Epistola apostolului Pavel cãtre Coloseni

Hebrews for non-HebrewsLecture notesHebrews for non-HebrewsLecture notesIntroductionExegesis, in general: Definition of exegesis, its relation to hermeneutics; the exegetical question, the essential steps of an exegetical analysis. Exegetical papers and their place in communicating exegetical analyses.The importance of the contextHebrews as a book for Jews, that is, for hellenistic Jews.The authorVery probably the author is a man (cf. the masculine present participle of dihgeomai in με γ?ρ διηγο?μενον ? χρ?νο?, Heb. 11.32). Also, according to Heb. 2.2-3, the author seems to have had good, yet relatively distant relation to Christ and the first leaders of the Church, thus he belonged either, very possibly, to the first generation of Christians, or, also possibly, to the second generation (more probably so; however, both fit well with Paul’s own life and personality).He certainly is from Paul’s circle of friends, since he knows something of the testimony and lives of Christ and early Christian leaders and since he knows Timothy, one of Paul’s closest friends (Heb. 13.22). He is mentioning in Heb. 13.24 “greetings from those from Italy”, so there is a certain connection with Christians in Italy (there were a number of Christians who went to Italy, to Rome, for example, while having their primary residence somewhere else, like Aquilas and Priscilla, who were from Ephesus, yet visited and worked in Corinth and in Rome, as well; also the author could speak of Roman believers, as such, as well).Apart from that the author is quite close to Paul’s theology, as it can be found in the main Pauline epistles (Romans, 1-2 Corinthians, Galatians, Colossians, Ephesians, Philippians). Among the recurring theological themes one could find in Hebrews the theme of faith (pistiv), righteousness (dikaiosunh), perfection or maturity (teleiwthv), discipline (paideia), priesthood (ajrciereuv), sacrifices (qusia) etc. The list of possible authors includes Apollos (suggested by Luther), Barnabas (suggested by Tertullian, Jerome); Paul (suggested by Pantaenus, via Eusebius of Caesarea, via Clement of Alexandria; also by Theodore of Mopsuestia, Ephraem Syrus; Augustine), a secretary of Paul (Origen). Ellingworth says that the idea of Pauline authorship of Hebrews is now almost universally abandoned, yet this is not quite true. There are authors who would see this differently. The literary style is not Paul’s style (not as direct as his, nor as rude, at times, according to Origen; cf. William Lane), yet the theology is quite close to that of Paul.However, as Guthrie notes, even its theology is slightly different from Paul’s, although the author of the epistle does not disagrees with him… (Guthrie, Introduction, 673).Look at Ellingworth’s commentary. The author is certainly part of Paul’s circle of friends.He knows Timothy.He knows the leaders of the church.He is close to Paul’s theology… faith, covenant, suffering (although the author might favor different emphases on these concepts, in comparison with Paul).The audienceTrotter mentions several possible recipients: a group of converted priests in Jerusalem (Spicq), a group of leaders expelled from Rome (Manson), some believers at Qumran. Whoever they might have been they were likely a group of believers of Jewish descent, probably meeting in houses, who were severely under pressure to leave Christianity and turn to the Jewish Law.Q: What are Trotter’s arguments? See, Trotter’s gentile audience arguments:1.?????reference to families sharing the same flesh and blood (Heb. 2:14) and children’s duty to submit to their parents’ discipline (Heb. 12:5–11);2.?????the analogy of the field (Heb. 6:7–8);3.?????the contrast between milk and solid food (Heb. 5:12–14);4.?????the typological language concerning shadows and realities (Heb. 8:5; 9:23; 10:1);5.?????the use of the word στοιχε?α (Heb. 5:12); and6.?????the exhortation to be faithful in marriage (Heb. 13:4). Ellingworth discusses the very title, prov eJbraiouv. Q: what is the best way to translate this title and why?According to both Trotter and Ellingworth the readers were a mixed community, of both Jews and Gentile believers (possibly of earlier converts to Judaism, i.e. proselytes).Q: what argument do you find the most convincing, to this effect, and what argument do you find to be less convincing? The historical contextThe cultural contextStyle and GenreTrotter notes several stylistic, rhetoric elements in Hebrews indicating that the author of Hebrews benefitted from an elevated and thorough education in Greek language and rhetorics:Rhetoric featureReferenceAlliterationHeb. 1:1AnaphoraHeb. 11 (passim)AntithesisHeb. 7:18–21, 28; 10:11–12AssonanceHeb. 10:26–27AsyndetonHeb. 11:33–34, 37BrachylogyHeb. 12:24ChiasmHeb. 7:23–24; 2:17DiatribeHeb. 3:16–18EllipsisHeb. 12:25HendiadysHeb. 5:2HyperbatonHeb. 2:9IsocolonHeb. 1:3LitotesHeb. 4:15ParanomasiaHeb. 5:8RhythmReverse PaeonHeb. 1:1AnapestHeb. 1:6IambusHeb. 2:1TrocheeHeb. 12:8However, a comparison of Hebrews with Paul’s vocabulary from the undebated Pauline epistles (i.e. leaving aside the pastoral epistles that share a vocabulary of their own, specific), would emphasize striking differences as has been shown by Ellingworth (the first figures indicate Pauline use, the second indicate their presence in Hebrews).He finds relatively significant overlaps between the two only in the area of expressions of emotion (παρακαλ?ω 52/4, παρ?κλησι? 20/3), in terms related to life and death (cf. πιστε?ω 48/2, π?στι? 109/32, πιστ?? 16/5), power and conflict (?ρκωμοσ?α 0/4; ?μν?ω 0/7), related to the people of God (cf. πρεσβ?τερο? 0/1; see σπ?ρμα 16/3; κληρονομ?ω 6/4, κληρονομ?α 5/2, κληρονομ?? 7/3, συγκληρονομ?? 2/1; λα?? 11/13), liturgical terms (ε?σ?ρχομαι 4/17; κατασκευ?ζω 0/6; ?γι?ω 72/19 (τ? ?γιον/τ? ?για 0/5); α?μα 12/21; θυσ?α 5/15; καθαρ?ζω 2/4, καθαρισμ?? 0/1, καθαρ?? 1/1, καθαροτ?? 0/1; λειτουργ?ω 1/1, λειτουργ?α 3/2, λειτουργικ?? 0/1, λειτουργ?? 3/2; ε?λογ?ω 7/7, ε?λογ?α 9/2, προσφορ? 2/5; προφ?τη? 13/2), in the aria of salvation theology (?πολ?τρωσι? 7/2; ?παγγελ?α 24/14; ?πουρ?νιο? 11/6; μετ?νοια 3/3; συνε?δησι? 14/5; ?γγελο? 12/13; α??ν 29/15; ?μαρτ?νω 15/2, ?μαρτ?α 61/25, ?μαρτωλ?? 6/2; γ? 14/11; ε?ρ?νη 39/4; ?λπ?? 32/5, ?λπ?ζω 15/1; ?ργον 48/9; ?γ?ομαι 9/6; καρδ?α 50/11; κληρονομ?ω 6/4, κληρονομ?α 5/2, κληρ?νομο? 7/3; μαρτυρ?ω 6/8, μαρτ?? 6/2; μ?νω 13/6; πειρ?ζω 7/5, πειρασμ?? 3/1; σωτηρ?α 16/7; υ??? 41/24; ?πομ?νω 2/4, ?πομον? 13/2. The author of Hebrews has words he likes in particular, such as ?δ?νατο? 2/4; ?παξ 3/8, ?φ?παξ 2/3; κρε?σσων/κρε?ττων 4/13, and even words he coined for the purpose of his style and argument, that cannot be found in other Greek writings (cf. ?γενεαλ?γητο? 7:3; α?ματεκχυσ?α 9:22; ε?περ?στατο? 12:1; μισθαποδοσ?α 2:2, 10:35, 11:26; μισθαποδ?τη? 11:6; πρ?σχυσι? 11:28; συγκακουχ?ομαι 11:25; τελειωτ?? 12:2). Letter or sermon?Hebrews displays certain signs of a letter: it start with a careful prologue, like 1 John, with a proemium (1.1-4), has a good rhetoric structure.The structureGenerally speaking, one can notice a two part structure of this epistle: I. Theology: 1:1-10:18, II. Exhortation, 10:19-13:17As a letter, Hebrews displays a specific format, yet without any praescriptio, i.e., letter introduction (which did include the mention of the writer: superscriptio, of the addressee: adscriptio, and a short greeting, salutatio);proemium (short presentation, 1:1–4) narratio (outline of content, 1:5–2:16)propositio (theme, 2:17–18)probatio (arguments, 3:1–12:29) peroratio (conclusions and advice, 13:1–21) conclusio, postscriptum (final words, 13:22–25)There might be present a certain internal parallelism (chiasmus):Introduction (1:1-4)A. Eschatology: Jesus and the angels (1:5--2:18)? B. Ecclesiology: Jesus is the high priest (3:1--5:10) C. Worship: Jesus is the true sacrifice (5:11--10:39)? B'. Ecclesiology: faith and perseverance (11:1--12:13)A'. Eschatology: holiness and eternal inheritance (12:14--13:19)? Conclusion (13:20-25).However, such parallels might be a little too eisegetical in nature.In terms of main arguments, the letter addresses three main issues:Introduction (1:1–4) Argument 1, Jesus is superior to angels and to OT leaders (Moses, Josua, prophets, 1:5–4:13)Argument 2, Jesus is the real high priest, more important than Aaron and Levi (4:14–10:18).Argument 3, Jesus leads the believer to a victorious life of faith and holiness, of perseverance amidst persecutions (10:19–13:19)Conclusion (13:20–21)Ending (13:22–25)Spread within the argument, there are 5 main warning sections:1st warning: do not neglect such a great salvation (2:1-4), Δι? το?το δε? περισσοτ?ρω? προσ?χειν... μ?ποτε παραρυ?μεν.2nd warning: do not harden your hearts, nor be unfaithful (3:12-13), Βλ?πετε, ?δελφο?, μ?ποτε ?σται ?ν τινι ?μ?ν καρδ?α πονηρ? ?πιστ?α?3rd warning: you should have been teachers, by now (5:11-6:12), κα? γ?ρ ?φε?λοντε? ε?ναι διδ?σκαλοι δι? τ?ν χρ?νον4th warning: beware disobedience (10:18-39), ?κουσ?ω? γ?ρ ?μαρταν?ντων ?μ?ν μετ? τ? λαβε?ν τ?ν ?π?γνωσιν τ?? ?ληθε?α?, ο?κ?τι περ? ?μαρτι?ν ?πολε?πεται θυσ?α,5th warning: Listen to God (12:15, 18-29, cf. 25): Βλ?πετε μ? παραιτ?σησθε τ?ν λαλο?νταQ: Indentify the verbs in the warning passages. How many verbs are used in the imperative mood?Another possible structure highlights, in a pauline manner, two main parts, i.e. a theological and a practical one:I. Theology: Christ is superior (1:1-10:18)A. Christ is superior to the OT prophets (1:1-4)B. Christ is superior to angels (1:5-2:18)First warning, 2:1-4C. Christ is superior to Moses (3:1-4:13)Second warning, 3:7-4:13D. Christ is superior to Aaron’s priesthood (4:14-7:28)Third warning, 5.11-6:8E. Christ is superior to the Law covenant (8:1-10:18)II. ExhortationA. Participate to the new altar, of Jesus (10:19-31)Fourth warning, 20.26-31B. Suffer persecution (10:32-39)C. Follow the example of the heroes of faith, (11:1-40)D. Accept God’s discipline (12:1-29)Fifth warning, 12:15, 18-29 (25)E. Live up to your confession of faith (13:1-17)III. Final teachings, greetings (peroratio, salutatio, 13:18-25)A. Prayer request (13:18-19)B. Prayer for readers (13:20-21)C. Final advice (13:22) D. News about Timothy (13:23)E. Final blessings, greetings (13:24-25)The theology of HebrewsAs John Calvin wrote “there is … no book in the Holy Scriptures which speaks so clearly of the priesthood of Christ, so highly exalts the virtue and dignity of that only true sacrifice which He offered by His death, so abundantly treats of the use of ceremonies as well as of their abrogation, and, in a word, so fully explains that Christ is the end of the law.”ΠΡΟΣ ΕΒΡΑΙΟΥΣ (UBS-4th)Chapter 1, Commentary Hebrews 1Introduction of the main themes,Explanation, Exegesis on Psa. 2WarningExegesis of Psa. 81.1-4, Introduction to the main themes of the letter / sermon.The Prophets and the SonUltimately, God has spoken by his Son, after he spoke in many various ways and through many, various persons or beings. Writing in very elegant style, the author composed here a quite classical introduction, well rounded rhetorically, in which he mentions, in a nut-shell, the majore themes of the letter. Among them one should mention the progressive revelation of God’s plans through prophets, the climactic importance of the Son’s life and message, the difference between the times of the fathers and the last days period, at the present. The Son is heir of the Universe (of everything: the theme of heirs/inheritance this is a human-related theme of utmost importance in the Bible), and he is superior to angels, for his nature – or Name – is higher than theirs (being divine he has created everything and he is the only genuine representation of God’s nature and person in the material world), and for being sitted at the right hand of the heavenly greatness (of God’s glory) as main representative of God. This particular position was obtained after he has performed the cleasing of sins for the whole humanity.Exegesis: is this sort of an epistolary proemium?1?Πολυμερ?? κα? πολυτρ?πω? π?λαι ? θε?? In many ways and many times [in the] past Godλαλ?σα? το?? πατρ?σιν ?ν το?? προφ?ται??[having] spoken to the fathers through the prophets.2??π? ?σχ?του τ?ν ?μερ?ν το?των ?λ?λησεν ?μ?ν [now] at the end of these days [he] has spoken to us?ν υ??, ?ν ?θηκεν κληρον?μον π?ντων, through [a] Son, whom he made heir of everything, δι? ο? κα? ?πο?ησεν το?? α??να???3??? ?ν through whom also he made the ages, [as] he [was] being?πα?γασμα τ?? δ?ξη? κα? χαρακτ?ρ τ?? ?ποστ?σεω? α?το?, the brightness of [his] glory and the genuine mark of his being,φ?ρων τε τ? π?ντα τ? ??ματι τ?? δυν?μεω? α?το?,[and has] made all through the utterance of his power,καθαρισμ?ν?τ?ν ?μαρτι?ν ποιησ?μενο? ?κ?θισεν the cleansing of sins having done [he] sat?ν δεξι? τ?? μεγαλωσ?νη? ?ν ?ψηλο??,?at the right [hand] of the greatness in the high [things, places]4?τοσο?τ? κρε?ττων γεν?μενο? τ?ν ?γγ?λων ?σ?so much higher becoming than the angels asδιαφορ?τερον παρ? α?το?? κεκληρον?μηκεν ?νομα.