
Name: ______________________________ Date: _____________________

Period #: __________

Life Science NJ Ask Review

Human Body:

1. Which of the following best demonstrates the relationship between the respiratory and the circulatory systems?

A. The lungs provide energy to the blood.

B. The lungs provide water to the blood.

C. The lungs provide carbon dioxide to the blood.

D. The lungs provide oxygen to the blood.

2. The esophagus, stomach and intestines function together as components of which of the following?

A. System

B. Web

C. Tissue

D. Organ

3. In humans, which two organ systems work to break down food and deliver nutrients to the body cells?

A. Respiratory and nervous

B. Digestive and circulatory

C. Nervous and digestive

D. Respiratory and circulatory

4. Which of the following represents the body structures from least to most complex?

A. Cell, tissue, organ, organ system

B. Tissue, organ, cell, organ system

C. Organ system, organ, tissue, cell

D. Cell, organ system, tissue, organ

5. A group of bone cells working together represents which of the following components?

A. Cell

B. Tissue

C. Organ System

D. Organ

6. When jogging and breathing heavy, what would you be breathing out of and why?

A. Nose because it slows down the air coming in.

B. Mouth because it slows down the air coming in.

C. Nose because it speeds up the air coming in.

D. Mouth because it speeds up the air coming in.

7. Which of the following demonstrates the relationship between the nervous, skeletal and muscular system?

A. The nerves tell the bones to push the muscles.

B. The nerves tell the muscles to push the bones.

C. The nerves tell the muscles to pull the bones.

D. The nerves tell the bones to pull the muscles.

8. Trace the path of food through the digestive system.

A. Mouth, Esophagus, Large Intestine, Small Intestine, Stomach, Rectum

B. Mouth, Esophagus, Stomach, Large Intestine, Small Intestine, Rectum

C. Mouth, Esophagus, Rectum, Large Intestine, Small Intestine, Stomach

D. Mouth, Esophagus, Stomach, Small Intestine, Large Intestine, Rectum

9. How are chemical and mechanical digestion both responsible in the mouth?

A. Teeth break down food chemically and saliva breaks down food mechanically.

B. Saliva has enzymes to break down food mechanically but chemical doesn’t occur.

C. Teeth break down food mechanically but chemical digestion doesn’t occur.

D. Teeth break down food mechanically and saliva breaks down food chemically.

10. Explain how food gets down the esophagus.

A. Food just slides down easily with the help of saliva.

B. Food is pushed down with the muscles in the esophagus contract.

C. Food doesn’t go down the esophagus.

D. Food is pushed down the muscles in the esophagus contract and saliva helps.

11. How does blood get around the body?

A. Veins take blood away from the heart and Arteries bring blood back.

B. Veins take blood back to the heart and Arteries take blood away from the heart.

C. Veins take blood away from the heart and Capillaries bring blood back to the heart.

D. Veins take blood back to the heart and Capillaries take blood away from the heart.

12. What is the circulatory system responsible for?

A. Bringing nutrients and carbon dioxide around the body and removing oxygen.

B. Bringing nutrients and oxygen around the body and removing carbon dioxide.

C. Bringing carbon dioxide and oxygen around the body and removing nutrients.

D. Bringing oxygen, nutrients and carbon dioxide around the body.

Use the graph to answer the following: (13-16)


13. Which statement best represents the relationship between area and velocity.

A. As the area increases, the velocity decreases.

B. There is no relationship between area and velocity.

C. As the area increases, the velocity increases.

D. As the area decreases, the velocity decreases.

14. Which blood vessel has the highest blood pressure?

A. Arteries

B. Capillaries

C. Veins

D. Arterioles

15. In which blood vessel does blood speed slow down?

A. Capillaries

B. Veins

C. Venules

D. Arterioles

16. Using the graph, which statement is true.

A. Blood pressure and velocity are highest in veins

B. Area and velocity are highest in capillaries

C. Blood pressure and area are highest in arteries

D. Blood pressure and velocity are highest in arteries.

17. Explain why your heartbeat speeds up as you exercise.

A. Your body cells need more carbon dioxide which is carried in the blood.

B. Your body cells need more nutrients which are carried in the blood.

C. Your body cells need more oxygen which is carried in the blood.

D. Your body is tired so your heart speeds up.

18. What are the five functions of your skeletal system?

A. Support, produce blood cells, store fat, movement, size

B. Produce fat cells, store blood, support, movement, size

C. Support, produce blood cells, store fat, movement, protection

D. Produce fat cells, store blood, support, movement, protection

19. Why does our backbone have 33 bones?

A. It enables us to bend and twist.

B. It saves energy.

C. They each store different things.

D. They each produce a different type of cell.

20. What type of muscle are your heart and stomach made of and why?

A. Voluntary because we want our brain to have control over these organs.

B. Involuntary because we want them to work automatically.

C. Voluntary because we want them to work automatically.

D. Involuntary because we want our brain to have control over these organs.

Read the passage and answer the questions below : (21-23)

Making sure that your body maintains homeostasis is not an easy task. The task is difficult because your internal environment is always changing. Your body must do many different jobs to maintain homeostasis. Each cell in your body has a specific job in maintaining homeostasis. Your cells are organized into groups. A group of similar cells working together forms a tissue. Your body has four main kinds of tissue – epithelial tissue, connective tissue, muscle tissue, and nervous tissue. These tissues work together to form organs, which help maintain homeostasis.

21. Based on the passage, which of the following statements is true about tissues?

A. Tissues do no help maintain homeostasis.

B. Tissues form organ systems.

C. Tissues are changing because the body’s internal environment is always changing.

D. Tissues are working to help your body maintain homeostasis.

22. According to the passage, which of the following statements about homeostasis is true?

A. It is easy for the body to maintain homeostasis.

B. The body must do different jobs to maintain homeostasis.

C. Your internal environment rarely changes.

D. Organs and organ systems do not help maintain homeostasis.

23. Which of the following statements about cells is false?

A. Cells are organized into different groups.

B. Cells form tissues.

C. Cells work together.

D. Cells don’t maintain homeostasis.

Use the graph to answer the questions below: (24-27)

Change in Heart Rate over Time

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

0 1 2 3 4 5

24. What is the most likely explanation for the change seen after the two minute mark?

A. The person started exercising.

B. The person fell asleep.

C. The person inhaled.

D. The person sat down.

25. How much faster is the heart beating during minute 5 than during minute 2?

A. 10 beats per minute more

B. 15 beats per minute more

C. 20 beats per minute more

D. 26 beats per minute more

26. About how many minutes did it take for this person’s heart rate to go from 65 beats per minute to 75 beats per minute?

