AP Language and Composition Definition Essay: Unit Sources [You’re not required to use a certain amount, nor are you confined to just these sources]:Francine Prose “I Know Why the Caged Bird Cannot Read”Nicholas Baker “The Case Against Algebra II” Ralph Waldo Emerson “Education”James Baldwin “A Talk to Teachers”Ken Robinson “Does Schools Kill Creativity?”Ken Robinson “Escaping Education’s Death Valley”Multiple Authors – Articles your peers submitted on the discussion board Below are three patterns of development you may consider to strengthen your definition essay based on your thesis. Since many definition essays are reflective explorations of an idea—or an extended definition—they utilize more than one pattern of development throughout the paper. Whether you are working on a pattern that fits your entire body, or a portion of the body, please consider the following suggestions: Exemplification Many of you will be supporting your thesis through examples. After presenting your thesis, you will focus your lens on your extended definition by exemplifying it with actual examples taken from your sources and your life experience. Each body paragraph can develop one separate example, present a point illustrate by brief examples, or explore one aspect of a single extended example that takes several paragraphs. Look at your thesis: How many examples do you actually have? What types of examples are you promising in your thesis? One organizational problem with exemplification is that if you do not choose your examples carefully and arrange them effectively, your paper can simply read like a list of choppy paragraphs. Avoid this by developing ONLY your best examples into full paragraphs, and discard the rest.Description Some of you will be supporting your thesis through description. After presenting your thesis, you will establish the dominant impression of your thesis through careful and creative detail. Look at your thesis: How many traits have you promised? What is the most important trait you wish to convey? What matters to you, and what can you clearly envision? One organizational problem of descriptive essays is that if you don’t organize your details, or provide enough transitions, it can read like a vague journal entry, losing its purpose in your essay. Avoid this by developing ONLY your best descriptions, and by using both objective and subjective language that illustrates your detail. (If this is difficult to do, you know that you will need to employ another pattern, as well, and connect with transitions.) Compare/Contrast Some of you will be using a point-by-point compare/contrast arrangement to develop your thesis. After presenting your thesis, you will develop one paragraph per point of comparison between the first and second definitions. Each body paragraph will begin with discussion of a point from your formal or practical definition, and then compare/contrast the extended definition with it—focusing on the latter within each paragraph. Look at your thesis: How many points directly compare? How many paragraphs can be fully developed? An organizational problem with this pattern is that it becomes monotonous. Avoid this by ONLY developing well-matched pairs, and through careful transitions and varied sentence structures.*In addition to the provided example in class, you can find an example of a definition essay on my website [Jane Howard’s “In Search of a Good Family”]“True Education” Definition Essay | AP Language and Composition | Ms. WorthPrompt: In a 1000 word, MLA format essay, write a definition essay in response all parts of the following prompt:What constitutes a “true education”? To what degree do institutions of society owe its individuals an education, and to what extend do our institutions serve the goal of providing a “true” education? Submission and Deadline: Papers will be submitted on by 11:59PM on Wednesday December 19th, 2018. Scoring for “True Education” Definition Essay Score = # of words written/1000 words x Total Points Earned from Rubric Introduction – Introduction describes and gives context for the topic, and has a clear, arguable thesis. ?Points Possible: 10 Total Points Earned: Thesis - Identifies writer’s definition of a “true education” and establishes a claim regarding the degree to which institutions are responsible for and fulfill the role of providing a true education to individuals in society Points Possible: 10Total Points Earned: Body Paragraphs: Use of Sources – Writer utilizes various sources to appropriately support his/her thesis. Sources are properly cited using MLA format. Points Possible: 20 Total Points Earned: Body Paragraphs: Commentary/Ideas – ?Commentary is thoughtful and detailed and thoroughly explains and supports the writer’s thesis statement. ?Points Possible: 40 Total Points Earned: Conclusion – Conclusion rewords the thesis, summarizes the body paragraphs well, and ends with a thoughtful closing statement (words of wisdom). Points Possible: 10 Total Points Earned: Grammar/Organization – Essay utilizes smooth transitions, follows MLA format/structure, and reads easily with limited grammar/mechanical errors. ?Points Possible: 10 Total Points Earned: ? Total Points Earned: ??????????/100**total points subject to change, though proportion of points for each section will remain the same ................

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