must be ready to hand in at the beginning of class. This means that all papers must be printed and stapled before class begins. Late homework is accepted if it is handed in within 24 hours but it will be penalized 50% of the total points earned. If you have an excused absence you are expected to have the homework that is due on the day of your return completed. The homework that was due on the day you missed can be handed in at the next class session.


Class participation is mandatory. Students must arrive to class with homework completed, ready to participate. Students who are not prepared or who choose to not participate in class activities may be asked to leave the class. If this becomes a chronic problem the instructor withholds the right to withdraw the student from the class. In order to participate better, please refrain from talking, leaving during class time and/or talking during class activities and discussions.

Excessive Tardiness

Class begins promptly at the scheduled time; therefore, students are expected to be on time. The instructor will not repeat material for those who are tardy. Two instances of tardiness (10 minutes or more) may be counted as an absence. Therefore, it is of utmost importance that you attend every class and be on time.


Students or instructors may initiate withdrawals any time during the semester before the official withdrawal deadline. Withdrawal forms are available from the Admissions offices. When the instructor withdraws a student, ACC will send written notice to the student’s address on record, as contained in the student’s permanent file.


To qualify for an incomplete, a student must have completed 90% of the work for the course, meet the minimum requirements for satisfactory progress, and have a grade of C or better. Students who have made progress but are not ready for the next level may be assigned an IP grade.

Scholastic Dishonesty

Acts prohibited by the college for which discipline may be administered include scholastic dishonesty, including but not limited to cheating on an exam or quiz, plagiarizing, unauthorized collaboration with another in preparing outside work. Academic work submitted by students shall be the result of their thought, research or self-expression. Academia is defined as, but not limited to tests, quizzes, whether taken electronically or on paper; projects either individualized or group; classroom presentations and homework.

Academic Freedom

Each student is strongly encouraged to participate in class. In any classroom situation that includes discussion and critical thinking, there are bound to be many differing viewpoints. Students may not only disagree with each other at times, but the students and instructor may also find that they have disparate views on sensitive and volatile topics. It is my hope that these differences will enhance the class and create an atmosphere where students and instructors alike will be encouraged to think and learn. Therefore, be assured that your grade will not be adversely affected by any beliefs or ideas expressed in class or assignments. Rather, we will respect the views of others when expressed in classroom discussions.

Office of Students with Disabilities

Each ACC campus offers support services for students with documented physical or psychological disabilities. Students with disabilities must request reasonable accommodations through the office for Students with Disabilities on the campus where they expect to take the majority of their classes. Students are encouraged to do this three weeks before the start of the semester.

Course Outline/Calendar:

| | | | |

| |Reading Explorer 3 |Improving Voc. Skills |Hunger Games |

| | | | |

|Week 1 | |Unit 1 | |

| | |Chapter 1 | |

| | |Chapter 2 | |

| | | | |

| | |Paragraphs | |

| | |Quiz- Ch. 1&2 | |

|Week 2 |Unit 1- Sport and Fitness | |Chapter 1-2 |

| | |Chapter 3 | |

| | |Chapter 4 | |

| | | | |

| | |Paragraphs | |

| | |Quiz- Ch. 3&4 | |

|Week 3 |Unit 2- Skin Deep | |Chapter 3-4 |

| | |Chapter 5 | |

| | |Chapter 6 | |

| | |Unit 1 Review | |

| | | | |

| | |Paragraphs | |

| | |Quiz- Ch. 5 | |

|Week 4 |Unit 3- Animals in Danger |Unit 1 Test |Chapter 5-8 |

| | | | |

| |Unit 1-3 Review |Unit 2 | |

| | |Chapter 7 | |

| | |Chapter 8 | |

| | | | |

| | |Paragraphs | |

| | |Quiz- Ch.7&8 | |

|Week 5 |Unit 1-3 Quiz | |Chapter 9-11 |

| | |Chapter 9 | |

| |Unit 4- Violent Earth |Chapter 10 | |

| | |Quiz- Ch. 9&10 | |

|Week 6 |Unit 5- Islands and Beaches | |Chapter 12-15 |

| | |Chapter 11 | |

| | |Chapter 12 | |

| | | | |

| | |Paragraphs | |

| | |Quiz- Ch. 11 | |

|Week 7 |Unit 6- Ancient Mysteries |Unit 2 Test |Chapter 16-18 |

| | | | |

| |Unit 4-6 Review |Unit 3 | |

| | |Chapter 13 | |

| | |Chapter 14 | |

| | | | |

| | |Paragraphs | |

| | |Quiz- Ch. 13&14 | |

|Week 8 |Unit 4-6 Quiz | |Chapter 19-20 |

| | |Chapter 15 | |

| |Unit 7 Global Addictions |Chapter 16 | |

| | | | |

| | |Paragraphs | |

| | |Quiz- Ch. 15&16 | |

|Week 9 |Unit 8 Legendary Voyages | |Chapter 21-22 |

| | |Chapter 17 | |

| | |Chapter 18 | |

| | | | |

| | |Paragraphs | |

| | |Quiz- Ch. 17 | |

|Week 10 |Unit 9- Stories of Survival |Unit 3 Test |Chapter 23-24 |

| | | | |

| |Unit 7-9 Review |Unit 4 | |

| | |Chapter 19 | |

| | |Chapter 20 | |

| | | | |

| | |Paragraphs | |

| |Unit 7-9 Quiz |Quiz- Ch. 19&20 | |

|Week 11 | | |Chapter 25-26 |

| |Unit 10- All in the Mind |Chapter 21 | |

| | |Chapter 22 | |

| | | | |

| | |Paragraphs | |

| | |Quiz- Ch. 21&22 | |

|Week 12 |Unit 11- Art and Life | |Chapter 27 |

| | |Chapter 23 | |

| | |Chapter 24 | |

| | | | |

| | |Paragraphs | |

| | |Quiz- Ch. 21 | |

|Week 13 |Unit 12- Medical Challenges |Unit 4 Test |Prepare Final Exam |

| | | |Powerpoint Presentation |

| |Unit 10-12 Review |Unit 5 | |

| | |Chapter 25 | |

| | |Chapter 26 | |

| | | | |

| | |Paragraphs | |

| | |Quiz- Ch. 25&26 | |

|Week 14 |Unit 10-12 Quiz | |Prepare Final Exam |

| | |Chapter 27 |Powerpoint Presentation |

| | |Chapter 28 | |

| | | | |

| | |Paragraphs | |

| | |Quiz- Ch. 27&28 | |

|Week 15 | | |Prepare Final Exam |

| | |Chapter 29 |Powerpoint Presentation |

| | |Chapter 30 | |

| | | | |

| | |Paragraphs | |

| | | | |

|Week 16 |Final Exam |Final Exam |Final Exam |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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