A. .5 minutes

B. 1 minute

C. 1.7 minutes

D. 4 minutes

27. After how many minutes does this person’s heart rate return to its resting rate?

A. 1 minute

B. 2 minutes

C. 5 minutes

D. There is not enough information to answer that question.

Reading the passage, answer the questions below : (28-30)

Three major types of nutrients – carbohydrates, proteins and fats – make up most of the food you eat. Chemical substances called enzymes break these nutrients into smaller particles for the body to use. For example, proteins, which are chains of smaller molecules called amino acids, are too large to be absorbed into the bloodstream. So, enzymes cut the chain of amino acids. These amino acids are small enough to pass into the bloodstream to be used by the body.

28. According to the passage, what is a carbohydrate?

A. An enzyme

B. A substance made of amino acids.

C. A nutrient.

D. The only substance in a healthy diet.

29. Which of the following statements is a fact from the passage?

A. Carbohydrates, fats, and proteins are three major types of nutrients.

B. Proteins are made of fats and carbohydrates.

C. Some enzymes create chains of proteins.

D. Fats are difficult to digest.

30. Which of the following can be inferred from the passage?

A. To be useful to the body, nutrients must be small enough to enter the bloodstream.

B. Carbohydrates are made of amino acids.

C. Amino acids are made of proteins

D. Without enough protein, the body cannot grow.

31. Which of these shows the correct path of air through the human respiratory system?

A. Nose, Trachea, Esophagus, Bronchi, Alveoli

B. Nose, Alveoli, Trachea, Bronchi

C. Nose, Trachea, Esophagus, Alveoli, Bronchi

D. Nose, Trachea, Bronchi, Alveoli

32. Why is the bicep classified as a skeletal muscle?

A. It is attached to the bones and is used to move them.

B. It reacts and tires slowly.

C. Its contractions are involuntary.

D. It is found in internal organs.

33. Why are both biceps and triceps needed in your arms?

A. Muscles can only push so both are needed to work the arm.

B. Muscles can only pull so both are needed to work the arm.

C. Both are not needed but are present.

D. The bicep pulls the arm and the tricep pushes the arm.

34. Which of these organ systems functions to continue the species?

A. Respiratory

B. Reproductive

C. Nervous

D. Digestive

35. In which two organs does the digestion of food primarily take place?

A. Stomach and small intestine

B. Liver and kidneys

C. Large intestine and kidneys

D. Liver and small intestine

36. When a person touches a hot stove, what carries the message from the fingertips to the brain?

A. Veins

B. Glands

C. Nerves

D. Skin Cells

37. Traits are transferred from parent to offspring through

A. The sperm and egg

B. Blood

C. Food

D. Organs

38. Which two human body organs work together to make sure oxygen is transported to other areas of the body?

A. Heart and lungs

B. Stomach and heart

C. Heart and stomach

D. Lungs and stomach

Respond fully to the open-ended question that follows. Clearly explain your answer. You may use words, tables, diagrams, or drawings.

39. Each day you walk, run, play and move around. Explain how two systems in your body work together to help your body move. Be as detailed as possible.

Name: ______________________________ Date: _____________________

Period #: __________

Life Science NJ Ask Review


40. Which of the following characteristics do bacterial cells have in common with plant cells?

A. Both have chloroplasts

B. Both have cell walls

C. Both are prokaryotes

D. Both have mitochondria

41. Which of the following is not found in bacteria?

A. Hereditary material

B. Cell membrane

C. Cytoplasm

D. Nucleus

42. When a plant’s vacuole is empty, what will the plant be like?

A. Healthy

B. Wilted

C. Brown

D. Green

43. The function of the cell’s nucleus is to:

A. Stores food, water, and waste.

B. Provide energy for the cell.

C. Control the activities of the cell.

D. Helps the cell expel waste.

44. The genetic information in a cell is carried in the

A. Mitochondria

B. Chromosomes

C. Vacuoles

D. Chloroplast

45. What are the basic structural units of living things?

A. Organs

B. Tissues

C. Blood

D. Cells

46. A student examines an unlabeled slide with a microscope. Right away she knows that the specimen is of plant cells. What could she have observed to lead to this conclusion?

A. Cell wall and chloroplasts

B. Cell membrane and chloroplasts

C. Nucleus and cytoplasm

D. Cell wall and cytoplasm

47. Why do nerve cells have more mitochondria than skin cells?

A. Nerve cells use more energy.

B. Nerve cells divide more frequently.

C. Nerve cells are larger.

D. Nerve cells store more water in them.

48. Why do animal cells have smaller vacuoles than plant cells?

A. Plants need to store the food they make.

B. Plants need to store the water because it doesn’t rain often.

C. Plants need to store fat for energy.

D. Plants need to store waste until they can release it.

49. The offspring of sexual reproduction have

A. Genes that are identical to one of their parents.

B. Genes that are completely different from their parents.

C. Half of their genes from each parent.

D. No genes at all.

50. What cell has the function of carrying oxygen to all parts of the human body?

A. Nerve cell

B. Red blood cell

C. White blood cell

D. Muscle cell

51. Which cell part allows nutrients and other materials to enter and exit the cell?

A. Nucleus

B. Cell membrane

C. Cytoplasm

D. Vacuole

Reading the passage below, answer the questions (52-55)

Organisms make other organisms similar to themselves. They do so in one of two ways: by sexual reproduction or by asexual reproduction. In sexual reproduction, two parents produce offspring that will share characteristics of both parents. Most animals and plant reproduce in this way. In asexual reproduction, a single parent produces offspring that are identical to the parent. Most single-celled organisms reproduce in this way.

52. In the passage, what does the term asexual reproduction mean?

A. A single parent produces offspring.

B. Two parents make identical offspring.

C. Plants make offspring.

D. Animals make offspring.

53. What is characteristic of offspring produced by sexual reproduction?

A. They are identical to both parents.

B. They share the traits of both parents.

C. They are identical to one parent.

D. They are identical to each other.

54. What is characteristic of offspring produced by asexual reproduction?

A. They are identical to both parents.

B. They share the traits of both parents.

C. They are identical to one parent.

D. They are usually plants

55. What is the difference between sexual and asexual reproduction?

A. The number of offspring produced.

B. The number of parents needed to produce offspring.

C. The number of traits produced.

D. The number of offspring that survive.

Use the pictures below to answer the questions below (56-59).


