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Sticking With God: Grasping His Grace

Week 10: God’s Grace Helps Us Have Good Relationships

This includes:

Leader Preparation

Lesson Guide



Joseph’s brothers felt jealous. The gift of a beautiful robe was just one manifestation of the love their dad lavished on Joseph. To make matters worse, Joseph had dreams in which symbols representing his brothers worshipped him.

So his brothers sold him into slavery. Cruel as it was, their desire to be done with their dad’s golden child eventually worked out well for Joseph. God protected Joseph and established him in a position of responsibility and power. When famine hit the land, Joseph’s brothers indeed bowed before him. Joseph, by God’s grace, forgave his brothers. Use this lesson to help kids understand the importance of forgiveness, regardless of the sins committed against us.


God’s grace helps us have good relationships.


Genesis 37:18-35


“Please forgive your brothers for the great wrong they did to you—for their sin in treating you so cruelly” (Genesis 50:17).


The short overview below is designed to help you prepare for your lesson.

Supplies You’ll Need: Sticking With God: Grasping His Grace (Year 3/Quarter 11) CD, LIVE Children’s Curriculum (Year 3) DVD, CD player, TV/DVD player, “Well, Well, Well!” handout, crayons or markers, paper cups, Bibles, paper, cardboard tubes, wax paper, rubber bands, scissors, tape

Before This Lesson

• Print the “Well, Well, Well!” handout. You’ll need one copy per crew of four kids.

• Assemble Bible Exploration Kits (one per four kids): one Hands-On Bible, “Well, Well, Well!” handout, 10 paper cups, wax paper, markers, crayons, scissors, paper, and one cardboard tube and one rubber band per child.

• Review Genesis 37:18-35.

• Cue "Into the Bible" (Track 1) on the Sticking With God: Grasping His Grace (Year 3/Quarter 11) CD or (Quarter 11/Track 1) on the LIVE Children’s Curriculum (Year 3) DVD.

• Huddle briefly with your volunteers beforehand. Answer any questions they have. Encourage them and pray.


We’ve provided you with a “Family Devotion” handout to send the Bible learning and faith discovery home. When kids and parents have faith discussions regularly, kids’ faith multiplies.

So we’ve given you two options:

• Print the “Family Devotion” handout and make enough copies for each child to take one home.

• Email the “Family Devotion” to families before or after the actual lesson.

Or why not do both? That way you’ll double the opportunities for parents to actually get the handout.

Sticking With God: Grasping His Grace

Week 10: God’s Grace Helps Us Have Good Relationships



Supplies: Sticking With God: Grasping His Grace (Year 3/Quarter 11) CD, LIVE Children’s Curriculum (Year 3) DVD, CD player, TV/DVD player, assembled Bible Exploration Kits

1. Play “Into the Bible” (Track 1) from the Sticking With God: Grasping His Grace (Year 3/Quarter 11) CD or (Quarter 11/Track 1) from the LIVE Children’s Curriculum (Year 3) DVD as kids arrive.

• “Into the Bible”

Makes me wanna jump!

Jump! Jump! Jump! Jump!

Makes me wanna sing! Hallelujah!

It’s the greatest book.

Come and take a look.

Makes me wanna shout!

Shout! Shout! Shout! Shout!

So that everyone will see

I’m getting into the Bible

And the getting into me!

We’re discovering a brand-new world

As we dig a little deeper (deeper),

Finding out about who God is.

Open it up and see it (see it)!

There’s nothin’ like

God’s Word, and I get

So excited.

It makes me wanna,

Makes me,

Makes me wanna jump!

Jump! Jump! Jump! Jump!

Makes me wanna sing! Hallelujah!

It’s the greatest book.

Come and take a look.

Makes me wanna shout!

Shout! Shout! Shout! Shout!

So that everyone will see

I’m getting into the Bible

And the getting into me!

“Into the Bible” by Jay Stocker. © 2006 Group Publishing, Inc. All rights reserved. Permission to use lyrics granted for local church use only. No unauthorized duplication permitted.

2. Have kids form Bible Crews of four, and give each crew a Bible Exploration Kit. Ask crews to take the markers and paper cups from their kits. SAY: I’m so glad you’re here today! We’re going to talk about good relationships. To begin, brainstorm with your crew about things that make a healthy relationship, such as spending time together. Write one thing on each cup. Then, for every four things that make a healthy relationship, take one cup and write one thing that hurts a relationship, like gossip. When you’ve labeled all your cups, stack them to make a tower.

When crews have built their towers, instruct them to find the cups labeled with hurtful things and crush those cups without making the tower topple.

3. ASK:

• How was building your tower like building a relationship with someone?

• As your crew brainstormed about things that help and hurt relationships, how did you feel about your own relationships? For example, explain whether you think you spend more time on things that help or hurt your own relationships.

SAY: We think they should be easy, but good relationships take a lot of work. We have to put the right things into them—honesty, for example—and keep the wrong things out of them, like jealousy. God’s grace helps us have good relationships. We’re going to learn more about that, but before we do, tuck your cups back into your Exploration Kit because we’ll use them again later.


