Study Guide

Study Guide |

SWOT Analysis

| |

Table of Contents


Learning Objectives 1

Target Audience 1

Class Size 1

Prerequisites 1

Lesson Overview 2

Define SWOT Analysis 3

Internal SWOT Analysis 5

External Analysis 10

Exercise 15


As a new leader you will face many challenges during your command. This guide will assist your in getting a good start by helping you identify factors both within and outside of the organization.

Learning Objectives

After studying this guide and completing the exercises in the course, you will be able to:

• Define a SWOT Analysis

• Describe the Steps to complete a SWOT Analysis.

Target Audience

• Newly elected or appointed leaders

Class Size

• No minimum or maximum limits


• None

Lesson Overview

The table below describes the lesson outline and timing:

|Module Name |Duration |

|Define SWOT Analysis |10 Minutes |

|Internal Analysis |10 Minutes |

|External Analysis |10 Minutes |

Define SWOT Analysis


The name says it: Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, and Threat. A SWOT analysis guides you to identify the positives and negatives inside your organization (S-W) and outside of it, in the external environment (O-T). Developing a full awareness of your situation can help with both strategic planning and decision-making

Opposition is an inevitable part of change and one that can significantly impact your strategic planning. However, if you know how to take stock of the oppositions within and without your organization, you are more likely to plan and act effectively.

That's where SWOT analysis comes in. SWOT can help you handle both ordinary and unusual situations by giving you a tool to explore both internal and external factors that may influence your work.

A realistic recognition of the weaknesses and threats that exist is the first step to countering them with a robust and creative set of strengths and opportunities. A SWOT analysis identifies your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats to assist you in making strategic plans and decisions.


Strengths and weakness relate to those abilities, strategies, programs, actions, and reputation of the organization.

They also include those resources that the organization may access/leverage (e.g., budget, grants, foundations, inter-agency partnerships).





Internal SWOT Analysis


Review the internal SWOT Analysis process

1. Contact (interview or survey) internal and external stakeholders

2. Research internal information sources

3. Review external information sources that address policy issues.

4. Discuss, organize, merge, and cluster the information into categories:






To conduct an internal stakeholder analysis:

Contact (interview or survey) internal and external stakeholders (district board and staff/ directorate members down to DVC level) to determine:

• What are our major organizational strengths (i.e., core competencies)?

• What is our major organizational weakness (i.e., areas to improve)?

• What can this organization do to become more effective and efficient?

Who are some of the people you will need to interview?




Internal review means that you:

• Research internal information sources (e.g., organizational performance measures, service demand, workload, member surveys, staffing trends).

What specific sources will your need to review? Where are these sources of information located?





An external review comprises

• Review external information sources (e.g., community or customer surveys/input) that address policing issues.

What specific sources will your need to review? Where are these sources of information located?





To organize:

• Discuss, organize, merge, and cluster the information into categories:

o Operations or Service Delivery;

o Human Resources;

o Organizational or Management;

o Technology or Facilities.

Why do you need to organize your data into categories?




External Analysis


Opportunities and threats include those trends, demands, influences and other factors in the organization's environment, which impact the organization.

Opportunities can be taken advantage of and threats can be minimized through the development of informed goals and strategies






Review the process for external SWOT analysis

1. Contact (interview or survey) internal and external stakeholders

2. Research external information sources

3. Discuss, organize, merge and cluster the information into categories






In order to conduct an external stakeholder interview:

• Contact (interview or survey) internal and external stakeholders to determine:

o What external opportunities does the organization have?

o What external threats does the organization face?

o Trends (social, demographic, economic, service expectations)

o What can the organization do to better serve the community in the future?

Who are some of the people you will need to interview?




Research external information sources

What are your sources for external information and where are they located?





Organize the external data:

• Discuss, organize, merge and cluster the information into categories such as:

o Service expectations,

o Physical resources,

o Readiness capability,

o Technological

o Economic readiness.

Why are these categories different than the internal categories?




Download the SWOT Assignment and SWOT Template from the ASOC course site.

Complete the exercise, then submit to your instructor per the assignment.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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