[pic] [pic]


56. What is the name and function of the organelle labeled A in Cell 1?

A. Endoplasmic Reticulum, pathway for proteins in the cell

B. Mitochondria, produces the cells energy

C. Vacuole, pathway for proteins in the cell

D. Nucleus, produces the cells energy

57. What type of cell is Cell 1?

A. A bacterial cell

B. A plant cell

C. An animal cell

D. A prokaryotic cell

58. What is the name and function of the organelle labeled B in Cell 2?

A. The organelle is the vacuole, and it stores water and other materials.

B. The organelle is the nucleus and it contains the cell’s DNA.

C. The organelle is the cell wall, and it gives shape to the cell.

D. The organelle is a ribosome, where proteins are put together.

59. What type of cell is Cell 2? How do you know?

A. Prokaryotic, because it doesn’t have a nucleus

B. Eukaryotic, because it does not have a nucleus

C. Prokaryotic, because it has a nucleus

D. Eukaryotic, because it have a nucleus

60. Why do red blood cells not need a nucleus?

A. They don’t need to reproduce on their own because the bone marrow makes them

B. They don’t need DNA

C. They reproduce sexually

D. None of the above

61. Which organelles do animal and plant cells NOT have in common.

A. Cytoplasm and Endoplasmic Reticulum

B. Chloroplasts and Cytoplasm

C. Cell Wall and Chloroplasts

D. Chloroplasts and Endoplasmic Reticulum

62. In a very old city, the drawbridge was guarded by a gatekeeper, which allowed certain things in and out. Which cell organelle has a similar function?

A. Cell wall

B. Chloroplasts

C. Ribosomes

D. Cell membrane

63. What is the most abundant substance in cells?

A. Water

B. Chlorophyll

C. Carbon Dioxide


64. The genetic information in a cell is carried in the

A. Mitochondria

B. Chromosomes

C. Vacuoles

D. Chloroplasts

Name: ______________________________ Date: _____________________

Period #: __________

Life Science NJ Ask Review

Photosynthesis and Respiration:

65. What is needed for the process of photosynthesis?

A. Darkness, Soil

B. Darkness, Oxygen, and Glucose

C. Light, Carbon dioxide, and Water

D. Light, Amino Acids, and Water

66. What is needed for the process of respiration?

A. Carbon Dioxide and Glucose

B. Oxygen and Glucose

C. Carbon Dioxide and Water

D. Oxygen and Water

67. How are respiration and photosynthesis related?

A. They require the same products and materials.

B. They both need energy to make food.

C. They are opposite process, one’s products is the other’s materials.

D. They both use food to produce energy

68. Which one of the following is an autotroph?

A. Rabbit

B. Fungi

C. Bacteria

D. Plant

69. Which cell part is responsible for the process of photosynthesis?

A. Chloroplasts, They use light to make food

B. Mitochondria, They make the energy to make food

C. Vacuoles, They absorb light and water

D. Ribosomes, They make the protein the plant needs

70. In an open field, a group of students studied the stump of a tree that had just been cut down. They noticed that some of the growth rings on the stump were small and close together. Others were larger and spread further apart. What is the most probably reason for this?

A. The amount of rain that fell in a particular year led to more or less growth that year.

B. Crowding from other trees led to less growth some years.

C. The lack of oxygen in the air led to smaller growth rings.

D. Ring patterns are random and not explainable.

71. What is produced during photosynthesis means?

A. Carbon dioxide and water

B. Light energy

C. Carbon dioxide and glucose

D. Glucose and oxygen

72. Why are the words “light energy” written above the arrow in the photosynthesis equation?

A. Light energy is necessary for the reaction to occur.

B. Light energy is produced during the reaction.

C. Oxygen exits only in the presence of light.

D. Glucose exits only in the presence of light.

73. The sugar glucose (C6H12O6) is the major source of energy for your body’s cells. Which equation best describes the process of respiration?

A. C6H12O6 + H2O + energy ( CO2 + O2

B. CO2 + H2O + energy ( C6H12O6 + O2

C. C6H12O6 + O2 ( CO2 + H2O + energy

D. CO2 + H2O ( C6H12O6 + O2 + energy

The table below shows approximate amounts of gases inhaled and exhaled by humans. Use the table to answer questions 74 + 75.


Gas Inhaled Air Exhaled Air

Nitrogen 78% 78%

Oxygen 21% 16%

Carbon Dioxide .03% 4%

74. What conclusion can you draw from this data?

A. Inhaled air contains less oxygen and more carbon dioxide than exhaled air.

B. Inhaled air contains more oxygen and less carbon dioxide than exhaled air.

C. Inhaled air contains more oxygen and more carbon dioxide than exhaled air.

D. Inhaled air contains the same amount of nitrogen and carbon dioxide as exhaled air.

75. Suppose that a person inhales pure oxygen (100 percent ). What percentage of the air exhaled by this person is oxygen?

A. 100%

B. Greater than 16%, but less than 100%

C. 16%

D. Less than 16%

76. What happens during the process of photosynthesis?

A. Cells use energy in sunlight to make food.

B. Cells break down simple food molecules and release the energy they contain.

C. Cells release energy from sugar molecules without using oxygen.

D. Cells grow and divide.

77. Which process creates energy from organisms by breaking down sugar?

A. Respiration

B. Photosynthesis

C. Evaporation

D. Oxidation

78. Which of the following organisms in a pond ecosystem makes its own food through photosynthesis?

A. Frogs

B. Minnows

C. Water lily

D. Toads

Respond fully to the open-ended question that follows. Clearly explain your answer. You may use words, tables, diagrams, or drawings.

79. Explain how photosynthesis and respiration are related? Why are both processes important to our life and the environment?

Name: ______________________________ Date: _____________________

Period #: __________

Life Science NJ Ask Review


80. Cynthia’s daughter Evelyn has blue eyes, dimples and a scar above her left eye. Which of the characteristics are inherited from her parents?

A. Blue eyes

B. Blue eyes and dimples

C. Dimples and scar

D. All of the characteristics

81. Some animals, like sponges, can reproduce both sexually and asexually. How can you test whether a particular sponge organism is the product of sexual or asexual reproduction?

A. Determine whether its genes are identical to the genes of its parent.

B. Determine if its traits are beneficial for survival.

C. Determine if its traits are not beneficial for survival.

D. Determine whether it has acquired characteristics.

82. The body cell of a butterfly contains 24 chromosomes. How many chromosomes are found in the egg cell of a female butterfly?

A. 24

B. 12

C. 20

D. 48

83. t t

T Tt Tt

t tt tt

In pea plants, tall (T) is dominant over short (t). This Punnett square shows a cross between a purebred short plant and a hybrid tall plant. What percentage of the offspring will be tall?

A. 25%

B. 50%

C. 75%

D. 100%

84. What type of characteristics can be inherited?

A. Characteristics that result from exposure to the environment.

B. Characteristics that are a result of diet and exercise.

C. Characteristics controlled by genes.

D. Characteristics produced by accident.

85. A child can inherit traits:

A. Only from his mother

B. Only from his father

C. From either his mother or father, but not from both.

D. From both his mother and father.

86. In guinea pigs, the gene for black fur (B) is dominant, while the gene for brown fur (b) is recessive. A male and a female guinea pig, both having black fur, produce an offspring with brown fur. Which most likely describes the genetic makeup of the guinea pig parents?

