
A.P. World History Unit 1 ReviewChapter 1 BEFORE HISTORYChapter 2 EARLY SOCIETIES IN SOUTHWEST ASIA AND THE INDO-EUROPEAN MIGRATIONSChapter 3 EARLY AFRICAN SOCIETIES AND THE BANTU MIGRATIONSChapter 4 EARLY SOCIETIES IN SOUTH ASIAChapter 5 EARLY SOCIETIES IN EAST ASIAChapter 6 EARLY SOCIETIES IN THE AMERICAS AND OCEANIAKey concepts: Big geography and the peopling of the earthThe Neolithic Rev. and early agricultural societyThe development and interactions of agriculture, Pastoral and Urban societiesImportant topics:Architecture/urban planning- Ziggurats, pyramids, temples, defensive walls, streets, roads, sewageArts and artisanship-sculpture, painting, wall decoration, elaborate weavingRecord keeping- cuneiform, hieroglyphs, pictographs, alphabets, quipuLiterature- The epic of Gilgamesh, Rig Veda, book of the DeadChapter 1Evolution of humans:Australopithecus-walk up right two handsHomo erectus- large brains, sophisticated tools, control fire, language, coordinated huntsHomo sapiens-brain, large frontal regions, conscious, reflective thought, knives, spears, bows and arrowsCro magnon, homo sapiens sapiens-modern human, Venus figure, fertility, cave paintings/magicPaleolithic society- Old Stone AgeEco life-no private prop, egalitarian/equalLived in small groups/30-50Big game hunt/some permanent settlementsNatufians-mediterranean, jomon-japan, Chinook AmericaNeolithicAgricultureWomen lead wayMen develop animalsDeveloped independently around worldMerchants, migrants spread food knowledgeSlash and burnAgri more work than hunt and gatherSURPLUS=population growth=village/town=specialized labor=social distinctions-private landDevelopment of pottery, metallurgy, textile production, calendar, cycle deitiesVillage /town =cities-Tigris and Euphrates river areaChapter 2 Mesopotamia-valley, no rain, need irrigation, Tigris/EuphratesPoliticalKingsSargon-took over trade routes and resourcesHammurabi-centralizes govt, tax, law codeAssyrians-powerful militaryNebuchadnezzarEconomicTrade- bronze (copper+tin) weapons and agri tools, iron, wheel, ship buildingSocial class-king, nobles, priest, free commoner (peasant), slavesMale dominated (patriarchy)Written words (cuneiform) for commercial and tax purposeEducation for govt, lit, Aston, mathSocialHebrew, Israel, Jew live in and around MesopotamiaMosesPhoenicians- middle men (traders)Indo-Europeans-from central Asia, language similar, control horses/chariotsChapter 3 AfricaClimate change forces people west, east and south (Sahara)PoliticalEgypt lower 1/3/Nubian middle 1/3Old kingdom-pyramid, war with NubianMiddle kingdom- Hyksos, bronze weaponsNew Kingdom-build temples, palaces, statues, driven out of NubianEconomic/socialSociety- cities for different purposes, Memphis, Thebes admin, Heliopolis religionClasses-peasant/slaves agric, pharaoh, military and admin, women influence in society > than MesopotamiaTransport-boat, cart, donkeyNetwork- Nubian south, north, eastWriting-hieroglyphicsReligion- sun amon re, mummificationBantuLike Phoenicians, lived by rivers and migrate and trade with other peoples south west and eastChapter 4 IndiaHarappanNear Indus river, floods like NileMain cities-harppa/Mohenjo-DaroCity with streets, temples etc bricks modernClasses of peopleReligion focus on fertilityDecline: flood, deforestationSocietyAryansPastoralNo writingLanguage ( Sanskrit) sacred, daily use (prakit)Vedic age- infighting era Indra Aryan war godCaste system- also known as varna (color)-unchangable social classFour classes- Brahmin(priest), kshatriyas(warriors and aristocrats), vaishyas (cultivators, artist, merchant) untouchables Jati-union type caste Patriarchial societyLawbook- manuReligionAryanIndra god of warVaruna ethical concern cosmic orderChants-somaBlending with DravidianUpanishads- works of religious teachingsGod-brahman-universal soulGoal to escape reincarnation be with BrahminSamsara soul born many timesKarma- incarnations based on behaviorMoksha-liberation from incarnationChapter 5 chinaSociety based on yellow riverSoil causes yellow appearanceXia earliest dynastyShang dynastyZhou dynasty-mandate of heaven decentralized, weak govt strong regional SocietyElites- large landMilitary, free artisans craftsmenTrade north south, koreaHonor ancestorsMale dominated patriarchialDealt with nomads from north, often invade and tradeEducationNo official religionImpersonal god-tianOracle bones(dragon bones)Writing pictograph to ideographBooks: change, history, rites, songsChapter 6 AmericaMeso America cultureOlmecsCame from AsiaAte : beans, squash, maizeNo domesticated animals, no wheelsRubber people?Large stone head statuesMayaKing, priest, nobility, merchant, architects, artisans, peasants, slavesCalendar, long and shortPopol vuh creation myth made out of water and maizeBlood=water for foodTeotihuacan major city, pyramid to sun and moonRulers and priest run cityChavinMove to peru Bolivia regionAte beans, peanuts,sweet potatoes, cottonMetallurgyOceaniaMove down asia into islandsOutrigger canoes enabled the travelWent from main land to islandsChief were semi divineUnit 2 ReviewChapters 7-12Ch. 7 THE EMPIRES OF PERSIACh. 8 THE UNIFICATION OF CHINACh. 9 STATE, SOCIETY, AND THE QUEST FOR SALVATION IN INDIACh. 10 MEDITERRANEAN SOCIETY: THE GREEK PHASECh. 11 MEDITERRANEAN SOCIETY: THE ROMAN PHASECh. 12 CROSS-CULTURAL EXCHANGE ON THE SILK ROADSKey concepts:The development and codification( writing down) of religious and cultural traditionsDevelopment of States and EmpiresEmergence of trans regional networks of communication and exchangeImportant topics:Influence of Daoism on Chinese culture-medical theories poetry, metallurgy, architectureWorship of ancestors-Africa, Mediterranean, east Asia, Andean regionDistinctive architecture took place- India, Greece, Rome, MesoamericaPersia influence- Achaemenid, Parthian, SassanidAdministrative institutions- china, Persia, rome, south asiaImportance of cities- trade, religion, politics- Persepolis, chang’an, pataliputra, Athens, Carthage, Rome, Alexandria, Constantinople, TeotihuachanMethods to maintain production of food and rewards for loyalty-corvee, slavery, rents and tributes, peasant communities, family and household productionEnvironmental damage-deforestation, desertification, soil erosion, silted riversThreats from outside of empire- Han china vs. x-men( Xiongnu), Gupta vs. White huns, romans and Germanic peoplesNew technologies- yokes, saddles, stirrupsAbility to domesticate large animals- horses, oxen, llamas, camelsAbility to sail farther- lateen sail, dhow shipsIrrigation in farming-qanat systemDisease and its effects- roman empire, chineseChapter 7 PersiaEmpire/politicsFrom central AsiaCyrus-founder known for taking LydiaCambyses-son second know for taking EgyptDarius-Administrator new capital at Persepolis23 satraps-govenorsused locals to run governmentsatraps checked by spiesset up formal taxesstandard coin ( from Lydian society)set up roadsdecline with xerxesnot tolerant of other culturesPersian warsInvaded by alexander the greatSeleucid, Parthian and Sassanid take overSociety/economyFamily importantBureaucrats had to be educatedFree people made up bulk of populationAgriculture base of $Trade from india to EgyptSet up specialized production based on so much foodReligionZoroastrianism-founder Zarathustra-god Ahura Mazda (good), Angra Mainyu (evil)Heaven and hellMaterial world a blessing, moral formula- good words+good thoughts+ good deedInfluenced Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, ManichaeismBuddhismChapter 8 chinaPhilosophyConfuciusEducator, wanted to be an advisorWorks collected in analectsJunzi- superior individualsRen-kindnessLi-respect for eldersXiao-family obligationMeniscus-disciple most followed renXunzi- believed humans selfish, liked harsh punishmentDaoismInternal reflection, balance with self and natureLaozi-founder, wrote Daodejing, ZhuangziDao- the way- elusive, passive, people should be passive, no ambition, wuwei- disengage from worldLegalismNo concern with moral and ethicsShang yang chief minister of Qin, Han Feizi wrote