[a] higher than them has inherited [a] name.The exegetical question (ex.q.) and its answer (ex.a.):Ex.q.: What is the author trying to say to his primary audience?Ex.a.:I, myself being an educated speaker, like you, I am writing to tell you that there is no point in turning back to the Law (usually understood as having given through Moses and through angels) or even to the prophets, as such, because the Son has completed the prophets message, is higher than the angels at Sinai, has created the world, being fully divine, eternal, and fully human and, as human Messiah, he is now glorified sitting on high as God’s right hand. This is an introduction, obviously. A very inteligent and complex introductory statement. Then, there comes the evidence. Maybe it is a bit surprising that the author speaks first of all, so much of angels. However, for the first century Jews it made sense. The hermeneutical question (h.q.) and its answer (h.a.):What is the text saying to the contemporary reader?The divine author lets the contemporary reader to see in the text a worthy message and example, pointing out that whenever anyone might feel under pressure to leave Christ aside and turn to the Jewish religion of the Law (cf. rabbinic Christianity, 7th day Adventists, Jehovah’s Witnesses), or being ready to consider Jesus as one among other great religious leaders or priests (like angels or divine men, as in New Age, Mormonism, Hinduism, Islam, etc.), we should remember that Jesus is unique, the ultimate revelation of God, that he is divine and human, as well, being creator of all, eternal God, kingly Son and absolute ruler – both as God and as a human.1.5-14, The Son is superior to the angels (I)Exegesis: why is the Son superior to the angels?This topic is discussed in a two wing section, the two parts being 1.5-14 and 2.5-18, and between them being included 2.1-4, a warning section.Modern Christians find this section, quite usually, difficult to understand because there is difficult to see the point of comparing the Son with angels. Actually, there is a larger contrast here, one between humankind and angels, and one between the Son (seen as God’s Son and as the Messiah) and the angels. The two parallels have something or rather, better, someone, in common, the Son of God. The context of the parallels has two levels, an earthly one and a heavenly one, and these parallels are seen in wide perspective, including the past, the present and the future of mankind and of the whole Universe.One major point that usually goes unnoticed is the fact that angels were considered the ones through whom the Law has been given on Mt. Sinai. Demonstrating that they are inferior to Christ, amount to showing that Jesus’ covenant is more important than the Sinai covenant.The Incarnation is holding an important place, too. The issue here is the nature of the Messiah and his links with humanity. The kind of language used in Bible for Jesus is the God language (Creator language, worshipping language), and the Son language of the Incarnation, and as well the Universal-King language, it is not simply the creature language used to describe the angels.The angels are being made, or created in order to serve and worship God. Among their duties is to help (or minister to) the humans. Only the Son and the humans are the heirs of the world to come, the Son being King over the entire Universe (there is no heir language used for the angels).The scripture describes the angels with creature language, whilst the Son – Messiah is described with sonship language, with creator language, and with human king language.It is important to note, also, that the author of Hebrews uses a Messianic theology based on David’s Psalms in order to clarify and discuss the meanings of the revelations in the Pentateuch (Genesis, Exodus, Numbers, Leviticus, Deuteronomy).The Son is Superior to Angels – I: sonship language (is born not made), power language (is exalted by God) and worshipping language (deserves worship).5?*?Τ?νι γ?ρ ε?π?ν ποτε τ?ν ?γγ?λων,To whom, thus, said [he] ever, of the angels,Υ??? μου ε? σ?,You are my son, Ps. 2.7-8?γ? σ?μερον γεγ?ννηκ? σε;Today I have given birth to you…κα? π?λιν,and further?γ? ?σομαι α?τ? ε?? πατ?ρα, I will be to him a father, 2 Sam. 7.14, 2 Cron. 17.12κα? α?τ?? ?σται μοι ε?? υ??ν;and he will be for me a son.6?*??ταν δ? π?λιν ε?σαγ?γ? τ?ν πρωτ?τοκον ε?? τ?ν ο?κουμ?νην, λ?γει,And when he brings the firstborn into the world [he] says:Κα? προσκυνησ?τωσαν α?τ? π?ντε? ?γγελοι θεο?.And let worship him all the angels of God.1.6 Psalm 97.7, Deut. 32.43 (LXX)1,7 Psalm 104,4.1,8-9 Psalm 45,7-8.1,10-12 Psalm 102,26-28.Exegesis: study the use of the OT in the NT: Angels are described through a creation language… (also an exegetical problem)7?*?κα? πρ?? μ?ν το?? ?γγ?λου? λ?γει,And [whilst] to the angels says he,? ποι?ν το?? ?γγ?λου? α?το? πνε?ματα[God] is making his angels [into] spirits / windsκα? το?? λειτουργο?? α?το? πυρ?? φλ?γα,and his servants [into] flames of fire.The Son is described with divine, kingship and sonship language 8?πρ?? δ? τ?ν υ??ν,To the Son [he says]? θρ?νο? σου ? θε?? ε?? τ?ν α??να το? α??νο?,Your throne, God, is from eternity to eternity.κα? ? ??βδο? τ?? ε?θ?τητο? ??βδο? τ?? βασιλε?α? σου2.and the scepter of justice is the sceptre of your kingdom.9?*??γ?πησα? δικαιοσ?νην κα? ?μ?σησα? ?νομ?αν?[since] you loved righteousness and hated lawlesness.δι? το?το ?χρισ?ν σεc?? θε??d?? θε?? σουefor this [reason] has annointed you God, your God,?λαιον ?γαλλι?σεω? παρ? το?? μετ?χου? σου.[with] oil of rejoicing above [more than] you companions.10?κα?,AndCreator - language for the Son…Σ? κατ? ?ρχ??, κ?ριε, τ?ν γ?ν ?θεμελ?ωσα?,You from the beginning are, lord, [you] laid the earth foundationsκα? ?ργα τ?ν χειρ?ν σο? ε?σιν ο? ο?ρανο??and the work of your hands are the heavens.11?α?το? ?πολο?νται, σ? δ? διαμ?νει?,They are perishing, [yet] you will last [always]…κα? π?ντε? ?? ?μ?τιον παλαιωθ?σονται,and all like a garment will grow old12?*?κα? ?σε? περιβ?λαιον ?λ?ξει?3?α?το??,and you will roll them like a mantle,?? ?μ?τιον?κα?4??λλαγ?σονται?like a garment you will change [it].σ? δ? ? α?τ?? ε?you are the same [one]κα? τ? ?τη σου ο?κ ?κλε?ψουσιν.and your years will not end.King-like language for the Son, as the Messiah, i.e. the human leader acknowledged by God…13?*?πρ?? τ?να δ? τ?ν ?γγ?λων ε?ρηκ?ν ποτε,To whom has he ever said, of angels,Κ?θου ?κ δεξι?ν μου,Be sited at my right side?ω? ?ν θ? το?? ?χθρο?? σου ?ποπ?διον τ?ν ποδ?ν σου;funtil indeed [I] will place your enemies footstolll under you feet?Exegesis: angels and humans: only humans are heirs…14?*?ο?χ? π?ντε? ε?σ?ν λειτουργικ? πνε?ματα ε?? διακον?ανAre not all serving spirits for ministering ?ποστελλ?μενα δι? το?? μ?λλοντα? κληρονομε?ν σωτηρ?αν;gbeing sent, for the sake of those who will inherit salvation?Structure, Hebrews 11.Introduction: the prophets and the son, 1.1-4From old times to the new “old days”The prophets and a / the SonThe shining visible glory and the visible inprint/mark/footprintFrom the divine creation to the eternal inheritanceAngels – a term of comparison, not superiors, rather deputies.Πολυμερ?? κα? πολυτρ?πω? π?λαι ? Θε?? λαλ?σα? το?? πατρ?σιν ?ν το?? προφ?ται?, ?π? ?σχ?του τ?ν ?μερ?ν το?των [? Θε??] ?λ?λησεν ?μ?ν ?ν υ??, 1-2 ?ν ?θηκε κληρον?μον π?ντων, δι? ο? κα? το?? α??να? ?πο?ησεν? 1-3 ?? ?ν ?πα?γασμα τ?? δ?ξη? κα? χαρακτ?ρ τ?? ?ποστ?σεω? α?το?, φ?ρων τε τ? π?ντα τ? ??ματι τ?? δυν?μεω? α?το?, δι? ?αυτο? καθαρισμ?ν ποιησ?μενο? τ?ν ?μαρτι?ν ?μ?ν ?κ?θισεν ?ν δεξι? τ?? μεγαλωσ?νη? ?ν ?ψηλο??, 1-4 τοσο?τ? κρε?ττων γεν?μενο? τ?ν ?γγ?λων, ?σ? διαφορ?τερον παρ? α?το?? κεκληρον?μηκεν ?νομα. 2.Argument: the Son and the angels 5-14The difference between the angels and the sonThe son is the creator, the angels are created servantsThe son is the kingThe son is a human exalted, the kingly and divine messiahThe son is being served by angels, both as a creator and a king of humansThe son is invited to the right hand of God, to see his enemies fully subjected to him1-5 τ?νι γ?ρ ε?π? ποτε τ?ν ?γγ?λων? υ??? μου ε? σ?, ?γ? σ?μερον γεγ?ννηκ? σε, κα? π?λιν? ?γ? ?σομαι α?τ? ε?? πατ?ρα, κα? α?τ?? ?σται μοι ε?? υ??ν, 1-6 ?ταν δ? π?λιν ε?σαγ?γ? τ?ν πρωτ?τοκον ε?? τ?ν ο?κουμ?νην, λ?γει? κα? προσκυνησ?τωσαν α?τ? π?ντε? ?γγελοι Θεο?. 1-7 κα? πρ?? μ?ν το?? ?γγ?λου? λ?γει? ? ποι?ν το?? ?γγ?λου? α?το? πνε?ματα, κα? το?? λειτουργο?? α?το? πυρ?? φλ?γα? 1-8 πρ?? δ? τ?ν υ??ν? ? θρ?νο? σου, ? Θε??, ε?? τ?ν α??να το? α??νο?? ??βδο? ε?θ?τητο?, ? ??βδο? τ?? βασιλε?α? σου? 1-9 ?γ?πησα? δικαιοσ?νην κα? ?μ?σησα? ?νομ?αν? δι? το?το ?χρισ? σε ? Θε??, ? Θε?? σου ?λαιον ?γαλλι?σσεω? παρ? το?? μετ?χου? σου? 1-10 κα?? σ? κατ? ?ρχ??, Κ?ριε, τ?ν γ?ν ?θεμελ?ωσα?, κα? ?ργα τ?ν χειρ?ν σο? ε?σιν ο? ο?ρανο?? 1-11 α?το? ?πολο?νται, σ? δ? διαμ?νει?? κα? π?ντε? ?? ?μ?τιον παλαιωθ?σονται 1-12 κα? ?σε? περιβ?λαιον ?λ?ξει? α?το??, κα? ?λλαγ?σονται? σ? δ? ? α?τ?? ε?, κα? τ? ?τη σου ο?κ ?κλε?ψουσι. 1-13 πρ?? τ?να δ? τ?ν ?γγ?λων ε?ρηκ? ποτε? κ?θου ?κ δεξι?ν μου ?ω? ?ν θ? το?? ?χθρο?? σου ?ποπ?διον τ?ν ποδ?ν σου, 1-14 ο?χ? π?ντε? ε?σ? λειτουργικ? πνε?ματα ε?? διακον?αν ?ποστελλ?μενα δι? το?? μ?λλοντα? κληρονομε?ν σωτηρ?αν; Chapter 2, CommentaryWarning for obedience to the gospel they heard. Comparison with angels: Jewish tradition said that at the Sinai, Moses and the people were listening not only to God, but also – and mainly, to the words of angels.2.1-4, Warning: do not neglect this great salvation of JesusAfter a first argument that the Son is greater than angels (implying that his covenant is greater than the covenant of the Law), there comes a first warning section, in 2.1-4. The warning is based on a re-iteration of the punishment received by those who did not obey the first covenant, arguing that in a similar way, if not more, will be punished those who disobey the son. Christians should, thus, pay attention to they way they listen to God’s new commands, so that they should find themselves drifting away, progressively and unnoticed (2.1).In the same way those who did not listen to the angels, at the Sinai, were punished, likewise people not listening to Jesus would be angels by not listening to Jesus would be disciplined. Here, the one who gives the revelation is greater, because it was given by the Lord, confirmed by the first hand witnesses, and then by the signs, miracles, and the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Accordingly, this is a salvation much greater than the one presented by angels on mount Sinai.It is interesting to note in what words is presented the certainty of our salvation: it has been taught by the Lord, confirmed by witnesses, further confirmed by God through signs, miracles and gifts imparted by the Spirit, according to his will. This stands somehow in contrast with the fact that the word of the angels at Sinai has been confirmed and made steadfast (or reinforced) by the God’s rightful justice for those who were disobedient.1?Δι? το?το δε? περισσοτ?ρω? προσ?χειν ?μ?? το??For this reason we must even more keep ?κουσθε?σιν, μ?ποτε παραρυ?μεν.? those things we heard, lest we should go astray (drift away)…2. ε? γ?ρ ? δι? ?γγ?λων λαληθε?? λ?γο? ?γ?νετο β?βαιο? κα? For, if the word through angels was confirmed (made firm) andπ?σα παρ?βασι? κα? παρακο? ?λαβεν ?νδικον μισθαποδοσ?αν,all tresspass and disobedience received its rightful punishment3?π?? ?με?? ?κφευξ?μεθα τηλικα?τη? ?μελ?σαντε? σωτηρ?α?,How will we escape such a great salvation neglecting ?τι? ?ρχ?ν λαβο?σα λαλε?σθαι δι? το? κυρ?ουthat from the beginning [is] received, being told by the Lord, ?π? τ?ν ?κουσ?ντων ε?? ?μ?? ?βεβαι?θη,?[and] by those who listened to him, to us [was] confirmed4?συνεπιμαρτυρο?ντο? το? θεο? σημε?οι? τε κα? τ?ρασιν κα? bringing testimony to God with signs and also miracles andποικ?λαι? δυν?μεσιν κα? πνε?ματο? ?γ?ου μερισμο?? κατ? τ?ν various powers and the gifts (imparted) of the Holy Spiritα?το? θ?λησιν.according to his willing.2.5-18, On Jesus’ leadership, on men and angels. Ps.8 and the history of an idea (Iov, Ps.8, Ps.139, Heb.2).This section represent an exegesis on Psa. 8, another example of the Davidic messianism of the author of Hebrews. It starts with a re-iteration of the issue of eternal or future inheritance: the world of the future will be inherited by mankind.The argument builds then on the Psa. 8.5-7, a text that allows an interesting study on theme transformation or development in the Bible. The text appears for the first time in Job, 7.17-18.17 τ? γ?ρ ?στιν ?νθρωπο?, ?τι ?μεγ?λυνα? α?τ?ν ? ?τι προσ?χει? τ?ν νο?ν ε?? α?τ?ν 18 ? ?πισκοπ?ν α?το? ποι?σ? ?ω? τ? πρω? κα? ε?? ?ν?παυσιν α?τ?ν κρινε???Then, in Psa. 8.5-6, the theme takes this form:5 τ? ?στιν ?νθρωπο?, ?τι μιμν?σκ? α?το?, ? υ??? ?νθρ?που, ?τι ?πισκ?πτ? α?τ?ν? 6 ?λ?ττωσα? α?τ?ν βραχ? τι παρ’ ?γγ?λου?, δ?ξ? κα? τιμ? ?στεφ?νωσα? α?τ?ν?And, then, finally, in Heb.2.6b-8. Initially the question thus formulated was rather coming as a protest from Job’s part, in relation to the way God checked his life and carefully verified him, in order to reward or punish his acts, thoughts, and feelings.For David, this kind of a formula becomes a good opportunity to ask about man’s fate and destiny, compared with that of the angels.The author of Hebrews is focusing rather on David’s treatment of the theme, but brings further elements of insight and discussion, applying it to Jesus as the Messiah. Also, when discussing the meaning of “a little lower”, the author seems to favor a temporal reading “for a little while”, instead of the equally valid understanding of this as being position related, i.e. “a little bit lower”. Psalm 8 becomes then a short review of Jesus’ whole life: a little while lower than angels, but then, ascended up in glory, after suffering the cross. Christ is seen as the representative of humankind, in which Psa. 8 is already fulfilled, since, he has ascended to glory and waits now to see his enemies being placed at his feet. The theology of the cross and of Christ’s suffering and death is linked to these verses, as well, as an explanation of the “little lower” formula. Christ was placed a little lower than angels, during his earthly life, and mostly during his suffering on the cross, in order to be given glory and honour afterwards because he has tasted death for all. The reasons of his suffering are given in vss. 9-10: it was fitting or proper for him, the one who will lead many sons to glory, to be perfected through suffering.The world to come, the angels and the humans.The history of a question: Job, Psalms, Hebrews.5?