A. Both parents are purebred.

B. Both parents are hybrids.

C. The female parent is a purebred, and the male parent is a hybrid.

D. The male parent is a purebred, and the female parent is a hybrid.

87. How do sex cells form with half the number of chromosomes as body cells?

A. Pairs of chromosomes join to become single chromosomes in sex cells.

B. The number of chromosomes is reduced by half during meiosis.

C. Half the chromosomes are unused in sex cells.

D. Single chromosomes are split in two as cells divide into sex cells.

88. Which of the following characteristics is an acquired trait?

A. Pierced ears

B. Brown eyes

C. Widow’s peak

D. Height

Use the information given below to answer questions 89-92.

A dog breeder has begun to raise Labrador retrievers. So far, she hasn’t been able to predict the color of the puppies that she breeds. She does not know that dark fur (D) is dominant over yellow fur (d). When the breeder crossed a yellow female Lab with a male Lab with dark fur, she expected half of the puppies to be yellow and half to be dark. However, in a litter of 8 puppies, all had dark fur. The breeder next crossed the same yellow female with a different dark male. This time, half of the puppies were yellow and half were dark.

89. Which letters represent the genotype of the first male?

A. Dd


C. dD

D. dd

90. Which letters represent the genotype of the second male?

A. Dd



D. dd

91. How can the woman breed a litter of all yellow puppies?

A. By making sure that either the mother or the father is yellow

B. By making sure that both the mother and the father are yellow

C. By making sure that at least one of the grandparents is yellow

D. She cannot breed a yellow litter since yellow fur is recessive.

92. The breeder is going to cross two dark Labs. One is homozygous and the other is heterozygous. Predict what percentage of the puppies will be yellow.

A. 0

B. 25

C. 50

D. 75

Use the information and the chart below to answer questions 93-94.

Blood type is determined by a single gene with three alleles. This chart show which combinations of alleles result in each blood type. A baby has blood type AB.


Blood Type Combination of Alleles




O ii

93. What can you infer about the baby’s parents?

A. Neither has type AB blood

B. Both have type AB blood

C. One has type A blood and the other has type B blood

D. Neither has type O blood

94. Why does the baby have only two alleles if the inheritance of blood type is controlled by three alleles?

A. Each of two chromosomes carries only one allele

B. Each chromosomes can carry only two alleles

C. She has three alleles, but one is recessive.

D. Each of her parents has only one allele.

Use the diagram below to answer questions 95-96.


95. Which diagram shows the reproduction of an identical twin and why?

A. Diagram A, It shows 1 egg splitting into two babies.

B. Diagram B, It shows 1 egg splitting into two babies

C. Diagram A, it shows 2 eggs forming two babies.

D. Diagram B, it shows 2 eggs forming two babies.

96. Which of the following statements is true about identical twins?

A. Identical twins have the same DNA and can have different sexes

B. Identical twins have different DNA and can have different sexes

C. Identical twins have the same DNA and the same sex

D. Identical twins have different DNA and have the same sex

Reading the passage below, answer the questions (97-99)

The different versions of a gene are called alleles. When two different alleles occur together, one is often expressed while the other has no obvious effect on the organism’s appearance. The expressed form of the trait is dominant. The trait that was not expressed when the dominant form of the trait was present is called recessive. Imagine a plant that has both purple and white alleles for flower color. If the plant blooms purple, then purple is the dominant form of the trait. Therefore, white is the recessive form.

97. According to the passage, which of the following statements is true?

A. All alleles are expressed all of the time.

B. All traits for flower color are dominant.

C. When two alleles are present, the expressed form of the trait is dominant.

D. A recessive form of a trait is always expressed.

98. According to the passage, a trait that is not expressed when the dominant form is present is called:

A. Recessive

B. An allele

C. Heredity

D. A gene

99. According to the passage, which allele for flower color is dominant?

A. White

B. Pink

C. Purple

D. Yellow

Use the diagram below to answer the questions 100-102.

The Punnett square below shows a cross between two flowering plants. Use this Punnett square to answer the questions that follow.

R r



r Rr

100. What is the genotype of the offspring represented in the upper left-hand box of the Punnett square?


B. Rr

C. Rr

D. rr

101. What is the genotype of the offspring represented in the lower right-hand box of the Punnett square?


B. Rr

C. Rr

D. rr

102. What is the ratio of Rr or RR (purple flowered plants) to rr (white flowered plants) in the offspring?

A. 1:3

B. 2:2

C. 3:1

D. 4:0

Respond fully to the open-ended question that follows. Clearly explain your answer. You may use words, tables, diagrams, or drawings.

103. Dimples in humans is an inherited trait. How is it possible for a male and a female who both have dimples since birth to produce a child with no dimples? (Dimples is a dominant trait, and NO dimples is a recessive trait.) Use a punnett square to illustrate your explanation.

104. A person possesses the following characteristics: brown eyes; blonde, curly hair; pierced ears; and a scar on the leg. Which of these traits could possibly be passed on in the genes to future generations and why? Which traits would not be passed on and why?

Name: ______________________________ Date: _____________________

Period #: __________

Life Science NJ Ask Review

Natural Selection

105. A particular environment is becoming warmer over time. A rabbit with which of the following traits would best be able to survive and reproduce in this environment?

A. Longer ears

B. Larger ears

C. Dark-colored, thick fur

D. Light-colored, thin fur

106. The dodo is an extinct bird that once inhabited an island in the Indian Ocean. Which of the following could be a cause for the extinction of the dodo birds?

A. An increase in food supply

B. An increase in predators

C. An increase in nesting locations

D. A stable climate

107. A green insect lives on a tree among many leaves. How does the insect’s green color help it survive?

A. It helps the insect locate its mate

B. It allows the insect to make its own food through photosynthesis

C. It keeps the insect warm

D. It makes the insect hard to see when it sits among leaves.

108. Sand-dune habitats in New Jersey have a variety of low-growing trees and shrubs, such as red cedar, American holly, and shadbush. Inland, these grow into trees. Which of these sets of factors is most important in stunting the growth of plants in the sand dune habitat?

A. Dry air and too little sunlight

B. Poor soil and ocean winds

C. Deer that eat the plants

D. High tides and too much rain

109. Imagine that there is a species of finch living on a distant island. It eats seeds. The finches have beaks that range from light to heavy. The birds with light beaks eat seeds with thin, soft shells. The birds with heavier beaks can crack and eat seeds with thicker, harder shells. Then the climate changes. A series of drought years kills off many of the plants whose seeds have thin, soft shells. The plants with hard, thick shells survive better.

What will happen to the finches?

A. They will die out, since there is not enough food for them.

B. They will be more finches with thin bills and fewer with thick bills.

C. There will be more finches with thick bills and fewer with thin bills.

D. The proportions of thick and thin-billed finches will stay roughly the same.

110. A scientist planted two morning glory vines. He put a stake near the first vine. The first vine grew upward, coiling around the stake, while the second vine grew low to the ground. Why did only the first vine grow upward?

