Chapter 4: Water

Section A: The world’s water



i) How much of the Earth’s water is fresh water? (1 mark) _________________________________

ii) How much of this is easily accessible? Explain your answer. (2 marks)





b) Describe each of the following parts of the hydrological cycle: (2 marks)

i) groundwater flow: _______________________________________________________________


iii) transpiration: ___________________________________________________________________


c) Name the three different states water can be found in within the hydrological cycle. Give a specific example with each one: (3 marks)

i) _______________________________________________________________________________

ii) _______________________________________________________________________________

iii) _______________________________________________________________________________


a) Give two reasons why fresh water is an essential resource. (2 marks)

i) _______________________________________________________________________________


iv) _______________________________________________________________________________


d) The map below shows that fresh water is not evenly distributed across the world.

Explain the main reasons for this, giving named examples. (3 marks)






e) One of the Millennium Development Goals was to halve the proportion of people living without access to safe water and sanitation by 2020. This has already been achieved for water, but not sanitation. Explain why, giving named examples. (5 marks)














a) Describe the differences in the amounts of water used in agriculture, industry and domestically between high income and low/middle income countries. (2 marks)




f) Study the water footprints below which show daily domestic water use in litres.

i) Explain what we mean by a water footprint. (1 mark)



v) Describe and explain the main differences it shows. (3 marks)






a) Agriculture is the biggest single user of fresh water – much of it needed for irrigation. Explain three reasons why irrigation is needed. Give named examples of countries where each is used.

(3 marks)

i) _______________________________________________________________________________


ii) _______________________________________________________________________________


iii) _______________________________________________________________________________


g) Study the diagram below.

i) What type of irrigation does it show? (1 mark) ________________________________________

vi) Add your own annotated labels to explain how it works. (4 marks)


a) Why does it take over 2000 litres of water to produce one T-shirt? Use these words in your answer: manufacturing, virtual or embedded water, other water uses. (4 marks)









h) Describe and explain two reasons increasing amounts of water are likely to be needed for industry in the future. (4 marks)

i) _______________________________________________________________________________




vii) _______________________________________________________________________________




(Total marks = 40)

Section B: Water in the Netherlands


a) Study the map below. Describe how each natural feature was formed and its location.

(4 marks)

i) the delta







viii) the sand dunes







i) In what ways has water:

i) benefited the Netherlands (2 marks)





ix) caused problems (2 marks)







i) Which organisation is responsible for the national water system and waterways today? (1 mark)


x) There are now 26 local water boards. What are they responsible for? (2 marks)






i) What is the approximate water use per person per day in the Netherlands? (1 mark)


xi) How and why has domestic water consumption and use changed since 1995? Refer to actual examples in your answer. (3 marks)






a) What event finally led to the government starting the Zuiderzee Works? (1 mark)


j) What were its three main aims? (3 marks)

i) _______________________________________________________________________________

ii) _______________________________________________________________________________

iii) _______________________________________________________________________________

k) Why can salinisation be a problem when land is drained or reclaimed? (2 marks)




a) Describe what the following mean: (2 marks)

i) hard engineering: ________________________________________________________________


xii) beach replenishment: ____________________________________________________________


l) Study the map (below) showing the Delta Works. Use the map and what you have learnt about the Works to help you write a brief case study about it. Include named locations in your answer. (6 marks)















m) Both the Zuiderzee and Delta works shortened the existing coastline. Describe two ways in which this is useful. (2 marks)

i) _______________________________________________________________________________


xiii) _______________________________________________________________________________



a) Explain why inland flooding is a major problem in the Netherlands. (3 marks)







n) Describe the ‘Room for the River Scheme’ using the headings: aim(s), methods used and costs.

(6 marks)

















(Total marks = 40)

Section C: Coping for the future


a) Explain why the demand for water in LDCs is increasing at a faster rate than in MDCs. Give named examples in your answers. (2 marks)

i) _______________________________________________________________________________


xiv) ______________________________________________________________________________


o) Explain what is meant by: (2 marks)

i) water stress ____________________________________________________________________


xv) water scarcity ___________________________________________________________________


p) Study the graphic showing the United Nations Human Right to Water declaration made in 2010.

i) Do you and your family have all these rights? Explain why. (1 mark)


xvi) Which of these do you think is the most difficult to achieve for all the world’s people? Explain why. (3 marks)








i) Explain why rivers like the Rhine and Euphrates are called ‘transnational’ rivers. (1 mark)



xvii) Why do countries downstream along a transnational river often experience problems? (1 mark)



q) Study the map showing the Euphrates river basin.

i) Describe the course of the River Euphrates from its source to the sea. Use distances, directions and named locations in your answer. (3 marks)







ii) Many dams have been built across the Euphrates (shown by black lines on the map). One of these is the Ataturk dam in Turkey. What problems has this caused between Syria and Turkey? (3 marks)










i) What is an aquifer? (1 mark) ______________________________________________________


xviii) Why are aquifers especially important in the Middle East? (1 mark)



r) Why have a number of the most serious conflicts over access to water happened in the Middle East? (2 marks)





s) Explain why access to water is a cause of conflict between the Israelis and Palestinians. Use these words in your answer: West Bank, aquifer, irrigation, water tankers. (4 marks)









a) Study the map below showing the extent of the flooding in Pakistan in 2010. (3 marks)

i) What is the name of the main river? _______________________________________________

xix) Approximately how much of Pakistan was flooded? _____________ %.

xx) Which was the worst hit area? _____________________________________________________

t) Give three reasons why flooding is a constant problem for Pakistan. (3 marks)

i) _______________________________________________________________________________


xxi) _______________________________________________________________________________


xxii) _______________________________________________________________________________


u) Describe and explain a human activity which has increased the flood risk. (2 marks)





Both Pakistan and the Netherlands suffer from flooding.

i) From your study of Rotterdam, explain how it is trying to prevent flooding. (5 marks)














xxiii) How and why is this different from trying to prevent flooding in Pakistan? (3 marks)










Total = 40 marks

Section A = 40 marks

Section B = 40 marks

Section C = 40 marks

Total = 120 marks


Student Tests


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