essaysDoctrine-state strength agriculture and militaryDiscouraged commerce, education, and artsPeople should be interested in advancing the state not selfHarsh punishments for all rule breakersPut end to warring states periodQin/han unifyQin rolled with leagalismWanted agriculture=strong econPowerful armyQin shihuangdi-centralized rule, connected great wall, killed scholars, burned booksStandardized laws, curriencies, weights, measure, writingBig tomb, underground, terra cotta figures, life sizeCollapseToo many big building projectsRebellionHanLiu bang Wanted balance middleHan wudiCentralized and expandedBuilt bureaucracyRoads and canalsTaxes on agriculture, trade and craftsControlled salt and ironSet up Confucian education systemInvade north and Vietnam/koreaInvaded xmenEconPatriarchal-male dominatedIron metallurgy used in farming, utensils and weaponsSilkPaperPopulation growthProblemsExploration drained $Took land and raised taxClass system caused problemsWang mang- tried to give land back did not workLater hanYellow turban rebellion-land basedCollapseDivided into regional kingdomsChapter 9 IndiaLack of EmpireMauryanChandragupta founderKautala manual Arthashastra- administrative methodAshoka ruler during peak, bureaucracy, set capital at Pataliputra, policies written on rockGuptaSpoke greekDecentralizedWhite huns took them outEconTowns were set by trade routesTrade with Persia, china, Mediterranean, southeast AsianFamily-castes system- female subordinateTrade set up jati- subgroub for merchantsReligionBuddhismSiddhartha Gautama-became BuddhaGave up comfortable lifeEnlightenment under bo treeDoctrine-dharma, four nobles truths, eightfold pathSuffering caused by desireGoal-salvation or nirvanaAppeal did not recognize casteUsed regular languageMahayana buddismLet people keep their life and not sufferSet up monasteries and gifts form wealthyHinduismWritten works, Mahabharata, poemsVishnu god preserverRamayanaHindu ethics-achieved salvation through caste responsibiliesChapter 10 GreekGreek society/govtAncestors are Minoan/Mycenaean of of creteUsed Linear A and B writingStone fortress in PeloponnesusTrojan warCity states emergedSpartaMilitary societyNo social distinction in $ but by fightingHad slaves that were helots- not chattel AthensSea tradersLandowners ran thingsClass problems Solon fixed problemsGreek influenceColonies lack of farm landConflict with PersiaBeat Persia at salamisDelian league- agreement to fight PersiansPeloponnesian war- city states did not want to be united anymore, leaders were athen and SpartaMacedon comes in and conquersPhilip conquered GreeceSon Alexander invaded Persia died at 23Empire divided into three parts-Antigonid, Greece area focus was tradePtolemaic, Egypt wealthiest cultureSelecuid- bactriaEconMade olive oil and wineStarted Olympic gamesMale dominated, but women had some rights, Sparta had the mostSappho female poetSlavery chattel Athens, regular SpartaCultureRational thoughtSocrates-focus was on examination of ones actionsPlato-ideal qualitiesAristole-rely on senses to understand worldGods-zues and lesser godsCults-dionysusDrama- tragedy and comicEpicureans-pleasure greatest goodSkeptic-doubted knowledgeStoics-duty to help othersChapter 11 RomeKingdom to republicMythical founders Romulus and Remus raised by she wolf by tiber riverRome nobility kicks out last EtruscanRepublican constitution-two leaders one civil and one militaryConsuls were elected by partrician( land owner)PatriciansTribunes for plebeians poor peopleConflict with carthage over grainRepublic to empireGracchi brothers wanted land redistribution but were killedMilitary commanders had own personal armyJulius CaesarDictator for lifeSocial reforms and centralized KilledOctavion stopped violence named AugustusPax romana-roman peaceSet up roadsLaw twelve tabletsEconLatifundia-plantationTrade over sea MediterraneanNo piratesCity of rome grew based on wealthStatues, pools, fountains, arches, temples and stadiumAttracted immigrantsBaths, pools, gymnasia, circusesPater familias- male dominatedWomen had influence on businessWealthy build big houses1/3 slavesculturereligionstoicism-cicero oratorsalvation of afterlifeMithraism popular with soldiersCult of isis very popularJew/ChristianJesusPaul of tarsusRapid growth by roads romans builtChapter 12 Silk RoadChina connects with india through trade by Zhang QianHad to go through xmenBuild roadsLearn of culture and sea tradeChina to romeSea lanes link asia, india and Africa, by mastering monsoonsSilk and spices go westHorses from central asiaGlassware, jewelry, artwork, performes go eastMove stuff in stagesCultural and biological tradeBuddhism and Hinduism along trade routes-merchantsChristianity-gregory the wonderworkerNestorian Jesus was humanManichaeism-dualism good vs. evil- elect vs. hearerDiseaseSmall pox, measles, bubonic plaguePopulation dropped by ?Fall of empireRomeBarrack emperors-generals with personal army kept taking over no stabilityDiocletian- divide into 2 districts east and westCo emperorsConstantine moves to turkeyGermanic invasion for rome eastHuns attackEmpire becomes ChristianHanLand and wealth unequalGenerals take over emperor figure headNomads invade blend with chinese culture( sinicization)Buddhism grewUnit 3 review Ch. 13-21regional and trans regional interactionsChapter 13 THE COMMONWEALTH OF BYZANTIUMChapter 14 A NEW SOCIETY: THE EXPANSIVE REALM OF ISLAMChapter 15 THE RESURGENCE OF EMPIRE IN EAST ASIAChapter 16 INDIA AND THE INDIAN OCEAN BASINChapter 17 THE FOUNDATIONS OF CHRISTIAN SOCIETY IN WESTERN EUROPEChapter 18 NOMADIC EMPIRES AND EURASION INTEGRATIONChapter 19 STATES AND SOCIETIES OF SUB-SAHARAN AFRICAChapter 20 WESTERN EUROPE DURING THE HIGH MIDDLE AGESChapter 21 WORLDS APART: THE AMERICAS AND OCEANIAKey concepts:Expansion and intensification of communication and exchange networksContinuity and Innovation of State forms and their InteractionsIncreased economic productive capacity and its consequencesImportant topicsNew trading cities, Novgorod, Timbuktu, Swahili city states, Hangzhou, Calicut, Baghdad, Melaka, venice, tenochitlan, CahokiaLuxury goods: silk porcelain, precious metals, gems, slaves, exotic animalsCaravanserai, camel saddles, travel betterCredit, bills of exchange, credit, checks, banking housesMinting coins, use of paper moneyHanseatic league?Trade over long distance based on knowing envoirnment: Vikings sea, arabs camels desert, xmen horses steppe central asiaSpread of language, bantu-swahili and Turkic and ArabicHow cultures spread to outskirt areas, muslim in india, chinese in southeast asia, sogdian in central asia, jewish in Mediterranean, india, silk roadsTrade travelers: ibn Battuta, marco polo, xuanzangDiffusion of literary, art and culture: neo Confucianism and Buddhism in asia, hindusim and Buddhism in asia, islam in Africa and asia, ToltecScientific knowledge diffusion: greek and indian math to muslim, greek science and philosophy to Europe through muslim, printing and gunpowder from Asia to islamNew foods: bananas in Africa, rice in asia, cotton, sugar, citrus in dar al islam and MediterraneanPower pass down by: patriarchy, religion, land owning elitesProminent Islamic city states: Abbasids, muslim Iberia, delhi sultanatesProminent city states: Italy venice, east Africa Swahili, southeast asia, AmericasSynthesis of traditions: Persian on islam, china on japanAgriculture increase because of technological advances: champa rice, waru waru techniques, terracing, horse collarChapter 13 Byzantine empirePoliticalRoman empire splitWest collapses east becomes byzantineChallenges from sasanids and germanHighly centralized Emperor blend of pol/relig called caesaropapismJustinian rebuilt Constantinople, church hagia sphiaCodified roman law-corpus iuris civilis( the body of the civil law)Tried to reconquer the west did not workIlamic groups tried to seize, able to win due to greek fireReorganized themes- under control of Generals all work on land had to fight when neededEconomyAgriculture supports Larges under theme systemWeakened when land