PDF Biology 4361 - Developmental Biology

Biology 4361 ? Developmental Biology

Principles of Experimental Embryology

June 16, 2008


What forces affect embryonic development? The embryonic environment: external and internal

How do forces within the embryo cause the differentiation of cells? Differentiation definition Specification, commitment, and determination concepts Types of specification: autonomous, syncytial, and conditional Morphogens and morphogen gradients Stem cells and commitment

How do cells organize themselves into tissues and organs?

The Embryonic Environment

What is the "embryonic environment"?

External influences: light temperature humidity predators competitors intraspecific signals

Internal influences (e.g. intrauterine): chemicals (e.g. maternal hormones, caffeine, nicotine) competitors (e.g. littermates)

Environmental regulation pathway: external stimulation triggers signaling event in embryo signal stimulates an embryonic pathway (e.g. endocrine), that changes the developmental pathway.


Differentiation ? development of cellular specialization

How does the intraembryonic environment direct cellular differentiation?

Differentiation is a process preceded by the commitment of cell to certain fate(s)

Commitment is also a staged process: specification determination

Commitment Stages

Stages of cell commitment:

1. Specification. Capable of differentiating autonomously when placed in a neutral environment not when placed in nonneutral environment (functional definition) reversible

2. Determination. Capable of differentiating autonomously even when placed into another embryonic region. (functional definition) essentially irreversible



differentiated determination


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