Chapter 2: Soil Composition

Chapter 2: Soil Composition

Name: Date:

1) Give the ideal composition of soil.


2) Where is mineral matter derived from?


3) Why is the % air and water said to be dynamic?



4) Explain why soil pore space is so important?


5) Explain how soil pore space can be affected?


6) Give the composition of mineral matter.


7) List the in order of increasing size the mineral matter particles.


8) Explain the properties of gravel and sand.



9) Explain the properties of silt and clay.



10) What is meant by ion exchange?


11) Why is colloidal clay so important?


12) Describe the relationship between surface area, ion exchanging power and particle size?


13) What is meant by the term cations?


14) What is an anion?


15) Describe the properties of organic matter.


16) What is humus?


17) Describe the relationship between particle size and physical and chemical properties.



18) What is colloidal humus?


19) Compare soil air and atmospheric air.


20) Why is air needed in soil?


21) How can air be removed from soil?


22) What is diffusion?


23) What do capillary forces mean?


24) Why is soil water often referred to as the soil solution?


25) What is soil texture?


26) Explain what is meant by the physical properties of soil.


27) How can soil texture be determined?


28) What is the soil texture triangle used for?


29) Give one desirable property and one undesirable property of a sand, silt, and loam and clay soil.



30) How can soil structure be defined?



31) Compare (giving at least 3 points) the following soils: a clay soil, a sandy soil and a loam soil.


32) How can soil structure be defined?



33) Compare a structured and structureless soil.




34) What is meant by flocculation?




35) What is aggregation?



36) What is a ped?



37) How can flocculation be promoted?




38) How is structure development accomplished in a field?






39) Compare cementation and separation.




40) Explain what factors affect cementation and separation.





41) What is meant by a “permanent grassland”?





42) What is the optimum level of air in soil?



43) Why might a sub soiler or ripper be used for?



44) What is a polarised water molecule?




45) What is hygroscopic water?




46) Compare hygroscopic water, capillary water and gravitational water.





47) What is meant by available water capacity?




48) Compare soil that is at (a) Saturation, (b) Field Capacity (c) Permanent Wilting Point.





49) Compare permanent and temporary wilting point.




50) How can a crop be put under “moisture stress”?




51) What is meant by “unsaturated flow” and “saturated flow” when talking about water movement.





52) What is meant by a perched water table?




53) Explain what effect does soil temperature have?





54) What is Van Hoff’s Law?





55) Describe an experiment to estimate the soil texture by feel and feel.









56) Describe an experiment to determine the soil textural class.









57) Describe an experiment to estimate the soil texture by sedimentation.









58) Describe an experiment to demonstrate flocculation of clay.









59) Describe an experiment to demonstrate the effect of structure formation on total pore space.










60) Describe an experiment to determine the infiltration rate and permeability of a clay and sandy soil.









61) Describe an experiment to determine the threshold soil temperature for grass growth.










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