owners took land and made poor dependentContantinople city was major trade hub, clearinghouse for goodsBezant- standard currencyBanks operatedHippodrome for entertainmentReligionLanguage switched from latin to greekState run school, read, write, grammar, classics, law medicine and philosophyEmperor involved in churchCouncil of Nicaea-arianism was declared wrong, iconoclasm-started( not images of Christ)Monasteries start- hermits, nunsTensions between east and west churchInfluenceAttractive to outsiders due to $- Normans from north, crusaders, muslims, ottoman turksInfluence on Bulgarian politicsMission to the Slavic peoplesInfluence on Russians, copy religion and styleChapter 14 IslamProphet’s storyFrom Arabian peninsula, nomadic Bedouin traders and merchant clan groupsMarried wealthy widow, KhadijaEncounter with angel, new message, one god AllahQuran, kuran holy book, hadith saying of muhammedExpelled to Medina, religion got in way of local merchants $Hijra- the move, start of muslim calendarUmma-community of believers who work togetherSeal of prophets- was last in the line of prophets of GodConquer mecca, destroy shrines and other gods, left ka’baSet up 5 pillars, law was called shariaExpansionCaliphs-deputy under MuhammedSplit between shia-leader should be related to Muhammed, Sunni- best leader should leadUmayyad empire- Damascus was capital- set up dar al islam- whole community conquered people but had to pay tax ( jizya) decline based on displeasure of conquered people and shiaabbasid empireabu al-abas relative of Muhammed’s uncleallied with shia and non muslim, beat Umayyad, no favor toward militaryused Persian techniques to ruleset up Ulama-people with religious knowledge and Qadis- judges to ruleEconomynew crops, paperoverland trade, revived silk roadsuse of camels, caravanseraimaritime tradebankspartnerships to reduce risk of losssconquered spainmale dominated, veil came from Mesopotamia and Persian areascultural exchangesSufis- missionariesHajj-pilramage to ka’baPersian influence- political, literary worksIndian-math, algebra, trigonometryGreek-plato, aristolte, Chapter 15 chinaPolitical changesSui dynasty-took over after 350yrs of regional leadershipRebuilding projects-palace, granaries, great wall, grand canal connect north and southHigh tax to pay for and labor to buildFall-taxes, rebellionTangMade networks for trade and communication= field system gave land based on needgovt bureaucracy- merit system- civil service exambelieved they were the middle kingdom, all other should pay tributedecline-careless leadershipxmen-Uighurs take over= field system collapsespeasant rebellionSongWeakness-$ problems, large bureaucracy drained govt$, no military bureaucracy in charge of militaryExternal pressures from outside, xmen( Khitan, Jurchen)EconomicFast ricePopulation growsCity developSpecialized productionAncestory worship, women beneath, foot bindingTechnical developments- porcelain, iron, gunpowder, printing, maritime, south pointing needleMarket economy- flying cash, paper moneyCultural changesBuddhism-by silk roadsSet up monasteries, helped poor, owned large amounts of landMonks explained Buddhism using daoist languageChan Buddhism- blend of chinese and Buddhist teachingsFaced hostility form dao and ConfuciansNeo Confucianism-blend of Buddhism and Confucian teachingsOutside influenceKorea-tribute but not cultureElite in korea turn to neo Confucian, peasant chan buddismVietnam-adopt agriculture, schools and thought, tribute, retain religion,women had prominent role in VietnamJapan-nara, nomadic, chinese dominated education and thought= field system fail, rich get land, clan wars, evolve into shogundecentralized, samurai, professional warriorschapte 16 Indiapoliticalnorth indiaMuslim invade India Hindu in SouthKingdom of VijayanagarTradeAgriculture was dependent on water from monsoon, irrigation, store water, reservoirInternal tradeTemples, owned large pieces of land, had employees to work for food, served as banksTraded via seaDhow and junks, large shipsHindu and Muslim traditions meetDecline of Buddhism helped HinduPhilosopher: shankara-logic, reason, Ramanuja-understanding most importantIslam and its appealAppeal to poorSufis- missionaries devotional approachBhakti-blend of bothBoth take religion via trade to southeast asiaCh 17 EuropePoliticalGermanic kingdoms fight- arian christianityFranks prevail, convert to Catholic religionCharlemagne-brought order, used counts-deputies to keep order, called emperor of Had to fight, Vikings to north, Muslims to south, Magyars from eastSocietyDecentralized state-lords, knights, retainers, nobles owned land gave some to retainer as a fief but retainer owed loyalty in all ways to lordManor large estate- self sufficient communitiesHeavy plows help with agricultureNot enough surplus for citiesItalians and spainish trade with muslimReligionFranks convert to caltholicHelp spread to most of EuropePope Gregory fight against LombardMonks and nuns set up during this timeSt. Benedict set rules for bothSt.Scholastica sister of BenedictChapter 18 MongolsPastoral lifestyleNomadic herdersHad to move to feed animals grassWanted to trade for what they did not haveTwo classes-nobles, commonersKhan-rulerCalvary forceMongol empiresChinggis Khan-universal rulerNew military units, broke up old tribal linksMongol strategy-horsemanship-archers, mobility, psychological warfareChina-took over Jurchen and north china but south controlled by songPersia-tried to open up diplomaticn relations but diplomat was killedAfter chinggis khan died empire got divided upKhubilai- took over china, promoted Buddhism, dao, muslim and ChristianTook over all of china, but not Vietnam Burma or javaGolden horde-took over Russia, Poland, hungraryPersia- mongols wanted only taxes let Persian ruleChina-outlawed marriage between mongols and chinese, brought foreign administators in to run country, dismissed Confucian and took down civil service examDecline- paper money lost value, bubonic plagueTamelan and Osman fill void for mongolsChapte 19 AfricaMigrationsBantu movements based on agriculture knowledge, introduced bananasKin based societies, village council made up of male heads of familyKongo, form by congo river, centralized gov’t, with royal currencyIslamic kingdomTrans sahara trade-by camelGhana-important trade citySundiata leader of maliControlled all trade through west AfricaMansa Musa-islamic, went to mecca, brought a lot of moneySonghay replaced maliIndian ocean basinSwahili means coastersTrade with muslim tradersRan east coastCity states used control of trade to gain powerKilwa good city of tradeZimbabwe powerful kingdomLarge stone complex and buildingsMany converted to lslam for trading purposesCultural developmentMen heavy labor, political Women-children home duties, honor as source of life, could influence public affairs, traders in marketAge grades- responsibilities base on ageSlavery-most by debt, or war, worked in field, trade increased after 11th centuryReligionCreatorLesser gods and spiritsAncestor souls and ritualsDiviners could talk to ancestorsChristianity and Islam fought for convertsEthiopian-christian, most of Africa IslamicChapter 20 Western EuropeHoly roman empire( not)Social changes: pray(clergy), fight(feudal, military), work(peasant)CrusadesChapter 21 America and OceaniaMeso AmericaToltecs Axtecs-warriors raidersMexica, warriors elite, women no role, honored as mothers of warriorsPriest, read omens, advisersArtisans and merchantsReligion-bloodletting=water for cropsSouth AmericaIncasMilitary and admistrative elite, quipu writing for record keeping, Cuzco, road system, trade limitedPeasants, work land give portion to state, labor for public worksPreist, worship sun god IntiGod ViracochaOceaniaNomadic, h&g did not take up agricultureTrade between tongo, somoa, FijiPopulation grow due to agricultureSpread to other islandsMore comples social and political structuresChiefs created centralized statesPriest intermediaries between god and humanUnit 4 1450-1750Chapter 23 Transoceanic encounters and global