
Kings - Lesson 13

Solomon Continued

Read I Kings 6-11

Memory Work I Corinthians 3:16, 17.

1.a. Where was Solomon's temple built? II Chronicles 3:1.

b. What was remarkable by the time the temple was completed? I Kings 6:7.

c. Upon completion, what was the Word of the Lord that came to Solomon? I Kings 6:11-13.

2. What precious metal covered the Holy of Holies...and the furnishings of the temple? II Chronicles 4:19-5:1.

3. What else did Solomon build? I Kings 7:1-12.

4.a. Could anyone work on the details of the temple? I Kings 7:13, 14.

b. Who gathered the gold, silver, and bronze for the temple? I Kings 7:51. I Chronicles 29:1-9.

5.a. From chapter 8, what happened when the Ark of the Covenant was placed in the Holy of Holies

(inner sanctuary?) Verses 6-10.

b. What was in the Ark?

c. What was over the tablets of the law in the Ark? Exodus 25:19-22.

d. Why would a mercy seat cover the law?

e. Do we still need a mercy seat today?

f. Who is our mercy seat?

g. What made this temple more than just a building, but the very house of God?

h. Where does God dwell today? I Corinthians 3:16, 17.

6.a. What stood out to you about Solomon's speech and prayer?

b. What three things would happen if the "people sinned against God?" Verse 33,35,37.

c. What position was Solomon in during his prayer of dedication Verse 54.

d. Why do you think this position has become lost today in the majority of our churches?

e. Is there an application here for our lives?

f. What reassurance did Solomon give that God would forgive His people? See II Chronicles 7:14.

g. Is I Kings 8:46 similar to Romans 3:23? Why would this be so?

7.a. Blessing was conditional, based on ________________.

b. What was the purpose of God blessing them? I Kings 8:60.

c. What were their hearts to be? Verse 61. Is this an easy thing to do? Explain.

d. For how many days did they celebrate?

e. What was the mood of the people when Solomon sent them away?

f. Why do you think this was so?

Think about If we believers asked for justice in our land, how might we expect God to answer?

8.a. From chapter 9, when the Lord appeared to Solomon a second time, give the conditions that

God gave Solomon personally for blessing.

b. What would disobedience bring?

c. Was this anything new? See Leviticus 26; Deuteronomy 4:1-40.

9.a. From chapter 10, what was the purpose of Sheba's visit?

b. How far had she come? (present day Yemen) See a map.

c. What was her response to all that she saw and heard?

10. With reference to Sheba, what lesson did Jesus teach? See Matthew 12:39-42.

11a Describe Solomon's opulence from I Kings 10:14-29.

b. What was the weight of the gold that came to Solomon yearly?

c. As a man of unparalled wealth, that does Solomon say to value? Ecclesiastes 12:13, 14.

12. What did Solomon import? Should he have done this? Explain I Kings 10:26-28.

13a From chapter 11, trace the steps in Solomon's downward path:







b. Have you ever known someone who started out on fire for the Lord, but the fire dimmed to a mere

ember over the years. Why do you think this loss of commitment occurs?

14.a. What did God send to discipline Solomon? Did this discipline change Solomon?

b. How should a believer respond to God's discipline? Hebrews 12:5,6.

c. Have you ever been disciplined by the Lord? Could you share?

d. Did Solomon ever turn to the Lord as his father David had? Give verses.

15a. How many Psalms (songs) did Solomon write? How many do we have today? I Kings 4:32.

b. How many Proverbs did he write? How many do we have today?

c. What does this tell us about God's sovereignty?

16. Since God gave Solomon the gift of wisdom, can you esplain how Solomon could have acted

so unwisely?


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