CSEC2017 Workforce Exemplar Template

CSEC2017 Workforce Exemplar TemplateThe CSEC 2017 Body of Knowledge affords the flexibility to support preparation for many different work roles (or positions) within the cybersecurity workforce. The workforce exemplars will demonstrate how the work role requirements align with knowledge area essentials and some subset of the knowledge units. The exemplars will be provided to show a variety of ways that employers may use the Body of Knowledge to characterize the needs of individual work roles within the cybersecurity workforce. (Note: Please remove the italicized instructions in your responses.) To Do: Please provide the following information Contact Name:Email Address:Company Name:Location (country): [Primary location(s) of the position.]Position Title:Position DescriptionTo Do: Provide a description of the position and position requirements (e.g. degree, certifications, experience, KSA).Permanent URL where additional materials and information are availableKnowledge Areas Summary To Do: List Knowledge Area(s) and the learning outcomes associated with the position. Note: It might be easier to complete this table last.Knowledge AreaLearning Outcomes (e.g.) System Security CSEC2017 Body of Knowledge Coverage To Do: List the topics and learning outcomes for the Essentials and Knowledge Units required for this position. The workforce exemplar table is located on the fourth tab in the KnowledgeUnitTable_Template.xls file. See screenshot of the table below. Note: This section will likely be the most time-consuming to complete, but is the most valuable for educators planning to adopt the CSEC2017 guidelines.Screenshot of Workforce Knowledge Unit Coverage TableAdditional TopicsTo Do: List topics, knowledge, skills, abilities, and/or competencies required for this position but not included in the CSEC2017 Body of Knowledge.Other CommentsTo Do: Provide any additional information. [Optional] ................

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