Ο? γ?ρ ?γγ?λοι? ?π?ταξεν τ?ν ο?κουμ?νην τ?ν μ?λλουσαν, For not to the angels has been subjected the world to comeπερ? ?? λαλο?μεν.?6?διεμαρτ?ρατο δ? πο? τι? λ?γων,about which we are speaking; it has been confirmed where it saysΤ? ?στιν ?νθρωπο? ?τι μιμν?σκ? α?το?,what is man to remember him? υ??? ?νθρ?που ?τι ?πισκ?πτ? α?τ?ν;the son of man, to be concerned with him7??λ?ττωσα? α?τ?ν βραχ? τι παρ? ?γγ?λου?,He placed him for a short time lower than angels.δ?ξ? κα? τιμ? ?στεφ?νωσα? α?τ?ν1,with glory and honour did you crown him.8?**?π?ντα ?π?ταξα? ?ποκ?τω τ?ν ποδ?ν α?το?.bEverything you subjected under his feet.?ν τ? γ?ρ ?ποτ?ξαι [α?τ?]2?τ? π?ντα ο?δ?ν ?φ?κεν α?τ?regarding the subjection to him, this “all” does not leave to him?νυπ?τακτον. ν?ν δ? ο?πω ?ρ?μεν α?τ? τ? π?ντα[anything] not subject. Yet now we do not see that everything?ποτεταγμ?να??9?*?τ?ν δ? βραχ? τι παρ? ?γγ?λου?[is] subjected to him. One for a little while lower than angels?λαττωμ?νον βλ?πομεν ?ησο?ν δι? τ? π?θημα το? θαν?του placed, we see [indeed], Jesus – through [his] suffering of death,δ?ξ? κα? τιμ? ?στεφανωμ?νον, ?πω? χ?ριτι θεο?3??π?ρ glory and honour receiving, because through God’s grace for allπαντ?? γε?σηται θαν?του.che tasted death.A Theology of Blessing the Heroes, the archegos10??πρεπεν γ?ρ α?τ?, δι? ?ν τ? π?ντα κα? δι? ο? τ? π?ντα, It was proper for him, being the one through whom all [came] and for whom all [was created]πολλο?? υ?ο?? ε?? δ?ξαν ?γαγ?ντα τ?ν ?ρχηγ?ν τ?? σωτηρ?α? many sons to glory leading, the beginer / pioneer of their salvationα?τ?ν δι? παθημ?των τελει?σαι.d?11?*?? τε γ?ρ ?γι?ζων κα? through sufferings to be perfected. Because he who sanctifiesο? ?γιαζ?μενοι ?ξ ?ν?? π?ντε?? δι? ?ν α?τ?αν ο?κ ?παισχ?νεται and those sanctified are all from one [descending]. For this reason / cause he is not ashamed?δελφο?? α?το?? καλε?ν?12?*?λ?γων,to call them brothers, saying[the brother imagery]?παγγελ? τ? ?νομ? σου το?? ?δελφο?? μου,I will proclaim your name to my brothers?ν μ?σ? ?κκλησ?α? ?μν?σω σε,in the middle of the congregation I will sing hymns to you.13?*?κα? π?λιν,And further?γ? ?σομαι πεποιθ?? ?π? α?τ?,I will be trusting him…Exegesis: Jesus, as son – and spiritual father with his human children, the meaning of sarx and haima, of being partakers in flesh and blood, i.e. being beings with a material body.κα? π?λιν,and further[The father / mother imagery]?δο? ?γ? κα? τ? παιδ?α ? μοι ?δωκεν ? θε??.eLook, here I am, me and the children given to me by God.14?*??πε? ο?ν τ? παιδ?α κεκοιν?νηκεν α?ματο? κα? σαρκ??, Since, then, children have in common (with parents?) blood and fleshκα? α?τ?? παραπλησ?ω? μετ?σχεν τ?ν α?τ?ν, ?να δι? το?also he likewise has taken part to them, so that byθαν?του καταργ?σ? τ?ν τ? κρ?το? ?χοντα το? θαν?του, το?τ?death should make ineffective the one having the power of death ?στιν τ?ν δι?βολον,?15?κα? ?παλλ?ξ? το?του?, ?σοι φ?β? that is the Devil and free those who by fear of deathθαν?του δι? παντ?? το? ζ?ν ?νοχοι ?σαν δουλε?α?.?for all their life were forced to being slaves.16?*?ο? γ?ρ δ?που ?γγ?λων ?πιλαμβ?νεται ?λλ? σπ?ρματο?It’s clear thus that not with angels was he concerned, but with ?βρα?μ ?πιλαμβ?νεται.?17?*??θεν ?φειλεν κατ? π?ντα το?? the offspring of Abraham was he concerned. It was proper to be?δελφο?? ?μοιωθ?ναι, ?να ?λε?μων γ?νηται κα? made in the likeness of all his brothers, so that he may have pityπιστ?? ?ρχιερε?? τ? πρ?? τ?ν θε?ν ε?? τ? ?λ?σκεσθαι and a faithfull great priest in relation to things of God to atoneτ?? ?μαρτ?α? το? λαο?.?18?*??ν ? γ?ρ π?πονθεν α?τ?? for the sins of the people. In what he thus suffered himselfπειρασθε??, δ?ναται το?? πειραζομ?νοι? βοηθ?σαι.fbeing tested, he is able those [being] tested to help.Structure, Hebrews 2ΚΕΦΑΛΑΙΟΝ Β3.Warnings: do not neglect living out this great salvation, 2.1-4Δι? το?το δε? περισσοτ?ρω? ?μ?? προσ?χειν το?? ?κουσθε?σι, μ? ποτε παραρρυ?μεν. 2-2 ε? γ?ρ ? δι? ?γγ?λων λαληθε?? λ?γο? ?γ?νετο β?βαιο?, κα? π?σα παρ?βασι? κα? παρακο? ?λαβεν ?νδικον μισθαποδοσ?αν, 2-3 π?? ?με?? ?κφευξ?μεθα τηλικα?τη? ?μελ?σαντε? σωτηρ?α?; ?τι? ?ρχ?ν λαβο?σα λαλε?σθαι δι? το? Κυρ?ου, ?π? τ?ν ?κουσ?ντων ε?? ?μ?? ?βεβαι?θη, 2-4 συνεπιμαρτυρο?ντο? το? Θεο? σημε?οι? τε κα? τ?ρασι κα? ποικ?λαι? δυν?μεσι κα? Πνε?ματο? ?Αγ?ου μερισμο?? κατ? τ?ν α?το? θ?λησιν. 4.Destiny of man and angels: Jesus, men and angels, 5-92-5 Ο? γ?ρ ?γγ?λοι? ?π?ταξε τ?ν ο?κουμ?νην τ?ν μ?λλουσαν, περ? ?? λαλο?μεν, 2-6 διεμαρτ?ρατο δ? πο? τι? λ?γων? τ? ?στιν ?νθρωπο? ?τι μιμν?σκ? α?το?, ? υ??? ?νθρ?που ?τι ?πισκ?πτ? α?τ?ν; 2-7 ?λ?ττωσα? α?τ?ν βραχ? τι παρ? ?γγ?λου?, δ?ξ? κα? τιμ? ?στεφ?νωσα? α?τ?ν, 2-8 π?ντα ?π?ταξα? ?ποκ?τω τ?ν ποδ?ν α?το?? ?ν γ?ρ τ? ?ποτ?ξαι α?τ? τ? π?ντα ο?δ?ν ?φ?κεν α?τ? ?νυπ?τακτον. ν?ν δ? ο?πω ?ρ?μεν α?τ? τ? π?ντα ?ποτεταγμ?να? 2-9 τ?ν δ? βραχ? τι παρ? ?γγ?λλου? ?λαττωμ?νον βλ?πομεν ?Ιησο?ν δι? τ? π?θημα το? θαν?του δ?ξ? κα? τιμ? ?στεφανωμ?νον, ?πω? χ?ριτι Θεο? ?π?ρ παντ?? γε?σηται θαν?του. 5.Salvation and leadership: made perfect through suffering: 10-182-10 ?πρεπε γ?ρ α?τ?, δι? ?ν τ? π?ντα κα? δι? ο? τ? π?ντα, πολλο?? υ?ο?? ε?? δ?ξαν ?γαγ?ντα, τ?ν ?ρχηγ?ν τ?? σωτηρ?α? α?τ?ν δι? παθημ?των τελει?σαι. 2-11 ? τε γ?ρ ?γι?ζων κα? ο? ?γιαζ?μενοι ?ξ ?ν?? π?ντε?? δι? ?ν α?τ?αν ο?κ ?παισχ?νεται ?δελφο?? α?το?? καλε?ν, 2-12 λ?γων? ?παγγελ? τ? ?νομ? σου το?? ?δελφο?? μου, ?ν μ?σ? ?κκλησ?α? ?μν?σω σε? 2-13 κα? π?λιν? ?γ? ?σομαι πεποιθ?? ?π? α?τ?? κα? π?λιν? ?δο? ?γ? κα? τ? παιδ?α ? μοι ?δωκεν ? Θε??. 2-14 ?πε? ο?ν τ? παιδ?α κεκοιν?νηκε σαρκ?? κα? α?ματο?, κα? α?τ?? παραπλησ?ω? μετ?σχε τ?ν α?τ?ν, ?να δι? το? θαν?του καταργ?σ? τ?ν τ? κρ?το? ?χοντα το? θαν?του, το?τ? ?στι τ?ν δι?βολον, 2-15 κα? ?παλλ?ξ? το?του?, ?σοι φ?β? θαν?του δι? παντ?? το? ζ?ν ?νοχοι ?σαν δουλε?α?. 2-16 ο? γ?ρ δ?που ?γγ?λων ?πιλαμβ?νεται, ?λλ? σπ?ρματο? ?Αβρα?μ ?πιλαμβ?νεται. 2-17 ?θεν ?φειλε κατ? π?ντα το?? ?δελφο?? ?μοιωθ?ναι, ?να ?λε?μων γ?νηται κα? πιστ?? ?ρχιερε?? τ? πρ?? τ?ν Θε?ν, ε?? τ? ?λ?σκεσθαι τ?? ?μαρτ?α? το? λαο?. 2-18 ?ν ? γ?ρ π?πονθεν α?τ?? πειρασθε??, δ?ναται το?? πειραζομ?νοι? βοηθ?σαι. Makes the transition towards the comparison section between the Son and the angelsChapter 3, CommentaryThe theme of Jesus’ superiority over Moses and Joshua (a gospel-like theme)Chapter 3 and 4 leave aside the comparison between Jesus and the angels and go further to compare Jesus with the main leaders of Israel in the past, with those credited to have started the Jewish religion and who led the nation, through the wilderness, into the land of Canaan, that is, with Moses and with Joshua.The parallel with Moses: the son vs servant theology (a Johannine overtone?)The parallel with Moses is very well focused, in 3.1-6, and makes a distinction between the two based on responsibility and nature (or status). Moses was given a responsibility over “his house” (i.e. Israel, the house of God, or the house – i.e. the people, of Moses) as servant and served well. By comparison, Jesus was enthrusted with a responsibility for the whole of “his house” (of Jesus, his house being us, the Church, for the author of Hebrews), as son of the father to whom the whole house belonged, as creator.Jesus is superior to Moses, the pleion theme1?*??θεν, ?δελφο? ?γιοι, κλ?σεω? ?πουραν?ου μ?τοχοι, κατανο?σατε τ?ν ?π?στολον κα? ?ρχιερ?α τ?? ?μολογ?α? ?μ?ν ?ησο?ν,?2?πιστ?ν ?ντα τ? ποι?σαντι α?τ?ν ?? κα? Μω?σ?? ?ν [?λ?]1?τ? ο?κ? α?το?.?3?πλε?ονο? γ?ρ ο?το? δ?ξη? παρ? Μω?σ?ν ?ξ?ωται, καθ? ?σον πλε?ονα τιμ?ν ?χει το? ο?κου ? κατασκευ?σα? α?τ?ν??4?π?? γ?ρ ο?κο? κατασκευ?ζεται ?π? τινο?, ? δ? π?ντα κατασκευ?σα? θε??.?5?*?κα? Μω?σ?? μ?ν πιστ?? ?ν ?λ? τ? ο?κ? α?το? ?? θερ?πων ε?? μαρτ?ριον τ?ν λαληθησομ?νων,?6?*?Χριστ?? δ? ?? υ??? ?π? τ?ν ο?κον α?το?? ο?2?ο?κ?? ?σμεν ?με??, ??ν[περ] τ?ν παρρησ?αν κα? τ? κα?χημα τ?? ?λπ?δο? κατ?σχωμεν3.aFrom 3.7-11 the parallel involves the entering into Canaan, thus, Joshua as a leader. The key word is Today and the author makes an interesting word play with this term, in chs. 3-4. From 3.12-4.16 one can notice a warning section which, however, is of a mixed nature, because it continues the argument about “today”, started in 3.7-11.The author argues that Israel, the Israel that got out of Egypt, although being blessed and called to enter Canaan, they did not enter there, because did not listen to God’s good news (Ex. 17.7; Num. 20.2-5). The only escape provided by the author is that, through the words of David, God gives (or gave) the people a new chance, a new “today”, as shown in Ps. 95.7-11, a passage with a major pivotal value in the argument in chs. 3-4. This “today” (shmeron) is not the 7th day of creation, is not a new chance to conquer, in a new way, the land of Canaan (that generation has perished, anyway, in the wilderness), yet it is a new today (shmeron, hJmera), a day of salvation through Jesus. The hebrew text of Ps. 95.7b, introduces God’s angry speech in 95.8, by saying emphatically “Today (ha-yom) if you to his voice would listen…” (????????? ?????????????? ????????????) This “day” that preceeds the quotation of the divine anger, is the basis of God’s mercy. The quotation of divine anger (95.8-11) is taken as voice of the past and a warning for the present and the future which should not be valid again… if the chance of “today” is well understood.Both 3.12 and 4.1 warn the reader that this new day could be neglected, however, and not properly received or used, either, with even harder, or harsher consequences. As 4.7b shows, the author is building heavily on the theology of David psalms, a davidic messianic type of theology. Because of his mention of “today”, the author builds a curageous argument, based on the divine inspiration of Scripture. A New Sabbath Rest: Jesus is superior to Joshua and Moses7?*?Δι?, καθ?? λ?γει τ? πνε?μα τ? ?γιον,Σ?μερον ??ν τ?? φων?? α?το? ?κο?σητε,8?*?μ? σκληρ?νητε τ?? καρδ?α? ?μ?ν ?? ?ν τ?παραπικρασμ? κατ? τ?ν ?μ?ραν το? πειρασμο? ?ν τ? ?ρ?μ?,9?ο? ?πε?ρασαν ο? πατ?ρε? ?μ?ν ?ν δοκιμασ??κα? ε?δον τ? ?ργα μου?10?τεσσερ?κοντα ?τη?δι? προσ?χθισα τ? γενε? τα?τ?κα? ε?πον, ?ε? πλαν?νται τ? καρδ??,α?το? δ? ο?κ ?γνωσαν τ?? ?δο?? μου,11?*??? ?μοσα ?ν τ? ?ργ? μου?Ε? ε?σελε?σονται ε?? τ?ν κατ?παυσ?ν μου.bThe warning for obedience in present times…12?Βλ?πετε, ?δελφο?, μ?ποτε ?σται ?ν τινι ?μ?ν καρδ?α πονηρ? ?πιστ?α? ?ν τ? ?ποστ?ναι ?π? θεο? ζ?ντο?,?See, brothers, that there is not – in any of you, an evil, unfaithful heart, that is getting away from the living God… 13 ?λλ? παρακαλε?τε ?αυτο?? καθ? ?κ?στην ?μ?ραν, ?χρι? ο? τ? σ?μερον καλε?ται, ?να μ? σκληρυνθ? τι? ?ξ ?μ?ν ?π?τ? τ?? ?μαρτ?α? –?14?*?μ?τοχοι γ?ρ το? Χριστο? γεγ?ναμεν, ??νπερ τ?ν ?ρχ?ν τ?? ?ποστ?σεω? μ?χρι τ?λου? βεβα?αν κατ?σχωμεν –c?15?*??ν τ? λ?γεσθαι,σ?μερον ??ν τ?? φων?? α?το? ?κο?σητε,Μ? σκληρ?νητε τ?? καρδ?α? ?μ?ν ?? ?ν τ? παραπικρασμ?.dThe final exhortation of the warning takes now the form of a peroration, a rhetorically amplified and expanded type of conclusions and further advice, a series of5 questions plus one conclusion. 16?*?τ?νε? γ?ρ ?κο?σαντε? παρεπ?κραναν; ?λλ? ο? π?ντε? ο? ?ξελθ?ντε? ?ξ Α?γ?πτου δι? Μω?σ?ω?;?17?*?τ?σιν δ? προσ?χθισεν τεσσερ?κοντα ?τη; ο?χ? το?? ?μαρτ?σασιν, ?ν τ? κ?λα ?πεσεν ?ν τ? ?ρ?μ?;?18?*?τ?σιν δ? ?μοσεν μ? ε?σελε?σεσθαι ε?? τ?ν κατ?παυσιν α?το? ε? μ? το?? ?πειθ?σασιν;?19?κα? βλ?πομεν ?τι ο?κ ?δυν?θησαν ε?σελθε?ν δι? ?πιστ?αν.eStructure, Hebrews 3?Οθεν, ?δελφο? ?γιοι, κλ?σεω? ?πουραν?ου μ?τοχοι, κατανο?σατε τ?ν ?π?στολον κα? ?ρχιερ?α τ?? ?μολογ?α? ?μ?ν ?Ιησο?ν Χριστ?ν, 3-2 πιστ?ν ?ντα τ? ποι?σαντι α?τ?ν, ?? κα? Μω?σ?? ?ν ?λ? τ? ο?κ? α?το?. 3-3 πλε?ονο? γ?ρ δ?ξη? ο?το? παρ? Μω?σ?ν ?ξ?ωται, καθ? ?σον πλε?ονα τιμ?ν ?χει το? ο?κου ? κατασκευ?σα? α?τ?ν. 3-4 π?? γ?ρ ο?κο? κατασκευ?ζεται ?π? τινο?, ? δ? τ? π?ντα κατασκευ?σα? Θε??. 3-5 κα? Μω?σ?? μ?ν πιστ?? ?ν ?λ? τ? ο?κ? α?το? ?? θερ?πων, ε?? μαρτ?ριον τ?ν λαληθησομ?νων, 3-6 Χριστ?? δ? ?? υ??? ?π? τ?ν ο?κον α?το?, ο? ο?κ?? ?σμεν ?με??, ??νπερ τ?ν παρρησ?αν κα? τ? κα?χημα τ?? ?λπ?δο? μ?χρι τ?λου? βεβα?αν κατ?σχωμεν. 3-7 Δι?, καθ?? λ?γει τ? Πνε?μα τ? ?Αγιον? σ?μερον ??ν τ?? φων?? α?το? ?κο?σητε, 3-8 μ? σκληρ?νητε τ?? καρδ?α? ?μ?ν ?? ?ν τ? παραπικρασμ?, κατ? τ?ν ?μ?ραν το? πειρασμο? ?ν τ? ?ρ?μ?, 3-9 ο? ?πε?ρασ?ν με ο? πατ?ρε? ?μ?ν, ?δοκ?μασ?ν με, κα? ε?δον τ? ?ργα μου τεσσαρ?κοντα ?τη. 3-10 δι? προσ?χθισα τ? γενε? ?κε?ν? κα? ε?πον? ?ε? πλαν?νται τ? καρδ??, α?το? δ? ο?κ ?γνωσαν τ?? ?δο?? μου? 3-11 ?? ?μοσα ?ν τ? ?ργ? μου, ε? ε?σελε?σονται ε?? τ?ν κατ?παυσ?ν μου? 3-12 βλ?πετε, ?δελφο?, μ? ποτε ?σται ?ν τινι ?μ?ν καρδ?α πονηρ? ?πιστ?α? ?ν τ? ?ποστ?ναι ?π? Θεο? ζ?ντο?, 3-13 ?λλ? παρακαλε?τε ?αυτο?? καθ? ?κ?στην ?μ?ραν ?χρι? ο? τ? σ?μερον καλε?ται, ?να μ? σκληρυνθ? ?ξ ?μ?ν τι? ?π?τ? τ?? ?μαρτ?α?? 3-14 μ?τοχοι γ?ρ γεγ?ναμεν το? Χριστο?, ??νπερ τ?ν ?ρχ?ν τ?? ?ποστ?σεω? μ?χρι τ?λου? βεβα?αν κατ?σχωμεν, 3-15 ?ν τ? λ?γεσθαι? σ?μερον ??ν τ?? φων?? α?το? ?κο?σητε, μ? σκληρ?νητε τ?? καρδ?α? ?μ?ν ?? ?ν τ? παραπικρασμ?. 3-16 τ?νε? γ?ρ ?κο?σαντε? παρεπ?κραναν; ?λλ? ο? π?ντε? ο? ?ξελθ?ντε? ?ξ Α?γ?πτου δι? Μω?σ?ω?; 3-17 τ?σι δ? προσ?χθισε τεσσαρ?κοντα ?τη; ο?χ? το?? ?μαρτ?σασιν, ?ν τ? κ?λα ?πεσεν ?ν τ? ?ρ?μ?; 3-18 τ?σι δ? ?μοσε μ? ε?σελε?σεσθαι ε?? τ?ν κατ?παυσιν α?το? ε? μ? το?? ?πειθ?σασι; 3-19 κα? βλ?πομεν ?τι ο?κ ?δυν?θησαν ε?σελθε?ν δι? ?πιστ?αν. Chapter 4The resting day story… four resting days in history: at the creation, in Moses-Joshua’s time, in David’s time and in Jesus’ time.1?Φοβηθ?μεν ο?ν, μ?ποτε καταλειπομ?νη? ?παγγελ?α? ε?σελθε?ν ε?? τ?ν κατ?παυσιν α?