connectionsChapter 24 The transformation of EuropeChapter 25 New Worlds: The Americas and OceaniaChapter 26 Africa and the Atlantic WorldChapter 27 Tradition and Change in East AsiaChapter 28 The Islamic EmpiresKey concepts:Globalizing Networks of Communication and ExchangeNew Forms of Social Organization and Modes of ProductionState Consolidation and Imperial expansionImportant itemsMaritime equipment- astrolabe, maps, caravelsNew foods, Potatoes, maize, manioc, sugar, tobacco, okra, riceNew animals, horses, pigs, cattleNew religion with blends, vodun in Caribbean, cults of the saints in latin America, Sikhism in south asiaChanges in the arts, renaissance in Europe, miniature painting in Middle east and south Asia, wood block prints in Japan, post-conquest codices in MesoamericaAuthors, Shakespeare, Cervantes, sundiata, journey to the west, kabukiPeasant labor, frontier settlement in Russia, cotton textile production in India and ChinaForced labor, chattel slavery, indentured servitude, encomienda and hacienda, Spanish adaptiaon of the inca mit’aNew rich and powerful, Manchus in china, Creole in Spanish America, European gentry, urban enterpreneursExisting rich and powerful, zamindars in Mughal empire, nobility in Europe and Daimyo in JapanFamily dynamics, changes in family in Africa due to slave trade, on European men on southeast Asian women and smaller families in generalNew terms for racial blends, mestizo, mulatto, creolePolitical and religious ideals, divine right, Shiism, human sacrifice, public performance of Confucian ritualsReligious non tolerence, ottoman treatment of non muslim, Manchu policies toward chinese, Spanish separate republica de IndiosPolitical and military elites, devshirme, chinese examination system, salaried samuraiCompetition for trade routes, omani vs. european over indian ocean area, piracy in CaribbeanState rivalry, thirty years war, ottoman/safavidLocal resistance/rebellion, food riots, samurai revolts, peasant uprisingsChapter 23 exploration and enountersExplore for what?Motives for explorationPortugal- resource poor, looked for resources in atlantic, sugar plantations,Wanted direct trade without muslim with IndiaTechnology enabled travel, magnetic compass, astrolabe, knowledge of trade winds and monsoonTwo types of sails, triangular and squareExplorers-Prince henry-started, dias got to cape of Africa, gama got to indiaColumbus took western approach to indiaMagellan- went around worldCook-south pacificEconomicsEuropean trading post- 50 trading post between west Africa and east asia Alboquerque-portugese commander in Indian ocean, seized hormuz for merchants to buy passes to sail through area, control grew weak due to small size and lack of $ and resourcesEnglish and dutch set up trading post, England, in india, sailed faster and cheaper and more powerful shipsForm joint stock companies, private enterprisesEurope tries to conquer asia- spain takes phillipines, dutch take java, Seven years war, England and Prussia vs. fance , Austria and RussiaBritian wonCulture ExchangeColumbian exchangeBiological-plants, foods, animals, humans, diseaseSmall pox, measles, diphtheria, whooping cough, influenzaWheat, horses, sheep, goats, chickens came to AmericaMaize, potatoes, beans, tomatoes, peppers, peanuts went to the worldAfricans to America, Ch 24 Europe changesReligious changeProtestant reformationMartin luther-attacked the sale of indulgences( buy forgiveness)99 thesis all things that church is doing wrongprinting press got his message outspread to Germany, princesJohn Calvin, set up communityCatholic reforms in response, council of trentSociety of Jesus, Jesuits by Ignatius Loyola, high standards in educationWitch hunts- isolated women, worshipped the devilWars between protestants and catholics, 30 year warPoliticalConsolidation of states into modern countries Charles V wanted to reestablish the holy roman empire, unable to unify England, france, spain, set up states and tax to build wealth and establish political standingsAbsolute monarchy, divine right no rights for middle class constitutional monarchy, limited power for king, middle class has more say or powerexample- Sun king Louis XIV, economic development-roads, canals, industrypeace of Westphalia-established sovereign states, no religion unity, not too much power in the hands in one gov’tmilitary development, arms raceEconomypopulation growth-food, immunity to diseaseurbanization, cities developmentsupply and demand, individuals seek wealth more than gov’tjoint stock companiesputting out system- rural laborchange in class, more poor become wealthyprofits and ethics- religion says bad, adam smith says goodcreates or enables stealing, mugging, and need for policefamily changed, becomes smaller, nuclear, scienceview of the universePtloemaic- earth centeredCopernican-sun centeredGalileo, sun spots, moons on JupiterKepler-planets on ellipticalNewton- gravityEnlightenment- locke, smith- capitalism, Montesquieu-political liberty, Voltaire individual freedomDeism-god but jesus not super humanReason over religionChapter 25 new worldsCuriosity and conquestIndigenous people, tainoColumbus took advantage of their ignoranceEncomienda-land grants for Spanish with control of tainoConquistators: cortes-aztec with only 450 men, help from smaller tribes that did not like Aztec rulers, diseasePizarro-inca, ConlonyMexico and peru centers for spainBrazil for PortugalEuropean, treated the natives like they had no sayTook land and controlled them in terms of labor to advance their economic situationColonial societyMulticultural societyMestizo European and native childrenMulattoes, zamboMining was main source of $-silver >goldLed to silver spreading all over the worldHacienda- large estate- came from encomienda, which came from repartimiento, free laborBrazil, sugar plantation or ehgenho need slaves to workFur in north AmericaSettlers to north AmericaCrops made $- tobacco, rice, indigo, cottonIndentured labor first, slaves replaceMissionaries convert natives and slaves, virgin of GuadalupeEurope in pacificDutch in Australia, no spice, farmlandEngland, captain cook set up as prisionChapter 26 africaPolitical and socialSonghai-sunni ali, emperor, army and navy, Islamic, fall to morracan armyKongo- convert to christianity to be cool with Portugal, wanted slaves kongo said no king lost headSwahili- de gama Portugal take overNdongo (angola)- queen nzinga resisted slave tradersSouth Africa, portugese then dutch, conflict with nativesIslam and Christianity – Islam west Africa and Swahili city states, Timbuktu, Fulani strict observation of islamic lawChristianity reached sub sahara Africa through portugeseFood: manioc, maize, peanuts,Slave tradeSlave trade already existed, wars, criminals, worked on farms or soldiers, could earn freedomIslamic slave trade: women and children shipped to middle eastStart with portugese 1441Triangular trade, euro goods for African slaves, sugar, American goods in EuropeAfrican diasporaSlaves for cash crops: sugar, tobacco, rice, indigo, cotton,coffeePlantations: lots of slave few whites, lots of resistance, revoltsLanguage: lots of African languages, blends, creoleChapter 27 chinaPoliticalMing dynastyDrove mongols out of chinaRebuilt great wallRestored cultural traditions and civil service examsDecline-trade disrupted by piratesGov’t corruptionFamine, led to peasant rebellionManchu invadersQing dynastyFrom ManchuriaPastoral nomadsKangxi-confucian scholarQianlong-peaceful, sophisticatedEmperor considered son of heaven, priviledged lifeGov’t was controlled by civil servantsCivil service examEconomic/ social changesMale dominated-patriarchalGarden style farm led to population growthMade lots of silk, got silver in returnLimit contact with foreignersTechnologies were viewed as dangerousConfucian valuesUsed to support dynastiesHanlin academy top school for students who wanted to be ready for civil service examRicci brought Christianity back, learned man, learned oral and written chinese, science and mathWon few convertsJapanTokugawa-set up military