A. It responded positively to the stimulus of touching the stake.

B. It responded more strongly to light than the second vine.

C. It responded less strongly to gravity than the second vine.

D. It responded negatively to the stimulus of touching the ground.

111. After the Industrial Revolution in England, the number of light and dark-colored peppered moths in the population changed. Which color of moths became more common and why?

A. Light-colored moths, because they blended in with soot colored trees

B. Light-colored moths, because they blended in with the light given off industrial processes.

C. Dark-colored moths, because gardeners sprayed chemicals to kill light-colored moths

D. Dark-colored moths, because they blended in with soot colored trees

112. The Albert squirrel and the Kaibib squirrel of the American Southwest were once the same species of squirrel. When the Grand Canyon formed they evolved into different species. What was responsible for the evolution of different traits?

A. Competition

B. Continental drift

C. Geographic isolation

D. Overproduction

113. Compare the bones in a human arm with those of the flippers of a dolphin. What is the significance of the bones shown?


A. They are different, which means these species evolved in isolation.

B. They are similar, which means these species have adapted to similar environments.

C. They are homologous, which means they evolved from a common ancestor.

D. They are unrelated, which means these species have nothing in common.

Respond fully to the open-ended questions that follow. Clearly explain your answer. You may use words, tables, diagrams, or drawings.

114. Lizards are adapted to live in the desert habitat. Name and describe three adaptations that help lizards survive in the desert.

115. The Arctic has a very cold, harsh environment. Polar bears live there in the coldest winter. The hairs of the polar bear are actually semi-transparent. They look white only because they reflect some of the sun’s light, just as snow does. The rest of the sun’s rays can pass right through them. Underneath the hair, the skin of the polar bear is actually black. Explain why this would help the polar bear survive in the Arctic.

Name: ______________________________ Date: _____________________

Period #: __________

Life Science NJ Ask Review


116. Animals that eat plants are called

A. Carnivores

B. Decomposers

C. Herbivores

D. Producers

117. When plants and animals die, what happens to the nutrients and chemical energy stored within the plant and animal matter?

A. They are returned to the environment by decomposers.

B. They disappear when the organism dies.

C. They are absorbed into the atmosphere.

D. They are transferred to another ecosystem.

118. Which of the following is an example of a population?

A. Mice and rats living in an alley

B. Ants in a colony

C. Trees, shrubs, and grasses in a field

D. Cat living in a house with a family

119. The organisms that interact in a local park include birds, insects, trees, spiders, grass, and squirrels. Taken together, the organisms compose

A. A population

B. A community

C. A species

D. A kingdom

120. Animals that consume other animals are called

A. Carnivores

B. Decomposers

C. Herbivores

D. Producers

121. An owl hunting a rodent is an example of which kind of relationship?

A. Parasite/Host

B. Consumer/Producer

C. Predator/Prey

D. Consumer/Decomposer

122. Which of these demonstrates predation?

A. A flea living off a dog

B. A cow eating grass

C. A fox hunting a rabbit

D. A tick biting a human

123. Put the following stages of succession in their proper sequence.

I. Grasses

II. Pine trees

III. Scrub growth

IV. Lichen/moss





124. Which sequence shows the correct order in a food chain?

A. Producers ( Carnivores ( Herbivores

B. Carnivores ( Producers ( Herbivores

C. Producer ( Herbivores ( Carnivores

D. Herbivores ( Carnivores ( Producers

125. Which biome contains the most diversity of life?

A. Desert

B. Tropical rainforest

C. Tundra

D. Grassland

126. How are humans classified in our ecosystems?

A. Producers

B. Consumers

C. Decomposers

D. Parasites

127. How many legs do all insects have?

A. 2

B. 4

C. 6

D. 8

128. The role an organism plays in an ecosystem is called a

A. Niche

B. Habitat

C. Food Web

D. Population

129. What would happen to this food chain if humans sprayed insecticide?

Grass ( Grasshopper ( Frog ( Snake

A. The number of snakes would increase

B. The number of grasshoppers would increase

C. The number of frogs would decrease

D. The grass would stop growing

130. The first organism in a food chain must be a

A. Producer

B. Herbivore

C. Decomposer

D. Consumer

131. Which sequence shows the ecological levels from simplest to most complex?

A. Population, Community, Ecosystem

B. Ecosystem, Population, Community

C. Organism, Ecosystem, Population

D. Population, Ecosystem, Organism

132. A class took a field trip to a pond and collected water samples. Using a microscope, students observed green algae in the pond water. What is the role of green algae in the pond ecosystem?

A. Producer

B. Primary Consumer

C. Secondary Consumer

D. Decomposer

133. In a forest ecosystem, which of the organisms below break down dead plants and animals?

A. Oak trees

B. Owls

C. Squirrels

D. Bacteria

134. A mosquito biting a person is an example of which type of relationship?

A. Parasite/Host

B. Consumer/Producer

C. Predator/Prey

D. Consumer/Decomposer

135. What is the relationship between the algae and minnows?

Algae ( Minnow ( Bass ( Human

A. Producer ( Consumer

B. Consumer ( Producer

C. Consumer ( Decomposer

D. Producer ( Decomposer

136. What process is the foundation for all food webs?

A. Photosynthesis

B. Precipitation

C. Transpiration

D. Evaporation

137. Which of these could cause a decrease in an insect population?

A. An increase in the spider population

B. An increase in the food supply

C. An increase in available habitats

D. A decrease in competition with other insect populations for food

138. Ticks feed on the blood of deer. In this relationship a tick is a

A. Competition

B. Parasite

C. Host

D. Prey

139. Which of the following organisms in a forest ecosystem breaks down plants and animals?

A. Maple tree

B. Fox

C. Bacteria

D. Grasshopper

Use the chart below to answer question # 140


Marsupial Food Source

Koala Eucalyptus leaves

Kangaroo A variety of grasses and roots

Wombat Grasses, tree bark, shrub roots

Bandicoot Insects, earthworms, seeds

140. Which of the marsupials in the table would be most likely to go extinct if one of its food sources became depleted?

A. Koala

B. Kangaroo

C. Wombat

D. Bandicoot

141. Which group of organisms would be found in a tropical rainforest?

A. Cow, Grasses, Insects, Mice

B. Pine trees, Moose, Skunks, Owls

C. Polar bears, Moose, Lichen, Moss

D. Palm trees, orchids, Monkeys, Snakes

142. Which statement below best describes a relationship shown in the food chain?

Grass ( Zebra ( Lion

A. The lion is the prey of the zebra

B. The zebra is the prey of the grass

C. The zebra is the predator of the lion

D. The lion is the predator of the zebra

143. When plants and animals die, what happens to the nutrients and chemical energy stored within the plants and animal matter?