το? δοκ? τι? ?ξ ?μ?ν ?στερηκ?ναι.?2?κα? γ?ρ ?σμεν ε?ηγγελισμ?νοι καθ?περ κ?κε?νοι? ?λλ? ο?κ ?φ?λησεν ? λ?γο? τ?? ?κο?? ?κε?νου? μ? συγκεκερασμ?νου? 1?τ? π?στει το?? ?κο?σασιν.a 3?*?ε?σερχ?μεθα γ?ρ2?ε?? [τ?ν]3?κατ?παυσιν ο? πιστε?σαντε?, καθ?? ε?ρηκεν,?? ?μοσα ?ν τ? ?ργ? μου,Ε? ε?σελε?σονται ε?? τ?ν κατ?παυσ?ν μου,bκα?τοι τ?ν ?ργων ?π? καταβολ?? κ?σμου γενηθ?ντων.?4?*?ε?ρηκεν γ?ρ που περ? τ?? ?βδ?μη? ο?τω?,?Κα? κατ?παυσεν ? θε?? ?ν τ? ?μ?ρ? τ? ?βδ?μ? ?π? π?ντων τ?ν ?ργων α?το?,?5?*?κα? ?ν το?τ? π?λιν,?Ε? ε?σελε?σονται ε?? τ?ν κατ?παυσ?ν μου.c?6??πε? ο?ν ?πολε?πεται τιν?? ε?σελθε?ν ε?? α?τ?ν, κα? ο? πρ?τερον ε?αγγελισθ?ντε? ο?κ ε?σ?λθον δι? ?πε?θειαν,?7?*?π?λιν τιν? ?ρ?ζει ?μ?ραν,?σ?μερον,??ν Δαυ?δ λ?γων μετ? τοσο?τον χρ?νον, καθ?? προε?ρηται,Σ?μερον ??ν τ?? φων?? α?το? ?κο?σητε,μ? σκληρ?νητε τ?? καρδ?α? ?μ?ν.d8?*?ε? γ?ρ α?το?? ?ησο?? κατ?παυσεν, ο?κ ?ν περ? ?λλη? ?λ?λει μετ? τα?τα ?μ?ρα?.?9??ρα ?πολε?πεται σαββατισμ?? τ? λα? το? θεο?.?10?*?? γ?ρ ε?σελθ?ν ε?? τ?ν κατ?παυσιν α?το? κα? α?τ?? κατ?παυσεν ?π? τ?ν ?ργων α?το? ?σπερ ?π? τ?ν ?δ?ων ? θε??.e?11?σπουδ?σωμεν ο?ν ε?σελθε?ν ε?? ?κε?νην τ?ν κατ?παυσιν, ?να μ? ?ν τ? α?τ? τι? ?ποδε?γματι π?σ? τ?? ?πειθε?α?.fAn apocalyptic, almost johannine imagery: the two edge sword, however, also Pauline, to a certain extent.12?*?Ζ?ν γ?ρ ? λ?γο? το? θεο? κα? ?νεργ?? κα? τομ?τερο? ?π?ρ π?σαν μ?χαιραν δ?στομον κα? δι?κνο?μενο? ?χρι μερισμο? ψυχ?? κα? πνε?ματο?, ?ρμ?ν τε κα? μυελ?ν, κα? κριτικ?? ?νθυμ?σεων κα? ?ννοι?ν καρδ?α???13?κα? ο?κ ?στιν κτ?σι? ?φαν?? ?ν?πιον α?το?, π?ντα δ? γυμν? κα? τετραχηλισμ?να το?? ?φθαλμο?? α?το?, πρ?? ?ν ?μ?ν ? λ?γο?.gFor the word of God is alive and active and sharper than a two-edge sword, as sharp that it divides the soul and the spirit, the marrow and the joints, a judge of the desires and thoughts of the heart. No being is hidden before him, all are bare and exposed to his eyes, and we need to answer him (give an account to him).Jesus the Great High Priest, archiereus14?*??χοντε? ο?ν ?ρχιερ?α μ?γαν διεληλυθ?τα το?? ο?ρανο??, ?ησο?ν τ?ν υ??ν το? θεο?, κρατ?μεν τ?? ?μολογ?α?.?15?*?ο? γ?ρ ?χομεν ?ρχιερ?α μ? δυν?μενον συμπαθ?σαι τα?? ?σθενε?αι? ?μ?ν, πεπειρασμ?νον δ? κατ? π?ντα καθ? ?μοι?τητα χωρ?? ?μαρτ?α?.?16?*?προσερχ?μεθα ο?ν μετ? παρρησ?α? τ? θρ?ν? τ?? χ?ριτο?, ?να λ?βωμεν ?λεο? κα? χ?ριν ε?ρωμεν ε?? ε?καιρον βο?θειαν.hThe theme of Jesus as the high priest has started in chapter 2.17 and has been continued here, preparing the thorough discussion of this subject in Heb. 5-10. Actually, in ch. 5-7 one can see what kind of high priest is Jesus, in comparison with Aaron and Levi, on the one hand, and with Melchisedek on the other hand, whilst ch. 8-10 focus on Jesus’ ministry as high priest. Jesus the Great High Priest14?*??χοντε? ο?ν ?ρχιερ?α μ?γαν διεληλυθ?τα το?? ο?ρανο??, ?ησο?ν τ?ν υ??ν το? θεο?, κρατ?μεν τ?? ?μολογ?α?.?14.We should thus keep to our faith (confession), since we are having such a great high priest who has entered the heavens.15?*?ο? γ?ρ ?χομεν ?ρχιερ?α μ? δυν?μενον συμπαθ?σαι τα?? ?σθενε?αι? ?μ?ν, πεπειρασμ?νον δ? κατ? π?ντα καθ? ?μοι?τητα χωρ?? ?μαρτ?α?.15. We do not have a high priest who is not able to sympathise with our weaknesses, since he was tested in all things in similar way to us, without sin, however.?16?*?προσερχ?μεθα ο?ν μετ? παρρησ?α? τ? θρ?ν? τ?? χ?ριτο?, ?να λ?βωμεν ?λεο? κα? χ?ριν ε?ρωμεν ε?? ε?καιρον βο?θειαν.h16. Let’s go with boldness to the throne of grace, so that we receive mercy and discover grace in the hour of need.Φοβηθ?μεν ο?ν μ? ποτε, καταλειπομ?νη? ?παγγελ?α? ε?σελθε?ν ε?? τ?ν κατ?παυσιν α?το?, δοκ? τι, ?ξ ?μ?ν ?στερηκ?ναι. 4-2 κα? γ?ρ ?σμεν ε?ηγγελισμ?νοι, καθ?περ κ?κε?νοι? ?λλ? ο?κ ?φ?λησεν ? λ?γο? τ?? ?κο?? ?κε?νου? μ? συγκεκραμ?νου? τ? π?στει το?? ?κο?σασιν. 4-3 ε?σερχ?μεθα γ?ρ ε?? τ?ν κατ?παυσιν ο? πιστε?σαντε?, καθ?? ε?ρηκεν? ?? ?μοσα ?ν τ? ?ργ? μου, ε? ε?σελε?σονται ε?? τ?ν κατ?παυσ?ν μου κα?τοι τ?ν ?ργων ?π? καταβολ?? κ?σμου γενηθ?ντων. 4-4 ε?ρηκε γ?ρ που περ? τ?? ?βδ?μη? ο?τω? κα? κατ?παυσεν ? Θε?? ?ν τ? ?μ?ρ? τ? ?βδ?μ? ?π? π?ντων τ?ν ?ργων α?το?? 4-5 κα? ?ν το?τ? π?λιν? ε? ε?σελε?σονται ε?? τ?ν κατ?παυσ?ν μου. 4-6 ?πε? ο?ν ?πολε?πετα? τινα? ε?σελθε?ν ε?? α?τ?ν, κα? ο? πρ?τερον ε?αγγελισθ?ντε? ο?κ ε?σ?λθον δι? ?πε?θειαν, 4-7 π?λιν τιν? ?ρ?ζει ?μ?ραν, σ?μερον, ?ν Δαυ?δ λ?γων, μετ? τοσο?τον χρ?νον, καθ?? ε?ρηται? σ?μερον ??ν τ?? φων?? α?το? ?κο?σητε, μ? σκληρ?νητε τ?? καρδ?α? ?μ?ν. 4-8 ε? γ?ρ α?το?? ?Ιησο?? κατ?παυσεν, ο?κ ?ν περ? ?λλη? ?λ?λει μετ? τα?τα ?μ?ρα?? 4-9 ?ρα ?πολε?πεται σαββατισμ?? τ? λα? το? Θεο?. 4-10 ? γ?ρ ε?σελθ?ν ε?? τ?ν κατ?παυσιν α?το? κα? α?τ?? κατ?παυσεν ?π? τ?ν ?ργων α?το?, ?σπερ ?π? τ?ν ?δ?ων ? Θε??. 4-11 Σπουδ?σωμεν ο?ν ε?σελθε?ν ε?? ?κε?νην τ?ν κατ?παυσιν, ?να μ? ?ν τ? α?τ? τι? ?ποδε?γματι π?σ? τ?? ?πειθε?α?. 4-12 Ζ?ν γ?ρ ? λ?γο? το? Θεο? κα? ?νεργ?? κα? τομ?τερο? ?π?ρ π?σαν μ?χαιραν δ?στομον κα? δι?κνο?μενο? ?χρι μερισμο? ψυχ?? τε κα? πνε?ματο?, ?ρμ?ν τε κα? μυελ?ν, κα? κριτικ?? ?νθυμ?σεων κα? ?ννοι?ν καρδ?α?, 4-13 κα? ο?κ ?στι κτ?σι? ?φαν?? ?ν?πιον α?το?, π?ντα δ? γυμν? κα? τετραχηλισμ?να το?? ?φθαλμο?? α?το?, πρ?? ?ν ?μ?ν ? λ?γο?. 4-14 ?Εχοντε? ο?ν ?ρχιερ?α μ?γαν διεληλυθ?τα το?? ο?ρανο??, ?Ιησο?ν τ?ν υ??ν το? Θεο?, κρατ?μεν τ?? ?μολογ?α?. 4-15 ο? γ?ρ ?χομεν ?ρχιερ?α μ? δυν?μενον συμπαθ?σαι τα?? ?σθενε?αι? ?μ?ν, πεπειρασμ?νον δ? κατ? π?ντα καθ? ?μοι?τητα χωρ?? ?μαρτ?α?. 4-16 προσερχ?μεθα ο?ν μετ? παρρησ?α? τ? θρ?ν? τ?? χ?ριτο?, ?να λ?βωμεν ?λεον κα? χ?ριν ε?ρωμεν ε?? ε?καιρον βο?θειαν.Ch. 5-10, Jesus is the Universal High Priest, like MelchisedekCh. 5-7, Jesus and Melchisedek, Jesus as a new high priestCh. 8-10, The Heavenly Temple and the earthly tent, Jesus’ ministry as the high priestChapter 5This chapter is presenting a few preliminary teachings about priesthood, before the theme of Jesus priesthood will be approached in greater detail. First, a priest represents the people before God and he is one of these people. He brings sacrifices for sins, including for his own, however, and shows compassion for those lacking understanding and caught up in heresies. The general requirements of the high priest person and ministry:1?Π?? γ?ρ ?ρχιερε?? ?ξ ?νθρ?πων λαμβαν?μενο? ?π?ρEvery high priest is taken from [among] the people in order?νθρ?πων καθ?σταται τ? πρ?? τ?ν θε?ν, ?να προσφ?ρ?to stand on the behalf of people in front of God, to bring δ?ρ? τε κα? θυσ?α? ?π?ρ ?μαρτι?ν,?2?*?μετριοπαθε?ν gifts and sacrifices for sins, showing compassionδυν?μενο? το?? ?γνοο?σιν κα? πλανωμ?νοι?, ?πε? being able [to] to those who are ignorant and mistaken, because κα? α?τ?? περ?κειται ?σθ?νειαν?3?*?κα? δι? α?τ?ν also [he] himself is subject to weakness, and becouse of itSee 5.2, 12.1?φε?λει, καθ?? περ? το? λαο?, ο?τω? κα? περ? α?το?he must, like for the people, likewise for himselfπροσφ?ρειν περ? ?μαρτι?ν.a?4?*?κα? ο?χ ?αυτ? τι? λαμβ?νειto bring [sacrifice] for sins. And does not himself take this τ?ν τιμ?ν ?λλ? καλο?μενο? ?π? το? θεο? καθ?σπερ honour but he is called by God, likewise κα? ?αρ?ν.balso Aaron was.Christ’s priesthood – that is the priesthood of the Messiah, is similar, but not identical to the levitical priesthood, as the following verses will demonstrate. The Christ / Messiah has also been called by God, yet forever – not for a generation, to this priesthood, according to the model shown in Abraham’s meeting with Melchisedek. The Messiah priest does represent people in front of God, in a slightly different way. Although he was a Son, he learned through suffering, and was made perfect, he prayed and intercessed to God during his earthly life, and was listened (did he intercessed for himself or on the behalf of people?).In order to present and justify his priesthood, the author makes a parallel between Jesus and Melchisedek. According to the Law, Jesus could not be a priest, for he was not a Levite, he was not in the genealogical line of Aaron. He was, instead, from Judah. The only chance for him to be a priest was if there was another priesthood. As it is, there was another type of priesthood, that of Melchisedek, and God declared him, through David’s psalms, to be just such a priest. Moreover, this priesthood is greater than the levitical priesthood, since Abraham honored Melchisede by paying taxes to him and by accepting to be blessed by him. Moreover, this priesthood was not based on a genealogy, but on a heavenly decision, and could not be actually passed on, it was non-transferrable. It is possible that Melchisedek was a pre-incarnated Christ, or somebody else, a venerable, unique figure, possibly Shem. Anyway, his existence was compared with that of God’s son – and this does not necessarily mean that he was indeed, God’s son. In this case, he did not transmit his priesthood to anybody, being unique in kind (and then, he died). Jesus, then, being a priest according to the model of Melchisedek (and the text does not say he was Melchisedek, and thus, the same type of priest, yet it says he is a priest of the type of Melchisedek…), is indeed unique – and he dies not; he is, instead, immortal, eternal, divine, and this is how his priesthood is not passed over to anybody.5?*?Ο?τω? κα? ? Χριστ?? ο?χ ?αυτ?ν ?δ?ξασεν γενηθ?ναιSimilarly, Christ also did not himself glorified becoming?ρχιερ?α ?λλ? ? λαλ?σα? πρ?? α?τ?ν,a high priest but one has spoken [part] to himΥ??? μου ε? σ?, You are my son?γ? σ?μερον γεγ?ννηκ? σε? I have today give birth to you6?*?καθ?? κα? ?ν ?τ?ρ? λ?γει,Likewise, in another place it saysΣ? ?ερε?? ε?? τ?ν α??ναYou are priest for eternityκατ? τ?ν τ?ξιν Μελχισ?δεκ,caccording to the order / priesthood of MelchisedekExegesis: the days of his flesh... tais hemerais tes sarkos autou7?*??? ?ν τα?? ?μ?ραι? τ?? σαρκ?? α?το? δε?σει? τε κα?Who, in the days of his flesh prayers and also ?κετηρ?α? πρ?? τ?ν δυν?μενον σ?ζειν α?τ?ν ?κ θαν?τουrequest towards to the one able to save him from death μετ? κραυγ?? ?σχυρ?? κα? δακρ?ων προσεν?γκα? κα?with crying strong and tears bringing and ε?σακουσθε?? ?π? τ?? ε?λαβε?α?,?8?κα?περ ?ν υ???, being listen to, because of his devotion, although being son?μαθεν ?φ? ?ν ?παθεν τ?ν ?πακο?ν,?9?*?κα? τελειωθε?? he learned through what he suffered and perfected (being) [interesting rhyme here: ?μαθεν ?φ? ?ν ?παθεν]?γ?νετο π?σιν το?? ?πακο?ουσιν α?τ? α?τιο? σωτηρ?α?he has become for all those following him, the source ofsalvation α?ων?ου, 10*?προσαγορευθε?? ?π? το? θεο? ?ρχιερε?? eternal, being designated by God priest κατ? τ?ν τ?ξιν Μελχισ?δεκ.daccording to priesthood of Melchisedek.Warning Against Apostasy, 5.11-6.1211?Περ? ο? πολ?? ?μ?ν ? λ?γο? κα? δυσερμ?νευτο? λ?γειν,About this much teaching to us and explaining to say [we have],?πε? νωθρο? γεγ?νατε τα?? ?κοα??.?12?κα? γ?ρ ?φε?λοντε?since lazy you have become, at listening. For, while you should ε?ναι διδ?σκαλοι δι? τ?ν χρ?νον, π?λιν χρε?αν ?χετε το? have been teachers by this time, further need you have διδ?σκειν ?μ?? τιν?1?τ? στοιχε?α τ?? ?ρχ?? τ?ν λογ?ων το? for being taught by someone the elements of the beginning of the words of Godθεο? κα? γεγ?νατε χρε?αν ?χοντε? γ?λακτο? [κα?] ο? στερε?? and you begin need having for milk and not for solidτροφ??.?13?*?π?? γ?ρ ? μετ?χων γ?λακτο? ?πειρο? λ?γου food. For anyone needing milk [is] not used to the word ofδικαιοσ?νη?, ν?πιο? γ?ρ ?στιν??14?*?τελε?ων δ? ?στιν ? στερε? righteousness, for newly-born he is; for the mature ones, thus, isτροφ?, τ?ν δι? τ?ν ?ξιν τ? α?σθητ?ρια γεγυμνασμ?να ?χ?ντων the solid food, for those who through practice have exercisedunderestandingπρ?? δι?κρισιν καλο? τε κα? κακο?.ein order to discern the good and the bad.Chapter 61?*?Δι? ?φ?ντε? τ?ν τ?? ?ρχ?? το? Χριστο? λ?γον ?π? τ?ν τελει?τητα φερ?μεθα, μ? π?λιν θεμ?λιον καταβαλλ?μενοι μετανο?α? ?π? νεκρ?ν ?ργων κα? π?στεω? ?π? θε?ν,?2?βαπτισμ?ν διδαχ??1 ??πιθ?σε?? τε χειρ?ν, ?ναστ?σε?? τε νεκρ?ν κα? κρ?ματο? α?ων?ου.?3?κα? το?το ποι?σομεν2, ??νπερ ?πιτρ?π? ? θε??.a?4?Interesting classification of theological matters that should be left behind... as the beginning, not the mature form of teaching.The theme of ?Once only” - for eight times... ?παξ ?δ?νατον γ?ρ το?? ?παξ φωτισθ?ντα?, γευσαμ?νου? τε τ?? δωρε?? τ?? ?πουραν?ου κα? μετ?χου? γενηθ?ντα? πνε?ματο? ?γ?ου?5κα? καλ?ν γευσαμ?νου? θεο? ??μα δυν?μει? τε μ?λλοντο? α??νο??6?*?κα? παραπεσ?ντα?, π?λιν ?νακαιν?ζειν ε?? μετ?νοιαν, ?νασταυρο?ντα? ?αυτο?? τ?ν υ??ν το? θεο? κα? παραδειγματ?ζοντα?.b?7?γ? γ?ρ ? πιο?σα τ?ν ?π? α?τ?? ?ρχ?μενον πολλ?κι? ?ετ?ν κα? τ?κτουσα βοτ?νην ε?θετον ?κε?νοι? δι? ο?? κα? γεωργε?ται, μεταλαμβ?νει ε?λογ?α? ?π? το? θεο???8?*??κφ?ρουσα δ? ?κ?νθα? κα? τριβ?λου?, ?δ?κιμο? κα? κατ?ρα? ?γγ??, ?? τ? τ?λο? ε?? κα?σιν.c9?Πεπε?σμεθα δ? περ? ?μ?ν, ?γαπητο?, τ? κρε?σσονα κα? ?χ?μενα σωτηρ?α?, ε? κα? ο?τω? λαλο?μεν.?10?*?ο? γ?ρ ?δικο? ? θε?? ?πιλαθ?σθαι το? ?ργου ?μ?ν κα? τ?? ?γ?πη? ?? ?νεδε?ξασθε ε?? τ? ?νομα α?το?, διακον?σαντε? το?? ?γ?οι? κα? διακονο?ντε?.?11??πιθυμο?μεν δ? ?καστον ?μ?ν τ?ν α?τ?ν ?νδε?κνυσθαι σπουδ?ν πρ?? τ?ν πληροφορ?αν τ?? ?λπ?δο? ?χρι τ?λου?,?12??να μ? νωθρο? γ?νησθε, μιμητα? δ? τ?ν δι? π?στεω? κα? μακροθυμ?α? κληρονομο?ντων τ?? ?παγγελ?α?.dGod's Sure Promise: Re-enters ?the greater than this” theme13?*?Τ? γ?ρ ?βρα?μ ?παγγειλ?μενο? ? θε??, ?πε? κατ? ο?δεν?? ε?χεν με?ζονο? ?μ?σαι,??μοσεν καθ? ?αυτο??14?*λ?γων,?Ε? μ?ν ε?λογ?ν ε?λογ?σω σε κα? πληθ?νων πληθυν??σε?e?15?κα? ο?τω? μακροθυμ?σα? ?π?τυχεν τ?? ?παγγελ?α?.f?16?*??νθρωποι γ?ρ κατ? το? με?ζονο? ?μν?ουσιν, κα? π?ση? α?το?? ?ντιλογ?α? π?ρα? ε?? βεβα?ωσιν ? ?ρκο???17??ν ? περισσ?τερον βουλ?μενο? ? θε?? ?πιδε?ξαι το?? κληρον?μοι? τ?? ?παγγελ?α? τ? ?μετ?θετον τ?? βουλ?? α?το? ?μεσ?τευσεν ?ρκ?,?18?*??να δι? δ?ο πραγμ?των ?μεταθ?των, ?ν ο?? ?δ?νατον ψε?σασθαι [τ?ν] θε?ν, ?σχυρ?ν παρ?κλησιν ?χωμεν ο? καταφυγ?ντε? κρατ?σαι τ?? προκειμ?νη? ?λπ?δο???19?