gov’t bakufuControlled daimyo- lord of region, had to live with tokugawa for alternate yearsIsolation with outsidersEconomic-farming led to pop growth, slow infanticideAccepted neo Confucianism, floating worldsChapter 28 Islamic empiresDifferent empiresOttoman-founded by Osman bey, took byzantine empire with ghazi, Mehmed-change Constantinople to Istanbul, absolute monarch, suleyman, took Syria and Egypt, and into asiaSafavid- Turkish from Persia and Mesopotamia, shah ismail-proclaimed to be 12ver shiism, followers ( qizibash- red hats), traced origins to Shiite imams, thought to be 12th or hidden imam or Allah incarnateMughal- babur founder in India, akbar, AurangzebImperial societyAll military createdSuccession problems, could kill realitivesWomen had great influence on politicsFood base of empiresWheat and rice main crops, import coffee and tobaccoPopulaton growth in all three less than othersTrade important to allDecline: bad leaders, not attentiveOttoman reisten innovation like telescope and printing pressSafavid had religions biasMughal was against hindu and they rebelledWars cost $Did not develop tradesImported western weaponsUnit 5 1750-1900Chapter 29 REVOLUTIONS AND NATIONAL STATES IN THE ATLANTIC WORLDChapter 30 THE MAKING OF INDUSTRIAL SOCIETYChapter 31 THE AMERICAS IN THE AGE OF INDEPENDENCEChapter 32 SOCIETIES AT CROSSROADSChapter 33 THE BUILDING OF GLOBAL EMPIRESKey Concepts:Industrialization and Global CapitalismImperialism and Nation-State FormationNationalism, Revolution, and ReformGlobal MigrationImportant topics:Specialized production of, cotton, rubber, palm oil, sugar, wheat, meat, guano, metals and mineralsAs industrial societies grew, agricultural decline, India, textile production Production caused producing countries to find new customer countries to purchase goods, Britian and France want to open China up for tradeMining demand grew, centers for popped up, copper in mexico, gold and diamond in South AfricaTo fund capitalism financial institutions were formed, stock markets, Insurance, gold standard, Limited Liability corporationsMultinational business form which operate in multiple companies, United Fruit Company, HSBC( Hong Kong and Shanghai banking Corporation)Opposition to capitalism, Utopian socialism, Marxism, AnarchismState sponsored Industrialization: Meiji Japan, Russia, China, EgyptGov’t try to pacify workers by giving state pensions, sufferage and public education to maintain systemImperialism: Control was exerted by Imperialist on lesser nation, Britian over India, Dutch over IndonesiaEuropean nations that had colonies/empires: Britian, Dutch, French, German, RussianColonies in Africa, britian in west Africa, Belgium in congoSet up settlers to be on the ground in colonies, Britian-Africa, Australia and New Zealand, French-AlgeriaEconomic Imperialism-where the use of $ manipulation is used to control lesser countries: Britian and France over China, Britian and U.S. over Latin AmericaAnti imperialism movement caused the ottoman empire to shrink, semi independence in EgyptNew states emerge: Cherokee nation, Siam, Hawai’i , ZuluNationalism: German, Filipino, LiberianPhilosophers challenge how we think: Voltaire, RousseauEnlightenment thinkers, locke, MontesquieuChallenges to power in Imperialist states: Marathas and the Mughal sultansSlave resistance, Maroon societiesAnti colonial movements: Indian revolt 1857, boxer rebellion, Taiping, Ghost dance, Xhosa cattle killing movementReforms due to revolts: Tanzimat movement, Self strengthening movementWomen’s rights: Wollstonecraft- “Vindication of the rights of women”, Gouges- “Declaration of the rights of women and the female citizen”, Seneca falls conference 1848Individuals moved seeking more $, manual laborers, specialized professionalsSeasonal workers who came and left: Japanese in pacific, Lebanese in America, Italians in argentinaImmigrants form groups to support each other when coming into new countriesLaws set up to protect existing citizens from immigrants in terms of jobsChapter 29 Revolutions and the worldAbsolute monarchy vs rights of manDivine right made by kingsEnlightenment challenged that thought, locke-authority comes from the consent of the peopleDemands for freedom: worship, expression, politicalRousseau:social contractAmerican revolution: Britian and American colony, over $ pay for seven yr war, brit raise tax, America protest, boston tea partyDeclare independence, war, help from European countries, france Constitution, gave free press, speech, religion, legal rights for property owning menFrench revolutionHad no $, ? going to debtCalled Estates general to ask for taxesFirst and second did not want to pay wanted third toNational assembly formed, demand new constitution, took bastille, declaration of the rights of man and citizen,Abolished feudal system, took land from churchBecomes constitutional monarchyPrussia and Austrian tries to reinstate kingJacobins take over, Robespierre kills a lot of peopleNapoleon-military leader, brought stability to france, peace with church, equality for all men, attacked spain, Italy, netherland, failed RussiaGanged up on beat by britishThe spread of revolutionHaitian revolutionFrench colonySugar $ cropFrench revolution spread to Haiti, led by Toussaint Louverture, French come back with napoleon tried to recapture failed, yellow feverMexico independence based on france invasion of spainHidalgo led rebellionBolivar led rebellion in South AmericanPrince Pedro takes over brazilIdeologies: conservative-no change, liberal- lots of changeCreation of nation statesEthinic groups want nation of their ownGreek over came ottomanRebellions in france, spain, Portugal, german stateUnification of Italy and Germany-van bismarkChapter 30 Industrial revolutionFoundation of IndustryCoal, burns hotterRaw material neededDemand for cotton, grain, timber, beef from U.S.Steam engine-WattIron and steel, coke, purified coal replaced charcoal, Bessemer converter made cheaper stronger steelLed to transportation, trains, shipsFactoryReplaced putting out systemNo skill, wage earners, fast pacedStrikes Britian had monopoly of industrial knowledgeForbade migration out of countryGot rid of guildsCheaper goods, higher qualityMass produce goods, guns, carsLarge scale corporationsVertical/horizontalSocietyPopulation growth, raised standard of living, better dietMoved to cityMoved to different countriesNew class of people: captain of industry, middle class, working classWork and family life differentMen more important, sole providersWomen role went down, home, kidsWorkers all workedSocialist challenge: utopian, marx, communist manifestoGlobal effectsSpread to U.S. to Russia, japanDemand and dependency on other countries for goodsChapter 31 america and independencePoliticalAfter revolution, expand westPurchase Louisiana from franceManifest destiny- right to landConflict with natives, move off land for whitesMexican American war, texasTreaty of Guadalupe hidalgo, bought texas, California, new mexicoNorth vs. South, cotton=slave vs. industrial complex=labor, north did not want slavery in new statesLincoln elected, 11 southern states leave, war, north wins, blacks get freedomLatin AmericaCreole took over no experience running gov’tWhite minority dominated, peasant poor majority with not powerConflict between ranchers and farmersEconomyEuropean immigrants to U.S., Asian tooLatin American moved to farms, Asians to cuba and carribean sugar fieldsBritish $ help U.S. expand, textile, iron and steel and railroadsRails connected different economies in U.S., set time xonesNew inventions, electric, telephonesCanada, same as U.S. used British $ for investment and built railsLatin American dependence-colonial set up stayed agricultural, spain and Portugal did not encourage industry, creole stayed with farms, limited success with industrialization, mostly owned by outsiders$ crops, silver, beef, bananas, coffeeculture/socialmulticultural - dawes act-natives to farm, blacks no rights, women no rights, migrants low pay, do not speak EnglishCanada-large