A. They are returned to the environment by decomposers.

B. They disappear when the organisms die.

C. They are absorbed into the atmosphere.

D. They are transferred to another ecosystem.

144. Organisms that absorb nutrients from decaying plants and animals are called

A. Producers

B. Consumers

C. Carnivores

D. Decomposers

145. Green algae can be observed in pond water. What is the role of this organism in the pond ecosystem?

A. Producer

B. Primary consumer

C. Herbivore

D. Decomposer

146. How are humans classified in our ecosystems?

A. Producers

B. Consumers

C. Decomposers

D. Parasites

Using the food web below, answer questions 147-151.


147. Which of the organisms in this food web is a primary consumer?

A. Tree

B. Rabbit

C. Wild Cat

D. Lion

148. In the above food web, where does all the energy for the food web come from?

A. Tree

B. Rabbit

C. Wild Cat

D. Lion

149. Which of the following organisms is a carnivore?

A. Mouse

B. Tree

C. Goat

D. Jackal

150. Which of the following organisms is an herbivore?

A. Mouse

B. Tree

C. Snake

D. Jackal

151. The removal of one member of this food web would eventually cause the death of this entire ecosystem. Which member is this?

A. Snake

B. Mouse

C. Tree

D. Lion

152. Tapeworms can live in the intestines of dogs and absorb nutrients from the food that the dog consumes. The dog can eventually get health problems because of the tapeworm. What relationship exists between the tapeworm and dog?

A. Parasitism

B. Commensalism

C. Mutualism

D. Predation

153. Which of these demonstrates predation?

A. A flea living off a dog

B. A cow eating grass

C. An owl hunting a mouse

D. A mosquito biting a human

154. Which of the following is an example of a decomposer at work?

A. A mushroom growing on a log

B. A hawk preying on a mouse

C. A caterpillar eating a leaf

D. An orchid growing in a rainforest

155. In an aquarium ecosystem, which of the following is an abiotic factor?

A. Water

B. Algae

C. Fish

D. Snail

Read the passage and answer the questions below : (156-158)

Two or more individuals trying to use the same resource, such as food, water, shelter, space, or sunlight is called competition. Because resources are in limited supply in the environment, the use of them by one individual or population decreases the amount available to other organisms. Competition also occurs between individuals within a population. The elk in Yellowstone National Park are herbivores that compete with each other for the same food plants in the park.

156. According to the passage, competition occurs between which of the following?

A. Individuals trying to use the same resources

B. Elk and Carnivores

C. Food and Shelter

D. Individuals trying to use different resources

157. According to the passage, food, water, shelter, space and sunlight are examples of

A. Populations

B. Things found in Yellowstone National Park

C. Competition

D. Resources

158. Based on the passage, which of the following statements is a fact?

A. Competition occurs only between individuals of different populations.

B. Competition occurs between individuals within a population and between individuals of a different population

C. Competition increases the amount of resources available to individuals

D. Because resources are abundant in the environment, competition rarely happens between individuals of different populations.

Use the information below to answer questions 159-161.

Alligators are large reptiles with muscular tails, large teeth, and strong jaws. Like nearly all reptiles, alligators hatch from eggs. The table shows the results of an experiment conducted with alligator eggs. Scientists incubated the eggs of one alligator species at different temperatures. When the eggs hatched, the scientists counted the numbers of males and females born in each group of eggs.

Incubation Temperature # of Females # of Males

29.4 degrees C 80 0

30.6 degrees C 19 13

31.7 degrees C 13 38

32.8 degrees C 0 106

159. What question were the scientists most likely trying to answer?

A. Does the body temperature of newborn alligators depend on the incubation temperature?

B. Do different alligator species hatch at different incubation temperatures?

C. Do high incubation temperatures prevent alligator eggs from hatching?

D. Does the incubation temperature of the eggs affect the sex of the alligators?

160. What was the manipulated variable in the experiment?

A. Day of the week

B. Location of the laboratory

C. Incubation temperature

D. Color of the eggs

161. What might the scientists conclude from this data?

A. The number of males increases with temperature

B. The number of males decreases with temperature

C. The number of females increases with temperature

D. No females are born at temperatures above 31 degrees C

Use the graphs below to answer questions 162-164.

Growth of Population A

1000 Carrying Capacity




1 2 3 4

Growth of Population B





1 2 3 4

162. After 3 days, which population has more individuals?

A. Population A has more individuals.

B. Population B has more individuals.

C. The populations are the same.

D. There is not enough information to determine the answer.

163. After 4 days, which population has more individuals?

A. Population A has more individuals

B. Population B has more individuals.

C. The populations are the same.

D. There is not enough information to determine the answer.

164. On day 10, which statement is probably true?

A. Population A is larger than Population B.

B. Population B is the same as it was on Day 5

C. Population A and B are the same.

D. Population A is the same as it was on Day 5.

165. Use the graph below to answer the question.

Red Fox Population



# of Red Foxes





1996 1997 1998 1999


The graph above shows the red fox population in a state park from 1996 through 1999. The red foxes in this park prey on chipmunks. What do you think happened to the chipmunk population in 1998?

A. More chipmunks survived because of decreased predation.

B. Fewer chipmunks survived because of decreased predation.

C. More chipmunks survived because of increased predation.

D. Fewer chipmunks survived because of increased predation.

Use the diagram below to answer questions 166 and 167.

166. What are the organisms in the number one level called?

A. Primary consumers

B. Producers

C. Parasites

D. Predators

167. In this food web, the number five level includes bacteria and fungi. What are the organisms in the number five level called?

A. Herbivores

B. Decomposers

C. Scavengers

D. Carnivores

168. Which animal has an adaptation that allows it to access a source of food that is protected from most other plant eating mammals?

A. [pic] C. [pic]

B. [pic] D. [pic]

Read the passage below to answer questions 169-171.

A marine biologist scuba dives to study organisms in the ocean. During a dive on a coral reef, she found an interesting organism. When she studied the organism with a hand lens, she found that it looked like a bag pierced by numerous tiny openings. As she observed the organism, she discovered that water entered it through tiny openings called pores. Water left the organism through a large opening called an osculum. The central cavity was lined with cells with whiplike structures that beat back and forth. These cells moved water through the organism and trapped food particles. The biologist also found that she needed to handle the organism with care because it was covered with tiny spikes.

169. How does the organism rely on spikes?

A. They capture prey

B. They develop into new organisms

C. They support the body and provide protection

D. They digest food.

170. How does the organism obtain food?

A. Water enters through pores

B. Whiplike structures move through the water

C. Spikes capture food

D. It produces its own food

171. The organism is a(n)

A. Autotroph

B. Producer

C. Consumer

D. Decomposer

172. A volcanic eruption results in the formation of an island. Lichens and mosses begin to grow on the island after being carried there by the wind. Eventually, seeds carried to the island by waves also begin to grow. Over time, a community of plants is established. This series of changes is an example of

A. Continental drift

B. Primary succession

C. Secondary succession

D. An energy pyramid

173. A volcano erupts on the island of Hawaii. Wherever the lava flows, all living things are destroyed. Eventually, signs of new life and the beginnings of a brand new ecosystem will begin to appear. What kinds of organisms would come back into the ecosystem first?