*??ν ?? ?γκυραν ?χομεν τ?? ψυχ?? ?σφαλ? τε κα? βεβα?αν κα? ε?σερχομ?νην ε?? τ? ?σ?τερον το? καταπετ?σματο?,?20?*??που πρ?δρομο? ?π?ρ ?μ?ν ε?σ?λθεν ?ησο??, κατ? τ?ν τ?ξιν Μελχισ?δεκ ?ρχιερε?? γεν?μενο? ε?? τ?ν α??να.gChapter 7The Model of the Priesthood of Melchisedek1?Ο?το? γ?ρ ??Μελχισ?δεκ, βασιλε?? Σαλ?μ, ?ερε?? το? θεο? το? ?ψ?στου,???συναντ?σα? ?βρα?μ ?ποστρ?φοντι ?π? τ?? κοπ?? τ?ν βασιλ?ων?κα??ε?λογ?σα? α?τ?ν,?2?*?? κα??δεκ?την ?π? π?ντων??μ?ρισεν??βρα?μ,?πρ?τον μ?ν ?ρμηνευ?μενο? βασιλε?? δικαιοσ?νη? ?πειτα δ? κα??βασιλε?? Σαλ?μ,?? ?στιν βασιλε?? ε?ρ?νη?,?3?*??π?τωρ ?μ?τωρ ?γενεαλ?γητο?, μ?τε ?ρχ?ν ?μερ?ν μ?τε ζω?? τ?λο? ?χων, ?φωμοιωμ?νο? δ? τ? υ?? το? θεο?, μ?νει ?ερε?? ε?? τ? διηνεκ??.aAbraham, Levi and Melchisedek4?Θεωρε?τε δ? πηλ?κο? ο?το?, ? [κα?] δεκ?την ?βρα?μ ?δωκεν ?κ τ?ν ?κροθιν?ων ? πατρι?ρχη?.?5?*?κα? ο? μ?ν ?κ τ?ν υ??ν Λευ? τ?ν ?ερατε?αν λαμβ?νοντε? ?ντολ?ν ?χουσιν ?ποδεκατο?ν τ?ν λα?ν κατ? τ?ν ν?μον, το?τ? ?στιν το?? ?δελφο?? α?τ?ν, κα?περ ?ξεληλυθ?τα? ?κ τ?? ?σφ?ο? ?βρα?μ??6?? δ? μ? γενεαλογο?μενο? ?ξ α?τ?ν δεδεκ?τωκεν ?βρα?μ κα? τ?ν ?χοντα τ?? ?παγγελ?α? ε?λ?γηκεν.?7?χωρ?? δ? π?ση? ?ντιλογ?α? τ? ?λαττον ?π? το? κρε?ττονο? ε?λογε?ται.?8?κα? ?δε μ?ν δεκ?τα? ?ποθν?σκοντε? ?νθρωποι λαμβ?νουσιν, ?κε? δ? μαρτυρο?μενο? ?τι ζ?.?9?κα? ?? ?πο? ε?πε?ν, δι? ?βρα?μ κα? Λευ? ? δεκ?τα? λαμβ?νων δεδεκ?τωται??10??τι γ?ρ ?ν τ? ?σφ?? το? πατρ?? ?ν ?τε συν?ντησεν α?τ? Μελχισ?δεκ.b11?Ε? μ?ν ο?ν τελε?ωσι? δι? τ?? Λευιτικ?? ?ερωσ?νη? ?ν, ? λα?? γ?ρ ?π? α?τ?? νενομοθ?τηται, τ?? ?τι χρε?α κατ? τ?ν τ?ξιν Μελχισ?δεκ ?τερον ?ν?στασθαι ?ερ?α κα? ο? κατ? τ?ν τ?ξιν ?αρ?ν λ?γεσθαι;?12?μετατιθεμ?νη? γ?ρ τ?? ?ερωσ?νη? ?ξ ?ν?γκη? κα? ν?μου μετ?θεσι? γ?νεται.c?13??φ? ?ν γ?ρ λ?γεται τα?τα, φυλ?? ?τ?ρα? μετ?σχηκεν, ?φ? ?? ο?δε?? προσ?σχηκεν τ? θυσιαστηρ????14?*?πρ?δηλον γ?ρ ?τι ?ξ ?ο?δα ?νατ?ταλκεν ? κ?ριο? ?μ?ν, ε?? ?ν φυλ?ν περ? ?ερ?ων ο?δ?ν Μω?σ?? ?λ?λησεν.d?15?κα? περισσ?τερον ?τι κατ?δηλ?ν ?στιν, ε? κατ? τ?ν ?μοι?τητα Μελχισ?δεκ ?ν?σταται ?ερε?? ?τερο?,?16??? ο? κατ? ν?μον ?ντολ?? σαρκ?νη? γ?γονεν ?λλ? κατ? δ?ναμιν ζω?? ?καταλ?του.?17?*?μαρτυρε?ται γ?ρ ?τιΣ? ?ερε?? ε?? τ?ν α??νακατ? τ?ν τ?ξιν Μελχισ?δεκ.e18??θ?τησι? μ?ν γ?ρ γ?νεται προαγο?ση? ?ντολ?? δι? τ? α?τ?? ?σθεν?? κα? ?νωφελ?? –?19?*?ο?δ?ν γ?ρ ?τελε?ωσεν ? ν?μο? – ?πεισαγωγ? δ? κρε?ττονο? ?λπ?δο? δι? ?? ?γγ?ζομεν τ? θε?.f20?Κα? καθ? ?σον ο? χωρ?? ?ρκωμοσ?α?? ο? μ?ν γ?ρ χωρ?? ?ρκωμοσ?α? ε?σ?ν ?ερε?? γεγον?τε?,?21?*?? δ? μετ? ?ρκωμοσ?α? δι? το? λ?γοντο? πρ?? α?τ?ν??μοσεν κ?ριο?κα? ο? μεταμεληθ?σεται?Σ? ?ερε?? ε?? τ?ν α??να1.22?*?κατ? τοσο?το [κα?] κρε?ττονο? διαθ?κη? γ?γονεν ?γγυο? ?ησο??.g?23?κα? ο? μ?ν πλε?ον?? ε?σιν γεγον?τε? ?ερε?? δι? τ? θαν?τ? κωλ?εσθαι παραμ?νειν??24?? δ? δι? τ? μ?νειν α?τ?ν ε?? τ?ν α??να ?παρ?βατον ?χει τ?ν ?ερωσ?νην?25?*??θεν κα? σ?ζειν ε?? τ? παντελ?? δ?ναται το?? προσερχομ?νου? δι? α?το? τ? θε?, π?ντοτε ζ?ν ε?? τ? ?ντυγχ?νειν ?π?ρ α?τ?ν.h26?*?Τοιο?το? γ?ρ ?μ?ν κα? ?πρεπεν ?ρχιερε??, ?σιο? ?κακο? ?μ?αντο?, κεχωρισμ?νο? ?π? τ?ν ?μαρτωλ?ν κα? ?ψηλ?τερο? τ?ν ο?ραν?ν γεν?μενο?,?27?*??? ο?κ ?χει Exegesis: the day of need... hemera anagkenκαθ? ?μ?ραν ?ν?γκην, ?σπερ ο? ?ρχιερε??, πρ?τερον ?π?ρ τ?ν ?δ?ων ?μαρτι?ν θυσ?α? ?ναφ?ρειν ?πειτα τ?ν το? λαο?? το?το γ?ρ ?πο?ησεν ?φ?παξ ?αυτ?ν ?νεν?γκα?.?28?*?? ν?μο? γ?ρ ?νθρ?που? καθ?στησιν ?ρχιερε?? ?χοντα? ?σθ?νειαν, ? λ?γο? δ? τ?? ?ρκωμοσ?α? τ?? μετ? τ?ν ν?μον υ??ν ε?? τ?ν α??να τετελειωμ?νον.iChapter 8The High Priest of a New and Better Covenant1?*?Κεφ?λαιον δ? ?π? το?? λεγομ?νοι?, τοιο?τον ?χομεν ?ρχιερ?α, ?? ?κ?θισεν ?ν δεξι? το? θρ?νου τ?? μεγαλωσ?νη? ?ν το?? ο?ρανο??,?2?*?τ?ν ?γ?ων λειτουργ?? κα? τ?? σκην?? τ?? ?ληθιν??, ?ν ?πηξεν ? κ?ριο?, ο?κ ?νθρωπο?.a?3?π?? γ?ρ ?ρχιερε?? ε?? τ? προσφ?ρειν δ?ρ? τε κα? θυσ?α? καθ?σταται? ?θεν ?ναγκα?ον ?χειν τι κα? το?τον ? προσεν?γκ?.?4?ε? μ?ν ο?ν ?ν ?π? γ??, ο?δ? ?ν ?ν ?ερε??, ?ντων τ?ν προσφερ?ντων κατ? ν?μον τ? δ?ρα?5?*?ο?τινε? ?ποδε?γματι κα? σκι? λατρε?ουσιν τ?ν ?πουραν?ων, καθ?? κεχρημ?τισται Μω?σ?? μ?λλων ?πιτελε?ν τ?ν σκην?ν,??ρα?γ?ρ φησιν,?ποι?σει? π?ντα κατ? τ?ν τ?πον τ?ν δειχθ?ντα σοι ?ν τ? ?ρει?b?6?*?νυν[?] δ? διαφορωτ?ρα? τ?τυχεν λειτουργ?α?, ?σ? κα? κρε?ττον?? ?στιν διαθ?κη? μεσ?τη?, ?τι? ?π? κρε?ττοσιν ?παγγελ?αι? νενομοθ?τηται.c7?Ε? γ?ρ ? πρ?τη ?κε?νη ?ν ?μεμπτο?, ο?κ ?ν δευτ?ρα? ?ζητε?το τ?πο?.d?8?*?μεμφ?μενο? γ?ρ α?το??1?λ?γει,?δο? ?μ?ραι ?ρχονται, λ?γει κ?ριο?,κα? συντελ?σω ?π? τ?ν ο?κον ?σρα?λκα? ?π? τ?ν ο?κον ?ο?δα διαθ?κην καιν?ν,9?ο? κατ? τ?ν διαθ?κην, ?ν ?πο?ησα το?? πατρ?σιν α?τ?ν?ν ?μ?ρ? ?πιλαβομ?νου μου τ?? χειρ?? α?τ?ν ?ξαγαγε?ν α?το?? ?κ γ?? Α?γ?πτου,?τι α?το? ο?κ ?ν?μειναν ?ν τ? διαθ?κ? μου,κ?γ? ?μ?λησα α?τ?ν, λ?γει κ?ριο??10?*??τι α?τη ? διαθ?κη, ?ν διαθ?σομαι τ? ο?κ? ?σρα?λμετ? τ?? ?μ?ρα? ?κε?να?, λ?γει κ?ριο??διδο?? ν?μου? μου ε?? τ?ν δι?νοιαν α?τ?νκα? ?π? καρδ?α? α?τ?ν ?πιγρ?ψω α?το??,κα? ?σομαι α?το?? ε?? θε?ν,κα? α?το? ?σοντα? μοι ε?? λα?ν?11?κα? ο? μ? διδ?ξωσιν ?καστο? τ?ν πολ?την2?α?το?κα? ?καστο? τ?ν ?δελφ?ν α?το? λ?γων, Γν?θι τ?ν κ?ριον,?τι π?ντε? ε?δ?σουσ?ν με?π? μικρο? ?ω? μεγ?λου α?τ?ν,12?*??τι ?λεω? ?σομαι τα?? ?δικ?αι? α?τ?νκα? τ?ν ?μαρτι?ν α?τ?ν ο? μ? μνησθ? ?τι.e13??ν τ? λ?γειν?Καιν?ν?πεπαλα?ωκεν τ?ν πρ?την? τ? δ? παλαιο?μενον κα? γηρ?σκον ?γγ?? ?φανισμο?.fChapter 9The Earthly and the Heavenly Sanctuaries1?Ε?χε μ?ν ο?ν [κα?]1?? πρ?τη δικαι?ματα λατρε?α? τ? τε ?γιον κοσμικ?ν.?2?*?σκην? γ?ρ κατεσκευ?σθη ? πρ?τη ?ν ? ? τε λυχν?α κα? ? τρ?πεζα κα? ? πρ?θεσι? τ?ν ?ρτων, ?τι? λ?γεται ?για??3?*?μετ? δ? τ? δε?τερον καταπ?τασμα σκην? ? λεγομ?νη ?για ?γ?ων,?4?*?χρυσο?ν ?χουσα θυμιατ?ριον κα? τ?ν κιβωτ?ν τ?? διαθ?κη? περικεκαλυμμ?νην π?ντοθεν χρυσ??, ?ν ? στ?μνο? χρυσ? ?χουσα τ? μ?ννα κα? ? ??βδο? ?αρ?ν ? βλαστ?σασα κα? α? πλ?κε? τ?? διαθ?κη?,?5?*??περ?νω δ? α?τ?? Χερουβ?ν δ?ξη? κατασκι?ζοντα τ? ?λαστ?ριον? περ? ?ν ο?κ ?στιν ν?ν λ?γειν κατ? μ?ρο?.a6?*?Το?των δ? ο?τω? κατεσκευασμ?νων ε?? μ?ν τ?ν πρ?την σκην?ν δι? παντ?? ε?σ?ασιν ο? ?ερε?? τ?? λατρε?α? ?πιτελο?ντε?,?7?*?ε?? δ? τ?ν δευτ?ραν ?παξ το? ?νιαυτο? μ?νο? ? ?ρχιερε??, ο? χωρ?? α?ματο? ? προσφ?ρει ?π?ρ ?αυτο? κα? τ?ν το? λαο? ?γνοημ?των,?8?το?το δηλο?ντο? το? πνε?ματο? το? ?γ?ου, μ?πω πεφανερ?σθαι τ?ν τ?ν ?γ?ων ?δ?ν ?τι τ?? πρ?τη? σκην?? ?χο?ση? στ?σιν,?9?*??τι? παραβολ? ε?? τ?ν καιρ?ν τ?ν ?νεστηκ?τα, καθ? ?ν δ?ρ? τε κα? θυσ?αι προσφ?ρονται μ? δυν?μεναι κατ? συνε?δησιν τελει?σαι τ?ν λατρε?οντα,?10?*?μ?νον ?π? βρ?μασιν κα? π?μασιν κα? διαφ?ροι? βαπτισμο??, δικαι?ματα2?σαρκ?? μ?χρι καιρο? διορθ?σεω? ?πικε?μενα.b11?*?Χριστ?? δ? παραγεν?μενο? ?ρχιερε?? τ?ν γενομ?νων3??γαθ?ν δι? τ?? με?ζονο? κα? τελειοτ?ρα? σκην?? ο? χειροποι?του, το?τ? ?στιν ο? τα?τη? τ?? κτ?σεω?,?12?ο?δ? δι? α?ματο? τρ?γων κα? μ?σχων δι? δ? το? ?δ?ου α?ματο? ε?σ?λθεν ?φ?παξ ε?? τ? ?για α?ων?αν λ?τρωσιν ε?ρ?μενο?.?13?*?ε? γ?ρ τ? α?μα τρ?γων κα? τα?ρων κα? σποδ?? δαμ?λεω? ?αντ?ζουσα το?? κεκοινωμ?νου? ?γι?ζει πρ?? τ?ν τ?? σαρκ?? καθαρ?τητα,?14?*?π?σ? μ?λλον τ? α?μα το? Χριστο?, ?? δι? πνε?ματο? α?ων?ου4??αυτ?ν προσ?νεγκεν ?μωμον τ? θε?, καθαριε? τ?ν συνε?δησιν ?μ?ν5?π? νεκρ?ν ?ργων ε?? τ? λατρε?ειν θε? ζ?ντι.c15?*?Κα? δι? το?το διαθ?κη? καιν?? μεσ?τη? ?στ?ν, ?πω? θαν?του γενομ?νου ε?? ?πολ?τρωσιν τ?ν ?π? τ? πρ?τ? διαθ?κ? παραβ?σεων τ?ν ?παγγελ?αν λ?βωσιν ο? κεκλημ?νοι τ?? α?ων?ου κληρονομ?α?.d?16??που γ?ρ διαθ?κη, θ?νατον ?ν?γκη φ?ρεσθαι το? διαθεμ?νου??17?διαθ?κη γ?ρ ?π? νεκρο?? βεβα?α, ?πε? μ?ποτε6??σχ?ει ?τε ζ? ? διαθ?μενο?.e?18??θεν ο?δ? ? πρ?τη χωρ?? α?ματο? ?γκεκα?νισται??19?*?λαληθε?ση? γ?ρ π?ση? ?ντολ?? κατ? τ?ν ν?μον ?π? Μω?σ?ω? παντ? τ? λα?, λαβ?ν τ? α?μα τ?ν μ?σχων [κα? τ?ν τρ?γων]7?μετ? ?δατο? κα? ?ρ?ου κοκκ?νου κα? ?σσ?που α?τ? τε τ? βιβλ?ον κα? π?ντα τ?ν λα?ν ?ρ?ντισεν?20?*?λ?γων, Το?το?τ? α?μα τ?? διαθ?κη? ?? ?νετε?λατο πρ?? ?μ?? ? θε??.?21?*?κα? τ?ν σκην?ν δ? κα? π?ντα τ? σκε?η τ?? λειτουργ?α? τ? α?ματι ?μο?ω? ?ρ?ντισεν.?22?*?κα? σχεδ?ν ?ν α?ματι π?ντα καθαρ?ζεται κατ? τ?ν ν?μον κα? χωρ?? α?ματεκχυσ?α? ο? γ?νεται ?φεσι?.fSin Put Away by Christ's Sacrifice23??ν?γκη ο?ν τ? μ?ν ?ποδε?γματα τ?ν ?ν το?? ο?ρανο?? το?τοι? καθαρ?ζεσθαι, α?τ? δ? τ? ?πουρ?νια κρε?ττοσιν θυσ?αι? παρ? τα?τα?.g?24?*?ο? γ?ρ ε?? χειροπο?ητα ε?σ?λθεν ?για Χριστ??, ?ντ?τυπα τ?ν ?ληθιν?ν, ?λλ? ε?? α?τ?ν τ?ν ο?ραν?ν, ν?ν ?μφανισθ?ναι τ? προσ?π? το? θεο? ?π?ρ ?μ?ν??25?ο?δ? ?να πολλ?κι? προσφ?ρ? ?αυτ?ν, ?σπερ ? ?ρχιερε?? ε?σ?ρχεται ε?? τ? ?για κατ? ?νιαυτ?ν ?ν α?ματι ?λλοτρ??,?26??πε? ?δει α?τ?ν πολλ?κι? παθε?ν ?π? καταβολ?? κ?σμου? νυν? δ? ?παξ ?π? συντελε?? τ?ν α??νων ε?? ?θ?τησιν [τ??] ?μαρτ?α? δι? τ?? θυσ?α? α?το? πεφαν?ρωται.?27?*?κα? καθ? ?σον ?π?κειται το?? ?νθρ?ποι? ?παξ ?ποθανε?ν, μετ? δ? το?το κρ?σι?,?28?*?ο?τω? κα? ? Χριστ?? ?παξ προσενεχθε?? ε?? τ? πολλ?ν ?νενεγκε?ν ?μαρτ?α?, ?κ δευτ?ρου χωρ?? ?μαρτ?α? ?φθ?σεται το?? α?τ?ν ?πεκδεχομ?νοι? ε?? σωτηρ?αν.hChapter 101?Σκι?ν γ?ρ ?χων ? ν?μο? τ?ν μελλ?ντων ?γαθ?ν, ο?κ α?τ?ν1?τ?ν ε?κ?να τ?ν πραγμ?των, κατ? ?νιαυτ?ν τα?? α?τα?? θυσ?αι? ?? προσφ?ρουσιν ε?? τ? διηνεκ?? ο?δ?ποτε δ?ναται2?το?? προσερχομ?νου? τελει?σαι??2??πε? ο?κ ?ν ?πα?σαντο προσφερ?μεναι δι? τ? μηδεμ?αν ?χειν ?τι συνε?δησιν ?μαρτι?ν το?? λατρε?οντα? ?παξ κεκαθαρισμ?νου?;?3??λλ? ?ν α?τα?? ?ν?μνησι? ?μαρτι?ν κατ? ?νιαυτ?ν?a?4?*??δ?νατον γ?ρ α?μα τα?ρων κα? τρ?γων ?φαιρε?ν ?μαρτ?α?.b5?Δι? ε?σερχ?μενο? ε?? τ?ν κ?σμον λ?γει,Θυσ?αν κα? προσφορ?ν ο?κ ?θ?λησα?,σ?μα δ? κατηρτ?σω μοι?6??λοκαυτ?ματα κα? περ? ?μαρτ?α?ο?κ ε?δ?κησα?.7?*?τ?τε ε?πον,?δο? ?κω,?ν κεφαλ?δι βιβλ?ου γ?γραπται περ? ?μο?,το? ποι?σαι ? θε?? τ? θ?λημ? σου.c8?*??ν?τερον λ?γων ?τι ?Θυσ?α? κα? προσφορ?? ?κα? ?λοκαυτ?ματα κα? περ? ?μαρτ?α? ο?κ ?θ?λησα? ο?δ? ε?δ?κησα?,?α?τινε? κατ? ν?μον προσφ?ρονται,?9 ?*?τ?τε ε?ρηκεν,??δο? ?κω το? ποι?σαι τ? θ?λημ? σου.d??ναιρε? τ? πρ?τον ?να τ? δε?τερον στ?σ?,?10?*??ν ? θελ?ματι ?γιασμ?νοι ?σμ?ν δι? τ?? προσφορ?? το? σ?ματο? ?ησο? Χριστο? ?φ?παξ.e11?*?Κα? π?? μ?ν ?ερε??3??στηκεν καθ? ?μ?ραν λειτουργ?ν κα? τ?? α?τ?? πολλ?κι? προσφ?ρων θυσ?α?, α?τινε? ο?δ?ποτε δ?νανται περιελε?ν ?μαρτ?α?,?12?*?ο?το? δ? μ?αν ?π?ρ ?μαρτι?ν προσεν?γκα? θυσ?αν f?ε?? τ? διηνεκ??g ?κ?θισεν ?ν δεξι? το? θεο?,?13?*?τ? λοιπ?ν ?κδεχ?μενο? ?ω? τεθ?σιν ο? ?χθρο? α?το? ?ποπ?διον τ?ν ποδ?ν α?το?.?14?μι? γ?ρ προσφορ? τετελε?ωκεν ε?? τ? διηνεκ?? το?? ?γιαζομ?νου?.h15?Μαρτυρε? δ? ?μ?ν κα? τ? πνε?μα τ? ?γιον? μετ? γ?ρ τ? ε?ρηκ?ναι,i16?*?Α?τη ? διαθ?κη ?ν διαθ?σομαι?πρ?? α?το??μετ? τ?? ?μ?ρα? ?κε?να?, λ?γει κ?ριο??διδο?? ν?μου? μου ?π? καρδ?α? α?τ?νκα? ?π? τ?ν δι?νοιαν α?τ?ν ?πιγρ?ψω α?το??,17?*?κα? τ?ν ?μαρτι?ν α?τ?ν?κα??τ?ν ?νομι?ν α?τ?νο? μ? μνησθ?σομαι ?τι.k18??που δ? ?φεσι? το?των, ο?κ?τι προσφορ? περ? ?μαρτ?α?.lExhortation and Warning19?*??χοντε? ο?ν, ?δελφο?, παρρησ?αν ε?? τ?ν ε?σοδον τ?ν ?γ?ων ?ν τ? α?ματι ?ησο?,?20??ν ?νεκα?νισεν ?μ?ν ?δ?ν πρ?σφατον κα? ζ?σαν δι? το? καταπετ?σματο?, το?τ? ?στιν τ?? σαρκ?? α?το?,?21?κα? ?ερ?α μ?γαν ?π? τ?ν ο?κον το? θεο?,?22?*?προσερχ?μεθα μετ? ?ληθιν?? καρδ?α? ?ν πληροφορ?? π?στεω? ?εραντισμ?νοι τ?? καρδ?α? ?π? συνειδ?σεω? πονηρ?? κα? λελουσμ?νοι τ? σ?μα ?δατι καθαρ???23?*?κατ?χωμεν τ?ν ?μολογ?αν τ?? ?λπ?δο? ?κλιν?, πιστ?? γ?ρ ? ?παγγειλ?μενο?,?24?κα? κατανο?μεν ?λλ?λου? ε?? παροξυσμ?ν ?γ?πη? κα? καλ?ν ?ργων,?25?μ? ?γκαταλε?ποντε? τ?ν ?πισυναγωγ?ν ?αυτ?ν, καθ?? ?θο? τισ?ν, ?λλ? παρακαλο?ντε?, κα? τοσο?τ? μ?λλον ?σ? βλ?πετε ?γγ?ζουσαν τ?ν ?μ?ραν.mExegesis: the day is getting closer…26?*??κουσ?ω? γ?ρ ?μαρταν?ντων ?μ?ν μετ? τ? λαβε?ν τ?ν ?π?γνωσιν τ?? ?ληθε?α?, ο?κ?τι περ? ?μαρτι?ν ?πολε?πεται θυσ?α,?27?*?φοβερ? δ? τι? ?κδοχ? κρ?σεω? κα? πυρ?? ζ?λο? ?σθ?ειν μ?λλοντο? το?? ?πεναντ?ου?.?28?*?θετ?σα? τι? ν?μον Μω?σ?ω? χωρ?? ο?κτιρμ?ν ?π? δυσ?ν ? τρισ?ν μ?ρτυσιν ?ποθν?σκει??29?*?π?σ? δοκε?τε χε?ρονο? ?ξιωθ?σεται τιμωρ?α? ? τ?ν υ??ν το? θεο? καταπατ?σα? κα? τ? α?μα τ?? διαθ?κη? κοιν?ν ?γησ?μενο?, ?ν ? ?γι?σθη, κα? τ? πνε?μα τ?? χ?ριτο? ?νυβρ?σα?;n?30?*?ο?δαμεν γ?ρ τ?ν ε?π?ντα,?μο? ?κδ?κησι?, ?γ? ?νταποδ?σω.κα? π?λιν,Κρινε? κ?ριο? τ?ν λα?ν α?το?.o31?φοβερ?ν τ? ?μπεσε?ν ε?? χε?ρα? θεο? ζ?ντο?.p32??ναμιμν?σκεσθε δ? τ?? πρ?τερον ?μ?ρα?, ?ν α?? φωτισθ?ντε? πολλ?ν ?θλησιν ?πεμε?νατε παθημ?των,?33?* το?το μ?ν ?νειδισμο?? τε κα? θλ?ψεσιν θεατριζ?μενοι, το?το δ? κοινωνο? τ?ν ο?τω? ?ναστρεφομ?νων γενηθ?ντε?.34?κα? γ?ρ το?? δεσμ?οι?4?συνεπαθ?σατε κα? τ?ν ?ρπαγ?ν τ?ν ?παρχ?ντων ?μ?ν μετ? χαρ?? προσεδ?ξασθε γιν?σκοντε? ?χειν ?αυτο??5?κρε?ττονα ?παρξιν κα? μ?νουσαν.q?35?μ? ?ποβ?λητε ο?ν τ?ν παρρησ?αν ?μ?ν, ?τι? ?χει μεγ?λην μισθαποδοσ?αν.?36?*??πομον?? γ?ρ ?χετε χρε?αν ?να τ? θ?λημα το? θεο? ποι?σαντε? κομ?σησθε τ?ν ?παγγελ?αν.37?**??τι γ?ρ?μικρ?ν ?σον ?σον,???ρχ?μενο? ?ξει κα? ο? χρον?σει?38?*?? δ? δ?και?? μου ?κ π?στεω? 6?ζ?σεται,κα????ν ?ποστε?ληται,ο?κ ε?δοκε? ? ψυχ? μου ?ν α?τ?.r39??με?? δ? ο?κ ?σμ?ν ?ποστολ?? ε?? ?π?λειαν ?λλ? π?στεω? ε?? περιπο?ησιν ψυχ??.sCh. 11-13, Christian should live in faith and holinessChapter 11The Hall of Faith Heroes, The Memorial Speech, The re-occurrence of the “better than” theme.1??στιν δ? π?στι? ?λπιζομ?νων ?π?στασι?, πραγμ?των1 ?λεγχο? ο? βλεπομ?νων.a?2??ν τα?τ? γ?ρ ?μαρτυρ?θησαν ο? πρεσβ?τεροι.bFaith is a form of the hoped things, a proof of the unseen yet realities. In this the elders have received a good testimony.3?*?Π?στει νοο?μεν κατηρτ?σθαι το?? α??να? ??ματι θεο?, ε?? τ? μ? ?κ φαινομ?νων τ? βλεπ?μενον γεγον?ναι.c4?*?Π?στει πλε?ονα θυσ?αν ?βελ παρ? Κ??ν προσ?νεγκεν τ? θε?, δι? ?? ?μαρτυρ?θη ε?ναι δ?καιο?, μαρτυρο?ντο? ?π? το?? δ?ροι? α?το? το? θεο?, κα? δι? α?τ?? ?ποθαν?ν ?τι λαλε?.d?5?*?Π?στει ?ν?χ μετετ?θη το? μ? ?δε?ν θ?νατον, κα??ο?χ η?ρ?σκετο δι?τι μετ?θηκεν α?τ?ν ? θε??.?πρ? γ?ρ τ?? μεταθ?σεω? μεμαρτ?ρηται?ε?αρεστηκ?ναι τ? θε???6?χωρ?? δ? π?στεω? ?δ?νατον ε?αρεστ?σαι? πιστε?σαι γ?ρ δε? τ?ν προσερχ?μενον τ? θε? ?τι ?στιν κα? το?? ?κζητο?σιν α?τ?ν μισθαποδ?τη? γ?νεται.e?7?*?Π?στει χρηματισθε?? Ν?ε περ? τ?ν μηδ?πω βλεπομ?νων, ε?λαβηθε?? κατεσκε?ασεν κιβωτ?ν ε?? σωτηρ?αν το? ο?κου α?το? δι? ?? κατ?κρινεν τ?ν κ?σμον, κα? τ?? κατ? π?στιν δικαιοσ?νη? ?γ?νετο κληρον?μο?.f8?*?Π?στει καλο?μενο? ?βρα?