minority, blacks free not =, chinese worked on railroadNorthwest rebellion-louis riel, led, lost executed for treasonLatin America, organized by color or ethnicityGaucho-argentine cowboys, treated = mostly mixed raceChapter 32 society at crossroadsOttoman empire in declineMilitary- behind in strategy, weapons and training, janissary corrupt, start having private armies, lost land to Russia, Austria, and GermanyEconomic-less trade, Europe shifted to atlantic trade, heavily dependent on loans, capitulations (compromises) owed $ to Europe so gave control of taxes to them in exchange for trade, you can tax me but I can not tax youReform-mahmud 2 tried to change society make it look more European, janissary resist were killed allowed him to change army, school, roads, telegraphs, schools called tanzimat (reorganization era), religious did not like changes, young people wanted more changes and rightsRussiaCrimean War- with ottoman, seeking warm water port to Mediterranean, lost made the Russian start to industrialize, freed serfs but no political rights, did not increase food production, witte system was to help industrialize Russia fast, railroad construction, banks to protect industry, hard on workers, gov’t outlawed unions, peasants rebell, put down, anti gov’t protestRuso-japan war over land and access to land in asia and sea, bloody Sunday, people mad they lost war, peasants take over, czar forced to accept concession, duma (congress)CHINAOpium war- china did not want outsiders in china (cohong) had lots to give but wanted little from EuropeOpium got china addicted made it easier for Europe to get into chinaChina told britian to stop but did not war broke out britan won, forced unequal tradeFood shortage, rebellion started, taiping ( started by hong Xiuquan) wanted mongols out of chinaReforms- self strengthing movement- blend of chinese and European traditions, built shipyards, railroads, weapons, steel, schoolOutside forces limited chinese political power100 day reforms, two Confucian scholars, did not workboxer rebellion, attacked foreigners and chinese Christians lost to European and japanJapancrop failure, high taxes rising price of rice led to rebelliontokugawa bakufu tried to reform did not workforeign pressure to open up japan to trade, U.S. sail fleet into bay and demand entry, japan give unequal treatmentrebellion, Meiji restores order (Mutsuhito or Meiji) open to foreignersyukichi studies western constitution and educationhirobumi build constitutional government, got rid of feudal orderchanged tax system from grain to $emperor stays in power gift was constitutional gov’t, less than 5% of men could vote, legislature calld Dietindustrial- rails, phone, ships, education, public and university, private capitalism, weight of development put on backs of Japanese people, became industrial power in one generationchapter 33 building global empiresfoundations of empireImperialism-when a industrial country uses its military and or economic power to extract resources and finances from a smaller or less developed countryTypes: colonies ruled by migrants, controlled by imperial powers without settlementMotives: $ and resources, political-harbors, supply stations, use to defuse internal tensions, social- religion, civilizing mission, white man’s burdenTools-transportation- ships, railroads, military, guns, telegraphEuropeanBritian in IndiaStart with trading post, went to English east India companyUsed military to get control, took part of gov’t let Indians run on the ground, did not interfere with culture or Hindu religionIntroduced crops- tea, Ceylon, coffe and opium built rails, telegraph, canals, harbors and irrigatinGreat Game- between Russia and Britian over central asiaDutch had IndonesiaBritian took Burma, SingaporeFrench Vietnam, Cambodia, LaosAfrica, Dutch in South Africa, Berlin Conference, hard and expensive, gave control to companies who were on ground, direct rule or indirect rule base on the $ being made in countryPacific, whalersUnited StatesTook control of latin America and Pacific, Monroe doctrine- America is the police in the WestSpainish American war- U.S. fights for cuba so we can control sugar and not Spain, took Puerto rico, guam and Philippines- wanted to be free we helped then did not let them be freePanama canal- was part of Columbia, used rebels to start own country so canal could be builtJapan-did not want to be controlled so it tried to be the controller, attacked and won at korea, china and Russia and became a power in asiaLegacy of ImperialismOutside manipulation of local crops cost farmers $, used locals for foreign labor benefit, major migrations around the world fee from oppression to freedomNumerous rebellions and boycottsScientific racism develops, gobineau divides humans into four groups with traits, Darwin survival of fittest justifies European dominationNational and anti colonial movements develop, ram mohan roy India, Indian National congressUnit Six 1900-presentChapter 34 THE GREAT WAR: THE WORLD IN UPHEAVALChapter 35 THE AGE OF ANXIETYChapter 36 NATIONALISM AND POLITICAL IDENTITIES IN ASIA, AFRICA, AND LATIN AMERICAChapter 37 NEW CONFLAGRATIONS: WORLD WAR IIChapter 38 THE BIPOLAR WORLDChapter 39 THE END OF EMPIREChapter 40 A WORLD WITHOUT BORDERSKey ConceptsScience and EnvironmentGlobal conflicts and their consequencesNew conceptualization of gobal economy, society and cultureImportant topics:New thinking patterns in science: theory of relativity, quantum mechanics, big bang theory, psychologyMedical innovations: polio vaccination, anitbiotics, artificial heartPoverty diseases: malaria, tuberculosis, choleraPandemic diseases: flu of 1918, ebola, hiv and aidsLifestyle change diseases: diabetes, heart disease, alzheimer’sImproved military: tanks, airplanes, atomic bombNew military tactics: trench warfare, firebombingCities that suffered from these attacks, Nanjing, Dresden, HiroshimaCollapse of old empires: sue to $ hardship, political and social discontent, stagnant technology, military defeatIndependence gained through negotiation and armed struggle: India, gold coast, Algeria, Vietnam, AngolaNationalist leaders that led these rebellions: Mohandas Gandhi, Ho Chi Minh, Kwame NkrumahReligious or ethnic rebellion: Muhammad Ali Jinnah, Quebecois separatist movement, Biafra secessionistTransnational movements, communism, pan-arabism, pan-africanismResettlement of groups: India/Pakistan, Zionist jews to Palestine, divide up middle eastEthnic violence against rival groups, Armenia, the holocaust, Cambodia, RwandaPeoples displaced Palestinians, darfuriansPeople’s challenged war:Picasso in Guernica, antinuclear movement, thich quang duc by self-immolationNonviolence leaders, Gandhi, MLKAlternatives to economic lifestyles: lenin and Zedong communist, anti apartheid movement, Tiananmen SquareMovements who used violence: Ira, Eta, Al-qaedaPopular culture that influence war: Dada, James Bond, Socialist Realism, Video gamesGov’t control of state economies: 5yr plan, great leap forward, New Deal, Fascist corporatist, Nasser in EgyptPolitics encourage free market: Reagan, Thatcher, Deng Xiaoping, PinochetInternational organizations: league nations, united nations, international criminal courtEconomic institutions: International Monetary Fund (IMF), world bank, world trade organization (WTO)Humanitatian organizations, UNICEF, Red Cross, Amnesty International, doctors without borders, world health organization (who)Regional trade agreements, The European Union, NAFTA, ASEAN, MercosurMultinational coroprations: Royal Dutch Shell, Coca-Cola, SonyProtest movements, Greenpeace, Green Belt in Kenya, Earth DayHuman rights- Universal declaration of Human rights, women’s rights, the end of the white Australia policyNegritude ???XenophobiaRace riotsCitizenship restrictionsNew forms of religion: new age religion, hare Krishna, falun gongSports reflect society- soccer, world cup, Olympics, criketMusic-reggae, BollywoodChapter 34 World War 1Beginning of warNationalism- ethnic groups wanted sovereign state, Slavic