Litigation Hold in Exchange Online

Litigation Hold in Exchange Online

IT Professional & Customer Helpdesk Feature Guide

Litigation Hold in Exchange Online

Office 365 ¨C Dedicated & ITAR-Support Plans

Revised: August 18, 2015

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Litigation Hold in Exchange Online

? 2011 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.


Litigation Hold Overview ............................................................................................................ 4

Why put a mailbox on litigation hold? .......................................................................................................... 4

Litigation Hold limits ..................................................................................................................................... 4

How is the litigation hold feature activated? .............................................................................................. 4

How is access to the litigation hold feature managed? .......................................................................... 5

What happens when a mailbox is on litigation hold?.............................................................................. 5

Litigation hold and retention policy........................................................................................................ 5

What happens when an end-user purges items from the Recoverable Items folder? ................ 5

End-users can purge Recoverable Items using Microsoft Outlook 2010 ................................. 6

End-users can purge Recoverable Items using Outlook Web App ............................................. 6

Does litigation hold preserve the original version of mailbox content?........................................... 7

Litigation Hold Self-Service Administration ............................................................................. 8

Place a mailbox on litigation hold ................................................................................................................... 8

Via Remote PowerShell ................................................................................................................................ 8

Via Exchange Control Panel ....................................................................................................................... 8

View mailboxes on litigation hold ................................................................................................................ 11

Via Remote PowerShell ............................................................................................................................. 11

Via Exchange Control Panel .................................................................................................................... 12

Remove a mailbox from litigation hold...................................................................................................... 13

What happens when a mailbox is removed from litigation hold? ........................................... 13

Via Remote PowerShell ............................................................................................................................. 13

Via Exchange Control Panel .................................................................................................................... 13

Reporting ............................................................................................................................................................... 15

Automated Reporting................................................................................................................................ 15

Use Remote PowerShell to generate the litigation hold report in CSV format ................... 16

Support Roles & Responsibilities ............................................................................................. 17

Litigation Hold in Exchange Online

? 2011 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.


Litigation Hold Overview

Litigation hold, also known as legal hold, is used to preserve mailbox items for discovery before

and during legal proceedings, investigations or similar events. The goal is to preserve mailbox

items from inadvertent or purposeful modification or deletion by the mailbox owner or any user

with mailbox access, and also automated deletion by processes such as the Managed Folder

Assistant (MFA). Litigation hold became available as a feature in the 11.3 release of Microsoft

Exchange Online for the dedicated and ITAR-support plans of Office 365 for Enterprises.

Unlike retention hold, you cannot configure litigation hold to start and end at a specified date ¨C it¡¯s

either enabled or disabled. Until the hold is removed, deleted items are not purged from the

mailbox database. If mailbox items are modified, a copy of the original item is also retained. These

are returned in multi-mailbox searches performed through the Exchange Control Panel (ECP) when

the mailbox is on litigation hold.

Why put a mailbox on litigation hold?

If your organization is involved in a legal action, you may have to take steps to preserve

relevant data, such as e-mail messages, that may be used as evidence. In situations like this,

you may have to retain all e-mail sent and received by specific people in your organization for a

specific time period. Putting mailboxes on litigation hold is the first step in meeting these types

of litigation requirements.

Typically, a discovery manager, lawyer, or other authorized official in your organization puts

mailboxes on litigation hold. Authorized administrators can use litigation hold to:

? Preserve mailbox items that may have been deleted or edited by users

? Preserve mailbox items automatically deleted by MRM

? Keep the litigation hold transparent from the user by not having to suspend MRM

? Enable discovery searches of items placed on hold

Litigation Hold limits

There is a limit to the number of mailboxes that may be placed on litigation hold, however,

this limit is not based upon a preset number of mailboxes but is instead based on a

percentage of the total managed mailboxes in your organization.

A maximum of 15% of the managed mailboxes in your organization can be on litigation

hold at any given time. For additional information on Litigation Hold limits, see the

Reporting section.

How is the litigation hold feature activated?

Litigation hold is not part of the default Exchange Online deployment and is provided only

upon request through Change Request (CR). The feature is a standard change type which will

require a hardware evaluation prior to deployment.

Litigation Hold in Exchange Online

? 2011 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.


How is access to the litigation hold feature managed?

A discovery manager, lawyer, or other authorized official in your organization must first be

assigned to the litigation hold management role before they can put a mailbox on litigation

hold. To assign the Litigation Hold Management role to an individual user or a group of users,

an administrator in your organization must add authorized users or groups to the E2010-MSO

Self Service - Litigation Hold Management Universal Security Group (USG).

What happens when a mailbox is on litigation hold?

When a user deletes messages from their Deleted Items folder or uses the Shift+Delete hotkey

to permanently delete a mailbox item, the deleted items are copied to a hidden folder in the

user's mailbox. This folder is called Recoverable Items. It¡¯s also more commonly known as the

dumpster. Permanently deleted items are copied to a subfolder called Deletions in the

Recoverable Items folder.

Items in the Recoverable Items folder are retained for 30 days by default and then purged by

Microsoft Exchange. When a mailbox is put on litigation hold, the Recoverable Items folder isn't

purged and items in this folder are retained indefinitely. Litigation hold doesn't affect users'

day-to-day e-mail workflow so users can continue to modify and delete mailbox items as they

normally would.

Litigation hold and retention policy

Retention policies (Messaging Records Management) still apply to mailboxes on litigation

hold. Content deleted by a retention policy when a mailbox is on litigation hold is preserved

indefinitely in the Recoverable Items folder.

What happens when an end-user purges items from the Recoverable Items folder?

As shown below, end-users can manually purge items from the Recoverable Items folder using

Outlook or Outlook Web App (OWA). However, any items that are manually purged from the

Recoverable Items folder are moved to a subfolder called Purges.

While a user's mailbox is on litigation hold, Microsoft Exchange retains items in the Purges

folder indefinitely.

Litigation Hold in Exchange Online

? 2011 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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