μ ?π?κουσεν ?ξελθε?ν ε?? τ?πον ?ν ?μελλεν λαμβ?νειν ε?? κληρονομ?αν, κα? ?ξ?λθεν μ? ?πιστ?μενο? πο? ?ρχεται.g?9?*?Π?στει παρ?κησεν ε?? γ?ν τ?? ?παγγελ?α? ?? ?λλοτρ?αν ?ν σκηνα?? κατοικ?σα? μετ? ?σα?κ κα? ?ακ?β τ?ν συγκληρον?μων τ?? ?παγγελ?α? τ?? α?τ????10??ξεδ?χετο γ?ρ τ?ν το?? θεμελ?ου? ?χουσαν π?λιν ?? τεχν?τη? κα? δημιουργ?? ? θε??.h?11?*?Π?στει κα? α?τ? Σ?ρρα στε?ρα δ?ναμιν2?ε?? καταβολ?ν σπ?ρματο? ?λαβεν κα? παρ? καιρ?ν ?λικ?α?, ?πε? πιστ?ν ?γ?σατο τ?ν ?παγγειλ?μενον.?12?*?δι? κα? ?φ? ?ν?? ?γενν?θησαν, κα? τα?τα νενεκρωμ?νου, καθ?? τ? ?στρα το? ο?ρανο? τ? πλ?θει κα? ?? ? ?μμο? ? παρ? τ? χε?λο? τ?? θαλ?σση? ? ?ναρ?θμητο?.i13?*?Κατ? π?στιν ?π?θανον ο?τοι π?ντε?, μ? λαβ?ντε? τ?? ?παγγελ?α? ?λλ? π?ρρωθεν α?τ?? ?δ?ντε? κα? ?σπασ?μενοι κα? ?μολογ?σαντε? ?τι ξ?νοι κα? παρεπ?δημο? ε?σιν ?π? τ?? γ??.?14?ο? γ?ρ τοια?τα λ?γοντε? ?μφαν?ζουσιν ?τι πατρ?δα ?πιζητο?σιν.?15?κα? ε? μ?ν ?κε?νη? ?μνημ?νευον ?φ? ?? ?ξ?βησαν, ε?χον ?ν καιρ?ν ?νακ?μψαι??16?*?ν?ν δ? κρε?ττονο? ?ρ?γονται, το?τ? ?στιν ?πουραν?ου. δι? ο?κ ?παισχ?νεται α?το?? ? θε?? θε?? ?πικαλε?σθαι α?τ?ν? ?το?μασεν γ?ρ α?το?? π?λιν.k17?*?Π?στει προσεν?νοχεν ?βρα?μ τ?ν ?σα?κ πειραζ?μενο? κα? τ?ν μονογεν? προσ?φερεν, ? τ?? ?παγγελ?α? ?ναδεξ?μενο?,?18?*?πρ?? ?ν ?λαλ?θη ?τι??ν ?σα?κ κληθ?σετα? σοι σπ?ρμα,l?19?λογισ?μενο? ?τι κα? ?κ νεκρ?ν ?γε?ρειν δυνατ?? ? θε??, ?θεν α?τ?ν κα? ?ν παραβολ? ?κομ?σατο.m?20?*?Π?στει κα? περ? μελλ?ντων ε?λ?γησεν ?σα?κ τ?ν ?ακ?β κα? τ?ν ?σα?.n?21?*?Π?στει ?ακ?β ?ποθν?σκων ?καστον τ?ν υ??ν ?ωσ?φ ε?λ?γησεν κα? προσεκ?νησεν ?π? τ? ?κρον τ?? ??βδου α?το?.o?22?*?Π?στει ?ωσ?φ τελευτ?ν περ? τ?? ?ξ?δου τ?ν υ??ν ?σρα?λ ?μνημ?νευσεν κα? περ? τ?ν ?στ?ων α?το? ?νετε?λατο.p23?*?Π?στει Μω?σ?? γεννηθε?? ?κρ?βη τρ?μηνον ?π? τ?ν πατ?ρων α?το?, δι?τι ε?δον ?στε?ον τ? παιδ?ον κα? ο?κ ?φοβ?θησαν τ? δι?ταγμα το? βασιλ?ω?3.q?24?*?Π?στει Μω?σ?? μ?γα? γεν?μενο? ?ρν?σατο λ?γεσθαι υ??? θυγατρ?? Φαρα?,?25?μ?λλον ?λ?μενο? συγκακουχε?σθαι τ? λα? το? θεο? ? πρ?σκαιρον ?χειν ?μαρτ?α? ?π?λαυσιν,?26 με?ζονα πλο?τον ?γησ?μενο? τ?ν Α?γ?πτου θησαυρ?ν τ?ν ?νειδισμ?ν το? Χριστο?? ?π?βλεπεν γ?ρ ε?? τ?ν μισθαποδοσ?αν.r?27?* ?Π?στει κατ?λιπεν Α?γυπτον μ? φοβηθε?? τ?ν θυμ?ν το? βασιλ?ω?? τ?ν γ?ρ ??ρατον ?? ?ρ?ν ?καρτ?ρησεν.s?28?*?Π?στει πεπο?ηκεν τ? π?σχα κα? τ?ν πρ?σχυσιν το? α?ματο?, ?να μ? ? ?λοθρε?ων τ? πρωτ?τοκα θ?γ? α?τ?ν.t?29?*?Π?στει δι?βησαν τ?ν ?ρυθρ?ν Θ?λασσαν ?? δι? ξηρ?? γ??, ?? πε?ραν λαβ?ντε? ο? Α?γ?πτιοι κατεπ?θησαν.u?30?*?Π?στει τ? τε?χη ?εριχ? ?πεσαν κυκλωθ?ντα ?π? ?πτ? ?μ?ρα?.v?31?*?Π?στει ?α?β ? π?ρνη ο? συναπ?λετο το?? ?πειθ?σασιν δεξαμ?νη το?? κατασκ?που? μετ? ε?ρ?νη?.w32?Κα? τ? ?τι λ?γω; ?πιλε?ψει με γ?ρ διηγο?μενον ? χρ?νο? περ? Γεδε?ν, Βαρ?κ, Σαμψ?ν, ?εφθ?ε, Δαυ?δ τε κα? Σαμου?λ κα? τ?ν προφητ?ν,?33?*?ο? δι? π?στεω? κατηγων?σαντο βασιλε?α?, ε?ργ?σαντο δικαιοσ?νην, ?π?τυχον ?παγγελι?ν, ?φραξαν στ?ματα λε?ντων,?34?*??σβεσαν δ?ναμιν πυρ??, ?φυγον στ?ματα μαχα?ρη?, ?δυναμ?θησαν ?π? ?σθενε?α?, ?γεν?θησαν ?σχυρο? ?ν πολ?μ?, παρεμβολ?? ?κλιναν ?λλοτρ?ων.x?35?*??λαβον γυνα?κε? ?ξ ?ναστ?σεω? το?? νεκρο?? α?τ?ν?y??λλοι δ? ?τυμπαν?σθησαν ο? προσδεξ?μενοι τ?ν ?πολ?τρωσιν, ?να κρε?ττονο? ?ναστ?σεω? τ?χωσιν??36?*??τεροι δ? ?μπαιγμ?ν κα? μαστ?γων πε?ραν ?λαβον, ?τι δ? δεσμ?ν κα? φυλακ????37?*?λιθ?σθησαν, ?πρ?σθησαν4, ?ν φ?ν? μαχα?ρη? ?π?θανον, περι?λθον ?ν μηλωτα??, ?ν α?γε?οι? δ?ρμασιν, ?στερο?μενοι, θλιβ?μενοι, κακουχο?μενοι,?38??ν ο?κ ?ν ?ξιο? ? κ?σμο?, ?π? ?ρημ?αι? πλαν?μενοι κα? ?ρεσιν κα? σπηλα?οι? κα? τα?? ?πα?? τ?? γ??.z39?Κα? ο?τοι π?ντε? μαρτυρηθ?ντε? δι? τ?? π?στεω? ο?κ ?κομ?σαντο τ?ν ?παγγελ?αν,?40?το? θεο? περ? ?μ?ν κρε?ττ?ν τι προβλεψαμ?νου, ?να μ? χωρ?? ?μ?ν τελειωθ?σιν.aaChapter 12The Discipline of the Lord, paideia – linked to faith, obedience, suffering (perseverance). The sonship of the believers (an echo to Heb. 1-2, the sonship of the Son); the inheritance theme;1?*?Τοιγαρο?ν κα? ?με?? τοσο?τον ?χοντε? περικε?μενον ?μ?ν ν?φο? μαρτ?ρων, ?γκον ?ποθ?μενοι π?ντα κα? τ?ν ε?περ?στατον1??μαρτ?αν, δι? ?πομον?? τρ?χωμεν τ?ν προκε?μενον ?μ?ν ?γ?να?2?*??φορ?ντε? ε?? τ?ν τ?? π?στεω? ?ρχηγ?ν κα? τελειωτ?ν ?ησο?ν, ?? ?ντ? τ?? προκειμ?νη? α?τ? χαρ?? ?π?μεινεν σταυρ?ν α?σχ?νη? καταφρον?σα? ?ν δεξι? τε το? θρ?νου το? θεο? κεκ?θικεν.a?3??ναλογ?σασθε γ?ρ τ?ν τοια?την ?πομεμενηκ?τα ?π? τ?ν ?μαρτωλ?ν ε?? ?αυτ?ν2??ντιλογ?αν, ?να μ? κ?μητε τα?? ψυχα?? ?μ?ν ?κλυ?μενοι.b4?Ο?πω μ?χρι? α?ματο? ?ντικατ?στητε πρ?? τ?ν ?μαρτ?αν ?νταγωνιζ?μενοι.c?5?κα? ?κλ?λησθε τ?? παρακλ?σεω?, ?τι? ?μ?ν ?? υ?ο?? διαλ?γεται,Υ?? μου, μ? ?λιγ?ρει παιδε?α? κυρ?ουμηδ? ?κλ?ου ?π? α?το? ?λεγχ?μενο??6?**??ν γ?ρ ?γαπ? κ?ριο? παιδε?ει,μαστιγο? δ? π?ντα υ??ν ?ν παραδ?χεται.d7?*?ε?? παιδε?αν ?πομ?νετε, ?? υ?ο?? ?μ?ν προσφ?ρεται ? θε??. τ?? γ?ρ υ??? ?ν ο? παιδε?ει πατ?ρ;?8?ε? δ? χωρ?? ?στε παιδε?α? ?? μ?τοχοι γεγ?νασιν π?ντε?, ?ρα ν?θοι κα? ο?χ υ?ο? ?στε.e?9?*?ε?τα το?? μ?ν τ?? σαρκ?? ?μ?ν πατ?ρα? ε?χομεν παιδευτ?? κα? ?νετρεπ?μεθα? ο? πολ? [δ?] μ?λλον ?ποταγησ?μεθα τ? πατρ? τ?ν πνευμ?των κα? ζ?σομεν;?10?ο? μ?ν γ?ρ πρ?? ?λ?γα? ?μ?ρα? κατ? τ? δοκο?ν α?το?? ?πα?δευον, ? δ? ?π? τ? συμφ?ρον ε?? τ? μεταλαβε?ν τ?? ?γι?τητο? α?το?.?11?*?π?σα δ? παιδε?α πρ?? μ?ν τ? παρ?ν ο? δοκε? χαρ?? ε?ναι ?λλ? λ?πη?, ?στερον δ? καρπ?ν ε?ρηνικ?ν το?? δι? α?τ?? γεγυμνασμ?νοι? ?ποδ?δωσιν δικαιοσ?νη?.f12?*?Δι? τ?? παρειμ?να? χε?ρα? κα? τ? παραλελυμ?να γ?νατα ?νορθ?σατε,?13?*?κα? τροχι?? ?ρθ?? ποιε?τε το?? ποσ?ν ?μ?ν, ?να μ? τ? χωλ?ν ?κτραπ?, ?αθ? δ? μ?λλον.gWarning against Rejecting God's Grace14?*?Ε?ρ?νην δι?κετε μετ? π?ντων κα? τ?ν ?γιασμ?ν, ο? χωρ?? ο?δε?? ?ψεται τ?ν κ?ριον,?15?*??πισκοπο?ντε? μ? τι? ?στερ?ν ?π? τ?? χ?ριτο? το? θεο?, μ? τι? ??ζα πικρ?α? ?νω φ?ουσα ?νοχλ? κα? δι? α?τ?? μιανθ?σιν πολλο?,h16?*?μ? τι? π?ρνο? ? β?βηλο? ?? ?σα?, ?? ?ντ? βρ?σεω? μι?? ?π?δετο τ? πρωτοτ?κια ?αυτο?.?17?*??στε γ?ρ ?τι κα? μετ?πειτα θ?λων κληρονομ?σαι τ?ν ε?λογ?αν ?πεδοκιμ?σθη, μετανο?α? γ?ρ τ?πον ο?χ ε?ρεν κα?περ μετ? δακρ?ων ?κζητ?σα? α?τ?ν.i18?Ο? γ?ρ προσεληλ?θατε ψηλαφωμ?ν?3?κα? κεκαυμ?ν? πυρ? κα? γν?φ? κα? ζ?φ? κα? θυ?λλ??19?*?κα? σ?λπιγγο? ?χ? κα? φων? ?ημ?των, ?? ο? ?κο?σαντε? παρ?τ?σαντο μ? προστεθ?ναι α?το?? λ?γον,?20?*?ο?κ ?φερον γ?ρ τ? διαστελλ?μενον,?Κ?ν θηρ?ον θ?γ? το? ?ρου?, λιθοβοληθ?σεται?k?21?*?κα?, ο?τω φοβερ?ν ?ν τ? φανταζ?μενον, Μω?σ?? ε?πεν,??κφοβ?? ε?μι?κα? ?ντρομο?.l?22?*??λλ? προσεληλ?θατε Σι?ν ?ρει κα? π?λει θεο? ζ?ντο?, ?ερουσαλ?μ ?πουραν??, κα? μυρι?σιν ?γγ?λων,m?πανηγ?ρειn?23?*?κα? ?κκλησ?? πρωτοτ?κων ?πογεγραμμ?νων ?ν ο?ρανο?? κα? κριτ? θε? π?ντων κα? πνε?μασι δικα?ων τετελειωμ?νων?24?*?κα? διαθ?κη? ν?α? μεσ?τ? ?ησο? κα? α?ματι ?αντισμο? κρε?ττον λαλο?ντι παρ? τ?ν ?βελ.o25?*?Βλ?πετε μ? παραιτ?σησθε τ?ν λαλο?ντα? ε? γ?ρ ?κε?νοι ο?κ ?ξ?φυγον ?π? γ?? παραιτησ?μενοι τ?ν χρηματ?ζοντα, πολ? μ?λλον ?με?? ο? τ?ν ?π? ο?ραν?ν ?ποστρεφ?μενοι,?26?*?ο? ? φων? τ?ν γ?ν ?σ?λευσεν τ?τε, ν?ν δ? ?π?γγελται λ?γων,??τι ?παξ ?γ? σε?σω?ο? μ?νον?τ?ν γ?ν??λλ? κα??τ?ν ο?ραν?ν.?27?τ? δ? ?τι ?παξ δηλο? [τ?ν] τ?ν σαλευομ?νων μετ?θεσιν ?? πεποιημ?νων, ?να με?ν? τ? μ? σαλευ?μενα.p?28?Δι? βασιλε?αν ?σ?λευτον παραλαμβ?νοντε? ?χωμεν χ?ριν, δι? ?? λατρε?ωμεν ε?αρ?στω? τ? θε? μετ? ε?λαβε?α? κα? δ?ου???29?*?κα? γ?ρ ? θε?? ?μ?ν π?ρ καταναλ?σκον.qChapter 13Holy and Practical lives, for God’s glory1?? φιλαδελφ?α μεν?τω.?2?*?τ?? φιλοξεν?α? μ? ?πιλανθ?νεσθε, δι? τα?τη? γ?ρ ?λαθ?ν τινε? ξεν?σαντε? ?γγ?λου?.a?3?*?μιμν?σκεσθε τ?ν δεσμ?ων ?? συνδεδεμ?νοι, τ?ν κακουχουμ?νων ?? κα? α?το? ?ντε? ?ν σ?ματι.b?4?*Τ?μιο? ? γ?μο? ?ν π?σιν κα? ? κο?τη ?μ?αντο?, π?ρνου? γ?ρ κα? μοιχο?? κρινε? ? θε??.c?5?*??φιλ?ργυρο? ? τρ?πο?, ?ρκο?μενοι το?? παρο?σιν. α?τ?? γ?ρ ε?ρηκεν,?Ο? μ? σε ?ν? ο?δ? ο? μ? σε ?γκαταλ?πω,d?6?*??στε θαρρο?ντα? ?μ?? λ?γειν,Κ?ριο? ?μο? βοηθ??,[κα?] ο? φοβηθ?σομαι,τ? ποι?σει μοι ?νθρωπο?;e7?*?Μνημονε?ετε τ?ν ?γουμ?νων ?μ?ν, ο?τινε? ?λ?λησαν ?μ?ν τ?ν λ?γον το? θεο?, ?ν ?ναθεωρο?ντε? τ?ν ?κβασιν τ?? ?ναστροφ?? μιμε?σθε τ?ν π?στιν.f?8??ησο?? Χριστ?? ?χθ?? κα? σ?μερον ? α?τ?? κα? ε?? το?? α??να?.g9?*?διδαχα?? ποικ?λαι? κα? ξ?ναι? μ? παραφ?ρεσθε? καλ?ν γ?ρ χ?ριτι βεβαιο?σθαι τ?ν καρδ?αν, ο? βρ?μασιν, ?ν ο?? ο?κ ?φελ?θησαν ο? περιπατο?ντε?.h?10??χομεν θυσιαστ?ριον ?ξ ο? φαγε?ν ο?κ ?χουσιν ?ξουσ?αν ο? τ? σκην? λατρε?οντε?.i?11?*??ν γ?ρ ε?σφ?ρεται ζ?ων τ? α?μα περ? ?μαρτ?α? ε?? τ? ?για δι? το? ?ρχιερ?ω?, το?των τ? σ?ματα κατακα?εται ?ξω τ?? παρεμβολ??.k?12?δι? κα? ?ησο??, ?να ?γι?σ? δι? το? ?δ?ου α?ματο? τ?ν λα?ν, ?ξω τ?? π?λη? ?παθεν.?13?*?το?νυν ?ξερχ?μεθα πρ?? α?τ?ν ?ξω τ?? παρεμβολ?? τ?ν ?νειδισμ?ν α?το? φ?ροντε???14?*ο? γ?ρ ?χομεν ?δε μ?νουσαν π?λιν ?λλ? τ?ν μ?λλουσαν ?πιζητο?μεν.l?15?*?δι? α?το? [ο?ν]1??ναφ?ρωμεν θυσ?αν α?ν?σεω? δι? παντ?? τ? θε?, το?τ? ?στιν καρπ?ν χειλ?ων ?μολογο?ντων τ? ?ν?ματι α?το?.m?16?*?τ?? δ? ε?ποι?α? κα? κοινων?α? μ? ?πιλανθ?νεσθε? τοια?ται? γ?ρ θυσ?αι? ε?αρεστε?ται ? θε??.n17?*?Πε?θεσθε το?? ?γουμ?νοι? ?μ?ν κα? ?πε?κετε, α?το? γ?ρ ?γρυπνο?σιν ?π?ρ τ?ν ψυχ?ν ?μ?ν ?? λ?γον ?ποδ?σοντε?, ?να μετ? χαρ?? το?το ποι?σιν κα? μ? στεν?ζοντε?? ?λυσιτελ?? γ?ρ ?μ?ν το?το.o18?*?Προσε?χεσθε περ? ?μ?ν? πειθ?μεθα γ?ρ ?τι καλ?ν συνε?δησιν ?χομεν, ?ν π?σιν καλ?? θ?λοντε? ?ναστρ?φεσθαι.?19?περισσοτ?ρω? δ? παρακαλ? το?το ποι?σαι, ?να τ?χιον ?ποκατασταθ? ?μ?ν.pBenediction and Final Greetings20?*?? δ? θε?? τ?? ε?ρ?νη?, ? ?ναγαγ?ν ?κ νεκρ?ν τ?ν ποιμ?να τ?ν προβ?των τ?ν μ?γαν ?ν α?ματι διαθ?κη? α?ων?ου, τ?ν κ?ριον ?μ?ν ?ησο?ν,?21?καταρτ?σαι ?μ?? ?ν παντ? ?γαθ?2?ε?? τ? ποι?σαι τ? θ?λημα α?το?, ποι?ν ?ν ?μ?ν3?τ? ε??ρεστον ?ν?πιον α?το? δι? ?ησο? Χριστο?, ? ? δ?ξα ε?? το?? α??να? [τ?ν α??νων]4, ?μ?ν.q22?Παρακαλ? δ? ?μ??, ?δελφο?, ?ν?χεσθε το? λ?γου τ?? παρακλ?σεω?, κα? γ?ρ δι? βραχ?ων ?π?στειλα ?μ?ν.r?23 Γιν?σκετε τ?ν ?δελφ?ν ?μ?ν Τιμ?θεον ?πολελυμ?νον, μεθ? ο? ??ν τ?χιον ?ρχηται ?ψομαι ?μ??.s24??σπ?σασθε π?ντα? το?? ?γουμ?νου? ?μ?ν κα? π?ντα? το?? ?γ?ου?.t??σπ?ζονται ?μ?? ο? ?π? τ?? ?ταλ?α?.u?25? χ?ρι? μετ? π?ντων ?μ?ν.5Notesch.1*2??ν … π?ντων?Ps 2.8; Mt 21.38?δι? … α??να??Jn 1.3; Col 1.16*3?χαρακτ?ρ … α?το??2 Cor 4.4; Col 1.15??κ?θισεν … ?ψηλο???Ps 110.1; Mt 22.44; Mk 16.19; Ac 2.34; Eph 1.20; He 8.1; 10.12; 12.213?{B}?τ?? δυν?μεω? α?το?, καθαρισμ?ν?? A B H*?P Ψ 075 0150 33 81 436 1175 1962 2464 itt, v?vg syrpal?arm geo1Didymusdub?Cyril John-Damascusmss?//?τ?? δυν?μεω?, δι? ?αυτο? καθαρισμ?ν?(P46?α?το?) 0243 6 424c?1739 1881*?//τ?? δυν?μεω? α?το?, δι? ?αυτο??(or?α?το??or?α?το?) καθαρισμ?ν?D Hc?104 256 263 365 424*?459 1241 1319 1573 1852 1881c?1912 2127 2200?Byz?[K L]?Lect?itar, b, comp, d?vgms?syr(p), h?copsa, bo, fay?(eth) geo2?slav Chrysostom John-Damascus; Augustine Varimaduma3?S: TEV FC VP*4?διαφορ?τερον … ?νομα?Eph 1.21; Php 2.9b4?NO P: TR AD NA TEV FC VP // SP: WH // P: M RSV NIV REB NRSV // MS: NJB*5?Υ??? … σε?Ps 2.7 (Ac 13.33; He 5.5)??γ? … υ??ν?2 Sm 7.14; 1 Chr 17.13*6?Κα? … θεο??Dt 32.43?lxx?(Ps 97.7)*7?? ποι?ν … φλ?γα?Ps 104.428?{B}?σου?(see?Ps 45.7) A D Ψ 075 0150 0243 6 33 81 104 256 263 365 424 436 459 1175 1241 1319 1739 1852 1881 1912 1962 2127 2200 2464?Byz?[K L P]?Lect?itar, b, comp, d, t, v?vg syrp, h, palms?copsa, bo, fay?arm eth geo slav Gregory-Nyssa Chrysostom Cyril Theodoret; Jerome //?α?το??P46?? B //?omit?1573 syrpalms*8-9?? θρ?νο? … μετ?χου? σου?Ps 45.6-7c9?C: AD M Seg Lu TOB REB ‖dC: TR WH AD M RSV TEV Seg FC NIV VP Lu NJB TOB REB REBmg?NRSV ‖eC: TR WH RSV TEV FC NIV VP NJB REBmg?NRSV*10-12?Σ? … ?κλε?ψουσιν? Ps 102.25-27312?{A}??λ?ξει??(or?ε?λ?ξει?)?P46??2?A B D2?Ψ 075 0150 0243 6 33 81 104 256 263 365 424 436 459 1175 1241 1319 1573 1739 1852 1881 1912 1962 2127 2200 2464?Byz?[K L P]?Lect?itar, b, v?vgst?syrp, h, pal?arm eth geo slav Chrysostom Cyril //??λλ?ξει??(see?Ps 101.27?lxx) ?*?D*?itcomp, d, t?vgcl, ww?Athanasius412?{B}??? ?μ?τιον κα??P46?? A B (D*?omit?κα?) 1739 (itd) vgmss?(syrpalms) copfay?arm //?κα??(see?Ps 101.27?lxx) D2?Ψ 075 0150 0243 6 33 81 104 256 263 365 424 436 459 1175 1241 1319 1573 1852 1881 1912 1962 2127 2200 2464Byz?[K L P]?Lect?itar, b, comp, t, v?vg syr(p), h, (palms)?copsa, bo?eth geo slav Athanasius Chrysostom Cyril*13?Κ?θου … ποδ?ν σου?Ps 110.1f13?P: TEV Seg NJB TOB*14?ε?? … σωτηρ?αν?Ps 34.7; 91.11g14?NO P: TR // SP: WH // P: AD NA M RSV Seg Lu REB NRSVch.2*2.2?? δι? … λ?γο??Ac 7.38, 53; Ga 3.19*3?π?? … σωτηρ?α??He 10.29; 12.25*4?πνε?ματο? … θ?λησιν?1 Cor 12.4, 11a2.4?P: TR WH AD NA M RSV Seg REB NRSV17?{B}?α?τ?ν?P46?B D2?075 424*?1175 1241 (1319?α?το??) 1852 2200?Byz?[K L]?Lectpt, AD?vgms?geo2?Theodoret //α?τ?ν, κα? κατ?στησα? α?τ?ν ?π? τ? ?ργα τ?ν χειρ?ν σου?(see?Ps 8.6?lxx) ? A C D*?P Ψ 0150 0243 6 33 81 104 256 263 365 424c?436 459 1573 1739 1881 1912 1962 2127 2464?Lectpt?itar, b, comp, d, v?vg (syrp, h with *) cop(sa), bo, (fay)?arm eth geo1?slav Chrysostom*6-8?Τ? … α?το??Ps 8.5-7?lxx*8?π?ντα … ?νυπ?τακτον?1 Cor 15.27b8?P: Seg NJB TOB28?{C}?α?τ??? A C D Ψ 0150 0243 6 33 81 104 256 263 365 424 436 459 1175 1241 1319 1573 1739 1852 1881 1912 1962 2127 2200 2464?Byz?[K L P]?Lect?itar, b, comp?vg syrp, h?copsa, bo?eth geo slav Chrysostom //?omit?P46?B (075omit??ν τ? … ?νυπ?τακτον) itd, v?vgmss?copboms?arm Ambrose*9?τ?ν … ?στεφανωμ?νον?Php 2.8-939?{A}?χ?ριτι θεο??P46?? A B C D Ψ 075 0150 6 33 81 104 256 263 365 424*?436 459 1175 1241 1319 1573 1739v.r.vid?1852 1881 1912 1962 2127 2200 2464?Byz?[K L P]?Lect?itar, b, comp, d, v?vg syrp, h, pal?copsa, bo, fay?arm eth geo slav mssacc. to Origen?Origengr?Athanasius Didymus Chrysostom mssacc. to Theodore?Cyril Theodoret1/2?Ps-Oecumenius; Faustinus Jerome //?χωρ?? θεο??0243 424c vid?1739txt?vgms?Origengrv.r., lat?mssacc. to Origen?Theodore Nestoriansacc. to Ps-Oecumenius?Theodoret1/2, lem; Ambrose mssacc. to Jerome?Vigilius Fulgentiusc9?NO P: TR WH AD TEV FC Lu // S: TOBd10?P: TEV FC*11?ο?κ … καλε?ν?Mt 25.40; Mk 3.35; Jn 20.17*12??παγγελ? … σε?Ps 22.22*13??γ? … α?τ??Is 8.17?lxx; 2 Sm 22.3?lxx; Is 12.2)??δο? … θε???Is 8.18e13?P: RSV TEV Seg FC NIV VP NJB TOB NRSV*14?καταργ?σ? … δι?βολον?Jn 12.31; 1 Jn 3.8; Re 12.10*16?σπ?ρματο? ?βρα?μ ?πιλαμβ?νεται?Is 41.8-9*17?