nationalism, serbs wanted own country, Russia promoted pan-slavism, Germany backed Austria hungryNaval race between Germany and Britain, Germany and France almost fight over moroccoAlliances- central- Germany, Austria-hungary, ottoman, allies, Britain, france and RussiaStrategies: Germany-schlieffen plan-attack france defensive on Russia,France plan-offensive moves and attacksNew warArchduke killedWar breaks outWestern front-stalemate on Marne river between Germany and FranceNew weapons-poisonous gas, mustard gas, armored tank, airplane, submarines, no man’s land( between the trenches)Eastern front-more fluid-Austria/german take Serbia, Albania, and Romania, Russia invades PrussiaCivilians become targets, air raidsTotal war-all of economy used to fight and prepare for warWomen entered workforcePropaganda- to keep support for the warAllies outside Europe enter war- Japan took german land in china, new Zealand and Australia took german land in pacificJapan tried to take china, 21 demand, Britain stopped itAllies target german assets in Africa, togolandAttack ottoman- lost Caucasus to Russia, EndRevolution in Russia, food shortage, new government did not withdraw from warUnstable situation, new gov’t not working, lenin was kicked out for being trouble maker, Germany sent him back in hopes that he could be put in charge and take Russia out of the war.He led the Boshevik Party, took over in October, withdrew from war and gave up 1/3 of UkraineAmerican involvement-neutral at first, selling goods to both sides, german submarines sinking ships, sank Lusitania killing 1198 peopleExtra help opened stalemate and advance on GermanyParis Peace ConferenceDominated by U.S., France and Britain, wilson’s 14 points, no german army, central powers had to pay for war and accept guilt, Austria-hungary lost empireTurkey formed-Mustafa KemalLeague of Nations to maintain world peaceNew countries: Poland, Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia, Mandate system: to decolonize central powers territories, three classesEurope weakened by war-inflation, debt, loss of oversea investments and foreign marketsU.S. now on topChapter 35 Age of AnxietySocial changesKnown as lost generation- uncertainty and pessimism, science tarnished by so much killing during war, freedom and rights given to all men and womenScience- Einstein- theory of relativity-space and time relative to the person measuring it, Heisenberg-uncertainty principle-can not state positon and velocity of subatomic particle at same time, Freud-psychoanalytic theory-psychological cause for mental illness, Art and architecture –Picasso, GropiusDepressionWeakness of global economy, Germany and Austria borrowed $ from U.S. and had to pay reparations, U.S. withdrew $ from Europe, industrialization reduce demand for raw materials, farming depressed, crash of 29, stocks on margin, lenders call loans no $ problemBusiness lose $ close down, trickle down effect, people lose jobs, no $ to buy stuff, other smaller business go down and on and onPrice for good go down, countries start tariffs to help own country reboundPersonal suffering, women lost jobs, no foodEconomic fixes-keynes-gov’t should get involved in spending $, new deal Roosevelt spend $ on infrastructureAnti capitalist gov’tRussia-civil war red vs. whites, red wins, lenin set up communist system, national banks, industry and church, private trade outlawed, did not work production went down, lenin changes and tries to open back up a little, dies while trying to fix, struggle for power, Stalin takes over, man of steel, kills rivals, 5yr plan- set production quotas, focus on heavy industry instead of customer goods, collective farms to feed people, gave all people jobs and housing but no luxuries during depression, great purge-killed all who doubted him, 3 million diedFascist-Italy, Germay- submit ones life to the state, extreme nationalismItaly-Mussolini-took over used blackshirts, banned political parties, became one party state, supported businessGermany –Hitler-Nazi party-got power, one party system, praised race of germans, women key, wanted more babies, kill jewsNuremberg law-jew can not be citzen, Kristallnacht-night of broken glass, attack on Jewish businessNationalist AsiaIndia, INC (Indian National Congress) ML (Muslim league) wanted independent India, Gandhi leader of movement, opposed caste system, encouraged non cooperation and civil disobedienceIndia Act of 37, killed 379 protesters, India demands, princes would not agree to partial freedom, muslim wanted own country got PakistanChina- wanted to be free, WWI thought they would be free through paris peace treaty, Japan got the good stuff, students and people protest ( may 4th movement. Some move toward communism, CCP( chinese communist party) leader Zedong, guamindang leader-Sun yat-sen favored democracy, he dies Jiang Jieshi (JJ) takes over Japan attacks both work together to win, JJ attacks ccp and long march and eventually ccp winsJapan-became world power, wanted china, Mukden incident Japanese blown up train tracks say it was china so they could fight, military took Manchuria with out gov’t approvalChapter 36 Nationalism Asia and Africa and Latin AmericaAfricaParticipated in war, challenge European authority during war, revoltsEurope in Africa after war wanted two things: 1. Colony paid cost of doing business, 2. Develop in such a way that exports go to home country and not colonyFarming and mining two main ways to make moneyNationalism, want own land/countryLatin AmericaDid not like being taken advantaged of by Europe and then U.S.After war many students in latin America read up on Marx and leninMariategui, raul haya de la torre, castro, U.S. dealt with Latin America with $ (dollar diplomacy)Read chapter on Latin AmericaChapter 37 World War IIOriginsJapan- before the war they wanted to be imperial like Europe and the U.S., tried to take china but the communist and nationalist work together to fight invasion, rape of NanjingLeft league of nations and set up an alliance with Italy and GermanyEurope- Italy felt slighted by WWI, economy did not recover went into recession, Mussolini brought change, took Libya and attacked EthiopiaGermany- blamed for WWI, had to pay reparations and restrictions, hitler takes over, rebuilt german economy, started to take land in Europe with no opposition, blamed jews for situation, withdrew form league of nation, rebuilt military, took Rhineland, Austria, munich conference, Germany promise to stop taking land, took CzechoslovakiaTotal warBlitzkrieg- lighting war unannounced surprise attacks, Poland taken in less than one month, uboats in atlantic between german and Britain, france next, denmank, Norway, Belgium, netherlnds all fall, turn to Britain, air raids, then turn and try to invade Russia- operation Barbarossa, wanted land to resettle for german people, Russia withdraw, had big industrial complex that was moved east and made it hard for german’s to win, caught in Russian winterU.S.