A. Plants

B. Predators

C. Herbivores

D. Carnivores

174. Occasionally, deer in New Jersey appear in areas that are not part of their usual ecosystem. For instance, deer have been seen crossing South Orange Avenue outside of Seton Hall University in South Orange, New Jersey. South Orange Avenue is a busy street. It’s in the middle of a neighborhood that has lots of people, buildings, cars, trucks, buses, etc. The deer came from South Mountain Reservation, a wild area in the middle of the new suburbs. Which of the following explanations would probably be the cause of deer coming to South Mountain Avenue?

A. The deer were curious about the noise and activity in the area.

B. The deer were drawn by edible treats in the garbage left by the large population of students in the university.

C. Food in the natural ecosystem of the deer became scarce as the deer population increased in the absence of natural predators.

D. The deer were looking for a warmer ecosystem than the deciduous forest of the neighboring South Mountain Reservation area.

175. Rashan remembered a pond that stood in the center of a wooded area near his home when he was a young child. He went back to the place when he was an adult and found trees and bushes in the place where the pond once was. The pond itself was gone. Which process would best account for this?

A. Evaporation

B. Succession

C. Evolution

D. Pollution

Use the picture below to answer questions 176-178.


176. In the area illustrated, what process is evident over time?

A. Ecological succession

B. Combustion of fossil fuels

C. Pioneer speciation

D. Ecological organization

177. During which of the following visits would you see the most mature community?

A. Forbs and grasses

B. First tree species

C. Forest Type 3

D. Forest Type 2

178. Assume that a forest fire happened after the seventh visit. If the scientist were to visit again within 1 year after the fire, the area would most likely look like it did during which visit?

A. Forbs and grasses

B. First tree species

C. Forest Type 3

D. Forest Type 2

Respond fully to the open-ended questions that follow. Clearly explain your answer. You may use words, tables, diagrams, or drawings.


179. Describe how two of the organisms in this food web would be affected if all of the snakes were removed from the ecosystem.

180. A bald eagle’s diet is largely made up of fish. In the space below, or on a separate sheet of paper, explain how pesticides used on crops could become part of the food chain and end up as part of a bald eagle’s diet. You may use a diagram to organize your answer and to help explain how this pathway would occur.

181. Imagine that there have been several years of severe droughts along the Eastern seaboard of the U.S. Locally, there is a small, shallow pond in a meadow ecosystem. What effects might a drought have on succession in the ecosystem? Explain your answer.

Name: ______________________________ Date: _____________________

Period #: __________

Life Science NJ Ask Review


182. Which of the following levels of the biological classification system contain living things with the most characteristics in common?

A. Species

B. Class

C. Family

D. Kingdom

183. A person sorted six animals into these two groups.

Group 1 Group 2

Insect Fish

Crab Snail

Spider Jellyfish

Which characteristic was used for sorting?

A. Eyes

B. Shell

C. Exoskeleton

D. Backbone

184. Use the chart below to answer the question.

Level of Classification Human House cat Tiger Lion

Kingdom Animalia Animalia Animalia Animalia

Phylum Chordata Chordata Chordata Chordata

Class Mammalia Mammalia Mammalia Mammalia

Order Primates Carnivora Carnivora Carnivora

Family Hominidae Felidae Felidae Felidae

Genus Homo Felis Panthera Panthera

Species sapiens catus tigris leo

Which two organisms in the chart are the most closely related?

A. Human and House cat

B. House cat and tiger

C. Tiger and lion

D. House cat and lion

185. Which of the following organs in a fish can be compared to a human lung?

A. Fins

B. Scales

C. Gills

D. Heart

186. Jellyfish, worms, birds, and reptiles are all classified in the same

A. Kingdom

B. Phylum

C. Genus

D. Species

187. All organisms classified as arthropods must also be classified in which of the following kingdoms?

A. Protist

B. Fungi

C. Eubacteria

D. Animal

188. Which of the following distinguishes living things in the kingdom fungi from plants and animals?

A. Fungi obtain food through absorption.

B. Fungi reproduce sexually.

C. Fungi make food through the process of photosynthesis.

D. Fungi are unicellular.

Use the information and the chart below to answer questions 189-190

The arthropods shown differ in the numbers of body sections, legs, and antennae.

Comparisons of the

Largest Arthropod Groups

Characteristic Crustaceans Arachnids Insects

Number of Body Sections 2 or 3 2 3

Number of Legs 5 or more pairs 4 pairs 3 pairs

Number of Antennae 2 pairs none 1 pair

Where found? In water mostly on land mostly on land

189. A scorpion is an arthropod with 4 pairs of legs and no antennae. What type of arthropod is a scorpion?

A. Crustacean

B. Arachnid

C. Insect

D. Millipede

190. A crab is an arthropod with 5 pairs of legs and 2 pairs of antennae. What type of arthropod is a crab?

A. Crustacean

B. Arachnid

C. Insect

D. Millipede

191. An organism is a multicellular heterotrophy. Its cells have nuclei and cell walls. Into which kingdom could this organism be classified?

A. Plants

B. Animals

C. Fungi

D. Eubacteria

Use the diagram below to answer the questions 192-194


192. What does the diagram show?

A. How the organisms depend on each other for survival

B. How scientists think different groups of organisms are related.

C. The types of food the organisms eat

D. The relative sizes of the organisms

193. What organism is the most closely related to the skunk?

A. Leopard

B. Wolf

C. Dog

D. Otter

194. Which organism shares the most characteristics with the wolf?

A. Leopard

B. Dog

C. Skunk

D. Otter

195. Mushrooms are classified as

A. Fungi

B. Proteins

C. Plants

D. Bacteria

196. Which level of classification has the least in common?

A. Family

B. Order

C. Class

D. Phylum

197. The scientific name for a house cat is Felis domesticus. Felis is the name of the

A. Family

B. Genus

C. Species

D. Variety

198. An amoeba is a unicellular organism that lacks a cell wall. It can move from place to place to obtain food by eating other organisms. Scientists classify amoebas as

A. Animals

B. Bacteria

C. Fungi

D. Protists

199. Which kingdom has the most organisms on Earth in it?

A. Animals

B. Protists

C. Plants

D. Bacteria

Name: ______________________________ Date: _____________________

Period #: __________

Life Science NJ Ask Review

Interpreting Graphs/Scientific Method:

200. Which of the following problems can be tested through a scientific investigation?

A. Why don’t some cats like water?

B. Are cats better pets than dogs?

C. Is vegetarianism better than eating meat?

D. How does the temperature of water affect how much sugar can dissolve in it?

201. A team of students investigated how the amount of moisture affects the growth of plants. They set up five bean plants in a windowsill. Each plant was in the same type of container, had the same type of soil, and received the same amount of sunlight each day. Each plant was watered with a different amount of water each day. Plant #1 was watered with 100 ml of water each day. Plant #2 received 150 ml of water, plant #3 received 200 ml of water, plant #4 received 250 ml of water, and plant #5 received 300 ml of water each day. Which component of the experiment was the independent variable?