Supplies: assembled Bible Exploration Kits, tape

1. Have Bible Crews take the Bibles and a piece of paper for each person from their Exploration Kits. Help crews find Genesis 37:18-35.

SAY: God’s grace helps us have good relationships. Often we can learn how to have good relationships by learning from troubled relationships. We’re about to look at the troubled relationship between Joseph and his brothers. Joseph had a bunch of brothers. Their father paid extra attention to Joseph and gave him a special robe. And Joseph dreamed that his brothers and parents would someday bow down to him and then told his brothers about the dreams. His brothers really didn’t like this dreamer, so they decided to hurt him rather than help him.

The person in your crew whose birthday is next will read Genesis 37:18-35. While that person reads, pretend you’re Joseph’s brothers and your piece of paper is Joseph. When you hear the brothers talking or doing things to hurt Joseph, treat your paper accordingly by tearing off a corner, crumpling it up, or doing something else like that to the paper. Be careful, though. You don’t want to rip it to shreds and then have to try to put it back together.

2. When crews finish reading,


• How did your paper change during the story?

• How is the way you treated your paper like the way Joseph’s brothers treated him?

• If your paper were a real person, it obviously wouldn’t look like that. But what would be the result of a hurtful relationship?

3. SAY: Our words and actions can have a big impact on others. Maybe someone hurt you and you felt like your paper, crumpled and torn. Maybe you’ve hurt someone else and made that person feel that way. Maybe both. Let’s see another example of how sin hurts relationships.

Direct Bible Crews to the “Well, Well, Well!” handout, and have them find the cardboard tubes, wax paper, rubber bands, and scissors in their Bible Exploration Kits. Encourage kids to read and complete steps 1 through 3. Ask older kids to help the younger ones.

4. SAY: Find a partner on your Bible Crew. Take turns speaking through your Wacky Wells to tell each other one simple action to complete right now. For example, you could say, “Do three jumping jacks.” Pause for about a minute.

Take the wax paper circle and rubber band off the tube. Pause. Now tell your partner to do something to fix your partner’s Joseph paper. Make tape available for those who might want it.

5. ASK:

• The wax paper got in the way of communicating with your friend. What gets in the way of having good relationships?

• How does grace help relationships?

• What kinds of consequences might there still be, even after we receive grace?

Ask for examples of how kids “fixed” their Joseph papers.

SAY: You did a good job fixing your “Josephs,” but the consequences are still there. Sin got in the way of Joseph’s relationship with his brothers. Later in Joseph’s life, God put Joseph into a powerful position in Egypt where he was able to help his family through a terrible famine. Later, Joseph’s brothers sent him this message: “Please forgive your brothers for the great wrong they did to you—for their sin in treating you so cruelly” (Genesis 50:17), and Joseph forgave them. The consequences of Joseph’s brothers’ sins had kept them apart for years, years they would never get back. But by God’s grace, they were restored to a good relationship. God’s grace helps us have good relationships.

Ask kids to return their Wacky Well pieces to the Exploration Kits for later.


Supplies: Sticking With God: Grasping His Grace (Year 3/Quarter 11) CD, LIVE Children’s Curriculum (Year 3) DVD, CD player, TV/DVD player, assembled Bible Exploration Kits

1. Ask kids to take markers and the cups from their Bible Exploration Kits. SAY: Gently put your hands inside the crushed cups to restore them to cup shape. Forgiveness doesn’t make the wrongs go away, but it allows us to go on so that what happened no longer matters. When you’ve restored all your cups, cross out the negative words and replace them with positive ones. Then work together to build another tower as a symbol of the good relationships you have now and will have throughout your life by God’s grace.

2. Set up the Sticking With God: Grasping His Grace (Year 3/Quarter 11) CD or the LIVE Children’s Curriculum (Year 3) DVD. PLAY:

• “Create in Me” (Psalm 51:10) (CD Track 3) (DVD Quarter 11/Track 3)

Create in me a clean heart, O God.

Create in me a clean heart, O God.

Create in me a clean heart, O God.

Create in me a clean heart, O God.

Renew a right spirit within me, won’t you?

Renew a right spirit within me.

Renew a right spirit within me, won’t you?

Renew a right spirit within me, within me.

Create in me a clean heart, O God. (echo)

Create in me a clean heart, O God. (echo)

Create in me a clean heart, O God. (echo)

Create in me a clean heart, O God. (echo)

Renew a right spirit within me, won’t you?

Renew a right spirit within me.

Renew a right spirit within me, won’t you?

Renew a right spirit within me.

Renew a right spirit within me, won’t you?

Renew a right spirit within me.

Renew a right spirit within me, won’t you?

Renew a right spirit within me, within me,

Within me, within me.

“Create in Me” (Psalm 51:10) by Ben Glover. © 2004 Group Publishing, Inc. All rights reserved. Permission to use lyrics granted for local church use only. No unauthorized duplication permitted.