- sold supplies to british, Russian and chinese, Japan expanded into asia, taking or messing with U.S. $, U.S. froze Japanese assets, oil embargo, demand that japan withdraw from china and southeast asiaJapan decided to attack, pearl harbor, hawai’I, took Philippine, indies, Indochina, Burma, Singapore, slogan “asia for asia”U.S. enters war-brought supplies to war, Russia wins against german’s, U.S. fights in Europe and pacific, drop atomic bomb on japan to force surrenderLife duringHolocaust- experiment and kill jews and minority peoplesWomen worked in factories- roles in families changed, Comfort women-sex for soldiersEnd that did not endU.S. and Russia come out of war as two major powersRussia did not like the fact the U.S. took too long to invade Europe to open up a second front on GermanyRussia supports U.S. against Japan, divide up losers territory,Tensions build over who gets what territory in Europe, Germany split in two, iron curtain between Russia and westTruman doctrine- U.S. would support any country trying to be free from oppressionMarshall plan- U.S. $ spent to loan and rebuilt Europe, Russia-soviet do the same ( COMECON) council of Mutual Economic AssistanceWar pacts: Nato, warsaw pact, regional alliance for U.S. and Soviet protectionChapter 38 Cold warOriginsEuropeCapitalism vs Communism, west Europe vs east EuropeGermany divided into 2 parts where 4 countries controlSoviets(Russia) refuse to withdraw, tries to block aid to west berlin, U.S. airlift supplies in, Soviets build wall to separate east from westArms race ensues to protect each side from the other with regional alliance pacts, NATO and Warsaw pact, MAD ( Mutually Assured Destruction)Korea/CubaKorea-north communist , south democratic, north supported by china U.S. supports south, agree to stop fighting on 38th parallelU.S. response is to “containment” stop the advance of communism in the world, fear of the domino theory- if one country in a region falls, all will fallCuba- castro takes over in 59, takes U.S. property and kills thousands of people, accepts $ resources from SovietsU.S. tries to invade in 61- bay of pigs fails, U.S. loses reputation in Latin AmericaSoviets convince Cuba to allow nuclear missiles into country to threaten U.S.U.S. demand the remove of missiles or there would be war, Soviets move them outSub societial problemsSociety says women should be home and take care and raise kidsWomen not happy want equality and rights in work forceAfro American want equality, bob marley, martin luther king, Malcolm XCivil rights movementContrast in economies, wealth vs poverty or lackRace to space: first to space then to moon, yuri Gagarin first man to orbit earth, john glenn first americanWorld influenceCountries that did not want to participate in cold warFrance-De Gaulle- wanted to be free of superpowersYogoslavia-Tito-formed independent communist stateKhrushchev dialed down stalin’s extreme communism, free prinsionersCzechoslovakia- tried to be democratic, failedChinaZedong out maneuvered JJ name china, People’s republic of ChinaReorganized politics, communist at front, killed opponents, started his own 5 yr plan, land redistribution, collective farms, women could get divorce, no more foot bindingWorked with Russia, both did not like U.S.Did not like U.S. helping Japan, south korea or taiwonSoviets gave instruction and weapons to support early chinese communismFriendship strained, competition for land and resourcesDétente??-decline of power and cooperation between countriesSalt talks( strategic arms limitation talks)Soviet invade Afghanistan end to dententeU.S. lose war in VietnamSoviet lose in AfghanistanDecline and endReagan out spends soviets to bankrupt them in regards to military spending and arms build upGorbachev-restructure soviet system, satellites countries own their own, rapid collapse of communist countries, reforms went into politics and economy, Perestroika-reform economy, Glasnost-openness to criticismSoviet collapse in December 1991Communist countries now are Cuba and North KoreaChapter 39 End of Empire or Imperialism in the third worldAsiaIndia-vivisection- partitioned independenceHad to separate hindu and muslims into two countries, India and PakistanMillions died during migration to PakistanTwo countries fought over province of Kashmir, Pakistan lostPakistan aligned with U.S., India took aid from both sidesWanted to not get involved in Cold War, Nehru took third path Tried to set up Bandung conference of non alignment countries, 29 came, movement lacked unity many got $ from one of the two sidesVietnam-Get French out, japan invade French out, Ho chi Minh declare independence, France tries to take back over take Saigon and south Vietnam in 45, took Hanoi and Haiphong by bombs, ho and his followers go to guerrilla warfare on countryside, got $ from China, viet Hinh won in 54Partial independence, split on 17 parallel, south did not want elections thought they would lose to communist, U.S. supported French then South, North got aid from China and soviet, north attack south, U.S. comes to aid of south and 8yr warArab-All state free after war except PalestineZionist Jews want land in Palestine, Britain supports , Balfour declaration 1917, feuds between Jews and Palestinians in 20’s and 30’s over landDuring WWII many jews came to area running from Hitler, were armedAfter war, Britain let U.N. handle, they wanted to create 2 states for both, Palestinians said no, civil war broke out Israel won and took more land than was offeredNasser, leader of Egypt, wanted to stay neutral in cold war and get rid of Israel, wanted to control suez canal so $ could go to Egypt, british and French attack to keep control, U.S. made them give it back, AfricaFrench in Algeria, war fighting became too costly $Nationalism grew in Africa, all wanted to be freeEurope did not think Africa was ready, white settlers opposed black independence, anticommunist fears as well, instability in politics and economy did not helpGhana- first to gain independence, Kwame Nkrumah leaderKenya- labeled as communist was taken over eventually won independence in 63South AfricaFree in 1901, no rights to blacks, economy strong- mining and industry, apartheid set up in 48 to keep races separate, 87% land for whites rest they could have, Mandela opposed put in jail got out 27 yr later became presidentCongoLeader killed by cia communistMobutu dictator took all $ for self, killed then kabila came in ran killed, son run no electionsPost colonial eraChina-Mao unites chinaGreat leap forward- industrial catch up, famine did not workCultural revolution- tries to kill all smart intellectual people, set them backAfter death, Deng opened china up to foriegnersIndia stable, democraticIslam in asiaDid not like west culture, did not like Israel in region, wanted all out, jihad- holy warIranU.S. help Shah get power over thrown by muslim Khomeini takes hostages, encourages other muslims in other countries to do same against U.SIraq attacks Iran, war for 8 yrs, stalemateIraq invade Kuwait, oil refineries, U.S. gets involvedLatin AmericaMexico- constitution, redistribute land, subsoil assets owned by gov’tArgentina-military rule-Juan pe_on killed military take overGuatemala-Arbenz took land from United Fruit Company, Cia overthrow him put armas who lets U.S. get $ backNicragua- Somoza, mean, kills, but is cool with U.S., killed by Sandinistas, they are communist not good for U.S. so U.S. support small group called contras to overthrow SandinistasChapter 40 World without BordersGlobal $GATT-(general agreement on Tariff and trade) to promote free trade, members create WTO( world Trade organization) result global corporations, which seek cheapest labor and resources and prefer lax laws and taxesAsiaJapanSupport of U.S. started with export focus, reinvest $ in technology, hong kong, Singapore, South korea, taiwon follow japan’s modelChina- rise since death of Zedong, open to investors, shift from planned economy to free market, lots of cheap labor, large markets, joined WTO 2001Regional trading blocs: EU (European Union), OPEC ( organization of petroleum exporting Countries), ASEAN (associaltion of southeast Asian Nations) NAFTA (North American free Trade Agreement)- all were set up to make trade easier and more profitable for neighboring countriesExchange of ideasWesten ideals seen in products all societies do not likeBarbie- Iran- saw as a threat to muslim values, same in japanAccess, internet, no isolationChina tries to firewall to keep people outProblemsPopulation grows, how many people can the earth supportUsing up natural resourcesPovertyLabor servitudeHuman traffickingDisease-AIDSTerrorismGlobal problems, hunger, disaster, NGO (nongovernmental organization)- red cross, greenpeaceUnited Nations maintain peaceWorld with no rulesWomen’s rights, want to be treated =Domestic violenceWomen leaders in $ and politicsMigration- legal illegal, move for $ to escape warTravelers- vacation and fun spend $- largest industry in world, low paying jobs, exploit natives and animals in certain areas ................

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