κατ? … ?μοιωθ?ναι?Php 2.7; He 2.14?τ? … λαο??1 Jn 2.2; 4.10*18?He 4.15f18?P: WH AD M // MS: NJBch.3*3.1??ρχιερ?α … ?ησο?ν?He 4.14; 6.20; 7.26; 8.1; 9.1112?{C}??λ??(see?3.5; Nu 12.7?lxx) ? A C D Ψ 075 0150 0243 6 33 81 104 256 263 365 424 436 459 1175 1241 1319 1573 1739 1852 1881 1912 1962 2127 2200 2464?Byz?[K L P]?Lect?itar, b, comp, d, v?vg syrp, h?arm eth geo slav Chrysostom Cyril2/3?Nestorius Theodoret John-Damascus //?omit?P13, 46vid?B vgms?copsa, bo, fay?Cyril1/3; Ambrose*2, 5?Μω?σ?? … α?το??Nu 12.7*6???νπερ … κατ?σχωμεν?Col 1.23; He 3.1426?{A}?ο??P13?? A B C D2?I Ψ 075 0150 33 81 104 256 263 365 424*?436 459 1175 1241 1319c?1573 1852 1881 1912 1962 2127 2200 (2464?ο? ?)?Byz?[K L P]?Lect?itv?syr(p), h, pal?copsa, bo?arm geo2?slav Ps-Athanasius Didymus Didymusdub?Chrysostom Cyril Hesychius Theodoret John-Damascus; Jerome //???1319*?//????P46?D*?0243 6 424c?1739 itar, b, comp, d?vg eth (geo1) Theodorelat; Lucifer Priscillian Ambrose36?{B}?κατ?σχωμεν?P13, 46?B copsa?Lucifer Ambrose //?μ?χρι τ?λου? βεβα?αν κατ?σχωμεν?(see?3.14) ? A C D Ψ 075 0150 0243 6 33 81 104 256 263 365 424 436 459 1241 1319 1573 1739 1852 1881 1912 (1962?βεβα?ω?) 2127 2200 2464?Byz?[K L P]?Lect?(l?596?βεβα?ω???l?593?βεβα?ω? κατ?χομεν) itar, b, comp, d, v?vg syr(p), h, pal?copbo?arm eth geo slav Didymus Chrysostom; Priscilliana6?NO P: TR AD // SP: WH // P: NA M RSV REB NRSV*7-11?Σ?μερον … κατ?παυσ?ν μου?Ps 95.7-11*8?Ex 17.7; Nu 20.2-5*11?Nu 14.21-23b11?NO P: TR WH AD NA M RSV NJB REB NRSV*14???νπερ … κατ?σχωμεν?He 3.6c14?P: TEV FC VP*15?Σ?μερον … παραπικρασμ??Ps 95.7-8 (He 3.7-8)d15?P: Seg NIV TOB*16-18?Nu 14.1-35*17??ν … ?ρ?μ??Nu 14.29; 1 Cor 10.10*18??μοσεν … α?το??Nu 14.22-23; Ps 95.11; He 3.11e19?NO P: TR WH // S: NIV Lu12?{B}?συγκεκ(ε)ρα(σ)μ?νου??P13vid, 46?(A) B C D Ψ 075 0150 0243 6 33 81 256 263 365 424 436 1241 1319 1573 1739 1852 1881 1912 1962 2127 2200 2464?Byz?[K L P]?Lect?itar, comp2, v?vgww, st?syrh, pal?copsamss?arm eth slav Cyril1/ 2Theodore; Augustine //?συγκεκραμ?νη??vgmss ?Chrysostom //?συγκεκ(ε)ρα(σ)μ?νο????l?1153?lAD?itb, comp*, d?vgcl?syrp copsa mss?geo Cyril1/2?Theodoretms; Lucifer //?συγκεκραμμ?νοι?104 459ch.4a4.2?P: TOB*3??? … μου?Ps 95.11 (He 3.11; 4.5)23?{A}?ε?σερχ?μεθα γ?ρ?P13, 46?B D Ψ 0150 6 33 424 1241 1319 1852 1912 1962 2200?Byz?[K L P]?Lect?itd?vgmsssyr(p), h, pal?copsa?(arm) eth geo slav Chrysostom Cyril //?ε?σερχ?μεθα ο?ν?? 075 0243 81 104 256 263 365 436 459 1573 1739 1881 2127 2464?l?596 copbo?//?ε?σερχ?μεθα ο?ν?A C (itar, b, comp, v) (vg) vgms?(Lucifer)33?{C}?τ?ν?? A C D2?Ψ 075 0150 0243 6 33 81 104 256 263 365 424 436 459 1241 1319 1573 1739 1852 1881 1912 1962 2127 2200 2464?Byz?[K L P]?Lect?copsa, bo?arm eth geo Chrysostom Cyril //?omit?P13vid, 46?B D*b3?P: Seg TOB*4?Κα? … α?το??Gn 2.2*5?Ε? … μου?Ps 95.11 (He 3.11; 4.1)c5?P: Seg NIV Lu TOB*7?Σ?μερον … ?μ?ν?Ps 95.7-8 (He 3.7-8)d7?P: TEV Seg FC TOB*8?ε? … κατ?παυσεν?Dt 31.7; Jos 22.4*10??σπερ … θε???Gn 2.2; He 4.4e10?SP: NA // P: M RSV Segf11?NO P: TR WH AD NA M RSV*12?Ζ?ν … θεο??1 Pe 1.23?? … δ?στομον?Is 49.2; Eph 6.17; Re 19.15?? … θεο??and?κριτικ???Jn 12.48g13?SP: WH // P: TR AD REB*14??ρχιερ?α … ?ησο?ν?He 3.1; 6.20; 7.26; 8.1; 9.11?κρατ?μεν τ?? ?μολογ?α??He 10.23*15?He 2.17*16?προσερχ?μεθα … χ?ριτο??He 10.19h16?NO P: TR // S: TOB REBch.5*5.2?He 2.17; 4.15*3?Lv 9.7; 16.6a5.3?P: Seg NIV*4?καλο?μενο? … ?αρ?ν?Ex 28.1b4?NO P: TR WH AD M Seg NIV VP Lu NJB REB*5?Υ??? … σε?Ps 2.7 (Ac 13.33; He 1.5)*6?Σ? … Μελχισ?δεκ?Ps 110.4 (He 6.20; 7.17)c6?P: RSV TEV Seg FC NIV NRSV*7?Mt 26.36-46; Mk 14.32-42; Lk 22.39-46*9?α?τιο? σωτηρ?α? α?ων?ου?Is 45.17*10?κατ? … Μελχισ?δεκ?Ps 110.4; He 5.6d10?P: TR WH AD M RSV NRSV // MS: NJB112?{C}?τιν??Ψ 81 copsams?//?τ?να?B2?D2?0122 0150 104 256 263 365 424*?436 459 1241 1319 1573 1852 1912vid?1962 2127 2200 2464?Byz?[K L]?Lect?itar, b, comp, d?vg copsamss, bo?arm (eth) geo slav Clement Origengr, lat?DidymusdubChrysostom Cyril; Jerome Augustine //?τινα?without accent?P46?? A B*?C D*?P 33 //?omit?075 6 424c?1739 1881*12-13?γεγ?νατε … ?στιν?1 Cor 3.1-3; 1 Pe 2.2*14?δι?κρισιν … κακο??Ro 16.19e14?NO P: TR WH M // S: RSV NJBch.6*6.1??π? … θε?ν?He 9.1412?{A}?διδαχ???? A C D I 075 0122 6 33 81 104 256 263 365 424 436 459 1241 1319 1573 1739 1852 1881 1912 1962 2127 2200 2464?Byz?[K L P]?Lect?(l?170?διδαχα??) itar, b, comp?vg syrh?arm geo slav Chrysostom Marcus-Eremita; Augustine //?διδαχ?ν?P46?B 0150 itd?syrpal?(eth) Ambrosevid23?{A}?ποι?σομεν?P46?? B I 0122 6 33 256 424 1241 1573 1739 1881 2127 2200?Byzpt?[K L]?Lectpt, AD?itar, b, comp, d?vg copsamss, bo, fay?eth Theodoretlem; Ambrose //?ποι?σωμεν?A C D Ψ 075 0150 81 104 263 365 436 459 1319 1852 1912 1962 2464?Byzpt?[P]?Lectpt?vgms?arm slav Theodoretcoma6.3?P: NA M TEV Seg FC NIV VP Lu NJB TOB*4-6?Mt 12.31; He 10.26-27; 1 Jn 5.16b6?P: TEV FC NIV TOB*8??κφ?ρουσα … ?γγ???Gn 3.17-18c8?NO P: TR AD // SP: WH // S: VP NJB*10?He 10.32-34d12?NO P: TR AD // SP: WH // P: NA M RSV Seg VP Lu NJB REB NRSV*13??μοσεν καθ? ?αυτο??Gn 22.16*14?Ε? … πληθυν??Gn 22.17 (Sir 44.21)e14?P: TOBf15?P: NIV*16?π?ση? … ?ρκο??Ex 22.11*18??δ?νατον … θε?ν?Nu 23.19; 1 Sm 15.29*19?ε?σερχομ?νην … καταπετ?σματο??Lv 16.2-3, 12, 15*20?κατ? … α??να?Ps 110.4; He 5.6; 7.17g20?P: WH AD M RSV Seg NRSV // MS: NJBch.7*7.1-2?Gn 14.17-20*3??φωμοιωμ?νο? … διηνεκ???Ps 110.4a7.3?NO P: TR WH AD Lu // SP: WH // S: NJB*5?ο? … ν?μον?Nu 18.21b10?NO P: TR AD // SP: WH // S: NIV NJB TOBc12?P: NJB*14??ξ ?ο?δα … ?μ?ν?Gn 49.10; Is 11.1; Mt 2.6; Re 5.5d14?P: M RSV VP REB NRSV // S: TEV FC NJB*17?Σ? … Μελχισ?δεκ?Ps 110.4 (He 5.6; 6.20)e17?P: NIV TOB*19?ο?δ?ν … ν?μο??He 9.9f19?NO P: TR WH AD M Lu // S: NJB TOB*21??μοσεν … α??να?Ps 110.4 (He 5.6; 6.20; 7.17)121?{A}?ε?? τ?ν α??να?P46?B C 0150 33 81 436 2464 itb, comp, μ, r?vg syrpal?copsa, bopt?arm //?ε?? τ?ν α??να κατ? τ?ν τ?ξιν Μελχισ?δεκ?(see?7.17; Ps 110.4) ?2?A D Ψ 075 6 104 256 263 365 424 459 1175 1241 1319 1573 1739 1852 1881 1912 1962 2127 2200?Byz?[K L P]?Lect?itar, d?vgmss?syrp, h?copbopt?eth geo slav Eusebius Chrysostom Theodoret //omit??**22?κρε?ττονο? … ?ησο???He 8.6; 12.24g22?SP: NA // P: RSV TEV Seg FC NIV Lu NRSV*25?π?ντοτε … α?τ?ν?Ro 8.34; 1 Jn 2.1h25?NO P: TR AD Lu TOB // SP: WH // S: NJB*26??μ?ν … ?ρχιερε???He 3.1; 4.14; 6.20; 8.1; 9.11*27??σπερ … λαο??Lv 9.7; 16.6, 15*28?? ν?μο? … ?σθ?νειαν?He 5.1-2i28?P: WH AD M // MS: NJBch.8*8.1?τοιο?τον ?χομεν ?ρχιερ?α?He 3.1; 4.14; 6.20; 7.26; 9.11??κ?θισεν … ο?ρανο???Ps 110.1; Mt 22.44; Mk 16.19; Ac 2.34; Eph 1.20; He 1.3; 10.12; 12.2*2?τ?? σκην?? … κ?ριο??Nu 24.6?lxxa2?SP: NA // P: TEV Seg FC NIV VP*5?ο?τινε? … λατρε?ουσιν?Col 2.17??ρα … ?ρει?Ex 25.40b5?SP: NA // P: M Lu TOB // S: NJB*6?κρε?ττονο? … μεσ?τη??He 7.22; 9.15; 12.24c6?NO P: TR WH AD M RSV Lu NJB NRSV // S: TOBd7?P: RSV NRSV*8-12??δο? … ?τι?Jr 31.31-3418?{B}?α?το????*?A D*?I K P Ψ 0150 33 81 256 263 365 436 1319 1573 1912 2127 2464 itar, b, comp, d?vg copsa, bo, fayarm eth geo slav Cyril Theodoretlem?//?α?το???P46??2?B D2?075 6 104 424 459 1241 1739 1852 1881 1962 2200?Byz[L]?Lect?Chrysostom John-Damascus*10?He 10.16211?{A}?πολ?την?(see?Jr 38.34?lxx)?P46?? A B D 075 0150 6 33 256 263 424 1241 1319 1573 1739 1852 1881 1962 2127?Byz?[K L]?Lect?itd?syrp, h?copsa, bo, fay?arm geo //?πλησ?ον?P 075v.r.?81 104 365 436 459 1912 2200 2464?l?590l?592?l?593?l?596?l?884?l?1159 itar, b, comp?vg syrhmg?eth slav Chrysostom Cyril*12?τ?ν … ?τι?He 10.17e12?P: Seg NIV TOBf13?P: WH AD NA M RSV NRSVch.911?{C}?κα??? A D 075 0150 33 81 104 256 365 424 436 459 1241 1319 1573 1852 1912 1962 2127 2200 2464?Byz[K L P] itar, b, comp, d?vg syrh?arm slav Ps-Gregory-Thaumaturgus Chrysostom Cyril //?omit?P46 vid?B 6 263 1739 1881Lect?(beginning of lesson)?syrp?copsa, bo, fay?eth geo John-Damascus*9.2?σκην? γ?ρ κατεσκευ?σθη?Ex 26.1-30?? τε λυχν?α?Ex 25.31-40?? τρ?πεζα … ?ρτων?Ex 25.23-30*3?Ex 26.31-33*4?χρυσο?ν ?χουσα θυμιατ?ριον?Ex 30.1-6?τ?ν κιβωτ?ν … χρυσ???Ex 25.10-16?στ?μνο? … μ?ννα?Ex 16.33?? ??βδο? … βλαστ?σασα?Nu 17.8-10?α? πλ?κε? τ?? διαθ?κη??Ex 25.16; Dt 10.3-5*5??περ?νω … ?λαστ?ριον?Ex 25.18-22a5?NO P: TR WH Seg Lu TOB // SP: NA*6?ε?? … ?πιτελο?ντε??Nu 18.2-6*7?Ex 30.10; Lv 16.2, 14, 15*9?δ?ρα … λατρε?οντα?He 10.1-2*10?μ?νον ?π? βρ?μασιν?Lv 11.2?διαφ?ροι? βαπτισμο???Lv 11.25; 15.18; Nu 19.13210?{A}?βαπτισμο??, δικαι?ματα?P46??*?A I P 33 81 104 256 263 436 459 1573 1739 1881 1912vid?2127 2464?l?596 itb?copsa, (bo), fayvid?(arm) Didymusvid?Cyril //?βαπτισμο??, δικα?ωμα?D*?itd?//?βαπτισμο?? κα? δικαι?ματα??2?B 424c?itcomp*//?βαπτισμο?? κα? δικαι?μασιν?D2?075 0150 365 424*?1241 1319 1852 1962 2200?Byz?[K L]?Lect?(l?884?βαπτ?σμασι) itar, compc?vg syrh?geo slav Chrysostom Cyrillemb10?NO P: TR AD // SP: WH // S: NIV TOB*11?Χριστ?? … ?ρχιερε???He 3.1; 4.14; 6.20; 7.26; 8.1?τ?ν γενομ?νων ?γαθ?ν?He 10.1311?{B}?γενομ?νων?(P46?γεναμ?νων) B D*?1739 itd?syr(p), h, (pal)?geo //?μελλ?ντων?? A D2?Ivid?075 0150 33 81 104 256 263 365 424 436 459 1241 1319 1573 1852 1881 1912 1962 2127 2200 2464?Byz?[K L P]?Lect?itar, b, comp, t?vg syrhmgcopsa, bo, fay?arm eth slav Origenlat?Eusebius Cyril-Jerusalem Gregory-Nyssa Macarius/Symeon Chrysostom Theodore Polychronius Cyril Proclus John-Damascus*13?ε? … τα?ρων?Lv 16.3, 14, 15; He 10.4?σποδ?? δαμ?λεω??Nu 19.9, 17-19*14?τ? α?μα … ?μ?ν?1 Pe 1.18-19; 1 Jn 1.7??π? … ζ?ντι?He 6.1414?{A}?α?ων?ου?P17vid, 46??*?A B D2?075 0150 33 256 263 424c?1241 1573 1739 1881 2127?Byz?[K L]?Lect?itb?syrp, h, palms?arm eth geo2?Athanasius Didymusdub?Theodoret1/2; Ambrose //??γ?ου??2?D*?P 81 104 365 424*?436 459 1319 1852 1912 1962 2200 2464?l?593?l?596?l?597?l?599?l?751?l?884?l?921?l?1159?l?1441 itar, comp, d?vg syrpalms?copsamss, bo, fay?geo1slav Chrysostom Cyril Theodoret1/2; Varimadum514?{C}??μ?ν?A D*?K P 075 365 1319 1739*?1912?l?147?l?422?l?591?l?593?l?599?l?751?l?1441 itcomp, d?vgcl?syrp?copboptethTH?Athanasius Amphilochius Cyril1/2?Theodoretlem?//??μ?ν?? D2?0150 33 81 104 256 263 424 436 459 1241 1573 1739c?1852 1881 1962 2127 2200 2464?Byz?[L]?Lect?itar, b, t?vgww, st?syrh, pal?copsa, bopt?arm ethpp?geo slav AthanasiusmssChrysostom Cyril1/2c14?Question: TR AD // NO P: TR AD Lu // S: NJB TOB*15?διαθ?κη? … ?στ?ν?He 7.22; 8.6; 12.24d15?SP: NA // P: TEV FC NIV Lu617?{A}?μ?ποτε??2?A C D2?I 075c?0150 33 81 104 256 263 365 424 436 459 1241 1319 1573 1739 1852 1881 1912 1962 2127 2200 2464?Byz?[K L P]?Lect?itar, b, comp, d, (t)?vg (vgmss) syrh?copsa, bo, fay?arm geo Asterius Didymus Chrysostomlem; (Ambrose) //?μ? τ?τε??*?D*?075*vid?ethe17?Question: WHmg*19?Ex 24.3, 6-8??ρ?ου … ?σσ?που?Lv 14.4; Nu 19.6719?{C}?μ?σχων κα? τ?ν τρ?γων??*?A C 81 436 1912 2464?l?1441 copsamss?arm geo slav //?τρ?γων κα? τ?ν μ?σχωνD 365 (l?921?omit?τ?ν) itd, (t)?vgmss?copsams?//?μ?σχων κα? τρ?γων?075 33 104 256 263 424 459 1573 1962 2127 2200Byz?[P]?Lect?copbo, fay?eth //?μ?σχων?P46??2?K L Ψ 0150 1241 1319 1739 1852 1881 syr(p), h, pal?Chrysostom*20?τ? … θε???Ex 24.8*21?Lv 8.15, 19*22?χωρ?? … ?φεσι??Lv 17.11f22?NO P: TR AD NJB TOB // SP: WH // P: NA M RSV Seg NIV Lu REB NRSVg23?S: TOB*24?ν?ν … ?μ?ν?1 Jn 2.1*27??π?κειται … ?ποθανε?ν?Gn 3.19*28?? Χριστ??, ?παξ προσενεχθε???He 10.10?πολλ?ν ?νενεγκε?ν ?μαρτ?α??Is 53.12; 1 Pe 2.24??κ … ?πεκδεχυμ?νοι??Php 3.20; 2 Tm 4.8h28?S: TR NIV TOB REB // MS: NJBch.1011?{A}?ο?κ α?τ?ν?? A C D Hvid?Ψ 075supp?0150 33 81 104 256 263 424 436 459 1241 1319 1573 1739 1852 1881 1912 1962 2127 2200?Byz?[K L P]?Lect?itar, b, comp, (d), r, z?vg (syrh) (arm) geo slav Origenlat?Adamantiuslat?Gregory-Nyssa Didymus Chrysostom Cyril Hesychius John-Damascus //?ο? κατ??69 (365?ο? κατ? τ?ν α?τ?ν) //?ο?κ α?τ?ν?1908 syrp//?κα??P4621?{B}?δ?ναται?P46?D*, 2?H Ψ 0150 365 424c?1739 1852 1881 1962 2200?Byzpt?[K L]?l?422?l?883?l?1159 itd, r?vg eth geo1?Chrysostom //?δ?νανται?? A C D1?075supp?33 81 104 256 263 424*?436 459 1241 1319 1573 1912 2127?Byzpt?[P]Lect?itar, b, comp, z?vgms?syrp, h?copsa, bo, fay?arm geo2?slava3?P: TOB*4?α?μα τα?ρων κα? τρ?γων?Lv 16.15, 21; He 9.13b4?NO P: TR WH AD M Lu NJB TOB NRSV // SP: NA*5-7?Θυσ?αν … σου?Ps 40.6-8c7?P: Seg*8?Θυσ?α? κα? προσφορ???Ps 40.6??λοκαυτ?ματα … ε?δ?κησα??Ps 40.6*9??δο? … σου?Ps 40.7d9?P: TOB*10??γιασμ?νοι … ?φ?παξ?He 9.12, 28e10?NO P: TR WH AD // S: NJB*11?π?? … θυσ?α??Ex 29.38311?{A}??ερε???P46, 79vid?? D Ψ 075supp?33 81 1241 1319 1739 1852 1881?Byz?[K L]?Lect?itar, b, comp, d, r, z?vg copbo?geo slavms?Chrysostom Severianvid?Cyrilvid?//??ρχιερε?? ?A C P 0150 104 256 263 365 424 436 459 1175 1573 1912 1962 2127 2200 2464?l?147?l?593?l?596?l?1441 syrp, h with *?copsa, fay?arm eth slavms?Cyril Theodoretlem*12??κ?θισεν … θεο??Ps 110.1 (Mt 22.44; Mk 16.19; Ac 2.34; Eph 1.20; He 1.3; 8.1; 12.2)f12?C: Seg Lu NJB TOB REBmg?‖gC: RSV TEV Segmg?FC NIV VP REB NRSV*13??ω? … α?το??Ps 110.1h14?NO P: TR WH AD NA M RSV Seg VP Lu NJB TOB REBi15?P: Seg*16?Jr 31.33 (He 8.10)*17?Jr 31.34 (He 8.12)k17?P: Seg TOBl18?P: TR WH AD M RSV FC NRSV // MS: Seg NJB*19??χοντε? … ?γ?ων?He 4.16*22??εραντισμ?νοι … πονηρ???Eze 36.25?λελουσμ?νοι … καθαρ??Eph 5.26*23?κατ?χωμεν … ?κλιν??He 4.14m25?NO P: TR AD // SP: WH // S: NJB*26?He 6.4-8*27?πυρ?? … ?πεναντ?ου??Is 26.11*28??π? … ?ποθν?σκει?Dt 17.6; 19.15*29?τ? α?μα τ?? διαθ?κη??Ex 24.8; He 13.20n29?Statement: WH M Seg Lu NJB REB*30??μο? … ?νταποδ?σω?Dt 32.35 (Ro 12.19)?Κρινε? … α?το??Dt 32.36; Ps 135.14o30?P: Seg TOBp31?NO P: TR // SP: WH // S: NJB*33??νειδισμο?? … θεατριζ?μενοι?1 Cor 4.9434?{B}?δεσμ?οι??A D*?H 0150 6 33 81 424c?1573 1739 1912 2127 itar, b, comp, μ?vg syrp, h, pal?copsa, bo?arm geo1Chrysostom; Pelagius //?δεσμο???P46?Ψ 075supp?104 256 Origenmss?//?δεσμο?? μου?? D2?263 365 424*?436 459 1175 1241 1319 1852 1881 1962?Byz?[K L P]?Lect?eth geo2?slav Clement Origen //?δεσμο?? α?τ?ν?itd, (r), z534?{A}??αυτο???P13, 46?? A Hvid?Ψ 6 33 81 365 424 436 1739 1912 1962 2127?l?1365?l?1977 itar, b, comp, d, μ, r, z?vg arm Clement //??