SpringBoard Unit 1 How to use this document:If you need to activate your students’ learning in preparation for the activity, utilize the bell-work in the preview column.If you need to review the activity to make sure your students understood the concept, utilize the bell-work in the review column.Activity #: 1.1, Page #: 1Preview the big ideas and vocabulary for the unit.Identify and analyze the sills and knowledge necessary for success in wiritng a definition essay.Preview:Visual PromptView the picture on p. 1. How does this image juxtapose the promise and reality of the American Dream?Review:In your own words, define the idea of “The American Dream”.Activity #: 1.2, Page #: 5Identify the use of exemplification to define the concept of patriot.Preview: Defining a Word, Idea, or ConceptDefine the word patriot.View ResponseReview:Explain the use of exemplification when defining a topic. Activity #: 1.3, Page #: 9Integrate information presented in two primary sources, an illustration and a speech.Cite evidence from multiple texts to define a concept.Preview: Defining a Word, Idea, or Concept America’s PromiseWhat information can you gather from the image? Explain your reasoning.Review:What does strong evidence look like? Give concrete examples to support your thoughts.Activity #: 1.4, Page #: 12Analyze thematically linked poems to identify the relationship between tone, imagery, and diction.Support explanations with appropriate textual evidence.Preview:America’s VoicesExplain the relationship between tone, imagery and diction. Review: Explain denotation and connotation in your own words and give an example.Activity #: 1.5, Page #: 15Distinguish which details are most significant and revelant.Analyze the relationship between tone and how a short story is structured.Revise sentences to add variety and change emphasis.Preview:Fulfilling the PromiseHow can the structure of a short story affect the tone of the piece? Review:How can revised sentences add variety and emphasis to a piece of writing?Activity # 1.6, Page #: 27Summarize a text using relevant details.Analyze the use of definition strategies in order to apply those strategies to new writing.Preview: Defining an AmericanList all the definition strategies that you’ve encountered in the unit thus far and explain them in your own words.Review: What new strategies for definition did you encounter in this unit? Explain them in your own words.Activity #: 1.7, Page #: 33Support the analysis of a text with appropriate evidence.Analyze and evaluate the effectiveness of the structure of an expository text.Preview: A Hyphenated AmericanWhat does strong evidence look like?Review:How can the ending of a text bring closure for the reader?Activity #: 1.8, Page #: 38Analyze the use of imagery in a poem and a visual text.Investigate and explain the historical significance behind a iconic american image.Preview: Researching Images of AmericaWhat’s the difference between the imagery found in a poem versus a visual text? Explain with concrete examples.Review:What does “historical significance” mean to you? List the elements of ‘Historical significance”.Activity #: 1.9, Page #: 45Analyze the use of rehtorical feature in an argumentative pare how a common theme is expressed in different textsPresent, clarify, and challenge ideas in order to propel conversations.Preview: Review:Activity #: 1.10, Page #: 52Identify and categorize the use of definition strategies in a text.apply definition strategies to new writing to create an extended definition.Preview: Strategies for Defining FreedomDefine the word freedom and list as many aspects as possible.Review:Define negation as a definition strategy. Give an example and then explain it.Embedded Assessment 1, Page# : 56Preview:Writing a Definition EssayFrom your readings in this unit, what does it mean to be American? ExplainReview:Through the process of writing this definition essay, how have your perceptions of being American changed? Explain. If not, explain why they have not changed.Activity #: 1.11, Page #: 58Reflect on concepts, esstential questions and vocabulary.Identify and analyze the knowledge and skills needed to complete embedded assessment 2 pose a reaction statement that takes a specific position.Preview: Previewing Embedded Assessment 2 and Synthesizing IdeasWhat is the American Dream? List as many aspects of it as you can.Review: How does your definition of an American relate to your ideas about the American Dream?Activity #: 1.12, Page #:60Identify and evaluate the effectiveness of an author’s argument, clams, evidence and call to actionPreview: Annotating an Argumentative TextWhat does strong evidence look like?Review:How do you introduce and punctuate a direct quote from a text. You can give an example to assist in your explanation. Activity #: 1.14, Page #: 71Analyze the use of diction to explain the impact of a poet’s choices on a reader.analyze how conflicting images illustrate a theme.synthesize information from multiple texts to support a thematic interpretation.Preview: Coming to AmericaHow can a writer’s word choice impact a reader? Give an example to assist in your explanation.Review:Define the term juxtaposition. Give an example to assist in your definition.Activity #: 1.15, Page #: 77Examine how a single topic is explored by multiple writers.synthesize the ideas of multiple texts.Preview: Money and the American DreamWhat steps might you take to explore a single topic by multiple writers?Review:How does tone and the meaning of a work relate to each other? Give a concrete example to support your ideas.Activity #: 1.16, Page #: 55Analyze multiple texts to identify the development of a recurring idea or theme.Synthesize information to make text-to-text connections.Preview: Working Toward the DreamThe title of the poem that you will read next is “Who Burns for the Perfection of Paper” Predict what the poem may be about. Review:What biases come to mind when you think about immigrants and native-born Americans in terms of opportunities to achieve the American dream? Explain your ideas with concrete examples.Activity #: 1.17, Page #: 89Critique two arguments.defend, challenge, and qualify statements in an argument.revise a working definition of the American dream.Preview: The Road to SuccessWhat is your understanding of the relationship between hope and dreams, work and money? Review:List all the rhetorical devices that you know. How do those devices assist in argumentation?Activity #: 1.18, Page #:96Synthesize multiple sources in orger to defend, challenge or qualify a particular position.collaborate to prepare a formal academic conversation asserting a claim, presenting evidence, and coming to a decision.Preview: What does collaboration look like when preparing for a formal academic conversation asserting a claim, presenting evidence, and coming to a decision?Review:What types of evidence can be used in an argumentative text, discussion, or essay? Give an example of each type. Embedded Assessment 2, Page#: 99Preview: Synthesizing the American DreamAfter reading and writing about the American Dream, has your definition changed or remained the same? Explain.Review:What was the most difficult part of the 2nd embedded assessment for you? What would you have done differently if given the opportunity to do the embedded assessment over? ................

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