• “His Great Love” (Romans 5:8) (CD Track 5) (DVD Quarter 11/Track 5)


God loves us.

God sent his Son to die for us

Because of his great love.

God loves us.

God sent his Son to die for us

Because of his great love.


His great love,

God showed his great big love

By sending Christ to die for us

While we were still sinners.

His great love,

God showed his great big love

By sending Christ to die for us

While we were still sinners.

(Repeat from the beginning.)

His great love!

His great love!

His great love!

His great love!

His great love!

“His Great Love” (Romans 5:8) by Ben Glover. © 2005 Group Publishing, Inc. All rights reserved. Permission to use lyrics granted for local church use only. No unauthorized duplication permitted.

• “God Is Listening” (CD Track 6) (DVD Quarter 11/Track 6)

He knows you (he knows you).

He loves you (he loves you).

God is listening, listening, listening, listening.

He knows you (he knows you).

He loves you (he loves you).

God is listening, listening, listening, listening.

God knows every word

Before you even say it.

He hears every prayer

Before you even pray it.

So let him hear you now;

Let him hear you shout!

He knows you (he knows you).

He loves you (he loves you).

God is listening, listening, listening, listening.

He knows you (he knows you).

He loves you (he loves you).

God is listening, listening, listening, listening.

God knows every word

Before you even say it.

He hears every prayer

Before you even pray it.

So let him hear you now;

Let him hear you shout!

He knows you (he knows you).

He loves you (he loves you).

God is listening, listening, listening, listening.

He knows you (he knows you).

He loves you (he loves you).

God is listening, listening, listening, listening.

He knows you (he knows you).

He loves you (he loves you).

God is listening, listening, listening, listening.

He knows you (he knows you).

He loves you (he loves you).

God is listening, listening, listening, listening.

God is listening.

“God Is Listening” by Jay Stocker. © 2011 Group Publishing, Inc. All rights reserved. Permission to use lyrics granted for local church use only. No unauthorized duplication permitted.


Supplies: assembled Bible Exploration Kits, Sticking With God: Grasping His Grace (Year 3/Quarter 11) CD, CD player

1. Ask kids to put the wax paper back on their Wacky Wells and then hold them as they close their eyes. SAY: Joseph’s brothers threw him in a well and then sold him into slavery because of their jealousy, but Joseph was still able to forgive them. Jesus came to earth because God loves us so much, but humans killed him on a cross. Still, Jesus forgives those who ask. Forgiveness isn’t easy, but God’s grace helps us forgive because God wants us to have good relationships.

For just a moment, think about these questions:


• Who do you need to ask to forgive you?

• Who do you need to forgive?

2. After a moment, SAY: God’s grace helps us have good relationships. Take some crayons or markers from your Exploration Kit, and decorate your Wacky Well with words or pictures to show what you learned today. As you create, talk to God and ask for his grace to help you have good relationships and to freely offer and receive forgiveness.

3. As crews work, play “Create in Me” (Psalm 51:10) (Track 3) from the Sticking With God: Grasping His Grace (Year 3/Quarter 11) CD quietly in the background.


Supplies: none

Show kids how to make a peace sign with their first two fingers forming a V. SAY: As you leave, encourage three people by giving them a “high peace” instead of a high five.


Relationship Pyramids

Supplies: none

Ask kids to work together in their crews to build a pyramid with their bodies. Each person, before taking a place in the pyramid, needs to complete this sentence: “By God’s grace, I will _________ to have good relationships.” For example, someone might fill in the blank with “use words carefully” or “always be honest.”

If clothing or hard floors make building a body pyramid difficult, give each person one to three paper cups. Encourage kids to take turns adding their contributions and see how high they can go!

A Story of our Own

Supplies: paper and pens

Have Bible Crews work together to write a story of a relationship that has a conflict that can be peacefully resolved by God’s grace. When crews finish, ask them to read their stories aloud. Applaud all creative efforts!

Hiding It in Your Heart

Supplies: none

SAY: Close your eyes and think of someone you need to forgive. Pause. Now imagine that person’s face, and hear these words coming from the person’s mouth: “Please forgive me for the great wrong I did to you—for my sin in treating you so cruelly” (adapted from the Key Verse, Genesis 50:17). Pause. Talk to God about being able to forgive, to let go of the hurt the person caused you. Pause. On the count of three, let’s all shout, “Forgiven!”

Create a Bible Dictionary

Supplies: paper, markers, dictionary, CD player, Sticking With God: Grasping His Grace (Year 3/Quarter 11) CD

Ask kids to create one or more pages, each with a new word, for a Bible dictionary. Have kids suggest words from today’s lesson—jealousy and relationships are two suggestions. Have them write each word on a sheet of paper in fun letters, add a definition, list Scripture references, and make illustrations. Play “The Books of the Bible Song” (Track 8), from the Sticking With God: Grasping His Grace (Year 3/Quarter 11) CD while kids work. Add each page to a three-ring binder, and watch the dictionary grow!


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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