A. Growth of the plants

B. The type of container

C. The type of soil

D. The amount of water it received

202. Which of the following is an example of a hypothesis?

A. The boy is six feet tall.

B. Why is the sky blue?

C. If the height of a diver increases, then he will make a bigger splash in the water.

D. The water was clear, and when the powder was added, the water turned green.

203. A student wanted to test the hypothesis, if salt is added to water, then the freezing point of the water will be lower. The student recorded that pure water froze at 32 degrees Fahrenheit, while the saltwater froze at 20 degrees Fahrenheit. After collecting this data, the student wanted to confirm or check the results. The student should repeat the experiment using

A. Exactly the same setup as the original experiment

B. A different amount of water

C. A different amount of salt

D. A different shaped container

204. Use the graph below to answer the question.


Which student ate the most amount of ice cream?

A. Akiko

B. Perry

C. Aaron

D. Juan

205. A student wants to add the same amount of water to her plant each day. To accurately measure the water, the volume of the water should be measured in

A. Meters

B. Kilograms

C. Milliliters

D. Centimeters

206. 3

0 [pic]

1 2 3 4 5 6


An experiment was conducted to determine the effect of fertilizer on the growth of plants. Based on the line graph, predict what the height of the fertilized plant will be on Day 6.

A. 1 centimeter

B. 2 centimeters

C. 2.25 centimeters

D. 3 centimeters

207. Which of the following questions cannot be answered through a scientific investigation?

A. How does air temperature affect air pressure?

B. How does salt affect the melting point of ice?

C. How does music inspire people?

D. What is the relationship between elevation and air pressure?




Which of the following statements best describes the relationship between temperature and time in the line graph above?

A. There is no relationship between temperature and time.

B. Temperature remains constant over time.

C. Temperature increases over time.

D. Temperature decreases over time.

209. A student wanted to test how temperature affects the sprouting of alfalfa seeds. She set up five dishes and placed ten alfalfa seeds on a moist paper towel in each dish. Each of the five dishes was kept at a different temperature – 10 degrees Celsius, 15 degrees Celsius, 20 degrees Celsius, 25 degrees Celsius, and 30 degrees Celsius. Which of these is the independent or manipulated, variable in this experiment?

A. The number of seeds

B. The number of dishes

C. The temperature of each dish

D. The moist paper towel.


0 [pic]

50 58 66 74 82 90 98

Temperature (degrees Fahrenheit)

A science class investigated whether there was a relationship between the temperature and frequency of chirping in crickets. What analysis can be made of their data represented in the line graph?

A. There is no relationship between temperature and the frequency of a cricket’s chirps.

B. As the temperature increases, the chirping cricket becomes louder.

C. As the temperature increases, the number of chirps per minute increases.

D. As the temperature increases, the number of chirps per minute decreases.

211. What instruments can be used to measure the volume of a small rock?

A. A spring scale and a ruler

B. A barometer and a thermometer

C. A graduated cylinder and water

D. A triple beam balance and water

212. A team of students examine an object. Which of the following is NOT an observation about the object?

A. It is smooth and shiny

B. It has a mass of 552 grams.

C. It is 21 centimeters long

D. I think it is metal and used in a machine

213. Two beakers were placed on a windowsill. One beaker contained 100 milliliters of water, and the other beaker contained 100 milliliters of rubbing alcohol. The next day both cups had less liquid in them, but there was less rubbing alcohol than water. What can be concluded from this experiment?

A. Only some liquids evaporate.

B. Liquids can only evaporate in the presence of sunlight.

C. Some liquids evaporate faster than others.

D. Water evaporates faster than rubbing alcohol.

214. Daily Measurement of the Height of a Plant

Day Height

Monday 0 cm

Tuesday .2 cm

Wednesday .4 cm

Thursday .6 cm

Friday .8 cm



Monday 1.4 cm

A student measured the growth of a plant each day in school. Because he did not go to school on Saturday and Sunday no measurement of the plant was made. Which of the following measurements would be reasonable estimation of the height of the plant on Sunday?

A. .8 cm

B. .9 cm

C. 1.2 cm

D. 1.4 cm

215. Time and Temperature

Time Temperature

6:00 am 45 degrees Fahrenheit

8:00 am 49 degrees Fahrenheit

10:00 am 52 degrees Fahrenheit

12:00 pm 58 degrees Fahrenheit

2:00 pm 62 degrees Fahrenheit

4:00 pm 57 degrees Fahrenheit

6:00 pm 52 degrees Fahrenheit

The data table shows the outdoor temperature at different times during one day. When was the highest temperature recorded?

A. 6:00 am

B. 12:00 pm

C. 2:00 pm

D. 6:00 pm

216. Which instrument would most accurately and precisely measure the mass of an apple?

A. Triple beam balance

B. Spring scale

C. Thermometer

D. Graduated Cylinder

217. A group of New Jersey science students were working in a garden as a part of a botany unit. They were having difficulty keeping their plants alive. They formed a hypothesis that a nearby fir tree sapling was causing the soil to become highly acidic, and that the acid soil was preventing other plants from growing. The students tested their idea by growing similar plants in a container with a fir tree sapling. At the end of 12 weeks, they discovered that the pH of the soil was highly acidic. The fir sapling was thriving. However, all but one of the other plant samples were either dead or dying. What conclusion could the students draw from the data given?

A. The plant that survived caused the problem.

B. The cause is unknown, but acid soil is not responsible for the death of the other plants.

C. Acid soil could be responsible, but further testing, using controls, needs to be done.

D. The plants themselves appear to be causing the problem, and not the pH or other factors in the soil.

218. A graduated cylinder before a rock is put in reads 30 ml. After putting in a rock, the graduated cylinder reads 50 ml. What is the volume of the rock?

A. 20 cc

B. 40 cc

C. 10 cc

D. 50 cc

219. A group of scientists has noticed that people whose diet consists of eating a great deal of fish have a low incidence of heart trouble. They wish to study this phenomenon. They must design a test group. Among the people included in the study are a group of men and women who eat no fish. This group would be:

A. A variable group

B. An unnecessary group

C. A control group

D. A constant group


4. Third Level Consumers

3. Second Level Consumers

2. First Level Consumers





Height (cm)

Fertilized plants

Unfertilized plants




# of Chirps per minute





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