αυτο???D 104 256 263 459 1175 1241 1319 1573 1852?Byz?[K L]?Lect?slav Chrysostom //??ν ?αυτο?? 075 supp?1881?l?5921/2?l?598?l?8841/2?l?1439?lAD?//??μ???0150 //?omit?P?l?593q34?P: NIV*36?Lk 21.19; He 6.12*37-38?Hab 2.3-4?lxx*37?μικρ?ν ?σον ?σον?Is 26.20?lxx*38?? δ? … ζ?σεται?Ro 1.17; Ga 3.11638?{B}?δ?και?? μου ?κ π?στεω??P46?? A H*?33 1739 itar, comp, r?vg copsa, boms?arm Clement Theodoret //?δ?καιο? ?κ π?στε?? μου?(see?Hab 2.4?lxx) D*?itd, μ?syrp, h?Eusebius1/2; Faustus //?δ?καιο? ?κ π?στεω??P13?D2?Hc?I Ψ 0150 6 81 104 256 263 365 424 436 459 1175 1241 1319 1573 1852 1881 1912 1962 2127?Byz?[K L P]?Lect?itb, z?vgmss?syrpal?copboeth geo slav Eusebius1/2?Chrysostom; Ambroser38?P: Seg TOBs39?P: WH AD NA M NRSVch.1111?{A}??π?στασι?, πραγμ?των?P46?? A D2?(D*??π?στασιν) Ψ 0150 6 33 81 104 256 263 365 424 436 459 1175 1241 1319 1573 1739 1852 1881 1912 1962 2127?Byz?[K L P]?Lect?itcomp, d, r, z*?vgww, st?(itzc?vgcl?arm Jerome?π?στασι? πραγμ?των,) syrh?copsa, bo?(eth) geo slav Clement Origengr?Eusebius Cyril-Jerusalem Apollinaris Didymus Chrysostom John-Damascus; Ambrose Augustine //?πραγμ?των ?ν?στασι??P13?itb?Origenlat; Sedulius-Scottusvida11.1?P: Seg REBb2?NO P: TR M RSV Lu NRSV // SP: WH NA*11.3?κατηρτ?σθαι … γεγον?ναι?Gn 1.1; Ps 33.6, 9; 2 Pe 3.5?ε?? … γεγον?ναι?Ro 4.17c3?NO P: TR AD NA M // SP: WH*4?πλε?ονα … θεο??Gn 4.3-10d4?SP: WH // P: TEV Seg FC NIV VP NJB TOB REB*5??ν?χ … θε???Gn 5.24; Sir 44.16; En 70.1-4; Wsd 4.10e6?SP: WH // P: TEV Seg FC NIV VP NJB TOB REB*7?χρηματισθε?? … α?το??Gn 6.13-22; 7.1; 1 Pe 3.20?τ?? … δικαιοσ?νη??Ro 3.22; 4.13; 9.30f7?NO P: TR AD // SP: WH // S: TOB*8?Gn 12.1-5; Ac 7.2-4g8?SP: WH*9?Gn 23.4; 26.3; 35.12, 27h10?SP: WH // P: TR TEV Seg FC NIV VP NJB TOB REB*11?α?τ? … ?λικ?α??Gn 17.19; 18.11-14; 21.2211?{C}?π?στει κα? α?τ? Σ?ρρα στε?ρα δ?ναμιν?P46?D*?Ψ geo slav //?π?στει κα? α?τ? Σ?ρρα ? στε?ρα δ?ναμιν?D1?6 81 424c?1241 1739 1881 1962 (or omit???itar, b, comp, d, z?vg) copsa, bo?//?π?στει Σ?ρρα ? στε?ρα κα? ?υτ? δ?ναμιν?0150 //π?στει κα? ?υτ? Σ?ρρα στε?ρα ο?σα δ?ναμιν?P 075 104 256 263 365 436 459 1319 1573 1912 2127?l?596 arm eth //π?στει κα? ?υτ? Σ?ρρα δ?ναμιν?P13 vid?? A D2?33 424*?1175 1852 2200?Byz?[K L]?Lect?Chrysostom; Augustine*12??φ?… νενεκρωμ?νου?Ro 4.19?καθ?? … ?ναρ?θμητο??Gn 15.5-6; 22.17; 32.12; Ex 32.13; Dt 1.10; 10.22; Dn 3.36?lxx; Sir 44.21i12?NO P: TR AD M // SP: WH*13?ξ?νοι … γ???Gn 23.4; 47.9; 1 Chr 29.15; Ps 39.12; 1 Pe 2.11*16?ο?κ … α?τ?ν?Ex 3.6, 15; 4.5; Mk 12.26k16?NO P: TR AD // SP: WH*17?Gn 22.1-10; Jas 2.21*18??ν … σπ?ρμα?Gn 21.12 (Ro 9.7)l18?P: TOBm19?SP: WH // P: TEV Seg FC NIV VP Lu NJB TOB REB*20?Gn 27.27-29, 39-40n20?SP: WH // P: TEV Seg FC NIV VP*21??ακ?β … ε?λ?γησεν?Gn 48.15-16?προσεκ?νησεν … α?το??Gn 47.31?lxxo21?SP: WH // P: TEV Seg FC NIV VP*22?Gn 50.24-25; Ex 13.19p22?NO P: TR AD // SP: WH // S: TOB*23?Μω?σ?? … α?το??Ex 2.2?ο?κ … βασιλ?ω??Ex 1.22323?{A}?βασιλ?ω?.?P46?? A D2?I Ψ 075 0150 6 33 81 104 256 263 365 424 436 459 1241 1319 1573 1739 1852 1881 1912 1962 2127 2200?Byz?[K L P]?Lect?itar, b, comp, z?vg syrp, h?copsa, bo, fay?arm eth geo slav Chrysostom //?βασιλ?ω?. Π?στει μ?γα? γεν?μενο? Μω?σ?? ?νε?λεν τ?ν Α?γ?πτιον κατανο?ν τ?ν ταπε?νωσιν τ?ν ?δελφ?ν α?το?.?D*?itdvgmsq23?SP: WH NA // P: TEV FC NIV VP*24?Ex 2.10-12r26?SP: WH NA // P: TEV FC VP*27?κατ?λιπεν Α?γυπτον?Ex 2.15; 12.51s27?SP: WH // P: TOB REB*28?Ex 12.21-30t28?SP: WH // P: RSV TEV Seg FC NIV VP NRSV*29?Ex 14.21-31u29?SP: WH NA // P: TEV Seg FC NIV VP Lu NJB REB*30?Jos 6.12-21v30?SP: WH // P: Seg NIV*31?Jos 2.11-12; 6.21-25; Jas 2.25w31?NO P: TR AD // SP: WH // S: TOB*33??φραξαν στ?ματα λε?ντων?Jdg 14.6-7; 1 Sm 17.34-36; Dn 6.1-27*34??σβεσαν δ?ναμιν πυρ???Dn 3.23-25x34?SP: NA*35??λαβον … α?τ?ν?1 Kgs 17.17-24; 2 Kgs 4.25-37??λλοι … τ?χωσιν?2 Macc 6.18–7.42y35?P: TEV FC VP*36?1 Kgs 22.26-27; 2 Chr 18.25-26; Jr 20.2; 37.15; 38.6*37??λιθ?σθησαν?2 Chr 24.21??πρ?σθησαν?Ascension of?Is 5.11-14437?{C}??πρ?σθησαν?P46?1241?l?4221/3?l?5921/3?l?13561/3?l?13641/3?syrp?(copsa) eth Origengr 1/5, lat 1/2?Eusebius (Didymus) Nilus; Caesarius //??πειρ?σθησαν?0150 vg mss?Clement //??πρ?σθησαν, ?πειρ?σθησαν?P13 vid?A D2?075 6 104 256 263 365 424 436 459 1319 1573 1739 1852 1881 1912 1962 2127 2200?Byz?[K]?Lect?itar, b, comp, (d), z?vg (syrpal) copbo?arm (geo) slav Origengr 4/5, lat 1/2?Acacius Chrysostom; Ambrose //??πρ?σθησαν, ?πειρ?σθησαν?Ψvid?l?1472/3 ?l?6031/3?l?14391/3//??πειρ?σθησαν, ?πρ?σθησαν?? L P 048 33 81 syrh?copboms?Jerome //??πειρ?σθησαν, ?πειρ?σθησαν?[sic]? D*?l?5931/3(l?6171/3??πρ?σθησαν, ?πρ?σθησαν)z38?NO P: TR AD M Seg NJB TOB REB // SP: WH NAaa40?P: WH AD NA M Seg NRSVch.12*12.1?τρ?χωμεν … ?γ?να?1 Cor 9.2411?{A}?ε?περ?στατον?P13?? A D Ψ 0150 6 33 81 104 256 263 365 424 436 459 1241 1319 1573 1852 1881 1912 1962 2127 2200?Byz?[K L P]?Lect?itar, b, comp?vg syr(p), h?copsa, bo?arm geo slav Clement Chrysostom Severian Cyril //ε?περ?σπαστον?P46?1739 itd, z?(Ps-Augustine)*2??ν … κεκ?θικεν?Ps 110.1; Mt 22.44; Mk 16.19; Ac 2.34; Eph 1.20; He 1.3; 8.1; 10.12a12.2?P: RSV TEV FC VP REB NRSV // S: Seg23?{C}?ε?? ?αυτ?ν?A P 0150 104 263 459 1241 1319 (l?895?α?τ?ν) itar?vgcl?(or?α?τ?ν?syrp) //?ε?? α?τ?ν?D2?Ψ*?6 365 424 436 1175 1739c?1852 1881 1912 1962 2200?Byz?[K L]?Lect?slav Chrysostom //?ε?? ?αυτο????*?D*?256 1573 2127 (or?α?το???itb, comp, z?vgww, st?copbo) syrp?Ps-Dionysius //?ε?? α?το???P13, 46??2?Ψc?048 33 81vid?1739*?Theodoret lem?//??ν ?μ?ν?itd?eth //?omit?l?590 copsa?arm geob3?NO P: RSV TEV FC VP NJB TOB REB NRSV // SP: WHc4?S: NJB*5-6?Υ?? … παραδ?χεται?Pr 3.11-12*6??ν γ?ρ … παιδε?ει?Re 3.19d6?P: Seg NIV TOB*7??? … πατ?ρ?Dt 8.5; 2 Sm 7.14e8?P: TOB*9?τ? … πνευμ?των?Nu 16.22; 27.16*11?καρπ?ν ε?ρηνικ?ν … δικαιοσ?νη??Jas 3.17-18f11?NO P: TR WH AD M NJB TOB REB // S: TEV FC VP*12?τ?? … ?νορθ?σατε?Is 35.3; Sir 25.23*13?τροχι?? … ?μ?ν?Pr 4.26?lxxg13?NO P: TR AD NA RSV Lu // SP: WH // P: M TEV Seg FC VP NRSV*14?Ε?ρ?νην … π?ντων?Ps 34.14; Ro 12.18*15?μ? τι? ??ζα … ?νοχλ??Dt 29.17?lxxh15?P: Seg TOB*16??σα? … ?αυτο??Gn 25.33-34*17?Gn 27.30-40i17?SP: WH // S: NJB REB318?{B}?ψηλαφωμ?ν??P46?? A C 048 33 81 1175?l?593 itar, b, comp, (d), (z)?vgww, st?syrp?copsa, bo?eth (Origenlat 1/2) //ψηλαφωμ?ν? ?ρει?D (Ψ??ψηλαφημ?ν?) 0150 6 104 256 263 365 424 436 459 1241 1319 1573 1739 1852 1881 1912 1962 2127 2200?Byz?[K L P]?Lect?vgcl?(Origenlat 1/2) //??ρει ψηλαφωμ?ν??69 syrh?arm geo slav Chrysostom*18-19?Ex 19.16-22; 20.18-21; Dt 4.11-12; 5.22-27*20?Κ?ν … λιθοβοληθ?σεται?Ex 19.12-13k20?P: TOB*21??κφοβ?? ε?μι?Dt 9.19l21?P: TEV FC NIV VP TOB REB*22??ερουσαλ?μ ?πουραν???Ga 4.26; Re 21.2?μυρι?σιν ?γγ?λων?Re 5.11m22?NO C: RSV NIV VP NJB TOB NRSV // as text: RSVmg?NRSVmg?‖nC: RSV NIV VP NJB TOB NRSV // as text: RSVmg?NRSVmg*23??πογεγραμμ?νων ?ν ο?ρανο???Lk 10.20?κριτ? θε? π?ντων?Gn 18.25; Ps 50.6*24?διαθ?κη? … ?ησο??He 7.22; 8.6; 9.15?α?ματι ?αντισμο??1 Pe 1.2?παρ? τ?ν ?βελ?Gn 4.10o24?NO P: TR WH AD NJB REB*25?ε? … ?ποστρεφ?μενοι?He 2.1-3; 10.28-29*26?? φων? … τ?τε?Ex 19.18; Jdg 5.4; Ps 68.8??τι … ο?ραν?ν?Hg 2.6p27?P: TEV FC NIV*29?? θε?? … καταναλ?σκον?Dt 4.24; 9.3; Is 33.14q29?P: WH AD M // MS: NJBch.13*13.2??λαθον … ?γγ?λου??Gn 18.1-8; 19.1-3a13.2?P: Seg VP*3?μιμν?σκεσθε τ?ν δεσμ?ων?Mt 25.36; He 10.34b3?P: TEV Seg FC NIV VP Lu REB*4?π?ρνου? … θε???Ga 5.19, 21; Eph 5.5c4?SP: NA // P: TEV Seg FC VP Lu REB*5?Ο? … ?γκαταλ?πω?Dt 31.6 (Gn 28.15; Dt 31.8; Jos 1.5)d5?P: TOB*6?Κ?ριο? … ?νθρωπο??Ps 118.6e6?NO P: TR WH // S: NJB*7?μιμε?σθε τ?ν π?στιν?1 Cor 4.16; He 6.12f7?SP: WH // P: TR Seg VP REBg8?SP: NA // P: M NIV*9?διδαχα?? … παραφ?ρεσθε?Eph 4.14h9?P: TEV FC VP REBi10?P: NIV*11?Lv 16.27k11?SP: NA*13?He 11.26*14?He 11.10, 16; 12.22l14?P: NIV*15?θυσ?αν … α?το??2 Chr 29.31; Ps 50.14, 23?καρπ?ν χειλ?ων?Ho 14.2115?{C}?δι? α?το? ο?ν??2?A C D1?0150 0243 6 81 104 256 263 365 424 436 459 1175 1241 1319 1573 1739 1852 1881 1912 1962 2127 2200?Byz?Lect?itar, b, comp, z?vg syrh?copsa, bo?arm slav Chrysostom Cyril //?δι? το?το ο?ν?K?l?751 (geo) //?δι? α?το??P46??*?D*?P Ψ itd?copbomss?(Origenlat); (Gregory-Elvira)m15?P: REB*16?τοια?ται? … θε???Php 4.18n16?NO P: TR M Lu TOB // SP: WH NA // S: NJB*17?α?το? … ?μ?ν?Is 62.6; Eze 3.17o17?NO P: TR AD NJB TOB // S: NA Seg*18?καλ?ν … ?ναστρ?φεσθαι?Ac 24.16; 2 Cor 1.12p19?SP: WH // P: TR AD NA M RSV Seg NIV REB NRSV // MS: NJB*20?? ?ναγαγ?ν … προβ?των?Is 63.11?τ?ν ποιμ?να … μ?γαν?1 Pe 2.25?α?ματι διαθ?κη??Zch 9.11?διαθ?κη? α?ων?ου?Is 55.3; Jr 32.40; Eze 37.26221?{A}?παντ? ?γαθ??(P46?τ? ?γαθ?) ? D*?Ψ itar, b, comp, d, z?vg copbo?geo1?Fulgentius6/7?//?παντ? ?ργ? ?γαθ??C D20150 0243 6 33 81 104 256 263 365 424 436 459 1175 1241 1319 1573 1739 1852 1881 1912 1962 2127 2200?Byz[K P]?Lect?vgmss?syrp, (h)?copsa?(arm?omit?παντ?) eth geo2?slav Chrysostom Theodoret; Fulgentius1/7?//?παντ? ?ργ? κα? λ?γ? ?γαθ??(see?2 Th 2.17) A321?{A}??μ?ν?P46?? A D 0243 33 81 104 365 424*?436 459 1175 1241 1739 1852 1881 1912 1962?Byzpt?[K]?Lect ptsyrp?copsa, bo?arm geo slav //??μ?ν?C Ψ 0150 6 256 263 424c?1319 1573 2127 2200?Byzpt?[P]?Lectpt, AD?itar, b, comp, d, z?vg syrh?eth Gregory-Nyssa Chrysostom Theodoret421?{C}?τ?ν α??νων?? A (C*) 0150 0243 33 81 424 1739 1852 1881 1912 1962 2200?Byz?[K P]?l?590?l?597?l?884l? 895?l?1159?l AD?itar, b, comp, z?vg syrp?copsamss, bo?eth geo slav Chrysostom //?omit?P46?C3?D Ψ 6 104 256 263 365 436 459 1241 1319 1573 2127?Lect?vgms?syrh?copsamss?arm Theodoretq21?SP: WH // S: RSV TEV FC NRSVr22?SP: WH // P: Seg NIV NJB TOBs23?NO P: TR RSV Lu NJB NRSVt24?P: TOB ‖uP: TR WH AD NA M TEV Seg FC VP TOB REB525?{A}?π?ντων ?μ?ν.?P46??*?Ivid?33 itcomp?vgmss?copsa?armms?//?π?ντων ?μ?ν. ?μ?ν.??2?A C D2?H Ψ 0150 0243 6 81 104 256 263 365 424 436 459 1319 1573 1739 1852 1881 1912 1962 2127 2200?Byz?[K P]?Lect?itar, b, z?vg syrp, hcopbo?armms?eth geo slav Chrysostom //?π?ντων ?μ?ν. ?μ?ν.?1241 //?π?ντων τ?ν ?γ?ων. ?μ?ν.?D*The meaning of Hebrews for non-HebrewsHow to face persecution.How to understand the OT and its paradigms.How to understand the Psalms and their theology.How to understand the Sinai Covenant and its time boundaries.How to understand Levitical vs Universal Priesthood, Aaron and Levi vs Christ.How to understand God’s salvation in human history.How to understand the importance of worship (The Heavenly Temple).How to understand the importance of faithHow to understand history in light of eternityHow to understand Jesus’ primacy, his superiority over anybody and anything in a pluralistic world.How to understand the need for discipline in our lives, from God.How to understand the importance of being earnest, of metanoia, of not delaying, of not being left behind.How to understand the need for holinessHow to understand the need to avoid failure, apostate behaviour.How to understand humankind destiny.How to understand progressive revelation.BibliographyGreek New Testament, UBS4, NA27-28.Zerwick and Grosvernor, A Grammatical Analysis of the Greek New Testament. Rome: Pontifico, 1996.Ellingworth, Paul. The Epistle to the Hebrews : a commentary on the Greek text. Grand Rapids, MI: W.B. Eerdmans, [1993]. Trotter, Andrew H., Jr, Interpreting the Epistle to the Hebrews (Guides to New Testament Exegesis; Grand Rapids, MI: Baker, 1997), ReserveIntroductive Articles:Lane, W. L. 1997. "Hebrews." In Peter H. Davids, Dictionary of the Later New Testament & Its Developments: 443-58, Downers Grove, IL: IV Press, 1997; also, see the articles on “Angels”, “Melchizedek”, “Law”, “Priest, High Priest”.“Angels of the nations”, “Angelic liturgy”, “Melchizedek traditions”, “Temple, Jewish” in S.E. Porter, C.A. Evans, Dictionary of New Testament background : A compendium of contemporary biblical scholarship (electronic ed.). Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 2000. Introduction, Background and Methods CommentariesHurst, David, The Epistle to the Hebrews: Its Background of Thought. Society for New Testament Studies Monograph Series 65. 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The Epistle to the Hebrews : a commentary on the Greek text. Grand Rapids, Mich: W.B. Eerdmans, [1993]. Westcott, Brooke Foss. The Epistle to the Hebrews : the Greek text with notes and essays. [2nd ed.]. Grand Rapids, Mich: W. B. Eerdmans, [1980]. Exegetical CommentariesJohnson, Alan F. The Expositor's Bible commentary : with the New International version of the Holy Bible, Hebrews-- Revelation. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan Pub. House, [1981]. Moffatt, James. A critical and exegetical commentary on the Epistle to the Hebrews. Edinburgh: T. & T. Clark, [1979]. Newell, William Reed. Hebrews, verse by verse. Chicago: Moody, [1947].Bruce, F. F. The Epistle to the Hebrews : the English text with introduction, exposition, and notes. Grand Rapids: W.B. Eerdmans Pub. Co, [1964, 1990]. Greenlee, J. Harold. An exegetical summary of Hebrews. Dallas: SIL, [1998].Guthrie, George H. The structure of Hebrews : A text-linguistic analysis. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker, [1998]. Guthrie, Donald. The letter to the Hebrews : an introduction and commentary. Grand Rapids, MI: Wm. B. Eerdmans, [1988]. Farrar, Frederic William. The epistle of Paul the apostle to the Hebrews: with notes and introduction. Cambridge, [Eng.]: University Press, [1894]. Witherington, Ben. Letters and homilies for Jewish Christians : a socio-rhetorical commentary on Hebrews, James and Jude. Downers Grove, Ill: IVP Academic, [2007]. Anderson, Robert. Types in Hebrews. Grand Rapids, MI: Kregel, [1978].Cleon L. Rogers Jr. (Author), Cleon L. Rogers III (Author), New Linguistic and Exegetical Key to the Greek New Testament, The [Hardcover]Cleon L. Rogers; Fritz Rienecker; The New Linguistic and Exegetical Key to the Greek New Testament, Zondervan, 1998. ................

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